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[jp Upcoming Drama] 絶対彼氏。 Zettai Kareshi. Absolute Boyfriend

Guest cee.jay

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Guest dionne_wu

Is it just me or the thread's slow nowadays? :ph34r:

I think the main cause for concern is the progress - some are fustrated over Night/Riiko, some Soshi/Riiko but (if I remember correctly) in the manga progress between them is supposed to move concurrently - it's only when Riiko falls hard for Night that Soshi will be spurred to acknowledge his own feelings and make his move. That is why she will then be in a dilemma after which she chooses her robot. As of right now (Episode 6), Riiko's starting to open her heart to Night and we can see Soshi's growing love.

So, progression shouldn't be too far away!

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Guest MoonBlue

What struck me was Namikiri's gaze at Night. His gaze really shows his concern for him, similar to a father watching over his son.

You will see even more fatherly love in ep 6, so much so I think the 2 are starting to look alike hehe. :P

As of right now (Episode 6), Riiko's starting to open her heart to Night and we can see Soshi's growing love.

So, progression shouldn't be too far away!

I don't see Riiko opening up her heart to Night at all if you're referring to the scene at the bus station. Her expression suggests she is slightly grateful but then the camera cuts abruptly to Namikiri at Kronos Heaven and next minute, you have Riiko back at Asamoto mashing carrots with Soshi again. Like the brief hug at the fire rescue scene in ep 4, it almost seems like they don't want Riiko to feel too moved by Night just yet.

Next ep's focus is on Soshi's ex and the pastry competition, then robo#2 (rumoured Abe Tsuyoshi) will appear in ep 8. Hopefully things will move more swiftly between Riiko x Soshi or Riiko x Night because there aren't that many eps left.

Might I add that one thing I find quite contradictory w/Riiko's character is how she said she really cherishes her chastity...yet how many countless nights did she offer to stay alone in the office with another man making this and that? I guess love makes all the difference. :mellow:

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Guest marasshi

Next ep's focus is on Soshi's ex and the pastry competition, then robo#2 (rumoured Abe Tsuyoshi) will appear in ep 8. Hopefully things will move more swiftly between Riiko x Soshi or Riiko x Night because there aren't that many eps left.

Abe Tsuyoshi and Hayami are going to work together again? <3 But isn't he a little too short? There's going to be a fight scene between him and 01, isn't there?

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Guest ai_08

You will see even more fatherly love in ep 6, so much so I think the 2 are starting to look alike hehe. :P

I don't see Riiko opening up her heart to Night at all if you're referring to the scene at the bus station. Her expression suggests she is slightly grateful but then the camera cuts abruptly to Namikiri at Kronos Heaven and next minute, you have Riiko back at Asamoto mashing carrots with Soshi again. Like the brief hug at the fire rescue scene in ep 4, it almost seems like they don't want Riiko to feel too moved by Night just yet.

Next ep's focus is on Soshi's ex and the pastry competition, then robo#2 (rumoured Abe Tsuyoshi) will appear in ep 8. Hopefully things will move more swiftly between Riiko x Soshi or Riiko x Night because there aren't that many eps left.

Might I add that one thing I find quite contradictory w/Riiko's character is how she said she really cherishes her chastity...yet how many countless nights did she offer to stay alone in the office with another man making this and that? I guess love makes all the difference. :mellow:

i don't think her staying after work to make pastries has anything to do with her chastity; they're just making sweets. i don't think she's worried about soshi trying to jump her bones XD

and aaahhh! how many episodes are left? ;_;

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Guest sunnydays.

Well, I can tell you...things have not moved on after ep4. Nor has there been any progression in ep5. Nor will there be any progression in ep6 from what I see in the previews. The only progression is Riko falling for Soushi.

