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[Drama 2008] East Of Eden 에덴의 동쪽

Guest kdramafanusa

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Guest fjkuan

She is only a supporting cast. I guess she has put up a good performance hence her role was elaborated more than planned. In the early script planning, her character would have died much earlier in the drama.

She may or may not be dead by the final episode, depending on how she will be connected back.

She may not be a main character, but her place in the story or plot does make a difference in the contributing affects of STH. I just feel there are issues she had brought to the drama that needs to conclude, resolve and close. Right now her case is dangling and the audience is left not knowing where she went or was there something that happened to her that made her disappearance? There are some inconculsive issues yet to be determined here.

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Guest savingwork

^^I agree fjkuan. I hope she plays an important role in the two final episodes.. or at least in the final episode...

You are right on the dot on the age group. Thus it is more important for the writers to give a script that is believable by these age group. Unfortunately people in these age group or generally anyone does not take whatever plots that is just thrown back at them. Mostly,they tend to analysis it deeply.When it does not make sense, they will speak their mind The production team should not underestimate the intelligence of its viewers.Instead they should understand their audience in the first place and treat these people with due respect with their plots.

When characters go missing for no reason or when a plot does not make sense,these viewers have a right to voice their opinions .Mind you, they have been following this series for a long time and the PD team should not take these lightly and sweep them under the carpet just so to cover up their mistakes and blunders or to sacrifice them for the sake of the flavour of the day .By doing that means they have lost their focus on the main story theme.

Mostly viewers are here to support and enjoy the show and it would have taken alot for them to state their mind when it does not make sense at all.At the end they just want a good storyline

Well said xcesna. Completely agree.

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Guest soonjap



if you read the person that i quoted in that response of mine...i was pointing out my thoughts sarcastically to that person who've been putting down EOE constantly on his/her comments :lol:

there's a silent majority that love EOE and see it as good drama to watch ever since at the beginning since August of 2008...a lot of these people had to endure a lot of constant attacks from people who just love to bash the drama without giving a reason as to why they keep watching it?? <_<

but if you wanna find out for yourself...go ahead and read the previous pages of this thread...

Hmm...Sorry- disregard my first paragraph of my earlier post then...didn't pick up on your tone of saracasm, although I read both posts prior to posting my own. EOE IS a GOOD drama but to be very honest, an inconsistent one at best. In the hands of less talented actors, this may have turned into a disaster but the great consistent acting has saved it and in many instances, enhanced the scenes where the storyline or plot was lacking. And you're right - if people have a differing opinion or a negative one, I think it's worth it to post IF they give valid and substantiated reasons for it and not ones like: "Oh I hate that so-and-so actor; or this is just dumb."

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Hmm...Sorry- disregard my first paragraph of my earlier post then...didn't pick up on your tone of saracasm, although I read both posts prior to posting my own. EOE IS a GOOD drama but to be very honest, an inconsistent one at best. In the hands of less talented actors, this may have turned into a disaster but the great consistent acting has saved it and in many instances, enhanced the scenes where the storyline or plot was lacking. And you're right - if people have a differing opinion or a negative one, I think it's worth it to post IF they give valid and substantiated reasons for it and not ones like: "Oh I hate that so-and-so actor; or this is just dumb."

gwen jan ha yo (it's ok) :sweatingbullets:

i don't mind people giving their different opinions, this is afterall a discussion board...but again this is a discussion board LOL, so to keep saying that EOE is "...............fill in negative comments here..................." over and over and over again....it's a bit redundant...so i just have to ask...why even watch it??!! LOL, why go thru the SUFFERING!! unless it's some kind of cathartic experience they go thru :lol:

to which i don't blame them...EOE can make you go UGHHH!! sometimes :sweatingbullets:

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Guest ShaolinMilk

From episodes 25-45, I hated the drama. The plot was stupid and inconsistent. But right now, I like it for some reason. It made me forget about those horrible episodes. Hopefully it has a happy ending.

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Guest soonjap

According to sources, her character got negative feedback/protest from some group of fans. They have to drop the character (DW's fiance) due to pressures. As for other characters: Janice the actress is pregnant in real life. Rebecca may or may not re-appear, as she might not have signed the agreement for extension(?). The last few episodes should focus on the main cast.

