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[Drama 2008] East Of Eden 에덴의 동쪽

Guest kdramafanusa

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Guest soonjap

What I read is "protest from certain netizens on Hwang Jung Eum's role". If they issue a statement to explain why her role is eliminated, will it provoke more protests and problems? Sometimes, we just have to understand they may have their difficult position too. Unless viewers in Korea pressed for an explanation whereby they feel it is so important, then MBC has to respond. As for Janice and Rebecca, if Korea viewers feel strongly that they should appear in the remaining episodes, they can/will write at EOE forum to have their concerns addressed. Rebecca is not seen at filming set recently, but hopefully her whereabouts will be mentioned in the last two episodes... so let's be patient!

While I appreciate your willingness to be fervently supportive of all things EOE, I have to state that "protests from CERTAIN citizens" is yet insufficient of a reason to get rid of her character WITHOUT AN EXPLANATION!! By the way, I'm NOT asking the DRAMA's rep to come up with a statement to the public and viewers about why a certain character or characters are missing from the drama. I'm asserting that it's the WRITERS' job to come up with a storyline within the drama to make the possible EXIT for these characters either completely or in hiatus. For example, would it be so hard to explain the missing Rebecca in a scene like this: After DC resuces Rebecca from STH, she immediately gets on the phone and calls whoever in Germany (or another country of choice). Then she asks her assistant to prepare an airline ticket to Germany (or name another country). She will be leaving immediately. Next scene of her is at the airport. She is on the plane but prior to taking off, she gets a call. It's STH - and he's looking for her. She tells him, "You think I'm stupid enough to fall into your clutches right now? I'm not finished with you yet. Oh, don't worry. I'll be back. You just wait around until I decide when I see you next. And when I do, you should prepare yourself!" and then she hangs up as the plane taxies off.

Yes, writers have difficulties, but they should be able to work them out. And I'm sorry but this is NOT a viewer-participatory television show. Viewers shouldn't have to protest or demand certain characters from showing up. There was quite a bit of protest initially about Lee Yeon Hee's character in the beginning but I didn't see the writers or the director getting rid of her. As for Rebecca, I think enough people here have discussed the fact that her character is incredibly important to leave her out until the last two episodes to "hopefully" wrap it up. It is her act that caused the chaos and she should have been summarily dealt with earlier on, regardless of how they decided to do it. And you know, it hardly stands to reason that STH would let Rebecca's character alone, knowing what she did to him and his son, so to bring her in during the last 2 episodes seem anticlimactic to me. And whilst your plea to be "patient" is a nice one, what happens if Rebecca's whereabouts are NOT mentioned in the last 2 episodes? Just a thought.

The SINA article does not talk about episode rating of 26.5%, but said that EOE is able to maintain its core viewership, which can be seen from its average rating of about 25% maintained for the past six months. I think a 25% average rating throughout (esp. this is a 56-episode long drama) is a good rating for prime time drama context (daily drama, weekend drama are viewed as a different category). You can check against other popular dramas. In Korea news today, EOE is described as "over 20% power ratings are constantly maintained".

Why do you make a comparison distinction between a long drama aired in the weekends versus one during the week? All weekend dramas are primetime, so I fail to see the significance of the drama's ratings. Yes, it's consistent but not superlative nor as amazing as you're making it out to be. Sandglass also sustained tremendous ratings during its long airing and this is the show that everyone is comparing EOE to be. However, no one is touting that EOE has surpassed "Sandglass" either in ratings or in context. It's a good drama to be sure, but not great, which is a shame because with the cast of this magnitude, it could have surpassed "Sandglass".

Thanks for the analysis on DW, which has been somewhat lacking here.

"DW fallen into STH's trap" is specific of the tape and drug trafficking in Ep 54. DW didn't realise it is STH who set these up on DC. Even at the end of Ep 54 he was told by Hwang of framing DC for drugs, but he was being threatened to let Hwang got away scott-free.

Hmm...I thought you referenced the falling into the trap because STH was smarter than DW. Yes, STH is more manipulative, but I wouldn't go so far as to say he was "smarter". He's just more evil and DW, although he knows what his father is capable of, is WILLING to overlook the obvious because he desperately wants to hold on to the belief that he's somehow the victim and so is his father.