Relationship chart seem to be Night X(annoyed)->(loves) Riko ?(unknown)->(loves) Soushi

Hmm... I see. :| Well, that's a bit disappointing. I just watched episode 5, & you're right - there wasn't really any progression between Riiko & Night. (However, Night did have character progression, which I really liked.) It's a bit disappointing, but atleast there was a progression between Soshi & Riiko? :P That was really dumb (yet funny... I dunno why I found it funny) when Soshi was like, "For love... I love your cream puffs." LOL. pwned?! XD I'm kidding. That was really sad though, for Riiko. :|

However, Night's storyline is moving. His relationship with Riiko isn't getting more romantic but there's some character development as we now see him becoming more independent of his programming. The end of the episode actually made me feel bad for him... and I'm someone who is definitely not a fan, especially as he keeps embarrassing Riiko. But now that he's becoming more human in a sense, I'm more sympathetic to him.

I think when he stops acting so robotic, Riiko will warm towards him and their relationship will grow. Right now, she sees him as a nuisance which is what he is because he keeps interfering in everything she does.

OMG! I'm with you. I LOVED episode 5's focus on Night. I'm really starting to like him a lot, & his actions in episode 5 were adorable. (Although I was angry when he saved Mika. She should've died under that billboard. <_< LOL) I can't wait to watch him "grow", & see how everything plays out.

I do hope Riiko starts noticing Night soon, because the series is almost close to ending... & if they don't do it soon & do it much later, I think everything will seem rushed. As much as I love Soshi & Riiko, they should get past the whole cream puffs thing. But I guess that's how it sometimes is in the beginning of relationships... there's that one thing in common that two people have, & they naturally hold on to that until their relationship clearly develops. Not implying that Riiko and Soshi will end up together... but I'm a bit understanding about the cream puffs. :P

I feel so bad for Night, though... I was HIS fan during episode 5. haha~~ so cute. but it's amazing that he's starting to change. It's a bit weird though, how is he having human feelings, when he's a robot? We'll see what the deal is with the later episodes, I hope. & Namikiri... am I the only one who likes him? He's so funny, & his care towards Night seems so genuine. His facial expressions when Night was going all haywire were priceless. Totally felt his concern & horror (towards the malfunction).

I can't wait to see episode 6. I'm just hoping for a Night & Riiko relationship progression. :X

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I don't see Riiko opening up her heart to Night at all if you're referring to the scene at the bus station. Her expression suggests she is slightly grateful but then the camera cuts abruptly to Namikiri at Kronos Heaven and next minute, you have Riiko back at Asamoto mashing carrots with Soshi again. Like the brief hug at the fire rescue scene in ep 4, it almost seems like they don't want Riiko to feel too moved by Night just yet.

at least there's something there. I mean, it shows that Riiko is not at all disgusted to "touch" Night. comparing to her other moments with him, when Night touches her, she has this look of shuddering, as if really disgusted from the mere touch.

I always thought that Riiko ended up with Soshi at the end of the manga. re-reading it though, it suggests otherwise. it's not clear-cut whether it's Soshi and Riiko in the end. for sure though, Soshi will be staying by Riiko's side. the manga ends with the knowledge that Night will be forever in Riiko's heart. really bittersweet.

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I thought Night died because he fell in love with Riiko, and left Soshi to take care of Riiko.. ??

In a way that's true but it was mainly

after they slept together that he died


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I feel so bad for Night, though... I was HIS fan during episode 5. haha~~ so cute. but it's amazing that he's starting to change. It's a bit weird though, how is he having human feelings, when he's a robot? We'll see what the deal is with the later episodes, I hope. & Namikiri... am I the only one who likes him? He's so funny, & his care towards Night seems so genuine. His facial expressions when Night was going all haywire were priceless. Totally felt his concern & horror (towards the malfunction).

I like Narimiki too ^^; He's a really nice, funny and caring guy. I love his sales pitch too LOL I feel like he's Pinocchio's father and Night is Pinocchio. Too bad there's no blue fairy :tears:

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Guest Nanao~

Aww the drama is so much different from the manga >_<

I do enjoy watching it though, the "am I sexy?" and the sweat bottle parts were funny XD

Hayami has a sexy body :wub:

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Guest marasshi

I like Narimiki too ^^; He's a really nice, funny and caring guy. I love his sales pitch too LOL I feel like he's Pinocchio's father and Night is Pinocchio. Too bad there's no blue fairy :tears:

That comment is so sad. T_T

I watched Episodes 5 and 6 today with subs. : D Subs make the drama more interesting LOL

Anyway, Episode 6 was okay. There were too many Soshi x Riiko moments. I felt like my own vision was getting blurry along with Night's. :x I still don't like how Riiko doesn't seem to appreciate Night as much as she did in the manga, but at least at the end of Episode 6 she removed the leaves from his hair. : D But then stupid Soshi had to hug her. Dammit.

