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When 12 Year Olds, 13 Year Olds Wear Abercrombie, Lv, Perfume, Thongs And Dress 5 Years Older.

Guest chimneytoplove

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Guest sweet_milk_tea

I'm 16 and in the summer I actually met some girl who is younger than me but she looked like she was in her early to mid twenties...what was really awkward was that she thought that I was the same age as her (14yrs)

I don't wear abercrombie or perfume or things like that and the girl I meet wore some of it but I think she had some plastic surgery done at least...


I don't find abercrombie much big of a deal, it's just a brand of clothing [that i sadly cannot afford LOLOL, LUCKY KIDS D:]

Perfume is eh, for me, I don't wear that stuff but I don't find it wrong to wear it, AS LONG AS YOU DON'T PUT LIKE 100 SQUIRTS AROUND YOU, it's perfectly fine .

But young kids wearing SUPER SUPER heavy makeup and very exposing clothes ? That's bad .

I'm currently 14 & a freshie @ hs. (: . I don't wear makeup at all, because I do not want wrinkles when I'm 18, lmao .& I like to go natural (: I don't mind people wearing a little makeup, it's girls thing so yeah that's fine, but some people make themselves look like clowns, & what's even worst is kids younger than me have those clown faces already ;_;"

I get what you guys mean when you see those kids at the mall. They look at me like ---- . Ugh, they annoy me >.> I remember these two girls were walking in the mall, obviously UNSUPERVISED . And they were dressed all fancy with *shining* jewelry and stuff, revealing stuff lmao . I was waiting in line to buy dipping dots [LOLOL] && they started to stare at me like they're saying "Why is there a poor beggar in my place?" And I'm like $#^#$^ YOU [in my mind] & got my dots and left D:

I'm like ranting all sorts of places so yeah, lmao .

omg dippin dots those still exist ?!? :D (loves them)

I know how you feel kinda when you go into malls and girls like that stare at you with lasers in their eyes.

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but i kind of did that stuff when i was that age too :/

not the heals and the thongs though.

perfume is pretty much okay.

those lv bags are okay too if you could pay up for it.

but i really really hate it that they wear so much makeup.

i mean why can't they show their real selves.

makes me think they're fake.

cleavage, ehhh.

i sorta did that too.

i hit puberty pretty fast so i looked older already -__-

i've changed a lot in the past few years though.

i don't wear anything like that now.

i just wear jeans and a tshirt to school.

abercrombie, everyone wears that so you can't consider that anything significant.

i don't wear abercrombie, hollister, ae, etc. anymore because everyone wears it so much it's annoying.

oh yeahh, and i'm 15 going on 16.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest MszxJulee

I'm 19, despise all these poser kids.

Just stick to your pokemon and anime.

To be honest, I blame new-age disney for influencing our younger generation to be what they are.

Hannah Montana. Miley Cyrus. She revolutionized the mindset a majority of the 10+ year olds of today.

Miley was only 14? when she debuted and she's like 16 or something now wearing hooker heels and pole-dancing.

Youtube it to find the pole-dancing.

It's pole-dancing regardless D:

Ew much?

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Guest loveteajuice

i'm seventeen and i absolutely hate it. i see in magazines 12-14 year olds REVIEWING makeup. it's ridiculous. when i was 14, i didn't have the slightest idea about makeup. i didn't get my first perfume until i turned 17 (it was a gift from my parents).

i'm not sure about the abercrombie thing since i live in australia, but girls at such a young age shouldn't be wearing makeup.

i also have a thing against young girls and wearing branded clothing. they don't really know the value of money and having been in a private girls school (where the girls are very rich) they assume that their parents will pay for everything forever.

young idols like miley cyrus make me sick. especially miley cyrus. she is only famous because her dad was. sure she might be able to sing, but there are plenty of other people who have enormous talents in singing and acting but they don't ever get a chance to show the world.