In the end, I'm glad that you feel that you need to defend EOE to those of us who don't find it necessarily perfect. I think though, that it's possible to like a drama (as I do with EOE, despite its several failings) and discuss its insufficiencies and NOT be considred anti-fans of the show. I like the drama - and dream of it's potential of what it could have been and am simply faced with the reality of what it is.

MisterBarca Today, 10:44 AM Post #11491

Yes, but you are dealing with Korea, where "netizens" are king.

I fail to see the significance to this. And just because netizens in Korea protest or demand something, doesn't necessarily mean the production crew or writers are going to respond. Many viewers protested about Lee Yeon Hee (who plays the character of "Guk Ja") but I didn't see the writers canning her or making her "disappear". Many netizens make protests or may complain about certain actors/actresses but I have yet to see the production making the character "disappear" because of it. If a character the writers came up with doesn't make sense, and they need to "get rid of her/him" then they should come up with a good explanation as to why the character isn't there anymore. As I've said and will reiterate again, it's just careless writing.

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Guest soonjap

^ Thanks bibidep for the news.

I like your statement and I agree with you, but it begs another questions:

"Just because you're a good person, it doesn't mean you can't be bad"

But to what extent can a once good, filial person turn bad? That is the issue. And at a certain age, let's say like 30 or above, won't your character/personality much or less be stable and more resilient to change. But then again, each person can react differently under stress; some are more emotional than others and thus seem more gullible, such as DW's character!

I don't think that just because we're older adults and that our beliefs and standards have been "ingrained" in us will necessarily guarantee that they will stay with us permanently. Even in our own lives, we're not perfect. We're just one step away from what we in polite society would call a "bad" person. We're all good people but at the same time, we're all quite capable of doing the same things STH has done. It's just that STH doesn't try to hide it.

Remember, DW has undergone a tremendous shock and distress in finding out that the people he believed was his family has suddenly "adopted" someone else and the person DW swore revenge on is his own father. Even at the point of discovery, DW had the opportunity to stay the course with how he was raised, and loyal to the family he grew up with but, once besieged with insecurities and perceptions of family betrayal, he was then easily led by STH, who fanned the flame of DW's insecurities and anger to win DW to him and turn him against the LEE family. His insecurities ofwho he is, REGARDLESS of whose bloodline he belongs to and how he was raised, has turned him into an unrecognizable person - a man filled with anger and sense of victimization from the same people who loved him and supported him for all of these years. DW's problem, amongst many is that he still believes he's the same "good" person that he always was but that it's everyone else around him who has gone bad. He suffers from being unable to be self-aware. It's a social context: DW is "good" to the people around him. Outwardly, DW pretends to be the righteous, and fair prosecutor, intending to seek justice but underneath and in private, he's swayed by his insecurities and anger that leads him to ignore the obvious and do the wrong things.

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Guest pr1ya

MAJOR Picture Spoiler for eoe ending.


aww god the pic is real.. Look at it man.. so DC is in jail. he is gonn take charges of his faults:>

rest will be living as a family under a same roof. so the bed scene means., they have baby girl..

n ofcourse there is MH n teeho..n DW.. I can c DC's mom's head n his aunts . . there in the pic..n JH n the other girls are bth beside their spouse.. ..ahah seems like not much scene of DC n YR there.. GOD Yyyy?

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I fail to see the significance to this. And just because netizens in Korea protest or demand something, doesn't necessarily mean the production crew or writers are going to respond. Many viewers protested about Lee Yeon Hee (who plays the character of "Guk Ja") but I didn't see the writers canning her or making her "disappear". Many netizens make protests or may complain about certain actors/actresses but I have yet to see the production making the character "disappear" because of it. If a character the writers came up with doesn't make sense, and they need to "get rid of her/him" then they should come up with a good explanation as to why the character isn't there anymore. As I've said and will reiterate again, it's just careless writing.

hmm..interesting insights soonjap...

i am with you regarding Netizens in Korea...but keep in mind they did influenced a president election in 2002-2003 (President Roh)..so their influence shouldn't be taken lightly...

