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Randy Jackson Presents America's Best Dance Crew


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I found this on Kaba's disscussion board:

"why can't the show just leave it to the judges to decide?"

Cause if they did that then Kaba Modern and Jabbawockeez would be the last two teams and that would mean a loss of almost all the show's black fans. [john tesh] Randy Jackson and MTV cause they most definitely rigged the show. Status Quo doesn't deserve to be there because they're not good enough

All I'm wondering is where ARE the black fans? I see ton of azn fans but not a lot of black fans...for either groups (SQ, JW, and KM). I have to say my friends don't care about the show (black/white/azn/hispanic) so I dont think there are as many ppl as we think that care THAT much. Still I do wonder where the black fans are....prob doing the danciNg and not watching it. lol


LOL obviously he has nothing to relate to Jabbawockeez

his mask doesn't even look like theirs & its uglier xD


Main focus wasnt the mask though...it was the dancing and yea it is ugly. I just didnt want Jabba fans saying that he got it from them.

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I found this on Kaba's disscussion board:

"why can't the show just leave it to the judges to decide?"

Cause if they did that then Kaba Modern and Jabbawockeez would be the last two teams and that would mean a loss of almost all the show's black fans. F**k Randy Jackson and MTV cause they most definitely rigged the show. Status Quo doesn't deserve to be there because they're not good enough

All I'm wondering is where ARE the black fans? I see ton of azn fans but not a lot of black fans...for either groups (SQ, JW, and KM). I have to say my friends don't care about the show (black/white/azn/hispanic) so I dont think there are as many ppl as we think that care THAT much. Still I do wonder where the black fans are....prob doing the danciNg and not watching it. lol

Main focus wasnt the mask though...it was the dancing and yea it is ugly. I just didnt want Jabba fans saying that he got it from them.

*sigh* this is just getting out of hand, why wait until now to play the race card? btw to2lovely edit your post cuz it's around the swear filter

I'm glad it was never up to the judges, why do you think the movement didnt make it? cuz Lil Mama has personal issues with them.

I thought a mod was gonna close this temporarily anyway

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Well I pray people on FB arent implying that Status is biting Jabba because if they are I would have to laugh

I'm not just saying this because I like SQ, but this is for any group that wears mask

they are not copying Jabbawockeez, Jabba did not invent the mask wearing, they didnt make it popular either, people in church were doing that gimmick for ages and ages, the mask is modeling from a mime. Thank god I do not have a facebook and those pics are probably old, before the show even started

go StatusWockeez!!!

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BWAH! You think so too?! I've been telling that to my sister this whole time, in addition to the "Tony is hot" comments (she says he looks like a nerd). :P''

haha yay! I'm always telling my friend that but she doesn't see it =.=' lols

Tony looks like a cute nerd when he smiles and his braces are showing haha

Ahhhh I'mma miss KB, especially Cindy :(

JBW killlledddddd it. omgsh. They're freaking insane.

I love Jamal of SQ haha He's absolutely adorable :D

I really liked SQ in the beginning of the show and I was really rooting for them, but I have to agree with the judges. They're REALLY messy and they're not in sync as a group most of the time. It's like one person's doing this, the other's doing that. It's all very confusing. They make great entertainers though. lols

It's horrible that the crowd booed them during the taping =.='

JBW are going to killllll SQ next week.


PS. I want a JBW shirt and a KB sweatshirt. haha

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Guest IlikeChicken

I found this on Kaba's disscussion board:

"why can't the show just leave it to the judges to decide?"

Cause if they did that then Kaba Modern and Jabbawockeez would be the last two teams and that would mean a loss of almost all the show's black fans. F**k Randy Jackson and MTV cause they most definitely rigged the show. Status Quo doesn't deserve to be there because they're not good enough

All I'm wondering is where ARE the black fans? I see ton of azn fans but not a lot of black fans...for either groups (SQ, JW, and KM). I have to say my friends don't care about the show (black/white/azn/hispanic) so I dont think there are as many ppl as we think that care THAT much. Still I do wonder where the black fans are....prob doing the danciNg and not watching it. lol

:crazy: I feel bad for Kaba...Their fans are such pantsy haters

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Guest .moony.

