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Ju Jihun 주지훈 - [Upcoming Drama 2024] Dominant Species [Movie 2023] Project Silence [Movie 2023] Ransomed


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Guest rivanaraja

Tarits not I just ask what the meaning of hunnies

I thought that the girl's name meaning to ask sorry I can not express I am bad in question

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Guest Tarits

rivanaraja - oh is that what you were asking? Hunnie means someone who follows Jihoon or is a fan.  Hunnies is what you say when there are many following Jihoon like us.  If you follow Jihoon you are a hunnie and plus me, we two are hunnies.  It is not a girl's name - hunnie is our name if we follow and love Jihoon.
It is a word coined many  years ago, I guess from 2006. "hoon" is taken from the name of Jihoon. Ji"hoon". Lualm may have a better explanation. 
I hope this helps rivanaraja.

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Guest lualm

Wow, thanks @Tarits eonni ! can you post the link to innolife here so our fellow fans can easily access and order the DVD if they want to? Thanks in advance!
our dear @tinenini has raised another interesting point. Yes, this thread is no longer the same as before. People have "moved forward," to quote one of my friends' preference of words instead of using "moving on," and some have migrated here. It's inevitable because we all evolve. Jihoon himself has changed, though we are mere spectators of his life and we hardly know what's really going on in his life behind the cameras, these changes could easily be seen and felt through his interviews, or sometimes the lack of sparks in his eyes. Many of whom I've met on this thread have remained my good friends. They still like Jihoon, though probably not with the same intensity but because of the good memories and friendships, they are not totally letting him go. The dynamics of this thread have changed, the mood has turned a bit serious, maybe because of the new members, maybe because the old timers have also mellowed from their usual over-the-top crazy antics. (If you backtrack to the early pages you will see just how crazy we have been, which I don't know if i should be proud of or be ashamed of, hahahah.) But I don't want to get stuck with the old days. I don't want to make the newbies feel alienated or displaced just because they came in a few years late. Let's all start make new memories together, centered around Jihoon, of course. This thread has always been special, not because of the former regulars, but because it's a comfortable place for anyone who wants to express support and love for Jihoon. Newbies and old-timers have this place to come home to, each night and day, each week, even after years. 
I really appreciate you guys making banner of Jihoon as your signature, it's a clear gauge of how much you like him, right? I have gotten used to seeing casual fans dropping by and posting once, so when I see fans repeatedly posting here, I feel he's steadily gaining a number of new permanent fans who are willing to start a new journey with him. We don't impose, because no one is higher than anyone here. Come as long as you feel like it, as long as you have something to say and celebrate about him. :)
@Tarits eonni, the lyrics to the song, Only You, is beautiful. Sometimes we feel like it's something he can relate to, but again, we really don't know how he feels. But it's certainly a sentimental muse that I hope he can get inspired with again. 
The term Hunnies is coined by the early members of this thread. Jihoon's name is romanized in three ways, Joo Ji Hoon, which was commonly used during Goong and is still used by media now, Ju Ji Hun, which we adapted because it was said to be the most accurate romanization of his hangeul name, thus HUN spawned the term, HUNnies. When Keyeast signed him up and created his official website, they used Ju Ji Hoon, (www.ju-jihoon.com) which has become the official romanization. 

so it's only fitting to give a big shoutout to our new friends here: @selasih @ziera25 @novchime @cynder @rivanaraja @Goongfan11 @yanyanjihoon ! 

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Guest Tarits

Hi lualm - wonderful post from you as usual.

Yes, while reading the lyrics of the song and listening to it, I wonder what he must be thinking, who he must be thinking of. And he sang the song so beautifully. Each time I hear it, I dunno if I should be sad or happy. But I love the song, all 3 songs actually.

This is innolife online store in english. The dvd of Jihoon sells beginning April 10th. 

And here is another one:

I am sure yesasia will have it too and as soon as I see it, I will post it here.

We all have to get a copy of the dvd for our collection and to show support to wuri Jihoon. The dvd will be a treasure to keep.

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@Tarits...I'm glad i am not abnormal LOL....and thanks for shedding some light about "hunnies"...i kinda thought it was something between the oldtimers in this thread and just left it at that :-)

@lualm...thanks for considering us newbie hunnies :-P...though now i am itching to read this thread from the very beginning and just see how crazy you guys were lol. But seriously, can i ask why the mood changed in here? 

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Guest Tarits

Just as I posted, yesasia has the dvd of Jihoon now and here it is:  It is $27.99 plus shipping and will be available beginning April 16th:


- that joke of mine about being abnormal I've posted a countless times. And each time I do, it works because quickly I get an answer "I am not abnormal"!  And you are not and since you are a hunnie, you are totally a very normal person! Lol!

