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Song Hye Kyo 송혜교 Hyebaragi ~Upcoming Movie 2024: Dark Nuns /Upcoming Drama 2024:Show Business/Special Appearance Drama 2025: Everything Will Come True


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Guest laila85

From baidu

Following the successful co-production "Red Cliff", the John Woo has recently co-production with China Film Group on the new film "Pacific Wheel" formal agreement. 《 "

继成功合拍《赤壁》之后,吴宇森日前已与中影集团就合拍新片《太平轮》正式达成协议。 Following the successful co-production "Red Cliff", the John Woo has recently co-production with China Film Group on the new film "Pacific Wheel" formal agreement. 《太平轮》就是此前盛传的《1949》。 "Taiping round" is the previously rumored "1949." 该片从内容上被称为“中国的泰坦尼克号”。 From the content on the film called "China's Titanic." 据悉,如果没有太大变化,将由宋慧乔和张震主演。 It is learned that, if not much changes, will be starring Song and Zhang Zhen.

"Peace wheel" on the sad love story

1949年1月,由大陆驶往台湾的中联轮船公司轮船“太平轮”因超载、夜间航行未开航行灯而被撞沉,导致船上近千人罹难。 January 1949, heading for Taiwan from the mainland of China United steamship lines, "Pacific Wheel" because of overloading, night navigation and the navigation light yet been collided, resulting in近千人victims on board. 吴宇森透露,该片讲述了一个悲伤的爱情故事。 John revealed that the film tells the story of a sad love story.


I think the story will focus on CC/SS sad love story :sweatingbullets: . My heart is already beating so fast :w00t:.

putriN, where are you? still sad? and janie?

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Guest SweetKYO


in this article it seems that Pacific Wheel or Taiping Round Case aka 1949

will happen this year. my google translation may confuse you more - so any

Chinese please help!

Oh Laila, I think this is the same article which you posted ?

Anyway another article : http://gzdaily.dayoo.com/html/2009-03/14/content_501216.htm

Chinese version of John Woo built the Titanic View reviews

Ocean News Time: 2009-03-14 Source: Guangzhou Daily Author: Wang Zhenguo

Mr Barry (left) and Song will be at "peace wheel" in the work together.

Steamship companies in conjunction operators Tianduo Cai, and he is China Taiwan show host, writer蔡康永father.

Taiping round legend has been circulating since the tragedy, a number of literary fiction will be the background of this story. Such as Pai Hsien-yung's "disgrace Sin Ji" put the story of the heroine portrayed as both parents were killed in Taiping round case. Later, "Sally Hutchison disgrace" by director Xie Jin filming for the movie adaptation of "The Last Aristocrats" are Pan Hong heroine, which was then starring Brigitte Lin Xie Jin insist can not be used as a compromise.

"Red Cliff" are working together again after the shooting Film "peace wheel"

Chinese version of John Woo built the Titanic

John Woo's new preparations for the past year as "1949" also Chuanxin changes, it is reported that Central Motion Pictures Corporation Chairman Han Sanping revealed that John Woo has officially reached an agreement with the Central Motion Pictures co-production film "Taiping round", that is, the previous "1949." Reporter confirmation on the matter, the Central Motion Pictures WENG spokesman said that the South Korea at three ping "the founding of the great cause of" shooting the scene has clearly announced that John Woo Film in cooperation with the "Peace Wheel", but details not yet clear. The film producer Zhang Zhen Phone status is turned off, John Woo Chan assistant has not answered the phone.

Our reporter Wang Zhenguo

"Taiping round" that is, the original "1949"

John dreams of many years of the first theatrical film

At last year's Cannes Film Festival, John Woo announced that it would and Zhang Zhen, Song Co-production movie "1949." The film was John described as a tragic love color movies. John Woo did not pure romance, love movies and want to make him want to have nearly 20 years, so "1949" is quite concerned about John Woo fans.

At that time, John said, "1949" will be composed of three love stories, it will be chaos during the three pairs of lovers悲欢离合drama group, but also about the fate of Chinese literature and art films and feelings: "This is a dream for me for many years, I think literary and artistic aspects of making movies a long time. "

Zhang Zhen Song featuring star

Michelle Yeoh joined谭耀文

According to the original plan, "1949" should be started at the end of last year, and strive in 2009, "eleven" screened, but later pushed to begin shooting this summer. Artists who have starred in the film郑浩南also revealed in an interview, "1949" would be an "Oriental Titanic" story. The entire movie took place in a boat, in addition to Song and Zhang Zhen, Michelle Yeoh,谭耀文and others will also participate in performances.

