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For The Lovers Of Lomography

Guest zsuzsaBAMBAM

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leeahh Can't help it haha. I actually remember once complaining to a photographer friend of mine about all the power lines and how they get in the way. Seems like I've really embraced them now. XD

thrymskvidha I like the perspective you take with the people in your pictures. Kind of gives your them this mysterious and melancholic edge. This is my favourite: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/YanChan/1010094.png Was this on a bus or train? I love shots on public transport since I'm always taking it and I always seem to think damn if only I had my camera on me. I like the blues in the last few shots too!

Almost thought I lost my vistaquest this week but I found it in the car. ^^ I thought I was going to have to end my 365 project.



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Guest Uverstar

just bought the diana mini from ebay with two free rolls of film..but have to wait two weeks to get here T_T

though I keep wondering is it worth using the half frame?

and I know this isn't a lomo photo but I asked my friend to hold my blackbird-fly haha


bigger quality is on my flickr :3

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helllooo very very helpful people =D

so i got my holga 120 cfn recently and i was wondering if you could help me help me... i got this kodak 120 film and i'm not sure if i'm supposed to center the kodak logo that appears before each number on the film roll or center on the number? i'm talking about the part of the film roll you see through the little window at the back to keep track of how many pictures you've taken. actually... this is probably a stupid question and the answer is probably to center on the numbers (or to position the number so that it is touching the edge of the window!? not likely right?) but i think i just need reassurance =D and if its not completely centered (if it should be) does that leave a black space when i get the photos developed? =S

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Guest the kite

bloo.Haha I know where burke street is :3 where do you get your photos developed?

I used to get them developed at Ted's, because it's reliable and you get a free photo index... but it costs $17-$20 a roll. So, I now get them done at Big W, where it's only $8 bucks lol... call me cheap but it's pretty much the same thing. Only they don't know what cross processing is :P. And as they know nothing about film, they just throw the rolls into the machine... so I guess you can't trust them too much. With important rolls, I stick to Ted's :P.

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Guest Uverstar

I used to get them developed at Ted's, because it's reliable and you get a free photo index... but it costs $17-$20 a roll. So, I now get them done at Big W, where it's only $8 bucks lol... call me cheap but it's pretty much the same thing. Only they don't know what cross processing is :P. And as they know nothing about film, they just throw the rolls into the machine... so I guess you can't trust them too much. With important rolls, I stick to Ted's :P.

Woah big w do photo developing? Which ones? Because i used to get my photos developed at kmart because it was like $6 a roll but they ended their contract with kodak so booo

so i had to start going to michaels in the city but its near $16 a roll haha

Was looking at your 411 page and you have a LC-A+ haha jealous man~

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thrymskvidha : i really like your shots! can i ask what film you used?

my gakkenflex reached and i have assembled it already, but since there's no film counter, do i just mark a spot on the advance wheel and another spot on the main body of the camera itself and then ensure the two dots meet once i go to the next shot/frame? and idk why but my advance wheel kind of turns back by itself after turning it. is it supposed to be like that?

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bloo. love love love the first one!! colour tones are so nice and the dog is cuteeee~! what film did you use? :]

kiwiaddict it doesn't really matter as long as you keep it consistent. so the scanner will centre it automatically according to the first frame. most places I've gotten mine scanned at have included the blank space anyway like this :] ---_0140.jpg

d0ts it already has a marker! u gotta make sure the indented notch matches with the gap/hole :]

then u advance till the notch reaches the next gap/hole B)


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Guest the kite

Woah big w do photo developing? Which ones? Because i used to get my photos developed at kmart because it was like $6 a roll but they ended their contract with kodak so booo

so i had to start going to michaels in the city but its near $16 a roll haha

Was looking at your 411 page and you have a LC-A+ haha jealous man~

Yeah, I love my LC-A+. I broke it last year and it was over the one year warranty but I contacted Lomography anyway, where I got a brand new one with 2 extra rolls of film XD. Apparently it's a two year warranty, silly me. What do you use then ?

And with Big W, I get them done at Sunshine, close to home. I thought they just offered those services everywhere, heh.

bloo. love love love the first one!! colour tones are so nice and the dog is cuteeee~! what film did you use? :]

Hahaha thanks. I'm slightly disappointed with my second batch (the bottom two) as they turned about a bit darker, but the color in the first two are great. I used the Lomography film, the ones where they give you along with your LC-A+ order at lomography. Bottom two were Agfa Pro. The lomography film is more expensive and intended for lomography so I guess that's why.

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Guest Uverstar

@bloo. Haha i just viewed the big w site....they do 35mm film everywhere! I so happy for cheap photos haha man sunshine is freaking far from me haha

i use a holga 120 GCFN and a superheadz blackbird-fly and soon i'll own a diana mini haha though i'm going to save up for a

LC-A+ or a another tlr lomo camera cause i looove tlr cameras haha

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leeahh: AHHHHH thanks so much for pointing that out to me! haha i had no idea at all! oh, but that round thing (the one with the marker) is loose on my camera... will it cause any problems?

edit -

leeahh: i just need to double check for re-assurance! by this sentence: "then u advance till the notch reaches the next gap/hole" do you mean when the thing turns half a round to reach the opposite side (where there's a gap)?

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Guest Uverstar

22 photos costed 44dollars..i dont think i'll be using my holga ever again lol so expensive and i didn't even get any good shots boooo

I'll upload the 'okay' looking photos later :3

EDIT: naturecanbecreatedinmanyforms.jpg


out of 22 photos i only liked 6 because the rest are just too dark you can't even see anything haha the rest are at my flickr which you can see in my banner :3

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bloo. oooh okay. hmm maybe should try Lomo film one day! the colours are niiicee in your shots! :D

d0ts I'm not sure what you mean by loose.. can't u just tighten it with a screwdriver? ^^' and yeah you're right.

when it's at the gap you take photo then u turn to reach the next gap [halfway around] to take the next photo. then rinse and repeat. lol!

kiwiaddict no probs :D it also depends who's scanning the film.. if they're dumb or not lol

but for next time try keep the numbers consistently in the middle I guess just to be safe :]

Uverstar haha don't give up! I'm never satisfied with a whole roll with my Diana and I've had some that only 2 photos are worth a double look lol!

don't be too hard on yourself :]

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Guest eccentricGIRL_

Does the Diana + Instant Back work with both the Diana + and Diana F+?

=O WAIT! Or does it work with the entire lomo series?

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leeahh: haha i tried tightening the screw already but it looks like it's tilted to one side. i think it's defective. but i doubt it will do any harm to the roll anyway (i hope). lol. thanks for your help!

eccentricGIRL_ : yeah the instant back works with the diana + / diana F+. and nope, it does not work with the entire lomo series.

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Guest eccentricGIRL_

What features make the Diana F + different from the Diana + ?

I don't know which to buy .. and there's a $100 difference between the cameras .. and I'm financially crippled (LOL)

So yeah, I don't know if the Diana F + is worth the extra $100 =S

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Guest Uverstar

well I received my Diana Mini and um...It's freaking cute!! haha but I've already had an accident where I dropped it on the concrete ground and I squealed 'Saya!!' yes I named her XD

here she is


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