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Ju Jihun 주지훈 - [Upcoming Drama 2024] Dominant Species [Movie 2023] Project Silence [Movie 2023] Ransomed


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Guest novchime

Hello all,

I am here again with videos for JiHun's birthday.  They were made by Gung7 on May 2012 and 2011:

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Guest selasih

sophie said: @selasihiyaa nih hihiii ketemu indonesian fellow disini :D aku dibandung, kamu dimana?? suka maen keforum korea di lautanindonesia.com ga??
ahhh i have to prepares my birthday greeting for Jihun's birthday :)

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Guest novchime

Hello all,

I am here again for my daily dose of JiHun picture and videos regarding his birthday.  What I noticed so far are the resourcefulness and faithfulness of the fans. They chose nice pictures, put them together and put decorations.  These all take time to make!  And they remain faithful throughout the years.  JiHun is lucky to have fans like those and like us :) !!!!   Anyway, in the videos, you can also see the different styles of the makers, like the two of yesterday from gung7.

Here are two videos, both made by cjako28.  The first was uploaded to YouTube in May, 2011, the second in May 2010.  Enjoy!!!

If you have problems watching the videos, I can also send you the URL's.

By the way, I heard that the "I am King" movie started showing in Japan today (May 11 here).  I hope many will watch it! 

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aahh i'm dancing with joy in my room (literally) with music background from countrylife side by T-Ara :D

one by one, step by step, i'm willing to wait for my man to be on my laptop screen again (since it is barely an asian movie play in my local theater, they only play highly profiles asian movie with biggest name of actors/actresses), but i'll more than willing to accepts anything as long as i could see my man.period. :D

thank you hunnies, @lualm @yannyayson @cynder @novchime @ziera25 @touchjjh and other hunnies  (sorry if i forget u'r names :) ) for the news, pics, vids, and spirits y'all brought here, y'all da best, XOXO   >:D< :-*

ehmm, btw, who is JJH leading lady names in this "Love Suspicion" movie ?

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Guest yannyayson

Annyeong Haseyo HUNNIES!!!! :-h :-h :-h
I missed you guys! >:D< >:D< ;;)
@cynder- hahahaha! im happy knowing that i get to make you feel that way too, cause people here look at me as if i'm from mars whenever i talk about him. it's a relief that i stumbled upon you guys here! hihihihi! ;) ;) :\"> :\"> :D  yeah, i've seen them get soooo near him and that made me think of changing my profession! i'm thinking of becoming a professional actress! i would even have my professional fee waived just for a project with him! whatcha think???? =)) =)) =)) but hey, i'm too short to be a movie actress and i think my face would be bigger than his! my legs would be bigger than his too! poor me! and i have to have my nose fixed first! ahhhh too much money to spend on plastic surgery!  :(( :(( :(( aaaaarrrrgggghhhhh!!!!! =)) =)) geeeezzz! these chinese actresses drive me crazy!  ~X( ~X(  i'm getting green in here! hahahahaha! :-& :-& :)) :))  regardless of what you say, i.e. your license being in danger, i still wish for that wish for you! hugs, sissy! >:D< :x >:D< :-*
@ziera25- yep, he still is. i hope he lessens his daily cigarette smoking though.. hehehe.. i hope they get someone with a very nice voice in dubbing his dialogues in mandarin. someone who would compliment his very sexy speaking voice. :D :\"> :x :Pthank you for the videos! >:D< >:D< ;)
annyeong @ck16! we are all excited too! i hope it would be released before 2013 ends! hihihihi! can't wait to see him in that role. sounds so challenging! B-) B-) and dark and sexy... hehehehe
@novchime- thanks for the tip.. hehe! i hafta try it now in my post! hehe! very nice videos of him.. aaaarrrgggghhh!! i'm so excited! 6 more days and it's his birthday already! omo!  eventhough i will not be the one who's gonna have a birthday, i feel like i'm the one who's going to have it! hahaha! crazy me! :)) :))
@tarits- we all miss you! hope everything's doing well! 
and in line with that, i  will be sharing pictures that were prepared and made by Amy for the birthday project she will send to him.. (i think!) hehehe.. omo, they're sooo nice and so pretty! i hope he gets to check on them! ;;) ;;) :x :x1368286378-3253242988.gif?v=1368286384


omo! so pretty, right???? I'm so ecstatic thinking that these would make him smile once he gets a hold of this treasure! :x :x
ohhhh nooo!!! i try to copy the URL and it does not work for me... :((anyways, this is the link of the video that i want you guys to see...

stay happy hunnies! keep safe! fighting! hafta check why inserting a video does not work for me... huhuhuhu.. :(( =(( :-/

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Guest yannyayson

YAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!! it worked!!!! hahahahahahha!  =D> :-j =D> thanks @Novchime!!!!  >:D< >:D< ;)
and because of that, ONE MORE!!!!!! this video drove me crazy! hihihihihi! made my heart race and my face all red when i saw this!! :\"> :x :P =P~ :D :x :\">
let's all start fangirling, okay??? 
thanks Steraplace for this video! nice pics, clips and song! 

