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Guest coreana

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True, but...let's be positive here!!! :lol: Maybe he was just embarrassed keke

I didn't catch the oppa (but then again, I wasn't listening for it lol), but they do seem to get along well. A lot better than they did in the previous kiss scene (the one-room thing), when they kissed and things were really awkward.

OH i saw that one too!! the one in the room. the hapbang scenes!!

lOlx.. the slience after tHAT kiss. lOlx..

it's so different in this one.. SO funnie!

i darn positive about this. muahah~puahahha :w00t:

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Okay, the more I watch that slap, the more it looks like it genuinely hurt. Kdramas have such a rep for weak slaps, so I was glad to see Goong pull off a good one.

And I COMPLETELY left out Kang In in all this!! *slaps self* He's great, I can't really say it any other way. I changed my mind about him and Hyorin. Originally, I said he's too nice for her but now I can see a benefit to it: he can make her cool.

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lol! True true.. Let's be positive. :lol:

Omg, I can't wait to see the BTS for the forceful kiss. B)

Ok, I just rewatched the forceful kiss and pumped up the brightness.. I saw a string of spit emerge! Hmm..

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Guest clairdeluned

OH i saw that one too!! the one in the room. the hapbang scenes!!

lOlx.. the slience after tHAT kiss. lOlx..

it's so different in this one.. SO funnie!

i darn positive about this. muahah~puahahha :w00t:

lol I know! It's so nice to see them friendly and goofy. YEH and JJH would be so cute together....watch out Kim Jong Gook :lol:

lol! True true.. Let's be positive. :lol:

Omg, I can't wait to see the BTS for the forceful kiss. B)

haha Me too!!! And the slap scene! lol I wonder how many takes it took... (I remember Jung Junho...Korean actor...talking about how he did a slap scene 67 times lol though he was the one who did the slapping :lol:)

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Guest V A L XD

I FINALLY got to watch epi.18..

right now i don't know what to say. i'm basically speechless..from the king dreaming about mo-toot to that kiss.

*sigh* :( There was no preview for next week either..i hate it where theres no preview. =[

oh, guess what else, IT SNOWED IN THE BAY AREA! =] haha, random thought. sorry.

Alfred Campers, you know were all kinky when we got see the bear NAKED! that just imagin shin..without the covers. muhahaha

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Thinking about the bit when CG crawls out of the closet, it really resembled a horror movie the way she was crawling out haha.

Someone said something about season two and the pds banking on the fact that it's hot right now so they're making a second season. I truly hope that it will have some kind of substance to it instead of just being another rehashed love story made just for the sake of having a season 2. (fingers crossed)

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Guest clairdeluned

^ I hope it has substance too >.< I'm going to be disappointed if season 2 has a terrible plot...either it's stupid or it's just the same happenings as season one. *sigh*

I FINALLY got to watch epi.18..

right now i don't know what to say. i'm basically speechless..from the king dreaming about mo-toot to that kiss.

*sigh* :( There was no preview for next week either..i hate it where theres no preview. =[

oh, guess what else, IT SNOWED IN THE BAY AREA! =] haha, random thought. sorry.

Alfred Campers, you know were all kinky when we got see the bear NAKED! that just imagin shin..without the covers. muhahaha

Wait...it snowed in the bay area??? lol I live in the bay area! Why didn't I see any snow?!

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Guest V A L XD

Thinking about the bit when CG crawls out of the closet, it really resembled a horror movie the way she was crawling out haha.

OH! i know whast scary movie! THE GRUDGE!!!!!!!!!!