technically all of us Soompiers are "Netizens" by definition...we all give input and insights on a certain topic(s)...in this case it's regarding the subject of the drama "East of Eden"...

so you see the official msg board of EOE that MBC created is there for a reason...it is to see the viewers feedback and opinion of an on-going drama...

your example of LYH...she did get criticized for several things, 1 was her singing (arrirang song-Korean historic song) and her "brattyness and rude portrayal of YR" (EOE PD said it was planned in the script) which the Netizens pointed out...however they did compliment her acting and performance that lead to the chemistry developed with SSH...

most Netizens are fair minded people...but there are some, who are few in numbers that do just love to hate and cause conflict amongst fans and make us fight against each other (which they LOVE to do)

we all can agree to disagree in some aspects of EOE...and that's always a given in a high profile drama...

the journey of EOE is soon to end :tears: what a ride it has been!! :rolleyes:

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Me three :).

The episode summary is out for #56 as well.

It said that MH will reveal in a press conference STH's bad deeds and YR got kidnapped by Jackie (oh no..kidnapping on last episode). DC went to ask DW to not to take action against the gangster in Macau but got arrested by DW. Also heard that the kidnapping takes place at YR & DC's weddning (oh my goodness..another wedding).

If this is true, LYH probably beats all the other actress in the number of times appearing in a wedding scene as a bride for the same drama (I think she dressed in bridal gown 4 times - once in Mike's engagement, once in actual wedding, once in the 'dream' wedding and this last one). She probably also beated the number of times being kidnapped in a drama series :w00t:

Not sure if the earlier spoiler picture is true or not. But this picture is also posted on SSH's official web site.

I am starting to miss DC and YR already... I hope we get to see another kiss, this time initiated by DC instead!! =D
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With regards to the Netizen issue in korea on the presidential election, We should be careful and not misled the real issue here .It should not be taken into the wrong context because there were alot like me who voiced our opinions then.There were more pressing issues in Korea then than just Netizen power.

This is a very different platform and I put it down to inexperienced writers and rightly careless writings with no regards to the whole plot and blueprint for EOE.Even though it has an epi drama potential in the beginnings ,sadly the storyline has been far from it in the end. What it has is a pool of very talented actors who are able to give their best with a flaw scriptIf given a good script, I do not see why EOE, with its casts behind, could not surpass Sandglass. Moreover, they have plenty of resources and funds in the beginning.The allocation of the funds have been misused and wasted on those half completed plots or those with no meanings to the main theme.Sadly The fact remains ,it has not reach or smell Sandglass standard and will not.It may be a good or OK drama in the end but it has certainly miss the opportunity given and such luck(talented casts) does not come everyday.

BTW I am not anti fan of EOE because of my views because I do enjoy part of EOE and respect those who think differently from me.I just feel it is a pity that a golden opportunity is lost since EOE was hyped as the next Sandglass material in their promotional campaign and a very special project for MBC.That record of Sandglass was made more than 10years ago. No kdrama since has been able to topple it and this remark came from the industry experts.Also,Platform like this should hold both the positive and negatives views put forward without any prejudice.It is views from both sides that make this platform more interesting than others.Just as viewers have respected any comments ones have made,in return we should also do the same to theirs.Have a think about it

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Guest kchild702

Me three :).

The episode summary is out for #56 as well.

It said that MH will reveal in a press conference STH's bad deeds and YR got kidnapped by Jackie (oh no..kidnapping on last episode). DC went to ask DW to not to take action against the gangster in Macau but got arrested by DW. Also heard that the kidnapping takes place at YR & DC's weddning (oh my goodness..another wedding).

If this is true, LYH probably beats all the other actress in the number of times appearing in a wedding scene as a bride for the same drama (I think she dressed in bridal gown 4 times - once in Mike's engagement, once in actual wedding, once in the 'dream' wedding and this last one). She probably also beated the number of times being kidnapped in a drama series :w00t:

Not sure if the earlier spoiler picture is true or not. But this picture is also posted on SSH's official web site.

did u get this from nate.com?

kuzz i heard the kidnapping is done by Na kwang hoon... remember that guy under jackie who betray GUK? and wanted to become the boss of casino.