*sigh* this is just getting out of hand, why wait until now to play the race card? btw to2lovely edit your post cuz it's around the swear filter

I'm glad it was never up to the judges, why do you think the movement didnt make it? cuz Lil Mama has personal issues with them.

I thought a mod was gonna close this temporarily anyway

The race card has always been an issue in this competition, whether you want to deny it or not.

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Well I pray people on FB arent implying that Status is biting Jabba because if they are I would have to laugh

I'm not just saying this because I like SQ, but this is for any group that wears mask

they are not copying Jabbawockeez, Jabba did not invent the mask wearing, they didnt make it popular either, people in church were doing that gimmick for ages and ages, the mask is modeling from a mime. Thank god I do not have a facebook

go StatusWockeez!!!

Not implying anything. Just seem to be coincidence how Status wore masks too.

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Guest .moony.

Well I pray people on FB arent implying that Status is biting Jabba because if they are I would have to laugh

I'm not just saying this because I like SQ, but this is for any group that wears mask

they are not copying Jabbawockeez, Jabba did not invent the mask wearing, they didnt make it popular either, people in church were doing that gimmick for ages and ages, the mask is modeling from a mime. Thank god I do not have a facebook and those pics are probably old, before the show even started

go StatusWockeez!!!

Jabba didn't invent it. But they brought the masks into this competition and they became kind of like their trademark. Now all of a sudden Status Quo wore masks. That is just weird.

I think the pics are from before though, cuz why would SQ wear those masks now when they have become widely recognized as something "Jabbawockeez"ish.

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Jabba didn't invent it. But they brought the masks into this competition and they became kind of like their trademark. Now all of a sudden Status Quo wore masks. That is just weird.

I think the pics are from before though, cuz why would SQ wear those masks now when they have become widely recognized as something "Jabbawockeez"ish.

That's what I'm saying, those pictures gotta be old from a past performance and are totally not ABDC related so there isnt anything weird

gee whiz it's saturday don't people have better things to do than dig dirt up on Status Quo? People are insulting them as crazy as it is, I'm sure they feel bad already, I mean this is just really getting ridiculous

those people on FB need to stop reaching

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Guest spacebattles

i wanted to see kabba and jabba go head to head in the finals. i think staus quo are good at stunts, but they've been really mediocre in terms of choreography, even eliminated crews like iconic were better than they are. i don't think the show is rigged though, mario kept saying how thin the margin was it's more of a reflection on how maybe people (including myself) were so convinced that kabba and jabba were going to to be the last ones standing, so they didn't even bother voting because they thought everyone else felt the same way.

and lucasbunny i love your icon, casey was my favorite!

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*sigh* this is just getting out of hand, why wait until now to play the race card? btw to2lovely edit your post cuz it's around the swear filter

I'm glad it was never up to the judges, why do you think the movement didnt make it? cuz Lil Mama has personal issues with them.

I thought a mod was gonna close this temporarily anyway

Sry I forgot to put parathensis around the comment: "Cause if they did that then Kaba Modern and Jabbawockeez would be the last two teams and that would mean a loss of almost all the show's black fans. [john tesh] Randy Jackson and MTV cause they most definitely rigged the show. Status Quo doesn't deserve to be there because they're not good enough." I didn't say it.

You misunderstand what I am trying to say.

I am not trying to play the race card, its just that when I am reading comments on Fb, I also see the names and faces of most of the ppl commenting. It's obvious the majority of the ppl commenting on JW's and KM's fb are azn with some blacks or less. Some have been claiming that most of the black ppl are voting for SQ and we DON'T know that--espcially since I don't see a lot of comments from them. I'm am just curious see what some other black ppl think, is that wrong? Its mostly to squash the claims ppl are making.

I'd like to see that performance.