Whether or not the actress received negative feedback from the viewers is NOT sufficient enough of a reason to drop a character without any explanations. That's just careless writing. As for the actress portraying Janice, it is inconsequential to drop her character because the actress is pregnant. Her role was minimal and it would have been ok for the writers to have her be filmed from the chest up, e.g., sitting behind a desk. As I've posted before, the writers have been unable to sucessfully include these minor characters into the plot so when they disapper, they just do, seemingly without a trace. And Rebecca SHOULD make a re-entrance to the show and in a big way, since it is her act that brought about the hugely disastrous implosion on both the LEE and SHIN houses.


EOE: 26.5% (Seoul 28.4%)

BOF : 26.6% (Seoul 27.3%)


This article commented that EOE is able to keep its viewership due to its star cast, commendable acting, and revenge theme being the current drama trend. EOE has a consistent average of about 25% over the past six months. So even this rating is not good enough to be considered 'stand the test of time'?

I believe SINA is a CHINESE media print and while it may be the CHINESE standard to "stand the test of time" at 26.5% ratings, it is NOT sufficient enough in Korea. Many more dramas have surpassed this rating and with a drama with this kind of star power and money spent on productions, the ratings really should be higher. At this rate, MBC will not be able to recoup the money it spent on its productions with the newly teen-targeted KBS drama, "Boys Over Flowers" receiving most of the advertising dollars at KBS.

DW may be hated by many here, but he still has some supporters who attempted to understand him with fair and insightful analysis in the Chinese community. Being dramatic but perhaps also requires deeper thinking of its intentions and plots. For e.g. in Ep 54, we may all say DW is so stupid to fall into STH's trap, but wouldn't it be that STH is much smarter (and evil) this time with the tactics used, as he quoted from "Art of War".

Just because DW may be "hated" here, doesn't mean that we don't understand him or that we aren't insightful enough to understand his character. And I don't think that people "hate" DW - they're just frustrated at the fact that DW can't seem to realize how many people still love him and HAVEN'T betrayed him.

DW isn't falling into STH's trap because STH is that much smarter than DW. It's just that DW is ALLOWING himself to pledge his alliance with STH because STH is his father and because he feels BETRAYED by the LEE family. DW clings on to his job and deceives himself into believing that what he's doing as a prosecutor is what's being righteous and that he must now stop those who are trying to take his father down. He's so self-righteous and so incredibly obsessed with taking down DC, that he is RASHLY going after his brother, just as he blindly felt about taking down STH when he didn't know that STH was his own father. DW mistakenly believes that by going after his brother, that DW will somehow find his anger assauged. That's the essence of this story - once you allow anger to get a hold of your soul, there's no end to what people are capable of - even denying kin and friendship. DW felt so angry and betrayed because his mother and brother wouldn't denounce Myung Hoon and rather, began to "adopt" him into the family, and because DW couldn't let go or accept all that he suffered on MH's account. It's easier for the viewers to see this weakness in DW but so hard for DW to see it in himself. He figures if he can't be a part of the Lee family anymore, he might as well be a part of the Shin family. And STH is symbolized as the temptation into the dark side of who DW is, which is in part, making a social statement which is: "Just because you're a good person, it doesn't mean you can't be bad. Once you allow the negative influcence(s) to grab hold of your life, your once-good life can turn immedately into a negative one. The choices people make are always right next to us. The decisions we make will determine the outcome of how we live our lives."

Having said this, though, it still doesn't mean the storyline that relay this message has been a consistent one. I think it was too soon for MH and DW to suddenly reverse their personality and become different people - almost as if they transported their personalities to each other. Just as the missing characters are tell-tell, so is the time reference. There is no gradual sinking of the characters - just a mind-boggling instantaneous one. It's kind of like being in a car during heavy traffic - a lot of stop-and-go's, and too much of this, can make for a nauseous ride. And while the writing during the latter part of this drama have been rather on the iffy side, the acting sure hasn't been. The actors have been just absolutely fantastic and riveting to watch - even Yeon Jung Hoon, although he must not like his character very much. Whoever decided on the casting, was brilliant.

xcesna Today, 02:40 PM Post #11458

You are right on the dot on the age group. Thus it is more important for the writers to give a script that is believable by these age group. Unfortunately people in these age group or generally anyone does not take whatever plots that is just thrown back at them. Mostly,they tend to analysis it deeply.When it does not make sense, they will speak their mind The production team should not underestimate the intelligence of its viewers. Instead they should understand their audience in the first place and treat these people with due respect with their plots.