Earlier this year, "Red Cliff (Part Two)" premiere, the wife of John Cow Chunlong also said that John had already completed their "1949" script. On the John Woo movie for everyone at boot time when the countdown, but all of a sudden news, "1949" plan ran aground. Early February, John Woo's partner Zhang Zhen have been disclosed at the press conference, "1949" may not be photographed, why investors are going back on its word, so that the script to add an extra layer of copyright issues. In this regard, Zhang Zhen bluntly: "I do not want to be put the other side of me, like when the new play, together with the United States has large companies in June to find John Woo movie, I want to find a solution as soon as possible and, if necessary, to abandon the" 1949 "."

The same ship

Meaningful than the Titanic sink

Are apart from romance, the "1949" is also a large, John said that at the end of the film are the wheel "round of peace" of the sinking. Although "Titanic" similar, but certainly there is a different approach, Taiping round sink is also of great significance.

Zhang Zhen and Song结缘at last year's Asian Film Awards in Hong Kong, the two main characters are also actively preparing for a long time for the film, it is learned that Song in the "1949" played a pathetic woman. And "peaceful round of" whether the will use the term "1949" the same people, now has not been news reporter.

Extended reading

"Taiping round" from the true story

Ship owners are蔡康永father

Glory in 1949 resulted in the largest shipwreck case belong to the peaceful rotation of joint shipping company, the operators are Tianduo Cai Cai Tianduo son is now China Taiwan show host, writer蔡康永.

Taiping round by the U.S. design and manufacturing, is a short-range use for carriers, Tatsu a displacement of 2489 tons. At the Second World War, this ship's main task is to supply Chinese rear combat readiness needs. However, Japan in order to cut off the supply, tend to concentrate firepower to sink such a transport supply. So the U.S. military deliberately design such a ship's hull into a lightweight thin in order to speed up navigation.

Cai Tianduo chaired Zhonglian lines have been prominent at the early years, at the end of the Second World War, in conjunction Ferry Company bought the Pacific round of funding, and start date from 1948 and from Shanghai, Keelung, sank in January 1949 to date, a total of 35 times the cross-strait flight.

Sinking of the then Chinese, from the mainland to Taiwan banban ticket and the ticket was crowded and hard to get one ticket. Shanghai Bund is the influx of much want to go to Taiwan to carry families of the people. January 27, 1949 (the day before the Lunar New Year's Eve) night, peaceful round of uploaded more than 1,000 passengers, have the printing equipment and supplies such as munitions, overloading the situation very serious.

Songhu Guard Command was released martial law at sea, the vessel should not hang lights. In addition, because of小年夜are the reason, there is a saying that the crew that night casual comparison. A variety of reasons led to no points on the Pacific round lights, hit another vessel at sea, loaded with coal and timber cargo Jianyuan. Taiping substantial water wheel, hold for 15 minutes after the sinking. More than 1,000 people on board fell into the water, a few hours later an Australian warship rescued 38 people came, and the remaining passengers, such as the master contains all drowning thousands of people freezing to death.

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Guest SweetKYO

Butterfly time international cultural brokers Ltd.


"Butterfly time" (Butterfly Meadia Entertainment Co,. Ltd) was established in August 2008, with registered capital of 1,000 million yuan. "Butterfly Era" with its own powerful front-line artist resources at home and abroad, "Butterfly Time" is committed to excellence overseas to promote the domestic film and television artists. Companies that currently have production, brokerage, marketing, planning and other functional departments, employees dozens of people.

Based on the highly competitive entertainment industry, "Butterfly Time" has its own unique professional perspective - Choice Male Artist of cooperation are: William Li, Han Jae-seok, Daniel - Henry, Dennis - Wu, Ji Jin-hee, Kwon Sang - woo, Kim Ji-hoon, TIM, Won Bin, etc.; female artist of the main aspects of cooperation have Song, South Korea intelligence, Zheng Lai Court, etc.; and with a number of Performing Arts Korea brokerage firm cooperation, such as "The Sam Company", "Star M" and so on.

