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Joo Jinmo 주진모


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Hi Lucy, thanks for sharing this info above - so, he loves fishing. Isn't it that there was a scene there in his last drama where they went fishing with his Dad, right? So, somehow, I'm sure he could relate to that scene very much. :lol:

Yeah. Not only that. Many his works have fishing scenes. And he would go fishing during shooting. I know he did that during shooting of A Frozen Flower, A Love and etc.;)

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Hi Lucy, thanks for sharing this info above - so, he loves fishing. Isn't it that there was a scene there in his last drama where they went fishing with his Dad, right? So, somehow, I'm sure he could relate to that scene very much. :lol:

Yeah. Not only that. Many his works have fishing scenes. And he would go fishing during shooting. I know he did that during shooting of A Frozen Flower, A Love and etc.;)

I know he also went fishing during the filming of Empress Ki and A Better Tomorrow.  

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Hi Lucy, thanks for sharing this info above - so, he loves fishing. Isn't it that there was a scene there in his last drama where they went fishing with his Dad, right? So, somehow, I'm sure he could relate to that scene very much. :lol:

Yeah. Not only that. Many his works have fishing scenes. And he would go fishing during shooting. I know he did that during shooting of A Frozen Flower, A Love and etc.;)

Hi lucy & QuercusL, thanks for more info about him. So NICE to learn more..... :P

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Drunken Ji Eun-Ho in Ep9 of My Love Eun Dong.  

QuercusL, thanks for sharing the captures from this EP. I love this drama. No wonder this drama achieved the greatest ratings, which is strong enough for a cable channel because it’s really good! “My Love EunDong” appears pretty strong, Based on JJM’s character, I’m aware that it wasn’t going to be that easy while watching the series. There was the electrifying uncertainty I  felt towards the end while praying for the ending I want to cherish - hahaha! I thought many things can happen and I really do hope they won’t since the ending in my eyes can be only one - & that’s a happy-ending for both of them. You know, it’s traumatic, especially when you have to wait for the outcome while hoping it will be the one desired. But, I can say that I don’t regret being a part of “My Love EunDong’s” pilot ride.:P



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JTBC's new drama LAST's popularity 

related to My Love Eun Dong ?

JTBC의 <라스트>에 대한 온라인 화제성 순위 상승이 이어지고 있다. 초반 하위권 순위에서 시작된 <라스트>의 낮은 인지도는 4주 연속 상승하여 10위 올라선 것이다.
방송전 기자화견에서 송원섭 CP는 "드라마가 시청률로 평가를 받기도 하지만 시청률을 넘어서는 지표가 바로 화제성이라 본다"라며 자신감을 보인 <라스트>는 예상 밖의 저조한 출발 성적이 나타난 것이다.
강형규 작가의 동명 웹툰을 원작으로 삼은 <라스트>는 특히 연출을 SBS '추적자'와 '황금의 제국'을 만든 조남국 PD가 맡아 그 기대감은 매우 높았기에 당황스러운 결과로 보였다.
그러나 회를 거듭하며 입소물을 통해 긍정적 평가를 받아 온라인 화제성 순위가 10위까지 오르는 성적을 내고 있다.
주연배우 주진모, 김사랑의 재평가를 이끌어 내어 시청률 이상의 화제성을 이끈 <사랑하는 은동아>에 이어 <라스트>의 마지막 라스트 화제성 스코어는 어떻게 될지 차주 화제성 순위가 궁금한 이유이다.


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A Love MV deleted

그가 상업영화 감독으로 소위 ‘터지기’ 시작한 것은 자신이 가장 잘 알고, 가장 잘 표현할 수 있는 부산을 전면에 내세우면서부터다. ‘친구’(2001), ‘똥개’(2003)’, ‘사랑’(2007)은 그의 대표작으로 꼽힌다. 그 중간중간 선보인 ‘챔피언’(2002), ‘태풍’(2005)은 들인 공, 쓴 돈을 생각하면 상대적으로 결과가 베스트가 되지 못했다.

특히 한국 영화 사상 처음이라는 소리를 들은 대형 해상 블록버스터 ‘태풍’은 어마어마한 제작비가 투입될 수밖에 없었던 작품인데, 곽경택이 그동안 벌어들인 영화 수익을 한 방에 날린 작품이 됐다. 곽경택은 ‘태풍’으로 내상을 심하게 입었다. 사람들은 그가 재기하기 어려울 것이라고 예상했다.