When characters go missing for no reason or when a plot does not make sense,these viewers have a right to voice their opinions. Mind you, they have been following this series for a long time and the PD team should not take these lightly and sweep them under the carpet just so to cover up their mistakes and blunders or to sacrifice them for the sake of the flavour of the day .By doing that means they have lost their focus on the main story theme.

I agree with you!!! I just think that the writers ran out of ideas as to what to do with these characters so they just had the characters "disappear" for a while or for good. This is generally a symptom of inexperienced writers.

Mostly viewers are here to support and enjoy the show and it would have taken alot for them to state their mind when it does not make sense at all. At the end they just want a good storyline.

BTW The beginning plot of EOE is a well scripted work and I for one thoroughly enjoyed watching it .Writer Na did an excellent script and the actors were great bringing them to the screen.Highly commendable for their effort.But through the pen of the new writers, I find the change in DW character swayed too much and too fast and it gives an unbalanced depth to the character range of DC and DW within a very short time frame . In reality a brotherly bond of that magnitude do not change that fast and that drastic.Why the PD team is going down that route is a puzzle to me.The reason for the rivalry could have been more creative or the plot came in too late in the series.For DW, a character who topped in the law entrance exam,( not an easy task), one of the reason for the rift because of his brother's love is just not believable for a man his age. Maybe when he was a young teenager.Also JH and MH characters swayed to and fro just to suit the flavor of the day unfairly so much so their characters especially JH character in ep 53-54 becomes very silly in my opinion.I for one do not know who she represents cos the follow up from the villain to the victim is just not convincing enough.

As a noble mafia boss, you do not jump ship to be a fugitives runaway because you have the welfare of your men first-that is the basic code of the secret brotherhood society in exchange for total loyalty.Your men left behind will be sought after and reprimanded by the law enforcers no matter what.maybe only in EOE it would not happen.

Then the topic that is bugging me is the infamous YR asyslum/mental plot that just disappeared without a valid reason.To me a half completed plot is a waste of production resources and funds.The long meticulous screen time allocated does not justify that it should be dropped or the writers changes their mind halfway.. If that is the reason, then EOE as a whole will loose its credibility as a well written script without any outside involvement.

The list can go on with Rebecca whereabout which I feel also is crucial to the main plot.We have then the Janice/DC US frigate lobbyist plot that just disappeared from the radar screen.These are questions still hanging up there for many viewers at this late stage .

Hopefully it will end on a realistic note with the same verdict though tarnished by the middle plots-a well connected collected team work and not just to glorify one actor against another.In the end the main theme needs revisiting ie,its moral value, its family value, its real message to the audience needs reinforcing again. we do not want a fairytale ending just a well meaningful finale .The asset of EOE is its pool of talented casts.

Thank you for your post. I agree with you wholeheartedly.

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Guest karz000

Hmm...Sorry- disregard my first paragraph of my earlier post then...didn't pick up on your tone of saracasm, although I read both posts prior to posting my own. EOE IS a GOOD drama but to be very honest, an inconsistent one at best. In the hands of less talented actors, this may have turned into a disaster but the great consistent acting has saved it and in many instances, enhanced the scenes where the storyline or plot was lacking. And you're right - if people have a differing opinion or a negative one, I think it's worth it to post IF they give valid and substantiated reasons for it and not ones like: "Oh I hate that so-and-so actor; or this is just dumb."

yeahp. I've actually been a silent reader but I love EOE.. it's true that sometimes it may turn inconsistent, but really, who cares? as long as it's not draggy and boring.. and really I have to give credit to the actors. They have done a good job and they don't deserve to get criticized. Like for example, everytime DC cries, oh gosh, I just have to cry with him. Also DW, hahah, when he turned evil, really, he really did resemble Shin Tae Hwan. Expecially when he looks and raise his eyebrows. When I see that I wanna throw the chair on my monitor cause it was exactly like Shin Tae Hwan's mannerism of raising the eyebrow. Also MH, you can just feel his sufferings and restlesness when you watch him.. But what Im saying is it's not easy to act so I am really impressed by these actor's acting.

