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Ju Jihun 주지훈 - [Upcoming Drama 2024] Dominant Species [Movie 2023] Project Silence [Movie 2023] Ransomed


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@lualm  Thank you so much for giving us newbies some background on what is going on with his career. Personally, I find it sad that his personal life got so much weight on how he is doing right now. I mean look at those people in Hollywood? How many successful actors and actresses can you really say have a pristine background. Anyway, to each his own, right? I do agree with you....I think a slow but sure approach for his comeback would be much more beneficial in the long run. A rom-com may help in elevating his fanhood...I mean, he is pretty hot! I just wish he gets paired with someone who can complement his stature. From what I have seen so far, HJW is known to have a good way in making her co-star shines. I just hope that JJH gets to work with HJW or any actress that can make him shine. I think his past is something that people can get over as long as he can make quite an impact in his acting. 

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Thought I'd share these wonderful videos of JJH....credits to all the video owners!
id="watch-headline-title" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-size: 19px; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; word-wrap: normal; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-family: arial, sans-serif;"The press premiere of the movie, 'I Am A King' [showbiz Korea]

id="watch-headline-title" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-size: 19px; line-height: normal; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; word-wrap: normal; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-family: arial, sans-serif;"주지훈Joo Ji Hoon-always the best "five fingers"

id="watch-headline-title" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; line-height: normal; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; word-wrap: normal; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-family: arial, sans-serif;"Blue Carpet Ju Ji Hoon 2012/10/5

id="watch-headline-title" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; line-height: normal; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; word-wrap: normal; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-family: arial, sans-serif;"amazing actor ju ji hoon 햇살주쥰.mp4http://youtu.be/MpV0DCs_Bp0
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lualm said: Hello @novchime 
Thanks for your post and the questions you've raised. Love to have discussions like this. 
Jihoon admittedly suffered a career slump after getting involved in the 2009 scandal. Not a few fans have moved on since then, but some have stayed, as evident on this thread. When he signed up with Keyeast, we were guessing what they could do for him, what project would be his first, and how they're going rebuild his name. I've always believed a drama would the easiest way to reintroduce him, simply because it's free and has the widest reach. For someone who's trying to get back in the good graces of the public, he needs to give his fans free venue to see him, not paid. He was supposed to do The Great Fengshui, but the production had some glitches at that time, so he accepted the movie, I Am King. But it was because of Five Fingers that most of you guys have shown interest in him. Now what can fans, long time and newbies, do for MBC and KBS to lift the ban? Petitions might work, but I don't think we have an overwhelming force to convince these two giants. Besides, they insist on keeping their moral standards high and God knows when they're going to give him that second chance. For the meantime, we're just too grateful that SBS has not joined the wagon and film companies such as Soofilm and Daisy Entertainment have trusted him with film projects. So, why is he still getting movie offers in spite of the not so pleasant history? Because his remaining faithfuls are keeping the flame alive by supporting him and this makes their investment in him feasible. Paid or free, they're always there. I believe KE's reasons for signing him up (while he was still in the service) are his talents, professionalism, versatility and Japan fanbase. They see potential because of his passion as an artist and because his fans (not only Japanese but Koreans and us, the rest of the global fans) keep supporting him. We may not achieve this goal of putting him back on top overnight, but consistency is better than surge. 
I'm hoping aside from Eve of Wedding, he'd do a romcom drama. Maral was right when she said Five Fingers was too dark for a comeback series. (I think they chose this genre to show variety since I am King was a comedy) A romcom can attract bigger audience though I'm not sure if he's ready to get all romantic again with a female co-star. I want him to make girls fall in love with him again and see him in a different light. I want people to reconnect with him and get attached to his character again. We all know he has the capacity to do all these things. Maybe when the time is right, it will happen. 

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Guest Tarits

The much awaited news has not been announced yet. But we will get to read and see the news. If not this month, definitely next month. At least he is very visible in DATV and the WSonata 10th year anniversary Anime is out I think by next week if I am not mistaken, his movie is being shown at the Okinawa International Movie festival, 5F is airing in Japan and then in Taiwan.  We were flooded with photos of him in magazines. We saw him in some movie premiere events.  He was not totally "missing" so to speak from our eyes and I know will never be missing in our hearts. His new project will come.

Thanks to all those who continue to support this page, those whose names I have not seen before (at least not when I became active in this thread which was from April 2010). With lualm and all my other faithful hunnie friends, we kept this thread active  and with the news names here  (new in my eyes only), this thread will be kept alive for many more years!