실제로 그런 감이 적지 않았다. 주진모 주연의 ‘사랑’이 간신히 체면치레한 것을 제외하고 ‘태풍’을 만든 이후 약 6년간 슬럼프를 겪었다. 한석규·차승원 주연의 ‘눈에는 눈 이에는 이’는 아예 그가 대타로 들어가 연출한 작품이다. 중간에 감독이 바뀌었으니 프로덕션 과정이 얼마나 속 시끄러웠겠는가. 그럼에도 ‘역시 곽경택’이라는 소리를 들은 작품이기도 하다. 사람들은 곽경택이 중간에 들어가 연출을 맡으리라고는 전혀 예상하지 못했다.


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Thank you @lucy13880 for always updating the forum, you're doing the god's work!

BTW, I think that I forgot to share it but a month ago on JJM DC, there was a new fan sad that she would wait a year until JJM come back. That was when a long time JJM's fan, replied how s/he will not wait a year, the new fan asked back if s/he was aware of something than others don't (secret?) but the long time fan didn't want to discuss further. Anyway, JJM K-fandom went to see him in July and even helped the female staff (the one who cheered for JJM's next project) giving the box. I'm pretty sure, they know his next project but were told to not share it. That said, we have two clues now, JJM committed to one project + this comeback will be within a year.


Translation by @lyfuym:

PJH: In a survey of movie producers in 2007, Joo Ji-mo won the first prize (25% votes) of "The Actor Who Is Most Polite to the Opposite Sex".

PJH: He also won the fifth place of “The actor Who Does Not Allow Haggling Over His Price” in the same survey.

PJH: In conclusion, he's a man who loves money but polite to women. (Laughs)

It was during the 28th Blue Dragon Awards


After that Park Jong-hoon asked Joo Jin-mo to give his point of view of what he considers a polite (good manner) actress and rude's (mannerless) one. Didn't understand for the polite's case as for the rude one, here a rough translation:

JJM: What I consider to be a mannerless female co-star... Hmm... I want to point it out, that it never happened to me but it's when her shooting ends and she doesn't wait others (leaves immediately the set).

PJH: So you're telling us when the shooting ends for you, you'll wait on set with your co-stars, is that it?

JJM: If I don't have any schedule after, yes.

Edited by salijoo
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Thank you @salijoo for the video and @lyfuym for the translation 

About the fansmeet JJM in July I've read from K-cafe they've mentioned in the recording passage that the new project fans should wait or they still don't know yet something like that.

Anyway his birthday is coming. Maybe we will get more info soon.

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KTH's interview 

He also wants to have JJM's innocent and pure-love role.

김태훈은 호흡을 맞춰보고 싶은 배우들이 많이 있지만 최민식 설경구 곽도원처럼 선배 배우들과 호흡을 맞춰보고 싶다는 바람을 드러냈다. 

이어 김태훈은 "주진모 형처럼 지고지순한 사랑을 하는 역할도 하고 싶다. 순수한 바보, 외로운 사람, 다양한 악역도 해보고 싶다. 물론 최근에 악역을 하다 보니 차기작은 악역보다는 다른 역할을 해보고 싶다"며 앞으로 다양한 역할에 도전해보고 싶다고 털어놨다.무엇보다 작품만 좋다면 큰 역할이든 작은 역할이든 상관없다고. 그는 "드라마도 영화도 잘하고 싶다. 상황이나 시스템이 다르지 않나. 두 개 다 알아가는 과정인 것 같다. 영화와 드라마 모두 재밌고 계속 하고 싶다"며 욕심을 드러냈다. 


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Kong Hyung Jin made JJM a phonecall in one program

KHJ asked JJM where he was and MC asked him whether he had a really good relationship with KHJ. JJM made a joke saying yes but he should consider again this time (as he made a phonecall on a program when he didn't know.) He said KHJ was a good guy and while he liked him he thought he liked KHJ more. At last KHJ asked JJM to take good care of himself.

Edited by lucy13880
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Guest meelis

Thank you, @lucy13880, for maintaining JJM's thread while the guy is vacationing and also most of his fans.:) I hope we'll be back on track soon.

From me a Japanese article about Wang Yoo and JJM, 'king of real charm' blah blah:P  http://navicon.jp/news/31983/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter

Anyway, with MLE starting airing on 14 Oct and EK being rerun from 19 Sep, the Japanese fans are the luckiest again.

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