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Guest jiwoneex3

although i'm disappointed again that there are two more episodes,

i'm currently watching ep.53.

and criedddd! ):

what DC said, it's harder to stop loving DW than to hate STH,

omg, it was beautiful. what a moment right there. <3

and i like MH now. :) although it took me some time for me to get rid of my hate for him,

but now, i'm starting to open up; after what he did for JH and after he poured out all his feelings.

gosh, i love everyone.

besides STH and his crew.

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The kidnapping probably done by Na Kwang Hoon. I think it mentioned Macau folks in the article and I immediately jumped to Jackie ;).

Thanks for the correction.

If the baby Gukja picture is true, I am thinking possibly DC may be shot again trying to rescue Grace and then the writer did a 1 year jump or something to the baby's birthday and viewers will be left wondering if DC is alive or not.. :lol:

did u get this from nate.com?

kuzz i heard the kidnapping is done by Na kwang hoon... remember that guy under jackie who betray GUK? and wanted to become the boss of casino.

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Guest soonjap

hmm..interesting insights soonjap...

i am with you regarding Netizens in Korea...but keep in mind they did influenced a president election in 2002-2003 (President Roh)..so their influence shouldn't be taken lightly...

I think that all netizens in the free world influence presidential elections. Korea is not special in that regard. It just happened that in 2002, many people, particularly the young people stood behind President Roh's policies toward North Korea AND his rather anti-American stance. It's not unlike what AMERICAN netizens did in Obama's presidential race. To say that American "netizens" didn't influence Obama's election would be ridiculous. It's been proven that Obama's election was the first election in which the internet played a key role in getting the word out about Obama and getting him elected. So I fail to see the significance in that. I DO, however, understand your point and agree to it to a point. Being Korean-born and Korean speaking myself, I also understand the cultural aspect of such "netizenship". However, there has been increasing criticism toward these same "netizens" who, like us, use the internet to voice concerns and to make constructive criticism toward both shows and performers but move to the extreme and become "cyber terrorists".

I think that it's irresponsible for a production team to look MAINLY at a netizen's comments and base a storyline around what people want. If that's the case, why hire writers for the show? They should just let netizens write the story how they want to see it and leave it at that. I assume that when a writer begins the script, that they have some kind of plan in mind and are moving along with that initial premise, regardless of whether "netizens" want certain things to happen or not. Influence should only be considered IF it makes a positive impact within the drama's plots and characters and brings about continunity to the premise. Blind influence would be foolish and it compromises the art of the drama and as xcesna has so eloquently put it, would lose its credibility. A responsible production team would look at the criticisms the netizens are voicing and then ask: IS THEIR DEMAND A REASONABLE ONE OR WOULD IT COMPROMISE THE DRAMA? Their decision should be based on what would ultimately make the most sense for the drama, rather than what the viewers blindly demand for.

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Guest bibidep

I hope the end will not be like your guess Sam18q, because they said DC came to asked DW do not interfered with those

gangster so YR can be safe, but DW arrested DC right away.

It may end like DC in Jail and they have the 1st birthday for DC's baby at home.

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Guest kchild702

hmm..interesting insights soonjap...

i am with you regarding Netizens in Korea...but keep in mind they did influenced a president election in 2002-2003 (President Roh)..so their influence shouldn't be taken lightly...

technically all of us Soompiers are "Netizens" by definition...we all give input and insights on a certain topic(s)...in this case it's regarding the subject of the drama "East of Eden"...

so you see the official msg board of EOE that MBC created is there for a reason...it is to see the viewers feedback and opinion of an on-going drama...

your example of LYH...she did get criticized for several things, 1 was her singing (arrirang song-Korean historic song) and her "brattyness and rude portrayal of YR" (EOE PD said it was planned in the script) which the Netizens pointed out...however they did compliment her acting and performance that lead to the chemistry developed with SSH...

most Netizens are fair minded people...but there are some, who are few in numbers that do just love to hate and cause conflict amongst fans and make us fight against each other (which they LOVE to do)

we all can agree to disagree in some aspects of EOE...and that's always a given in a high profile drama...

the journey of EOE is soon to end :tears: what a ride it has been!! :rolleyes:

the presidential election on 02-03 is not just kuzz of that Netizens stuff. its a longgggggggg story 2uss so i won't go over it, but we can thank jung mong joong for Roh moo hyuns victory. Everyone thought that Lee hwa chang was going to win but he lost. i'll just leave it at that.