I SOOOO LOVE JI HOON in this video! :\"> :x :x :\"> :\"> :\"> he's soooo cute in here, so laidback, so playful...

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Guest novchime

He congratulations @Yannyayson!  The videos show good!  He looks handsome in them.  I think I will never get tired looking at his face.

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Guest Goongfan11

WOW!!!  Thanks @Yannyayson and @ NovChime for the videos!!!  LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT!!!!!  I especially love the bathtub scene and he is just sooooo handsome!!!  My husband is jealous!!!  I can't help drooling over his cuteness.  I can't help it!!!  Yanny and Novchime...eotoke?  I have fallen for a younger man! Hahaha...I've totally lost it as an ahjumma!
Please keep posting good news about Ji Hoon, lovely photos and sexy videos too.  I'll take whatever is about him.Now, I will cry in the corner over how I have lost my youth. Wahhhhh!!!!!!

:(( :(( :((

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Guest ziera25


Hello everyone here !,

Taking the time to wish HAPPY MOTHERS DAY ! to Ju JiHun's OMMA ! and APPA ! and ALL ! here.

@ Tarits how are you getting on ?. Take care !.


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Guest lualm

Hi hunnies! 
Happy to see Jihoon on Chinese media. It's good that he's able to penetrate the Chinese market aside from Japan. Seems like KE is pushing all the right buttons, and I don't mind seeing Jihoon away from Korea for a while if it means more exposure and a wider reach for him. What's surprising is KE didn't publicize this in SK and we only got to learn this development on the eve of his movie presscon in China, and it even overlapped with his current film with Soofilm. This used to be just a dream for me, but now it's clear that KE has bigger plans for Jihoon, more than we have all imagined. Crossing fingers for his success in the international scene! 
if dreaming hard can make it come true, then I'll dare the stars to make Jihoon's Hollywood dream come true. :)

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@yanny...love the vids you posted. He look so much like a regular guy in it...so laid back and playful indeed! My dear...i think you need not worry about your looks. It's those little imperfections that makes you unique...so keep at it and practice acting...you really never know where it may lead you. When you do get famous...make sure to invite us hunnies on your premier :-) Btw, most of the pics didn't open for me but the first one..was that a gif?...it looks so cute. I really hope JJH can have the time to see all the bday gifts from his fans all over the world. That would really be awesome. And ohh...thanks for making a sweet wish for me hahaha...if by chance i stop coming here...that would mean your wish has come true  haha :-P >:D<  ;;)
@novchime...thanks for posting his bday videos here. They are so nice...makes me want to learn how to make it and do something special for him...i sooo wish i have the time :-(....But in my heart...God knows my most sincere wish for him....
@Tarits...hope you are doing well!
@goongfan, @lualm, @ziera25, @sophie and @selasih-------thank you for making this thread a home!
HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all the mothers here in this thread.

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Guest novchime

Hello all,

Happy Mother's day to all mothers and "mothers" ("you" know what I mean...) in this thread. LIke what @cynder said, I also feel at home in this thread.

@cynder - dont worry if you do not have to make something. Just being here is already an appreciation of Jihun.

@yannyayson - I also liked the video.  Inspite of the location, he behaved discretely.  Isnt it?  I wonder why they made the video: is it to show how he takes a bath; or to show or beautiful he still can stay even with wet hair; or to show how "hot" he is.?...  You actually can imagine a lot of things....Maybe I should stop what I am saying now and just enjoy the pictures.

@goongfan11 - I am afraid I have similar symptoms as you have.  When it is 3:00 PM at work, I start thinking about him and cannot wait to look at the Soompi thread for news already!   I better control myself otherwise I will be like Yanny and Cynder!!!!

@lualm - I agree. Very nice of Key East.  I also hope Jihun will be successful outside S Korea.  It think this is one of his wishes also, right?  I am just thinking he might miss someone, or that someone might miss him if he stays outside S Korea for sometime.

@sophie - sorry I do not know the name of the leading lady/ladies and how popular they are in China. Maybe Amy JuJihoon knows???  I might ask her.

@selasih and @ziera25 - nice to see your posts

@tarits - we miss you a lot already.  But take your time.  You need to recover well.  See you later..

to the rest of the Hunnies - nice to share the same interest on Jihun with you....

and to all others...thanks for reading the posts and visiting us here!