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Guest PatrickWolf

Oh my gosh

I just watched the rerun the other day


I couldn't believe that

Kaba left


well i'm rooting for Jaba now.

but Kaba to me and Jaba

should have been the top two

even though this is like old news now


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Guest especially

ben chung is, no doubt, hella fine! :w00t: my favorite member of the jabbawockeez (although rainen comes pretty close). the thing that makes him so attractive is his style and bit of swagger he's got (even the way he TALKS). plus, he's also really nice ;)

ben chung definitely does have swagger. my favorite is phil though, ahahah.

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Guest thina

Kaba Modern 1st US Hip Hop Championship.

Kaba Modern 2nd World Hip hop Championship.

Kaba Modern 3rd in America Best Dance Crew? What the fcuk is wrong with that picture?

Just when I start feeling Mtv did something right for once, they go on and pull this kind of siht.

them winning other competitions has nothing to do with ABDC. just because they won others doesn't mean they're SUPPOSED to win ABDC, or that there's something wrong. kaba modern are professionals who i'm sure knows how to handle victory AND defeat.

I found this on Kaba's disscussion board:

"why can't the show just leave it to the judges to decide?"

Cause if they did that then Kaba Modern and Jabbawockeez would be the last two teams and that would mean a loss of almost all the show's black fans. F**k Randy Jackson and MTV cause they most definitely rigged the show. Status Quo doesn't deserve to be there because they're not good enough

All I'm wondering is where ARE the black fans? I see ton of azn fans but not a lot of black fans...for either groups (SQ, JW, and KM). I have to say my friends don't care about the show (black/white/azn/hispanic) so I dont think there are as many ppl as we think that care THAT much. Still I do wonder where the black fans are....prob doing the danciNg and not watching it. lol

:crazy: I feel bad for Kaba...Their fans are such pantsy haters

HELL YES (but only those fans though, not their positive ones. just putting this here before anyone feels offended). annoying

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Kaba Modern 1st US Hip Hop Championship.

Kaba Modern 2nd World Hip hop Championship.

Kaba Modern 3rd in America Best Dance Crew? What the fcuk is wrong with that picture?

Just when I start feeling Mtv did something right for once, they go on and pull this kind of siht.

them winning other competitions has nothing to do with ABDC. just because they won others doesn't mean they're SUPPOSED to win ABDC, or that there's something wrong. kaba modern are professionals who i'm sure knows how to handle victory AND defeat.

Well that's you opinion. Not asking for agreement. And yes it does have something to do with Abdc. For a team who compete all around the country and world with the best out there ( and place 1st, 2nd place) , just lost to a crew that hasn't really won any competition and didn't earn world wide sucess, then yes I would say there's something wrong there. Nobody denying that Kaba Modern aren't professional, thats what I love about them. They weren't sore losers, they handle "defeat" with maturity and I respect them for that.

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Guest thina
Well that's you opinion. Not asking for agreement. And yes it does have something to do with Abdc. For a team who compete all around the country and world with the best out there ( and place 1st, 2nd place) , just lost to a crew that hasn't really won any competition and earned world wide sucess, then yes I would say there's something wrong there. Nobody denying that Kaba Modern aren't professional, thats what I love about them. They weren't sore losers, they handle "defeat" with maturity and I respect them for that.

yes it's my opinion, that's kind of the obvious, and trust me... i am very aware that you aren't asking for agreement, but thanks for pointing it out anyways!!! ;):P:w00t::rolleyes: but eh, too bad most of their fans can't handle defeat in the same mature way eh? especially in that link to2lovely just posted. idiotic kids

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This is a topic in SQ's group




that's sad. i'll be honest, if jabbawockeez lost to sq, i'd be upset BUT i would never stoop down to that level. seriously, if KM fans think it is rigged, why not hate the game and instead hate the player? if it's rigged, go hate on MTV. sq has done nothing but do what they went on the show to do. i HATE that term "status monkeys", so many racial implications in that term. it sucks that such good sports like kaba modern has some of the most immature and disrespectful fans. oh well, this KM thing will never grow old until...the next season starts :crazy:

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