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Guest LaffinOutloud

now i feel guilty lol

i get everything from hollister abercrombie and such stores lol

and i really like it!

but its sooooo true little 11 year olds with high heels and makeup sooooo stupid.... like enjoy your childhood and dont try to grow up too fast, when you grow up youll wanna be young again.

and I KNOW when you go to the mall....all these chicks look at you and eye your ourfit from top to bottom, Its like a competition to criticize and see who dresses better lol thats wha society needs

and oh i hate miley she started at 12 and now pole dances lol hahaha


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lol im 13 and i wear abercrombie

but i dont not wear tons of make up or any at all (well except for eyeliner that's about it)

and i dont wear perfume at all

i dont wears heels or thongs

i hate heels dont no how people wear it

but i find alot of people my age or younger wearing heels and make up like alots

it kind of bother me alot when i see that. especially those who are younger than me

people should dress like thier ages

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Guest hushquiet

i have to say it's a little disturbing when kids 12-15 (or younger) are wearing revealing clothes. i don't see a problem with abercrombie, makeup, and perfume though. i personally started wearing makeup when i was 11 or 12.

who are you to say that what they wear is "wrong"? perhaps you feel wrong if YOU yourself, at a young age were to dress in abercrombie, wear makeup,etc. but i believe if they want to wear abercrombie, go for it? i actually could care less what these kids wear, as they are not my kids (as awful as that sounds). it's up to the parents to teach them what is too revealing or sexy to wear. my attitude to this is a little passive because after i leave the mall (where i see these kids), i completely forget about them. i don't worry about what they wear and how they grow up. i feel it's a waste of time to worry about what other people wear or do.

you say that you never cared about wearing makeup when you were young, but not everyone grows up at the same speed.

with that said, i do not feel it is RIGHT to wear revealing clothes when these kids are 12 or 13. i don't support that, but i would not say it's wrong or tell them to "stop growing up so fast". it's ultimately up to them, and not what you feel they should do.

edit; and i am in the 20+ age range.

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Guest deceitful.reverie

The dirty looks I get from these 12 or 13 year old girls disgust me. And you know what? I give them dirty stares in return because I'm not going to be glared at by these kids who think they're better than me.

It's mean but they shouldn't be acting that way. They're 12 for goodness sake! Wearing so much make up at a young age isn't necessary. I don't even wear those foundation powders or whatever they are.

Another rant I would like to share are those 13 year old girls who always stick their lips out in pictures while posing on their side view and making it seem like they have big boobs.


I was actually gonna say that I'm okay with kids wearing branded stuff (but not wearing makeup) 'cause some parents are just really that rich and they only buy branded stuff B), but if they have that pinkberryy attitude then no way.

what about pushupbras !?

^ welllll we wouldnt really know unless they rip off their shirt

Yeah, my 2nd bra was a push-up bra, and my mom bought it for me.:P The women in my family are not blessed with big boobies, so push-up bras are the only bras we wear. LOL

perfume? okay, whats wrong with perfume?

I agree. What's wrong with perfume? I started wearing expensive perfumes in grade school. I didn't drown myself in perfume, or course, so the smell wasn't that strong, but I don't see anything wrong with wearing perfumes correctly at that age.

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Guest MeriendaTime

I think some of you might be just a tad bit paranoid. I don't think girls that dress in expensive brands, wear make up, would actually give dirty looks to people who are dressed in "normal" clothes.

If these girls are all decked out in designer brands that the average joe can't afford and they DO in fact give dirty looks to people dressed "normally", they must be throwing out dirty looks left and right...that sounds a bit tiring and honestly, who does that? I don't know anyone that does.

Maybe it's an inferiority complex you guys have. Which I understand. I've caught myself on more than one occasion judging people I see as competition, or people who look/dress/act better than I do harshly, sometimes imagining that they intended something malevolent with whatever innocent act they made, when they meant nothing by it.

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Guest yummyO

i think 13 is an ok age to wear hollister, albercrombie etc. but not make up, i was a freshman in highschool when i was 13, so nothing wrong with it, i think its also depends on how fast their body develops. im 17, and i dont wear any of those brands, except for a few years ago i bought a tank top from AE because it was onsale, idont like their clothes. and i used to not be able to afford them, even though i can now, but i still refuse to shop at those places

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Guest sabrineezy:)

I think some of you might be just a tad bit paranoid. I don't think girls that dress in expensive brands, wear make up, would actually give dirty looks to people who are dressed in "normal" clothes.

If these girls are all decked out in designer brands that the average joe can't afford and they DO in fact give dirty looks to people dressed "normally", they must be throwing out dirty looks left and right...that sounds a bit tiring and honestly, who does that? I don't know anyone that does.