"Butterfly Time" are using their own ideals and dedication to create their own piece of the sky, for the entertainment industry to join together with the new beautiful colors!

Chinese > English swapTranslate

Won Bin & SHK are included in the choices of this media ent. co.

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Guest laila85

Our reporter Wang Zhenguo

The same ship

Meaningful than the Titanic sink

Are apart from romance, the "1949" is also a large, John said that at the end of the film are the wheel "round of peace" of the sinking. Although "Titanic" similar, but certainly there is a different approach, Taiping round sink is also of great significance.

Zhang Zhen and Song结缘at last year's Asian Film Awards in Hong Kong, the two main characters are also actively preparing for a long time for the film, it is learned that Song in the "1949" played a pathetic woman. And "peaceful round of" whether the will use the term "1949" the same people, now has not been news reporter.

pathetic woman :sweatingbullets::blink::ph34r: , what does it mean, i thought she plays a general daughter, no?

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^could be there's a slight change in the plot :huh:

it seems another tear jerker one for Kyo, a sad love story WOW....

she definitely can make us cry along with her :rolleyes:


guys... juz a gentle reminder.... start storing tissue papers now :P

and.... medicated oil too for standby, in case develop headaches... an after effect of too much crying :lol:

@baidu - google trans :D(on the reason title is changed)

In addition, Sohu also learned by Zhang Zhen, Song as the leading actor, director John Woo's "1949" has been renamed "Pacific Wheel", will continue and Film Co-production. The reason why the name, first, except for China in 1949 is a special day, also improved after the title is also more in line with the background of the story.

i noticed there're ... Pacific Wheel, Peace Wheel, Taiping Round, Tai Pin Lun :blink:

thanks kim, silverbeam, Bwear & SweetKYO for the news :)

I Hope SHK is Numero Uno....

hi Saia.... pardon me, is NU a name of a person? :unsure:

i only knew.... there's a card game by the name of "Uno" :P

HI ssmilebigg.... Welcome to HyeKyo's Wonderful Thread :rolleyes:

hihi deka & laila.... just MIA for a while :D

btw deka, congrats! you have passed 2,000 marks :w00t:

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Bwear, hope you don't mind me to quote your trans to 1949 thread. Thanks for the trans, happy to hear about the news and if Andy Lau joins the casts, it would be even better :w00t: .

I'm excited to see how the movie turns out as JW is known for his action/triller/macho movies and I wonder how it is for him to make a tearjerker movie :rolleyes:

Thanks for posting the news too sweetKyo :D .

Print screen from the link of sweetKyo


I will post the whole trans article with pic later on at 1949 thread.


Andy Lau


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^could be there's a slight change in the plot :huh:

it seems another tear jerker one for Kyo, a sad love story WOW....

she definitely can make us cry along with her :rolleyes:

i noticed there're ... Pacific Wheel, Peace Wheel, Taiping Round, Tai Pin Lun :blink:

hihi deka & laila.... just MIA for a while :D

btw deka, congrats! you have passed 2,000 marks :w00t:

hi putriN... where were you dear..? :unsure::Pyeah i passed 2000...2 days ago :)

i noticed too ... differ source have the differ title :lol:

Thanks for posting the news too sweetKyo :D .

Print screen from the link of sweetKyo


Andy Lau


utkim thanks for posting the pic dear :) .. btw the first pic is CC.. right ? :P

ps : wow... page 1600 !!! :w00t:

have you noticed guys.. shk thread is the first actress thread break record for 1600 pages :D

Congrats to all of us, SHKers :)

and here's my fave shk's pic :)


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^It's CC dear :D . I post the article here too since we seldom over 1949 thread, a pity thread :( . Hope it's ok. Of course it's google trans, but i thought it's quite readable for us, so..Please feel free to correct since this is just a google trans, so it might not be correct.

