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Guest coreana

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Welcome to the right side! :lol::lol: I'm jk. But yeah, I think Yul and Kang In would be cute, but that guy (oh gosh, don't remember his name...one of Shin's friends) is so adorable too

Anyway, I was going to offer to do spot translations, but...I usually do spot translations to have an excuse to rewatch the episodes (pathetic I know lol), and the last 2 episodes...I don't really want to watch them again.

But if anyone as a general question about "what happened" instead of "can you translate what each character said", I'd be glad to help ;)

can u pls help me translate the behind the scenes for epi 18? lOlx PLSSSSSSSSS

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Guest clairdeluned

can u pls help me translate the behind the scenes for epi 18? lOlx PLSSSSSSSSS

Is it on Youtube?? I'll check it out if I could find it lol


Found it on Youtube! :) I'll watch it and post translations. Give me 10 minutes or so and I'll have it up.

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Is it on Youtube?? I'll check it out if I could find it lol

18 behind the scenes


u can download it from here

credits to : 飞宝贝的窝窝 @chinese forum

i will love u 4ever if u can help me understand.. i can only understand the first part where Eh say DUN look at the mirror.. lOlx

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Guest jennxxness

is there a preview for episode 19 yet?

usually the following week's preview comes out on the monday or tuesday. sometimes we're fortunate to get the pay preview =D

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Guest clairdeluned

*CG and Shin doing their scene*

PD/director telling JJH how to do scene (closing/opening his eyes wrong)

*CG hides in the closet, crew laughs, she does it again*

*CG keeps on giggling while doing the makeup scene*

YEH: *laugh* Don't look in the mirror!

*JJH looks at the mirror*

JJH: I'm going to get back at you in the kiss scene

*JJH and YEH goofing around, talking about taking off makeup*

JJH: *laugh* You should drool

*JJH tickles YEH's feet for "revenge"*

*Filming the kiss scene*

PD: Kiss her on the cheek

*YEH is so giggly :D*

*No idea what they're talking about..voices are blurred*

PD: If she's not pretty, just do whatever you want.

YEH: Well, I'm not pretty keke

(Subtitle) Since the "OK" is not given... (JJH goes in for another kiss)

Sorry I couldn't get more detailed translations! The crew does some talking in the clip, and since the microphone isn't on them, it's difficult to understand what they're saying

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i love the last part of your thought, and i guess it is common too even with people in relationships. Im sure that we've all had experiences where we whine and complain to our friends about all the bad things our significant others did or said but in reality, our friends dont see the good stuff about the relationship too. you can say that CG really needed a sounding board but Yul took it too far and sees it as a way for him to get CG in the end.

In reality, she is very happy with Shin despite all the crap that they have gone through and she understands him the most out of everyone, the way that he is. Aside from his sister, she is his anchor.

I see your point, and it's a good one (though I don't think CG is very happy with Shin...) In a way, Yul HAS been acting like your typical female friend who takes your side when you get hurt by a guy. Sure, it's to his advantage to badmouth Shin, however, he's doing the same thing most friends do, saying "ya, I agree with you, he's a jerk, you deserve better"... etc. etc.

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Guest clairdeluned

I see your point, and it's a good one (though I don't think CG is very happy with Shin...) In a way, Yul HAS been acting like your typical female friend who takes your side when you get hurt by a guy. Sure, it's to his advantage to badmouth Shin, however, he's doing the same thing most friends do, saying "ya, I agree with you, he's a jerk, you deserve better"... etc. etc.

There's a big difference though...girl friends do that to make their friend feel better after a terrible breakup or something. Yul isn't trying to make CG feel better. He keeps on feeding her lies/ideas that turn her more away from Shin. He isn't really doing it for CG's benefit, it's more for his. (He knows Shin likes her and that she likes him because CG TOLD him that she likes Shin, and he knows that Shin no longer has feelings for Ho-Toot because Shin told her, and Ho-Toot tells Yul everything) He may have been trying to make her feel better in the beginning episodes, but now it's solely for his benefit.

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You're welcome, guys. Anything for fellow Goongers. ;)

I've translated the scene where CG climbs out the closet, cos I found it funny. lol. Feel free to correct it, cos I'm translating from the Chinese subs. :) But omg, it took me forever to read the Simplified Chinese. o_O

CG crawling out the closet scene:

*CG grabs Shin's ankle*

CG: It's me... Shin Goon. It's me...