The post of lualm especially the 2nd paragraph explains why she said the mood here have changed.  I'll add my own - perhaps because the last drama of Jihoon was a serious one that there is not much to post to crack about, make a joke about, etc. But maybe if his next project is a rom-com, hunnies may come out and start posting again if only to fan or activate their delusions.  Furthermore, fans are really fickle but once a hunnie, I believe one will always be a hunnie. Just that many are inactive now,  But as I say, those hunnies are steadfast in their love for Jihoon and are just quietly lurking. Such as tinenini, she lurks but she remains a faithful hunnie. And with so many new actors, some hunnies can have roving eyes but no way does it diminish their love for Jihoon. I also admire other actors, other kpop members who become actors but my numero uno will always be Jihoon. I breath, eat and sleep for Jihoon.

You know one time, I patiently went thru the list of the actors/tress  here in soompi and compared the number of pages of each one. At that time, I found out that Jihoon's thread, this one,  has the most number of posts and pages. That was a good indication that Jihoon remained in the consciousness of many.  And with newer hunnies now posting, I am sure many more from the past will find it is time to return "home" and show their love for Jihoon.

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Hahaha..i did that too!..but not every single one of them...i just thought i'd browse and see how many pages others have. But you know what, some threads they don't talk much. I notice they just post pics after pics and no discussion...so i thought..those forums don't count HA!! Lol
Thanks, Tarits for answering my question. Since you're the official JJH mom (right?)...If i wanted to know more about him as a person...where can I find this info? Don't get me wrong..i have no plans in stalking the guy...i just want to know more about him..what's he like...does he laugh much...does he like sports...you know stuff like that. I already know that I like his skills in acting and singing as well but I also want to catch a glimpse of who he is inside. It would be nice to admire someone not just for his skills but also as a good man. Does that make sense? Hope so...

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Guest Tarits

cynder - the best person to ask is lualm and the other foundation of this thread. As far as I know, Jihoon loves to play basketball, speed reading is one of his talents. (You are not a member of the special page I set up  for Jihoon in FB where more info and photos and articles can be found.) As far as I know, he does not even have a TV in his condo, just a projector where he finds time to watch movies, mostly american movies. He was learning english then and perhaps has improved a lot in the language that he now sings even english songs.  He just wants to stay home he said during free hours but loves to walk or ride the bike along Han River in the evenings. He cooks, goes to market too and knows how to bargain or haggle what he is buying. He loves to show affection by touching friends, not with malice but just as a gesture of friendship. I read it was not too long ago that he begun using a smart phone as he was just using an old one.  He has a special devotion to his Japanese fans (nothing that we should be envious about) and this group has easy access to him always. His dream or wish is to go to Hollywood. His manager-bodyguard cum asisstant has been with him thru the years and this guy is also a friend of Eun Hye. Lately I heard this manager whose name I forgot is now a staff of Keyeast so I don't know if this is still his bodyguard or someone else now. But what I know is he keeps and move around only with people he trusts, friends for so many years such as those two mentioned by lualm. He loves to read books.  I will write more if I remember other stuff about him.  I think Jihoon is basically a shy person but is so secured about himself he can walk around even if there are holes in his shirt.  Like what lualm has said, how he was as a model or even before he became popular and how he is now may have changed a bit. He has matured a lot and I guess even in his plans and outlook in life.

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@Tarits...I am so thankful I feel like hugging you hahaha! These are the things i would really like to read about. I hate asking too many questions here but I have been unsuccessful in my efforts these past few days...i just needed a little doze of JJH. Too bad your special JJH page is in Fb...I'm still not comfortable using FB LOL...Anyways, I tried the links found in page 1 of this thread but it keeps taking me back to this latest page :-( But no worries, I will find a way...eventually. For now, what you have given me is more than enough... ^:)^
Btw, I read an article here at Soompi..I think it was around Dec last year where Jihoon talked about dating and marriage....it really made me sad. You probably read that before but i just thought i'd share my thoughts with you.

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Guest selasih

Tarits eonni & Lualm ; Thanks for explanation about the word "Hunnies", I just realized if the word is the name for Jihoon's fans,  I did not know before, i think its just word 'Honey', but its more meaningfull  and now , nice to know it. :D

its page 2200  :)>-

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i want to admit, i watched Winter Sonata and i dont like it at all, its too melos and too slow for my tastes :(  but i do love the cinematography and the songs, so it doesnt make me an abnormal person right :D

aww new pics of Jihun, so handsome :x his glassess in RM movie premiere kinda reminds me of Harry Potter glassess though..

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Guest ziera25


Hello selasih, novchime, cynder, Goongfan11 !,

@ lualm, Tarits, tinenini,

Thanks for all the infos, write-up, photos and v/clips about JOO JI HOON. As for his latest photo, as always latest in fashion, I guess this is also the latest

hairstyle (revealing broad forehead) among male korean actors and singers which I noticed in kdramas and cf's photo shoots. Joo ji hoon looks tired esp. the

eye (with spec) at the premier but now he has a matured look to his coming birthday !, yes handsome man, easily admired by women.