Chinese version of John Woo built the Titanic


"Red Cliff" are working together again after the shooting Film "peace wheel"

John Woo's new preparations for the past year as "1949" also Chuanxin changes, it is reported that Central Motion Pictures Corporation Chairman Han Sanping revealed that John Woo has officially reached an agreement with the Central Motion Pictures co-production film "Taiping round", that is, the previous "1949." Reporter confirmation on the matter, the Central Motion Pictures WENG spokesman said that the South Korea at three ping "the founding of the great cause of" shooting the scene has clearly announced that John Woo Film in cooperation with the "Peace Wheel", but details not yet clear.The film producer Zhang Zhen Phone status is turned off, John Woo Chan assistant has not answered the phone.

"Taiping round" that is, the original "1949"

John dreams of many years of the first theatrical film

At last year's Cannes Film Festival, John Woo announced that it would and Zhang Zhen, Song Co-production movie "1949." The film was John described as a tragic love color movies. John Woo did not pure romance, love movies and want to make him want to have nearly 20 years, so "1949" is quite concerned about John Woo fans.

At that time, John said, "1949" will be composed of three love stories, it will be chaos during the three pairs of lovers drama group, but also about the fate of Chinese literature and art films and feelings: "This is a dream for me for many years, I think literary and artistic aspects of making movies a long time. "


Zhang Zhen Song featuring star

Michelle Yeoh joined

According to the original plan, "1949" should be started at the end of last year, and strive in 2009, "eleven" screened, but later pushed to begin shooting this summer. Artists who have starred in the film also revealed in an interview, "1949" would be an "Oriental Titanic" story. The entire movie took place in a boat, in addition to Song and Zhang Zhen, Michelle Yeoh, and others will also participate in performances.

Earlier this year, "Red Cliff (Part Two)" premiere, the wife of John Cow Chunlong also said that John had already completed their "1949" script. On the John Woo movie for everyone at boot time when the countdown, but all of a sudden news, "1949" plan ran aground. 2. Early February, John Woo's partner Zhang Zhen have been disclosed at the press conference, "1949" may not be photographed, why investors are going back on its word, so that the script to add an extra layer of copyright issues. ” In this regard, Zhang Zhen bluntly: "I do not want to be put the other side of me, like when the new play, together with the United States has large companies in June to find John Woo movie, I want to find a solution as soon as possible and, if necessary, to abandon the" 1949 "."

The same ship

Meaningful than the Titanic sink

Are apart from romance, the "1949" is also a large, John said that at the end of the film are the wheel "round of peace" of the sinking. Although "Titanic" similar, but certainly there is a different approach, Taiping round sink is also of great significance.

Zhang Zhen and Song结缘at last year's Asian Film Awards in Hong Kong, the two main characters are also actively preparing for a long time for the film, it is learned that Song in the "1949" played a pathetic woman. And "peaceful round of" whether the will use the term "1949" the same people, now has not been news reporter.

Extended reading

"Taiping round" from the true story


Steamship companies in conjunction operators Tianduo Cai, and he is China Taiwan show host, writer蔡康永father.

Glory in 1949 resulted in the largest shipwreck case belong to the peaceful rotation of joint shipping company, the operators are Tianduo Cai Cai Tianduo son is now China Taiwan show host, writer蔡康永.

Taiping round by the U.S. design and manufacturing, is a short-range use for carriers, Tatsu a displacement of 2489 tons. At the Second World War, this ship's main task is to supply Chinese rear combat readiness needs. However, Japan in order to cut off the supply, tend to concentrate firepower to sink such a transport supply. So the U.S. military deliberately design such a ship's hull into a lightweight thin in order to speed up navigation.

Cai Tianduo chaired Zhonglian lines have been prominent at the early years, at the end of the Second World War, in conjunction Ferry Company bought the Pacific round of funding, and start date from 1948 and from Shanghai, Keelung, sank in January 1949 to date, a total of 35 times the cross-strait flight.

Sinking of the then Chinese, from the mainland to Taiwan banban ticket and the ticket was crowded and hard to get one ticket. Shanghai Bund is the influx of much want to go to Taiwan to carry families of the people. January 27, 1949 (the day before the Lunar New Year's Eve) night, peaceful round of uploaded more than 1,000 passengers, have the printing equipment and supplies such as munitions, overloading the situation very serious.