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Guest novchime

Thanks for the many responses to my post.  I have to say I still need to think a lot in order to answer my questions.  But what you said are all very good and enlightening:
@sophiechoice - indeed, we should think what will make JiHoon healthy and happy.  This should be the foremost criteria.@maral - I also like light comedy and romantic dramas.  I hope he gets those.@lualm - you are right, better slow but sure than fast but short.@cynder - a good partner who is lively and interesting is a big boost.@Tarits - I know how faithful you are to JiHoon.  I know you will continue until the end.  I hope JiHoon will know you personally.
Thanks to SBS (if anyone of them is reading this) for the continued support to JiHoon.  I hope that MBC and KBS will realize that no one is perfect and people who recover from a fall should be encouraged and be given a new chance.
Let us continue to support JiHoon in our own way.  I know that there are still many out there who may not know of this thread.  I was just reading a blog about JiHoon and Eune the other day, and I think some of the people who wrote there are not in this thread.  What I see for example for Eune is that she has a strong fan base who will protect her in any way and they also make use of the power of the internet (e.g. Eune being in the list of the most sought person for several weeks while IMY was being aired).  I hope JiHoon's day will come and he will get one good break to start the ball rolling, so to speak.  Let us remain faithful.  JiHoon is also faithful.

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Guest Tarits

novchime - it is good to see you here and to read your post. Yes, you know how so many are in love with the couple I call "the royal couple". However, she has her own thread too and to post about the two here may not be in agreement with the administrator and moderator (right lualm?) as this thread focuses on Jihoon only. If Jihoon will have a new project be it a movie or drama, you can be sure a thread for that project will be made and post about him and that project are supposed to be posted in that specific thread.  Furtheremore, not everyone here likes Jihoon with her and vice versa (in her own thread), this is a reality.  This is the reason why I set up two special FB group, one for the two and one for Jihoon only.  Many shippers of the two are silently reading and watching on the sidelines. But anyone can post here of their love for him.

Thank you for your kind words about my being faithful to Jihoon.  I have not given up hope and faith that one day,  the historic moment when I see him in person will come,  that I will  see him smiling in front of me, the day when he finally meets his "omma" from LA! He will surely recognize me... the crazy ahjumma whose SUV California plate bears his name "Jihoon"!

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Guest novchime

@Tarits, ok I understand.  I could be shipping the two unconsciously (or carelessly), not thinking about other people who may not like it.  But it was never my intention to offend anyone.  I respect the inclination of other people.  I will use the right channels (good that they are there!).  But anyway, my mention of Eune was an example of how fans can help or make a difference in their "idols" popularity.

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Guest Tarits

novchime - it never occured to my mind that you intend to offend anyone.  I was once like you until I was reminded that this thread is to focus on Jihoon and not to show my undying love for my favorite couple. You do know my delusions of them is elsewhere, right?   No harm done novchime!

Anxiously waiting for any news about Jihoon but so far... that good news is still elusive.  Soon I hope.

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Guest Tarits

I like this MV that I found. The way it is made is kinda different and the music used is awesome. I like it. Thanks to uraracafe28!

cynder - the music you posted is Pick up the pieces by the AWBand. I actually like this music.  Thanks.

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Guest lualm

@cynder Eve of Wedding is a film. They're going to announce it sometime in April. :)
I Am King's Japan Teaser

waves everyone! 
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Guest Tarits

lualm - if I am Jihoon for a day?  I will propose and allow my bride to be to go hire a wedding planner!  Then I will make many of my fans very happy.

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Guest novchime

@cynder.  That was a nice song.  I hope JiHoon will sing it.  
@lualm: JiHoon said that Love is life (or life is love??). So if I were him for one day, I will live my life loving the people I love freely and to the utmost.  So no regard to what other people think; also no regard to other worries like money, work and even time.

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Guest ziera25


Hello !

lualm,  what will I do ?, since it is now spring time, beautiful colorful flowers are blooming and one delicate flower I think off is the Sakura flowers,

I would like to stroll with those flowers around us, and also stop by at small cute shops up a hill and stop-by a small cozy cafe, sipping brewed fresh

coffee, just like any ordinary people or couples do for a rendezvous !.


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said: I like this MV that I found. The way it is made is kinda different and the music used is awesome. I like it. Thanks to uraracafe28!


- the music you posted is Pick up the pieces by the AWBand. I actually like this music.  Thanks.

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Guest Tarits

Something good courtesy of F4 mom. I love this!


cynder - no, we have not met him yet which is a dream for me.  I think Jihoon likes soft rock based on the music he chose to sing in Busan.  I personally like bosa nova tunes and songs or those with latin beat or songs by Basia. Pick up the pieces is really very nice. Thanks for posting it.

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