Jung mong joong is one of the sons of the founder of hyundai.

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This is a very different platform and I put it down to inexperienced writers and rightly careless writings with no regards to the whole plot and blueprint for EOE.Even though it has an epi drama potential in the beginnings ,sadly the storyline has been far from it in the end. What it has is a pool of very talented actors who are able to give their best with a flaw scriptIf given a good script, I do not see why EOE, with its casts behind, could not surpass Sandglass. Moreover, they have plenty of resources and funds in the beginning.The allocation of the funds have been misused and wasted on those half completed plots or those with no meanings to the main theme.Sadly The fact remains ,it has not reach or smell Sandglass standard and will not.It may be a good or OK drama in the end but it has certainly miss the opportunity given and such luck(talented casts) does not come everyday.

BTW I am not anti fan of EOE because of my views because I do enjoy part of EOE and respect those who think differently from me.I just feel it is a pity that a golden opportunity is lost since EOE was hyped as the next Sandglass material in their promotional campaign and a very special project for MBC.That record of Sandglass was made more than 10years ago. No kdrama since has been able to topple it and this remark came from the industry experts.Also,Platform like this should hold both the positive and negatives views put forward without any prejudice.It is views from both sides that make this platform more interesting than others.Just as viewers have respected any comments ones have made,in return we should also do the same to theirs.Have a think about it

Xcesna, thanks for the statement. I can now better understand where you are coming from despites the difference in our perspectives.

Writer Na certainly has fabricated the plot very well at the beginning. While friends pointing out how unrealistic with all the tragic making and climax twists, the love between me and writer Na’s dialogue is an instant bond. Not to mention LMS is the one I start watching the series. From the start, I don’t dream it to be a serious classic dark drama cause its entertainment value is obvious by looking its younger set of cast and its Hong-Kong style action element. This is a drama of its own – definitely not something at the same rank as Sandglass neither something tasteless like the fast-food trendy drama.

It certainly started with great potential. It certainly has gone through lots of up and down. It is also a drama with so many on-going divisions in its viewer base. And it is for sure not going to satisfy anyone. And what it means a lesson to one is not necessarily the gain of another because the plot has offered a space that accommodates the perception of open wide range. There is no simple answer of what’s good and bad for we are individual of different experiences and backgrounds.

I would say it is Love and Hate from my end for all it is and for all it is not. But at the end of day, I do enjoy the ride because in each episode, no matter how bad and how inconsistent it has been, there is always one line, or one little arrangement that makes me think.

The mental plot may be a big waste of resources. It is actually somewhat cliché. But I was touched by it. For a twenty something who is angry at the situation in life that doesn’t go her way and tries to take the desperate measures, she at least knows she loves someone more than herself and she can’t just kill herself to end her own frustration. It is nice for me to see a familiar love cliché has been touched up with the resilience and persistence. As it is relevant to the plot or not, my honest answer is that the question itself is subjective base since there is no written script to begin with. While write(s)r and PD are brainstorming what the next thing shall be, the viewers are ahead of game deciding what the drama plot shall be and what not. The funny thing I learn through this process is that among all the speculations on the plot development, the writer/production always comes up something out of norm, be it good or bad. Another reason that EoE is drama of its own. Having that said and back to the mental plot – yes, there are countless items that are irrelevant and we all have our own picks. My take on the mental plot is that it doesn’t bother me cause I was touched by it. And it is just the incremental where I get to know the character of YR as well as DC, the same way I learn about MH, DW, JH and all others.

As for the noble mafia boss…I never thought DC does what he does out of nobility. He does what he does because who he is. To watch this character through many episodes, I don’t take one incidence and interprets as DC cares nothing about welfare of his people. Neither have I worried about the loyalty of his follower since I feel his bond with his followers seems to be beyond the pledge level. But that is just my perception on DC.

Lastly, for me, EoE is not the drama of one individual or two. It is the teamwork including the actors who play uncle character, DC’s right-hand men, the children’s actors and all others, if one has watched this drama in attentive manner.