(I was laughing when Night was showing off his body when Riiko's parents first arrived. He's really hot, but oh so dorky. Hayami's acting is really great. Not for a moment do you forget that he's a robot. <3)

In the next episode's preview, Mika tells Riiko about how she truly feels about her. About time anyway. :x

I still wonder what happened to Ishizeki-san... How could he just suddenly disappear? Or did I miss something and he quit or was fired in a previous episode?

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Guest PandaKiss

I just finished watching episode 6.

I just can't help getting teary every time Night says/does something with human feelings,

its so touching seeing how hard he tries...

It gets me really mad when all Riko doesn't appreciate him,

& just tell him that he doesn't know anything since he's a robot.

But I guess its hard for Riko to trust Night's word without thinking that he's suppose to say that from his program.

I really want Night & Riko to be together, but it seems impossible. ):

Its frustrating seeing so much Soushi & Riko moments,

though they are really cute.

Argh, I don't know which couple I'm rooting for.

I feel so bad for Namiriki,

he's trying so hard to keep his invention alive.

He really looks out for Night,

as though he is his son.

I can already sense a heartbreaking ending...

Anyways, the moment that made me LOL in episode 6 was when

Night tried to give Riko's father a massage but he pushed him away.

He does that bounce? back & forth thing,

with the cutest, clueless look on his face. ^^

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Guest ethopia

@ dionne wu ... tnx for the summary of epi 6.. i just finished epi 4 and i hated it...

hated mika!!... cant wait for epi 5 and 6...

i have the same sentiments as you guys... hopefully riiko opens up soon to night..

even though i like the riiko-soshi.. but i want to see a riiko-night...

:unsure: ... hopefully it happen soon.. coz hello? its epi 7 already!... there are only

few more epis to go.. so i wish there will be a romantic moment with riikko and night.

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hahaha... too many Soshi/Riiko moments in episode 6? I personally thought there weren't enough. The good thing is they've now moved on from cream puffs... but sadly, now, it's all about carrots. :lol:

In episode 6, Riiko seemed more appreciative of Night but realistically, I don't really expect (or want) her to fall for Night seeing as she's fully aware that he's a robot.

Anyway, on to episode 7 and I'll be waving the Soshi/Riiko flag over here.

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Guest ai_08

@ dionne wu ... tnx for the summary of epi 6.. i just finished epi 4 and i hated it...

hated mika!!... cant wait for epi 5 and 6...

i have the same sentiments as you guys... hopefully riiko opens up soon to night..

even though i like the riiko-soshi.. but i want to see a riiko-night...

:unsure: ... hopefully it happen soon.. coz hello? its epi 7 already!... there are only

few more epis to go.. so i wish there will be a romantic moment with riikko and night.

yeah i'm kinda torn to... but i really just wanna see some romance! lol

((and btw, i love the pics in your sig. =^.^=))

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Guest Justalilodreamer


haha no he dies when his partner truly falls in love with him ...well something along the lines of that

the ending shouldnt be that bad because in a way she still gets both guys haha

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Guest marasshi


Didn't he die because he was badly damaged from the fight with 02 and because he wanted to become human so much that his system just couldn't handle it and broke down? I mean, that's how I interpreted it. He actually got sort of "fixed" when he and Riiko slept together (ooh, I wonder how this will be shown in the drama) - well, until his batteries ran out. Haha.

Poor Night. T_T

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Didn't he die because he was badly damaged from the fight with 02 and because he wanted to become human so much that his system just couldn't handle it and broke down? I mean, that's how I interpreted it. He actually got sort of "fixed" when he and Riiko slept together (ooh, I wonder how this will be shown in the drama) - well, until his batteries ran out. Haha.

Poor Night. T_T

lol... sleeping with a robot? I hope not... well on the plus size, that's probably the safest kind of sex.

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