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How Do You React To Morning Calls?

Guest bbyxwinnie

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Guest 사랑해.

Haha. First, I'd answer the phone calmly. Then, depending on how awake I am, I'll either let hang up nicely or start screaming. :)

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Guest artsifartsi

soooo angry. If it's someone not important, I'll just reject their call and turn my cell on silent or something (I don't have a house phone)

I'm really grumpy when someone wakes me up :\

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Guest §ξЯ��̃ξňf

My response is number 3:

3.) scream as soon as you answer.

I might not exactly scream . . . but it's pretty obvious that I'm in a bad mood.

I'm not at all happy in the morning . . .

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Guest CorruptedSilence__nomore

Considering what they said I will either get really grumpy or stay calm.

But you don't wake me up for no reason 8D

I will bring hell as I wake up.

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Guest x_priscillaaa

1. Ignore


3. Turn off my phone

4. Pick up my phone and yell at the person who called me.

5. Sleep like a pig. ^_^

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Guest sweetxxsoul

my phones on vibrate

so when i hear the vibration lol,

i just hope that its a message, but if the vibrate continues for more than 5 seconds,

i make an annoyed sound (ex: aughhhh! D=< )

look at the caller ID, glare at it and wonder wth they want

pick up the phone and say hello in a slightly annoyed voice.


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Guest twinkle_l0ve

If I don't sleep through it (I'm a heavy sleeper), I'll answer it

Apparently I sound bean pie? :(

I wouldn't think that I'm bean pie on the phone - I'm probably groggy

lol I'm not really a morning person ~

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Guest fobbiyo

Well, if I'm in a deep sleep I'm most likely not going to hear the ring. If I do happen to pick it up, I answer calmly and depending who it is, I'll say "Why the hell are you calling at this time?"

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Guest ddalgi

no one calls in the morning during school but on weekends or whatever i get angry and hope it stops ringing or yell at no one

unless i asked someone for a morning call or i wake up before it comes, i tend to ignore em

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# 1

If it's the house phone then I start to curse, wishing it to stop ringing and that it's not my friends.

If it's my mobile, I would answer it but I may not be happy about it...

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Guest tashaisasian

People always decide to call me wayyy early in the morning -.-!

It pisses me off and I usually answer it but I make it a point to sound tired and irritated so they ask me if they woke me up so I can say yes they did and hang up.

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hate it. so I just don't answer,

I hate when people call the first time but I dont answer so they decide to call again.

Go bother someone else please.

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Guest lucky4eva8

I look at who's calling and if its my parents i'll pick up but if its a friend i'll put it on silent and later on in the day call them to ask them what the heck was so important that they had to wake me up early because most of my friends know how late I like to sleep in.

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