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lol I know! It's so nice to see them friendly and goofy. YEH and JJH would be so cute together....watch out Kim Jong Gook :lol:

haha Me too!!! And the slap scene! lol I wonder how many takes it took... (I remember Jung Junho...Korean actor...talking about how he did a slap scene 67 times lol though he was the one who did the slapping :lol:)

Who knows, after 24 episodes together (and a season 2 coming soon), there may be some sparks flying about. :D

Ow.. 67 times? Were they real hardcore slaps, though? Dude, my hand would feel numb after 67 slaps. I feel sorry for the guy that was receiving the slaps. lol. That reminds me, I remember watching some NG scenes for that Jackie Chan movie, 'The Myth'. The girl slapped him really hard, and then she felt really guilty for slapping so hard and hugged him asking if he was ok. He was like, "Why did you stop for?! Now you're gonna have to slap me again! It hurts, you know!" :lol:

Slap scenes.. *cringes* Not to mention, JJH does look a tad bit fragile.. lol.

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Guest V A L XD

^ I hope it has substance too >.< I'm going to be disappointed if season 2 has a terrible plot...either it's stupid or it's just the same happenings as season one. *sigh*

Wait...it snowed in the bay area??? lol I live in the bay area! Why didn't I see any snow?!

I hope the same thing about season 2 too. i heard that it might be a musical? iono, i just want a season to show years later when they have kids and what not and old conflicts spure up again. I want to see YEH pregrant. haha.

Really? Where from the bay? I live in San Jose. It was snowing very lightly you couldn't tell. It seem like it was sprinkling, but you can feel the difference. and this happend at 3.00pm

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Guest yansi

There's a big difference though...girl friends do that to make their friend feel better after a terrible breakup or something. Yul isn't trying to make CG feel better. He keeps on feeding her lies/ideas that turn her more away from Shin. He isn't really doing it for CG's benefit, it's more for his. (He knows Shin likes her and that she likes him because CG TOLD him that she likes Shin, and he knows that Shin no longer has feelings for Ho-Toot because Shin told her, and Ho-Toot tells Yul everything) He may have been trying to make her feel better in the beginning episodes, but now it's solely for his benefit.

why would yul give up this perfect opportunity to bad mouth shin? people have to be selfish at one point or another in their lifetime.

say you're in a race with a friend, you and your friend accidently bump into each other and your friend falls (><) you'll continue running until you cross the finish line because you're too sucked into the moment (and it is a race afterall!). you'll then go back to check if you're friend is okay. does this make you a bad friend for not stopping and checking up on her the moment she fell? you can't always think for others 24/7. when it comes to serious business, you have to get down right dirty, dirty, dirty!! ;)

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Guest V A L XD

Like the Jap version when the lady's crawling down the stairs. Lol Shin's "raped" expression suited it quite well.

LMAOOOOOO! haha, not that i think about it..it does! ahaha :lol:

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lol I know! It's so nice to see them friendly and goofy. YEH and JJH would be so cute together....watch out Kim Jong Gook :lol:

haha Me too!!! And the slap scene! lol I wonder how many takes it took... (I remember Jung Junho...Korean actor...talking about how he did a slap scene 67 times lol though he was the one who did the slapping :lol:)

kekekek~i think if i were EH i look at JJh.. KJK will be some where in outer space.. lOlx

and whO is that did that Slappin 67 times?????????

and EH iS famOUS for her strength.. i think JJh must have been in PAIN realli lOlx

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Guest Telly

oh my goong-ness, i haven't been to this thread for daaaaaaays, and i feel so behind =|i missed all of you, though! <3

i just skimmed through a hundred something pages, and gahhhh spoiler alerts everywhere =|

and yeah, i haven't watched episodes 17 and 18 yet, that's how behind i am =o

anyways, my friend and i were discussing goong's season thingie majiggie. she was asking if this season's storyline will end in episode 20 [which will be next week], or if everything will be solved in episode 24. but then i was saying how episodes 21 to 24 are supposedly 'transition episodes' for the next season next year.

so, we have a dilemma here. do you guys think they will end this season with resolutions to all the problems and conflicts [shin's marriage, his prince-ship, his relationship with yul, hyo rin, etc.], or will they drag it on until next winter?

i seriously hope not.

gahh, i still can't believe i haven't watched episodes 17 to 18 yet, yeck.