I am trying to get hold of the animie - winter sonata, and also looking forward to his near future projects in spring or the coming summer months.

Happy weekend !.


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Guest rivanaraja

Thank Tarits now understood everyone likes Joo Ji Hoon

I'm a fan and watched every series and films him
I enter every day to this site in order to see all that is new

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Guest Tarits

Hi everyone, the new photos and gif of Jihoon are the unreleased photos of the practice he did for the BUSAN International Filmfest.  Here he is in motion but without sound which is kinda okay anyway:

cynder:  yes I read that interview, several interviews in fact about love and marriage. We really do not know the truth and all we can do is wait till the very end. In the early years, he wanted to get married early, then now he sort of changed his mind.  After his release from the camp in his first fanmeet, he was asked about it and his reply was "it will be foolish of me (even stupid I think is the word he used) if I marry now.  
Let's not probe deeper because only he knows what is on his mind.  But we all just want him to be happy.  He is very private and hardly gives away what are his very personal thoughts. 

rivanaraja - I am glad this thread and Jihoon can make you happy. I am glad you are a loyal and faithful hunnie

There wll also be a SPECIAL DATV Jihoon Special where I suppose all his previous projects will be reshown. This is good for his Japanese fans.

Video ~ DATV Special Ju Ji Hoon


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Guest novchime

Hello @lualm, @Tarits, @tinenini and other "old" hunnies, thanks for welcoming us.
To all new ones like me, I hope we stay in this thread no matter what.

I find it nice to see that not only good things of Jihoon are spoken here, but also just honest things about him.  I was quite affected by the last photos of Jihoon.  I said in my previous post that he looked calm, but what I kind of miss was the "spark" in his eyes, and the big smile he had in some of his photos before (like in my profile picture - that was why I chose it).  I hope there is nothing wrong and he is just "calm".  I also saw in some of his photos before that he was sometimes serious (eg like the one in Baeksang 2009), so probably this just happens.  Sometimes I think so much and try to analyze things, but no one really knows (except his close friends maybe) how he is, so I guess I should just not worry.

I found a video from viki.com of the Running Man premiere but the part of Jihoon was not shown...I was really disappointed by this. On the other hand I saw 2 articles about RM premiere and they first mentioned Jihoon among the stars which attended the premiere.  That was good.

I like Jihoon because of his character, acting and looks.  But I am also dedicated because I also would like to see him regain his acceptance by MBC, KBS and other advertising companies.  For me, in my own perception of what is right and wrong, I really believe we should encourage and stimulate people who recover and try their best.  I hope this will happen in due time. 

Nowadays, I always sing the third song of Jihoon (Only you) in my mind.  It sounded real when he sang it.  Maybe he meant the words he sang.  I hope one day to see his facial expression when he sings it.

Have a nice day!

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Guest Tarits

My order of the WSonata anniversary anime DVd and CD arrived today!

Those who wish to buy the WSonata Anniversary DVD/CD please do so.  The DVD plays in my small dvd player, the language is english. Then of course the CD will have Jihoon singing his 3 songs along with others. 



The dvd played and I watched it. Gosh, I love it:


I wish everyone can get their own copy of the WSonata anniversary anime DVD and also the CD.

novchime - the news on TV, in my K channel featured the Running Man premiere and I saw Jihoon but it was rather brief. Understandably because he was just among the many who came so we cannot excpect the camera to focus on him and long too.  However, we were flooded with a lot of his pics in the event so that should more than suffice to hunnies like us.

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Tarits said: Hi everyone, the new photos and gif of Jihoon are the unreleased photos of the practice he did for the BUSAN International Filmfest.  Here he is in motion but without sound which is kinda okay anyway:

cynder:  yes I read that interview, several interviews in fact about love and marriage. We really do not know the truth and all we can do is wait till the very end. In the early years, he wanted to get married early, then now he sort of changed his mind.  After his release from the camp in his first fanmeet, he was asked about it and his reply was "it will be foolish of me (even stupid I think is the word he used) if I marry now.  
Let's not probe deeper because only he knows what is on his mind.  But we all just want him to be happy.  He is very private and hardly gives away what are his very personal thoughts. 

rivanaraja - I am glad this thread and Jihoon can make you happy. I am glad you are a loyal and faithful hunnie

There wll also be a SPECIAL DATV Jihoon Special where I suppose all his previous projects will be reshown. This is good for his Japanese fans.

Video ~ DATV Special Ju Ji Hoon


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Guest Tarits

cynder - yes, in one interview he says he is lonely, another person also mentioned being lonely.  We really don't know what is in Jihoon's mind.  But his friend KJWook is coming out April so perhaps Jihoon will have time to bond with him more often, have a drink or two, etc.   All of us can only wish Jihoon happiness.

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