Maybe it's an inferiority complex you guys have. Which I understand. I've caught myself on more than one occasion judging people I see as competition, or people who look/dress/act better than I do harshly, sometimes imagining that they intended something malevolent with whatever innocent act they made, when they meant nothing by it.

I agree a little bit... I have a hard time believing there are so many snotty, condescending, thong wearing 12-year-olds walking around in packs giving people dirty looks. :D

But it is tragic that some young girls feel the need to grow up way too fast to be the "hottest thing on the block." :( Can't you just enjoy your middle school years?

And I LOL'D so hard at that probably 'shopped pic of that girl who's wearing that "Work in Progress" and "Good to Go" shirt. I mean just LOL. XD Who in their right mind would even think of that? LOL!

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Guest nana★

I don't know whether I should laugh at them or weep for them.

my brother is in grade 1 and there are girls in his class who wear makeup

seriously I cannot see at ALL how you can need makeup in grade one.

I say go enjoy your childhood while you can!

and I'm 16 going on 17.

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Guest DoDam

It scares me how I have to confirm in my mind if someone is legal before I can say they are hot to my friend because everyone is starting to look/dress either older or perhaps the opposite younger. Haha. Don't want to be pedo. Ew. ~_~

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Guest pokyu

hey, don't hate on abercrombie-wearing kiddies!


i'm 14, and a freshiie.

i don't wear any make up and it kind of scares me to see people younger than me, ( i'm young already, like c'mon nao. ), wearing all this make up and eyeliner and concealing crap on their faces.

neon nail polish, tube tops, cardigans, leggings and ugg boots.

and i'm just like OH HAY GURLLL, i like your outfit! except, how do you keep that tube top up WHEN YOU'RE FLATTER THEN A PANCAKEE. just wondering y'know.

of course, i wouldn't say that to their cake faces. i mean their rich mommies will come barging in with a silver mercedes and a bamboo stick.


i wanna be 12 againnnnnnn :' ) and wear little dresses with bows and ribbons and and and have my mommy braid my hair and everything!

oh wait, I STILL DO THAT.

aiyah,,, these kids are growing up too fast.

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The fact that so many people are worked up about surprises me. Just let the idiots be. If they give you dirty stares, show your maturity and ignore them. Returning their glare only incites them more. And don't worry, they'll regret it later when they start getting wrinkles from all that unnecessary foundation and are $100,000 in debt because all they ever learned was how to go shopping.

So next time you see them, just smile to yourself knowingly.


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Guest fierymeadow@yahoo.com

I think, "Why are you trying to grow up so fast? Enjoy your innocence while you can. Why complain about boys and clothes when you don't have to at this age?"

wow, that sounded realllllyyyy old~~~


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Guest A.B.positive

this is actually a funny topic,

I remember before when i was 14 years old (no makeup) sitting at a table one of these girls came up to me and asked me how old I was. I thought they were older than me but I find out they were 12. makeup does make a BIG difference.

What ever floats kids boats I guess, there is always a flaw when you use too much product when your too young and the clothing.....if they get hit on creepy dude that is their problems XD, but it also seems like a turn off to people as well because its too misleading o.O

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Guest illusionsz

Definitely do agree.

It really is disgusting seeing little girls be so revealing. Not only is it wrong for them but it's also like luring those old perverts.

On the other hand, I think that alot of these little girls do what they do because they want to appear older, because its supposed to be symbolic for beauty. I don't know .__. It's sad to see what the world has come to though.

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Guest christophertp

It is a new day and age I guess being self-conscious about there looks comes with the change of puberty.

Also wearing abercrombie isn't anything to be trippin about.

Wearing LV just means they are spoiled or got something fake.

Perfume is just so they can smell good.

Thongs well that is a bit too far haha.

Last but not least dressing older then they are well yeah that is pretty bad I have to make sure if a girl is in my age range or not you can't tell now a days.

Please don't judge me for this but this happened like 2 years ago I went over to a friends house he is Korean his neighbors are Spanish (they are very close) but that really isn't the point so they came over to hang out I told him later one of the girls were hot and he said "Dude what the **** she is 12", you get how I felt.. (PEDO)

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