Shin: Who... Who are you?!

CG: It's me, Shin Chaegyung.

CG: So numb...

CG: I said, Shin Goon!

CG: Your Highness!

Shin: You almost scared me to death! What were you doing in there?!

CG: Being contracted in there for some time has numbed my whole body...

CG: Wait, Shin Goon

CG: Right now, are you wearing panties?

Shin: Don't tell me...

Shin: Did you...

Shin: See my body?

CG: No! I'm just playing. Just playing..

CG: What do you have to see anyway?


CG: Yah, you're scared I saw something I weren't supposed to?

CG: Impossible!

CG: You...

CG: I didn't see anything weird.


CG: I don't know!

*CG runs off, while Shin looks like he's just been raped* lol

EDIT: Thank you, Misoobishi, for the BTS translations. They sound so sweet when together. Major flirting. :D

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*CG and Shin doing their scene*

PD/director telling JJH how to do scene (closing/opening his eyes wrong)

*CG hides in the closet, crew laughs, she does it again*

*CG keeps on giggling while doing the makeup scene*

YEH: *laugh* Don't look in the mirror!

*JJH looks at the mirror*

JJH: I'm going to get back at you in the kiss scene

*JJH and YEH goofing around, talking about taking off makeup*

JJH: *laugh* You should drool

*JJH tickles YEH's feet for "revenge"*

*Filming the kiss scene*

PD: Kiss her on the cheek

*YEH is so giggly :D*

*No idea what they're talking about..voices are blurred*

PD: If she's not pretty, just do whatever you want.

YEH: Well, I'm not pretty keke

(Subtitle) Since the "OK" is not given... (JJH goes in for another kiss)

Sorry I couldn't get more detailed translations! The crew does some talking in the clip, and since the microphone isn't on them, it's difficult to understand what they're saying

KKEKEKEK thanks for everything

hey do u know what JJh said after the Pd said Not pretty???

did he say she is pretty?

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Guest ilubTVXQ

watched episode 18 now....i laughed so hard in the closet/shin naked parts...AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA. chaekyung is sooo cuuuute~ her personality. :)

but that part when shin was talking to hyorin and chaekyung couldn't hear the whole conversation...IT FRUSTRATED ME SO MUCH!!!!!!! it's so obvious that they both like each other but chaekyung is still wishywashy on shin's true feelings......HE LIKES HER!! AHLKFSJLDKFDS i just wish they'd freaking scream it to each other....and yul is getting in the way of EVERYTHING...WHY IS HE BRAINWASHING CHAEKYUNG?!?JFLSKDJFKSFSDJFJSDJFJSDFLJSDFJSDL.

i want one week to pass QUICKLY. ^^;;;

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Guest mmmlove

Can someone please spot translate the part when they were all gathered around drinking wine, and Hyorin stopped Shin from drinking. Can someone spot translate that whole part.. and also the part when HYORIN and Shin were talking and Chae was secretly watching/listening to their conversation. PLEASEEEEEe!!!

Thanks Misoobishi for the NG translation. And also PEEK for translating the closet scene! Thank you so muchh!!!

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Guest clairdeluned

You're welcome, peeK and mmmlove :)

Let me go back to that part Manda/Amanda (which do you prefer ;)) and see if I can catch that.


He laughs and says, "Well, she is pretty...." :wub:

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On the forced kiss at the end of ep 18. I thought that was just stupid of Shin. The whole "because I'm your husband" thing is just DUMB. More neanderthal antics just to push ChaeGyung away from him even more. I swear if the kiss and make up in the next episode really easily, Imma throw something at my computer screen. I mean, hello? How stupid can you be to run in so many circles. I hope for the sake of the viewers that they stop running in circles. I quite agree with a lot of SnowApple's posts. Especially the way Shin just grabbed CG and kissed her, it seemed so violent.

And the whole dragging CG away around. Shin needs to learn how to hold a girl's hand properly. He's ALWAYS dragging her around. Have some balls to fight back properly CG!