Also, I really dont think that EOE's plot has a LOT of flaws.. Like for me, it's just going in a normal way and how things should have gone. It might be true that they might have to rushed the ending but I believe that they're not gonna blow it off and the writers would want the best ending to satisfy the audience after all of those hardships that the characters went through. Also, I'm simply watching EOE to be entertained, I dont watch it so that I can formulate my own plot and hope that the story goes my way, we have to trust the writers on this, and if we don't like what's happening, then we need to suck it up.. But I'm pretty sure the writers are gonna resolve everything for us at the end.. if not, then too bad, but I enjoyed watching the drama overall..

So I dont think it's really right to say EOE is a bad drama because it's not.. and yeah like what everyone said, if someone has to say something against the drama, STATE LOGICAL REASONS, not just saying it just for whatever reason.

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I have a question about the role that YR and DC played in the casino.

YR said in Episode 54 that she is the casino's representative (literal translation of Korean), is she like a CEO or President of Dae Hwa Group? I believe this position was occupied by DC before he quitted the casino.

How about DC? He is like a Vice-Chairman?

I am not quite sure of the positions of these 2.

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DW is behaving like such a d-bag. how can he possibly believe that DC will betray him after EVERYTHING that DC has done for him. And all that stuff DW said to DC about "forget about what has happened in the past, and forget about the things that you've done for me because it's not as if i asked for it." WOWWWW talk about an ingrate.

My favorite part about ep 54 is the reunion of MH and JH now as a real couple, who are truly affectionate towards each other. At least these two have been able to resolve their hate and guilt, to finally end at love. Despite the complexity of the ending of this series, at least the writers have redeemed this part of the story.


YR is the REpresentative of the Casino, but President Guk had an entire group to his name (TaeHwa Group, which was a conglomerate of several casinos throughout Korea), which he passed along to YR. HOwever, to protect the interest of TaeHwa Group and safety of YR, President Guk named DC as the Head of the TaeHwa Group. Technically you can say that YR, as the casino CEO (or "representativE) is an employee of DC. But in reality, DC is only taking charge of TaeHwa Group for YR.


In the scene with YR/DC/DW at Asia Casino, I got another feeling about DW. I think he's very jealous of YR because of how deeply DC loves her. I mean, other than the women in his FAMILY, YR is the only woman who DC has feelings for. I think that is why DW is so cruel to YR, because in part, I think DW feels that YR took his hyung away from him. When DW told DC not to inherit TaeHwa Group, DC honestly answered that he must, for the person that he loves (YR). and DW got really angry, calling DC and YR's love worthless and such. It must also be because DW's love has never been able to flower, with JH and with MHR, this seems like it's the reason why DW cannot understand the bond between DC and YR.


ALso, did anyone other than me notice that JH let her hair down now that she's "good," again?

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^^soojap, I like your social statement and If I may quote here again"Just because you're a good person, it doesn't mean you can't be bad. Once you allow the negative influcence(s) to grab hold of your life, your once-good life can turn immedately into a negative one. The choices people make are always right next to us. The decisions we make will determine the outcome of how we live our lives." Your insight on DW plight and also DC to a lesser degree is very accurate-that once anger gets on top of a person, it can change his destiny and there's no end to what people are capable of . Road rage is a very good example where a very normally good person behaves differently under" that stressful situation to him".It can become a disease if the anger ,a symptom earlier, is not contained.How true that statement is.This is the very essence that make us human .A collective Decision makings at each cross road really determines the type of person we becomes.Also your take on the inexperienced writers is spot on.It is basically due to a lack of confidence in their own work and self esteem.The inconsistent plots are the testimony to their inadequacy.

And in EOE, I hope the true moral theme is emphasized again at the end with a meaningful lesson not just for the characters but for everyone as well.We can all say it is a worthwhile journey watching this drama and not something like I have been taken for a ride by the unrealistic and inconsistent plot.Credit should go in the end to all the casts members collectively, not just one or two individuals....