Songhu Guard Command was released martial law at sea, the vessel should not hang lights. In addition, because of小年夜are the reason, there is a saying that the crew that night casual comparison. A variety of reasons led to no points on the Pacific round lights, hit another vessel at sea, loaded with coal and timber cargo Jianyuan. Taiping substantial water wheel, hold for 15 minutes after the sinking. More than 1,000 people on board fell into the water, a few hours later an Australian warship rescued 38 people came, and the remaining passengers, such as the master contains all drowning thousands of people freezing to death.


Taiping round legend has been circulating since the tragedy, a number of literary fiction will be the background of this story. Such as Pai Hsien-yung's "disgrace Sin Ji" put the story of the heroine portrayed as both parents were killed in Taiping round case.Later, "Sally Hutchison disgrace" by director Xie Jin filming for the movie adaptation of "The Last Aristocrats" are Pan Hong heroine, which was then starring Brigitte Lin Xie Jin insist can not be used as a compromise



Congratulations to SHKers for 1600 pages :D

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Guest Janie Simply

utkim, CC looks sneaky in that picture; I think SHK has similar kind of pose with huge shade too; So finally... our romantic wish has been pushed through :)

Thanks for the article above; so that's the real 'Taiping' story; sounds tragic and sad. Glad the script has been revised to suit the movie storyline :sweatingbullets:

Regardless..., media still prefers to refer the new film as Oriental Titanic ;)

Read from Baidu... SHK states that she feels privilege to be recruited for 'Taiping' and since it is Director Woo's first project on romantic epic, he will definitely has his passionate style of directing the movie and she is anticipating greatly for the filming to start. She denies that her participation in 'Taiping' is in hope of landing into Hollywood in the nearest future but responded wittily that if 'Taiping' will introduce her to the world or rather let the world know about her, hey why not :rolleyes:

ps : wow... have you noticed guys.. shk thread is the first actress thread break record for 1600 pages :D

Really? Aigoo... her fans are such great chatterbox... just like woodpeckers :lol:

Deka, me haven't been feeling well... attacked by laryngitis and was voiceless & now having this sexy & hoarseness of voice etc

i noticed there're ... Pacific Wheel, Peace Wheel, Taiping Round, Tai Pin Lun :blink:

Wah, so observant B)

Aish..., since I am one of those chatterbox..., let's chat... :P

Here's simple explanation using my limited chinese to un-google the puzzling above :sweatingbullets:

太平 pronounces as Tai Ping;

pronounces Lun

"Lun" can mean wheel too but here specifically it is another term for steamship or vessel to carry passengers

太平Pacific Wheel -- Tai ping here can refer to "Pacific" as in "Tai Ping Yang" --> "Pacific Ocean" or like SHK is the Goodwill Ambassador for the "Pacific" region

太平 Peace Wheel -- Tai ping here refers to "Peace" as in "Tian Xia Tai Ping" --> meaning "in the state of peace" under a great leadership

Just like to mention that there were two Taiping ships...

one is 太平轮 "Taiping Lun" which was a passenger cruise liner where CC and SHK will center their story in

and the other is 太平艦 "Taiping Jen" which was a battleship exclusively for navy used; 艦 "Jen" in chinese is a battleship

When several destroyer escorts were presented to China one such warship was named 太平艦 -->"Tai Ping Jen"... must be for "PEACE" sake in the midst of war

It was recorded that "Taiping Jen" was destroyed by a torpedo during the war in 1954 and that Taiping Lun was bombed in 1949.

P.s. Here's a pic of DE similar to "Taiping Jen" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Destroyer_escort

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^WHOAAAAAAAAA!!! you get me excited all over again :w00t:

finally, CC can has a deep sigh of relief :lol: but isn’t he suppose to start shooting WKW's film :unsure:

many thanks dear for the in-depth info on "Taiping" adapted for this most anticipated tragic love story ever :wub:

it seems that the story still centers around 1949 year... shall we expect a post-war plot or something :unsure:

judging from your experience with that ahjuma.... "1949" original plot may cause some stirs, touching those sensitive issues... that definitely must be avoided <_<

the link you provided from wiki is very informative thumbsup.gif

Read from Baidu... SHK states that she feels privilege to be recruited for 'Taiping' and since it is Director Woo's first project on romantic epic, he will definitely has his passionate style of directing the movie and she is anticipating greatly for the filming to start. She denies that her participation in 'Taiping' is in hope of landing into Hollywood in the nearest future but responded wittily that if 'Taiping' will introduce her to the world or rather let the world know about her, hey why not :rolleyes:

awwww.... she can be humorous around reporters if she wants to let her guard down :D