I think ep 18 pissed off alot of people -___-

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Guest HomelessBird

JJH: I'm going to get back at you in the kiss scene

Thanks Misoobishi for the translation ! The lil thingy between YEH and JJH is very cute ! Lol ! What does he want to get back from her in the kiss scence !!?? Lol ! A hot toxic kiss !!!!!!!! :phew:

Edited : About the dragging thingy , I think it happens in most of Korean dramas. The guys always drag the girls around a lots ! My auntie used to say, Korean men are so violent ! Lol

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You're welcome, peeK and mmmlove :)

Let me go back to that part Manda/Amanda (which do you prefer ;)) and see if I can catch that.


He laughs and says, "Well, she is pretty...." :wub:

Awww... But then again, after he said that, he got up and started laughing as though he didn't mean it. :huh:

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You're welcome, peeK and mmmlove :)

Let me go back to that part Manda/Amanda (which do you prefer ;)) and see if I can catch that.


He laughs and says, "Well, she is pretty...." :wub:

muahhahha!!!! really!!! :blush: :blush: :blush:

he likes her.. kekekeke!!!

they are quite close.. did i catch her callin him Oppa? :w00t:

maybe my hearin got prob. lOlx.. they speak so soft i cant catch much!!

or is it maybe my korean is still at a louSY stage.. i shall Mug more from now on

call me amanda panda =D

and i think we walked away stressed because the director indicated that So she is not pretty so that's why JJH cannot complete the ksiing cheek scene.. so JJh is abit stress because he has to complete the scene else EH is not pretty. lOlx. the director IS SO CUTE

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Guest clairdeluned

Awww... But then again, after he said that, he got up and started laughing as though he didn't mean it. :huh:

True, but...let's be positive here!!! :lol: Maybe he was just embarrassed keke

muahhahha!!!! really!!! :blush: :blush: :blush:

he likes her.. kekekeke!!!

they are quite close.. did i catch her callin him Oppa? :w00t:

maybe my hearin got prob. lOlx.. they speak so soft i cant catch much!!

or is it maybe my korean is still at a louSY stage.. i shall Mug more from now on

I didn't catch the oppa (but then again, I wasn't listening for it lol), but they do seem to get along well. A lot better than they did in the previous kiss scene (the one-room thing), when they kissed and things were really awkward.

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Guest ilubTVXQ

i'm reading the previous posts about how we're all upset that there's going to be an "OPEN ENDING" for season 1................i feel the same way as most of you guys. an "OPEN ENDING" that'll make us go !??!?! WILL SERIOUSLY KILL ME! because i'm dying already......i'm trying to be patient but AHFLKSJDFSDLFJDSF shin and chaekyung just need to flat out tell each other that they love each and be happy like that. -____-;;; they're extending this drama a lot.....usually really popular ones only last for like what...16 episodes? -_-;;

if we're so crazy here at soompi, i wonder how korean fans are reacting!! i know there are many anti's, but i know that there are MANY MANY MANY xcore fans too....they'll probably petition like cuhhhrazzzyy and hopefully the PD's realize that they need to end this one happily.

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Guest brighterthansunshine

watched episode 18 now....i laughed so hard in the closet/shin naked parts...AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA. chaekyung is sooo cuuuute~ her personality. :)

but that part when shin was talking to hyorin and chaekyung couldn't hear the whole conversation...IT FRUSTRATED ME SO MUCH!!!!!!! it's so obvious that they both like each other but chaekyung is still wishywashy on shin's true feelings......HE LIKES HER!! AHLKFSJLDKFDS i just wish they'd freaking scream it to each other....and yul is getting in the way of EVERYTHING...WHY IS HE BRAINWASHING CHAEKYUNG?!?JFLSKDJFKSFSDJFJSDJFJSDFLJSDFJSDL.

i want one week to pass QUICKLY. ^^;;;

agreed, the beginning of episode 18 was friggin hilarious. totally awesome. CG needs to be less dense! but I guess it's part of her lovable personality. I like yul and everything but he's got to seriously stop telling CG shin doesn't like her, etc. Hyorin needs to leave like now now now. ughhh.

thanks, Lena for the [HQ] direct downloads. you are my life saver!!!

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Guest mmmlove

HAHA... That's so sweet. I don't know how actors/actress do it.. I mean they kiss/hug/cry over each other and they never really fall in love with each other. HAHA... I mean.. If I was an actress and my lead man was as cute as SHIN (not Yul haha he looks kind of girly) I will fall for him easily. HAHA.... hmmm....

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