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Guest cefiro_jk

If the baby Gukja picture is true, I am thinking possibly DC may be shot again trying to rescue Grace and then the writer did a 1 year jump or something to the baby's birthday and viewers will be left wondering if DC is alive or not.. :lol:

I don't think DC is dead, it may come as a surprise with DC holding another baby "little DC" in his arm. :blink:

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Guest marley

Interesting comments from a few posters lately.Glad to read a variety of views from different side.Being a lawyer, I tend to see it more from the logic and legal side. As a plot value on its own, I would say it is very inconsistent and the dialogues are very poorly written.Criminal plot and story are also not very clever or realistic.The fugitive runaway scene is a very weak plot for me because I can picture a more creative storylne from just looking at the scene where DW nag DC.Also suspense is a very essential element in any thriller plot which is lacking in EOE.Too much emphasis is on violent physical motions,gang fights and not the substance instead

EoE is an ok drama at the end for me. Just another kdrama actually, nothing fantastic about it.

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Guest Crichton

Whoa, whoa, whoa! So, on page 575 there is a link to a picture of a possible spoiler picture for EOE. But on one of the poster's (Larmesl'amour) signature, there is a picture YR falling and DC kind of breaking her fall...what episode does that happen in? I admit to some skimming, but I can't believe I missed YR/DC scene like that. Please someone fill me in!

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Being a lawyer, I tend to see it more from the logic and legal side. As a plot value on its own, I would say it is very inconsistent and the dialogues are very poorly written.Criminal plot and story are also not very clever or realistic.The fugitive runaway scene is a very weak plot for me because I can picture a more creative storylne from just looking at the scene where DW nag DC.Also suspense is a very essential element in any thriller plot which is lacking in EOE.Too much emphasis is on violent and physical motions and gang fights and not the substance instead

EoE is an ok drama at the end for me. Just another kdrama actually, nothing fantastic about it.

Marley, I can imagine the experience of minimum enjoyment when watching EoE primarily from the logical and legal angles…wondering what’s your take on DW’s recent rage.

For criminal and/or logical plotting, EoE is neither the post-modern “Law and Order” nor the vintage “Hercule Poirot”

And I don’t think EoE can qualify as the thriller or something of the type considering most of time it is the subplot of straight and repetitive kidnapping…

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Guest marley

Hi Jazz, ha ha DW's rage hmm...Actually it is very normal in a lawyer's office to see this .We are used to this.Our profession sometimes put you in such situation when you work 15-16 hrs a day for weeks to put a case history together.The amount of stress to meet date line is crazy I can tell you that though the perks is just as good I have to admit.Hope it helps

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Whoa, whoa, whoa! So, on page 575 there is a link to a picture of a possible spoiler picture for EOE. But on one of the poster's (Larmesl'amour) signature, there is a picture YR falling and DC kind of breaking her fall...what episode does that happen in? I admit to some skimming, but I can't believe I missed YR/DC scene like that. Please someone fill me in!

That scene is in episode 51 close to the beginning of the episode. I think it happen between 15:00-25:00 between those minutes but not really sure on it. DC and YR went to some sort of party and STH along with JH appeared. Later DC's men inform him down below the entrance was gang members probably STH set those people there to trap them so DC men found a way to go in the back and they "brought" this vegetable truck that was unloading food to the party. DC paid the man and both he and YR got into the truck to avoid those gang people waiting for them. Later YR was joking saying she should go sell vegetables and DC tease her asking her does she knows the price of those vegetables. YR just replied she sell whatever she can. And DC said they will go poor because of her. All sudden the trunk hit something bumpy on the road and YR fell toward DC whom grab her and they stare into each other eyes for a moment (man i really wanted them to kiss at that scene or something!) and then they felt awkward, DC offer her his coat and all sudden he stammer and told his men to drive carefully haha :rolleyes:

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Guest Crichton

Thank you for fillling me in. Mega appreciation your way. I'm gonna go watch that scene right now!

I can't wait to see the way this whole thing ends. I hope DW comes back to his family. It's kind of eerie how much the actor who plays DW looks like the actor who plays STH. It really makes him give off the feeling of being STH's son.

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