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Guest novchime

Here are two videos on Jihun's birthday made by Piano JJ.  The first was uploaded to YouTube in 2012 and the second in 2010.  I believe Piano has also a video for this year (was already posted earlier???).

Piano, thank you very much for producing many pictures and videos of Jihun !!!!!

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Guest yannyayson

Annyeong HUNNIES!!!  :D :x ;;) >:D< >:D<
Happy Mother's Day to all Mom's out here! and i will be winking to @Novchimekamsahamnida 대단히 감사합니다 ;;) ;;) ;)thanks for the tip about the copy paste thingy on videos. i was laughing when i saw it worked, simple things really amuse me so! hahaha! :))
@Goongfan11- hihihi! thinking about the bathtub scene sends a funny feeling on my stomach! =P~ =P~ :x :\"> :P i perfectly understand his appeal to all ages! hahaha! he was just so playful in there! waaaaahhh! i have it on my phone and watch it everytime i want to plaster a huge smile on my face! it's like magic! haha! and your lamenting over your lost youth made me laugh so hard! :)) :))  naah, don't think about age too much, they're just numbers, as long as we're young at heart, and we have that mutual understanding over our fascination to JiHoon, that's all we need to be happy and gushing on this thread.. :x :x ;;) ;;)
@Lualm- i so agree with you. KE really has done so much for our JiHoon and yes, I do hope that he can slowly but surely inch his way back to the top again, and this time, not only making it big in Korea but all over Asia. And if the stars all collide and decide to grant his Hollywood dream, oh my! it would be a wish come true for all of us! :x :x
@cynder-they're my favorites among all those videos that i saw. i dunno, it endears me more to him when he's laid back and relaxed and playful. maybe because i'm not used to seeing him like that, the only time i saw him have a relaxed and not so vague role was when he did Park Du Re =P~ =P~ ;;) :\"> :P  He was so cute and playful and "naughty" in there. Mischievous too! hahaha! geez! makes me wanna see TNK later! of course, i'd be hosting a block premiere of our first movie together exclusively for the Hunnies all over the world! (okay, i have to see a psychiatrist later! =)) =)) haha! ) so having a relationship with a JiHoon clone would make you a lot busier ( juggling work and romance is a tough feat, i know) okay, i have to talk to that JiHoon clone of yours that he has to promise that he will not take too much of your time so you can frequently visit us here.. sounds cool??? hehehehe   :D :D  ... hugs to you, sissy! >:D< >:D<
@Novchime- hihihihi! honestly, i did not even think about the purpose and why the video was made. waahhh, just seeing him in all his magnificent beauty left me starstruck. haha! :)) :))wet hair-   taking a bath-   goofing on the camera-   dancing alone-   soaked in the tub-  he looks good all the time! i have even seen clips of him on the AOM DVD waking up early in the morning and he still looks cute! how could that be possible???? :x :x ;;) :\"> :\">
annyeong to @ziera25@sophie and @selasih, hope you gals are all doing well! >:D< ;;) :-*
and yeah, you GUYS really make this thread feel like home! I feel so happy whenever i'm with you! >:D< ;;)
will be sharing a picture of JiHoon from Amy_0516's twitter account... he has Liu Yi Dan beside him... ( why do they have to be so close to each other?? and it seems that he was the one who took the photo!!!! :-& :-S :-? :-B 8-|   okay, maybe its just a promotional shot! hahaha! mybad! :P :P1368361247-464214478.jpg?v=1368361248

adding up one of the many of my favorite photos of him...  :x :x :x :x :P :\"> shows his perfectly sexy jawline... hihihihi


one video before i go! enjoy!!!

Stay Happy HUNNIES!!! Keep Safe!!! :x :x ;;) >:D<
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Guest novchime

Hello all (especially @yannyayson, @cynder and @goongfan11): here is to keep you drooling and fall to the ground !!!!  The "Model Show" video was created by jun222megu and uploaded to YT on Feb 25, 2009.  He is just soooooooo amazing !!!  I like him with long hair.

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Guest jjsweeter0211

Joo Ji-hoon stars in the movie "Criminal of Love" in China


Source | 2013/05/12 


Actor Joo Ji-hoon is making his screen debut in China.

According to Chinese media, Joo Ji-hoon is starring in the Chinese movie "Criminal of Love".

Joo Ji-hoon claims, "I loved the complicated relationship between the character and the people around him. I have not done a character like this yet".

"Criminal of Love" revolves around the happenings of two sisters falling for one man. The cast includes Jill Hsu and Ryu I-dan.

Mellow thriller "Criminal of Love" will be completed by this year.

Source : news.nate.com/view/20... ( Korean )

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