Really? Aigoo... her fans are such great chatterbox... just like woodpeckers :lol:

Deka, me haven't been feeling well... attacked by laryngitis and was voicless & now having this sexy & hoarseness of voice etc

Aish..., since I am one of those chatterbox..., let's chat... :P

haha.... like idol like fans :lol:

and mind you jan.... don't forget, you're the leader hihihi.gif

aigoo... poor leader.... i have this antidote if you want to recover fast.... you have to scream the chorus of,

"Total Eclipse of the Heart" or "Holding for a Hero" by Bonnie Taylor.... really loud and to your heart content too :P

ps : wow... page 1600 !!! :w00t:

have you noticed guys.. shk thread is the first actress thread break record for 1600 pages :D

Congrats to all of us, SHKers :)

needless to say, of cos we noticed that happy-1.gif


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Song Hye Kyo's beauty secrets, YouTube Topics [sports Chosun] Sunday, March 15, 2009 9:21


"Song's secret beauty" YouTube become a topic :sweatingbullets:


Recently, live in UK a chinese lady, @ YT "Song Hye Kyo is the secret of beauty", the subject of the video made by the introduction of make-up method of U.S. concern.

"Korea is the actress knows how pretty private, especially Song Hye Kyo!" Beginning with the subtitle of this video with a variety of Song Hye Kyo Natural Makeup, said the process in detail. South Korea to cover the defect using the product of the whole process transparent make-up the whole process of law. :blink:

Comments by movie fans around the world that this interest was hot.

"'This is my favorite look and Korean Actress" (annie2062003)

"Thanks for this really beautiful natural look! " (DorkyLimabean) and other reactions.

<Jeonsanghui reporter nowater@sportschosun.com>


i checked YT... i think this is the link :rolleyes:


Laneige mgt must be thankful for this video making.... Free Advertising Promo for them :D

HAVE A 237975njc79ib3cq.gif SHKers !

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^chingu thanks for the news :D and indeed a free promo for Laneige .

Chingu Jan, Thanks for all the great info, now I learned a bit more :D

I know that pic CC looks a bit sneaky, I will find a better pic more suitable with her pic :P .

Hope you feel better dear.

and we are indeed a great chatterbox :lol:

Happy Sunday, SHKers :D

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Guest laila85

What a great info, Janie and kim. That google trans wasnt bad at all :lol:

A bit more info from Baidu, it said the movie will be shot in several cities in China, while Tianjin will be the first place for shooting.

Congrats for 1600 pages, this thread has always been a great thread to camp. Fighting!!!

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Guest eztefie

Is it true that LMH really like song hye kyo? He mentioned her many times in some interviews but i can't understand them cause i'm not korean.

could someone translate them for me please?

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Guest laila85

Is it true that LMH really like song hye kyo? He mentioned her many times in some interviews but i can't understand them cause i'm not korean.

could someone translate them for me please?

keke, most of us here arent Korean neither, we use our most translation power: google :D . How much correct the translation is, Im not sure. But I believe he likes her a lot, hehe. Here is a little trans from my earlier post , but you can read this trans with caution :P

Since I have a bit free time now before I have to back my study on next week, here is another one of LMH :P


He said he wants to act with SHK and he wants to meet her :P

His thoughts about her: Elegant, classic & attractive and he likes her petite size :P

He loves her performance in HJN and he loves her white skin :P

Corrections are welcome :D

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^i'm amused by these smileys ( :P ) that ends your every sentence on him :D

yeah right.... basically, his ideal type is someone with white skin like SHK and he wish he would have

a chance to collab with her, preferably as her lover :sweatingbullets:

wait a minute.... i can hear his hyungs screaming "NOOOOOOOOOOOO WAY!" :lol:

utkim, CC looks sneaky in that picture; I think SHK has similar kind of pose with huge shade too; So finally... our romantic wish has been pushed through :)

jan, i believe this is the pic you're referring to :D i know there's another but i think this one suits better :)


yes, soon it will be cruising amidst the very much huha past weeks :rolleyes:

since the first location is at Tianjin... probably, the ship will be docked there ? :unsure:


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