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why would yul give up this perfect opportunity to bad mouth shin? people have to be selfish at one point or another in their lifetime.

say you're in a race with a friend, you and your friend accidently bump into each other and your friend falls (><) you'll continue running until you cross the finish line because you're too sucked into the moment (and it is a race afterall!). you'll then go back to check if you're friend is okay. does this make you a bad friend for not stopping and checking up on her the moment she fell? you can't always think for others 24/7. when it comes to serious business, you have to get down right dirty, dirty, dirty!! ;)

my dear. the bottomLINE is he LIED with a capital L. lOlx..

anywayz. No point arguin bout this anymore..

CG is in love with shin doesnt matter lOlx

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Guest clairdeluned

I hope the same thing about season 2 too. i heard that it might be a musical? iono, i just want a season to show years later when they have kids and what not and old conflicts spure up again. I want to see YEH pregrant. haha.

Really? Where from the bay? I live in San Jose. It was snowing very lightly you couldn't tell. It seem like it was sprinkling, but you can feel the difference. and this happend at 3.00pm

A MUSICAL?!?!?! lmao That I want to see. Actually, that would be really interesting. All the characters can kinda sing....Kim Jung Hoon can obviously REALLY sing. YEH isn't bad. And JJH...he's not too bad either :)

I live near Mountain View...so like 10 minutes away from you? lol

why would yul give up this perfect opportunity to bad mouth shin? people have to be selfish at one point or another in their lifetime.

say you're in a race with a friend, you and your friend accidently bump into each other and your friend falls (><) you'll continue running until you cross the finish line because you're too sucked into the moment (and it is a race afterall!). you'll then go back to check if you're friend is okay. does this make you a bad friend for not stopping and checking up on her the moment she fell? you can't always think for others 24/7. when it comes to serious business, you have to get down right dirty, dirty, dirty!! ;)

But he's not doing it truthfully. Your example works. But let's say that you're in a race with a friend, the friend is winning, and you decide to trip him. That's what Yul is doing to Shin. I would have no problem if it were a fair thing, but Yul is lying to CG to get her. I don't think "love" is an excuse for lying. Anyway, I still stand by my opinion that if he loved her, he would want her to be happy. And she would be most happy with Shin, who she already likes.

kekekek~i think if i were EH i look at JJh.. KJK will be some where in outer space.. lOlx

and whO is that did that Slappin 67 times?????????

and EH iS famOUS for her strength.. i think JJh must have been in PAIN realli lOlx

lol Jung Junho (quite cute, really, for an older man lol) did the slapping...who the slappee was...*shrug* It was in a movie that Jung Junho did though. I think the two came out on an X-Man episode along with the rest of the movie cast. :) It was funny

haha YEH is so strong! I bet it did hurt....YEH can beat Kang Ho Dong in some athletic stunts (he's a HEAVY emcee on Korean game shows if you aren't familiar with him)

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Guest what?

yeah. i don't see what's wrong with lying, i lie all the time, and it's not even for the sake of love LOL. yul is stretching the 'truth' of what cg sees. if we were to play the 'blaming game' let's start from the beginning!!!

Sorry I don't want to play the blaming game......I know that others are also at fault here, and I never said that Shin or CG doesn't have faults of there own......I'm a Shin and CG shipper but even I admit that most of their actions are stupid and has a lack of judgement. My whole point that I'm trying to make here is that I just see Yul's lying as a wrongful behavior and it's something that is unbefitting of him. You seems to think that there is nothing wrong with lying if it's for love. But I don't think so! If you have to lie in order to get the girl, then that is way LOW. It shows that your character is shallow, weak, and dishonest. Lying means you're not telling the truth and that is what CG really needs right now....the truth and not the white lies that Yul's been feeding into her. <_<

Umm...I don't really get why the late king needs to be blamed for promising Chae to the future crown prince. Maybe that's the whole point; that he wanted Chae to wed the better, more suitable candidate..........