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Thanks for your explanation about YR's and DC's role in the casino. That helped a lot.

I totally agree what you said about DW being jealous of YR. Sometimes when I looked at it, I was thinking DW hated YR because she took away his brother. I hope YR won't sacrifice herself or leave DC because she feels that she caused the rift between the 2 brothers.

In the scene with YR/DC/DW at Asia Casino, I got another feeling about DW. I think he's very jealous of YR because of how deeply DC loves her. I mean, other than the women in his FAMILY, YR is the only woman who DC has feelings for. I think that is why DW is so cruel to YR, because in part, I think DW feels that YR took his hyung away from him. When DW told DC not to inherit TaeHwa Group, DC honestly answered that he must, for the person that he loves (YR). and DW got really angry, calling DC and YR's love worthless and such. It must also be because DW's love has never been able to flower, with JH and with MHR.
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Guest nysophia_x_ii

em, just a quick question, what episode is EOE ending on? last time i checked it was episode 54, but obviously, it's not done...and i went to han ji hye's soompi site and it said that she's done filming?! so does that mean it's ending soon? O.O

EDIT: whaaaa, never mind! just heard that it's ending next week :)

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Yeah..the last episode is #56.

I also heard that Han Ji-Hye and Park Hae-Jin finished filming. Only scenes left are among Song Seung-Heon, Yeon Jung-Hoon and Lee Yeon Hee.

Rumours has it this will be a good ending

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Guest bibidep

This is the news for the ending next week.

from: Baidu EOE/寸寸米达

2009-3-5 09:28  

Dear All~~~出关於结局的新闻了








According to news, about the ending:

MH holds a press conference to expose the secrets of STH, in order to save DC who is being framed.

DC is able to clear all the charges and DW learnt that he is being made used of.

STH regrets for all his past doings. Happy ending for Gukja couple.

According to Korea fans, HJH and PHJ have completed all their shooting.

HJH finished hers yesterday.

Left a few more scenes to shoot for DC, YR and DW.

Credit to Baidu/TSH

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Guest savingwork

^ Thanks bibidep for the news.


And STH is symbolized as the temptation into the dark side of who DW is, which is in part, making a social statement which is: "Just because you're a good person, it doesn't mean you can't be bad. Once you allow the negative influcence(s) to grab hold of your life, your once-good life can turn immedately into a negative one. The choices people make are always right next to us. The decisions we make will determine the outcome of how we live our lives."


I like your statement and I agree with you, but it begs another questions:

"Just because you're a good person, it doesn't mean you can't be bad"

But to what extent can a once good, filial person turn bad? That is the issue. And at a certain age, let's say like 30 or above, won't your character/personality much or less be stable and more resilient to change. But then again, each person can react differently under stress; some are more emotional than others and thus seem more gullible, such as DW's character!

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So Rebecca didn't reappear?

Although I am happy for Gukja couple ending, STH repented? This part is really hard to believe :(

This is the news for the ending next week.

from: Baidu EOE/寸寸米达

2009-3-5 09:28  

According to news, about the ending:

MH holds a press conference to expose the secrets of STH, in order to save DC who is being framed.

DC is able to clear all the charges and DW learnt that he is being made used of.

STH regrets for all his past doings. Happy ending for Gukja couple.

According to Korea fans, HJH and PHJ have completed all their shooting.

HJH finished hers yesterday.

Left a few more scenes to shoot for DC, YR and DW.

Credit to Baidu/TSH

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Guest savingwork


I too was so looking forward for Rebecca.

Does STH even deserves the chance to repent??

This is the news for the ending next week.

from: Baidu EOE/寸寸米达

2009-3-5 09:28  

According to news, about the ending:


DC is able to clear all the charges and DW learn that he is being made used of.

STH regrets for all his past doings


As if DW doesn't know yet he's being made used of??? <_<

Regarding STH's repentance.. :blink: well, I'll believe it when I see it. Maybe even then I won't believe it. :lol:

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Guest kchild702

DW he deserve to be fire or they should just send him to "kanwondo" where all prosecutors nightmare.

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