And I can't really say that Yul's stretching the truth. In my opinion, he's just plainly, blatantly lying. And

I'm not saying that Shin's any better, because after all, we've all practically admitted (yes, even the Shin-campers) that Shin's a neanderthal with a face and attitude as cold as Antarctica (sorry to steal your

words, ririe :P).

Yeah, what you said! :) Everyone is at fault here, except for the late king. It wasn't his fault that fate steps in and took his first son away making Shin the crown prince and Yul is then de throne!

i agree with someone back there that yul is merely stretching the truth. he just misunderstood a lot of things.

ummm, how is it stretching the truth when he says Shin don't love you, he love Hyorin even though he KNOWS that Shin REALLY loves CG? That's a blatant lie right there! <_< Noooo! The only people that is misunderstood is Shin and CG. Yul understands more than both Shin and CG what is going on. He already know that CG loves Shin and that Shin loves CG because Hyorin TOLD HIM so. Yul, I think is just too caught up in his fear and his pride to admit what his eyes sees.

Well... in a relationship a lot of things can be wrong with lying. If a guy can get me so easily by lying, imagine what he can do later on when he deicdes to cheat on me or something and if a worst situation comes up. Sure, sometimes there's nothing wrong with lying if it's a white lie and but if it isn't well-intentioned and ends up hurting someone's feelings or making a situation even worse for your own benefit...

Yessss! Exactly!! My whole point here is to point out that lying in a relationship is wrong! You can fib a little if your lie makes the other person feel better (ie you tell your girl that no she doesn't look fat) but the minute you utter a big lie, the relationship is doomed, just like when you're cheating.

As for Yul lying, In my opinion, I believe the roots of his lying to CG about Shin stems from his fear of the consequences if when CG learns the truth that Shin loves her, she'll go to Shin and break away from him. Another one is his pride as a man in wanting to outdo his cousin whom he believes stole his intended bride from him. But come on now, it wasn't Shin that did it, it was FATE. It was fate that Yul did not become crown prince and not get CG. It was fate that his ho toot of a mom did not become queen same as it was fate that Hyorin did not become the crown princess. If Yul needs to blame anyone, he should blame his dad for croaking before the late king did! <_<

jeeeshhh! I'm tired from thinking too much about all this. :wacko:

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Guest sunhee *

what is this I'm reading about Season 3 and 4? Why can't PD's just stick with their original plans and quit extending the episodes? This is my biggest pet peeve about K dramas. They're constantly modifying the storylines according to the viewers' demands [ie. My Lovely Sweetheart] and unnecessarily extending it, hoping to elongate the popularity tide. I just want a resolution to this series so I can stop dwelling on it, darnnit. :tears: Well, I guess the PD's are confident about this one. I guess we'll just have to stay put and see what happens.

I have to agree about the slap. I thought Joo Ji Hoon truly got slapped at the end. When I saw the vibration in his face, I was like "oh my gah." haha. Usually, the slapped snaps his or her head sideways, but he took it face-front. *Youch* is all I can say.

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Guest brighterthansunshine

anyways, my friend and i were discussing goong's season thingie majiggie. she was asking if this season's storyline will end in episode 20 [which will be next week], or if everything will be solved in episode 24. but then i was saying how episodes 21 to 24 are supposedly 'transition episodes' for the next season next year.

so, we have a dilemma here. do you guys think they will end this season with resolutions to all the problems and conflicts [shin's marriage, his prince-ship, his relationship with yul, hyo rin, etc.], or will they drag it on until next winter?

i seriously hope not.

gahh, i still can't believe i haven't watched episodes 17 to 18 yet, yeck.

omg, i hope they don't drag it out till next season. Im hoping that shin's relationship with CG will be all happy and hyroin will leave. However, I feel like the whole prince thing isn;t going to be resolved. I dunno I really hope they don;t drag it cuz then that would be horrible and ppl would forget whats going on by next winter. Although, Im sure all us hardcore goong fans won;t forget it :D

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