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Your Ideal Guy

Guest ZeroFungus

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Guest Mentos

kim jaejoong, but with a bit more meat.

& christian.

i prefer my guys korean, tall, not tone deaf, and straight edge (jj's not though, but i'll take him anytime).

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EVERYTIHNG about DYB, his voice, his dancing, the way he dress, his STARE, during his interviews about how he wants a GF, he sounds sooo sweet and understanding. He said something like he would like one but hes so busy and thatll make him feel like a bad bf cause hes always working. =]

except his height.. we're the same height. haha maybe if he was 4-5 inches taller than me




^ LOL hes so cute. =]

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Guest kissvsradio

I find this really amusing because it's pretty obvious these standards won't matter in the end, but I kind of want to post, haha.

It's really anyone that would take me for my flaws, and have a personality that outshines their physical appearance. Of course appearance is important but a pretty face only counts for so much.

But ideal?

Height does matter - Taller than me and I'm about 5'7".

Healthy! Lean? Really skinny boys make me feel bad since I'm not as thin as I used to be, heh. But he doesn't have to be REALLY toned just fit enough to go jogging with me in the mornings and to play sports with me.

Smart - I kind of like those academic boys, but as long as he's not lazy so he can study with me.

Integrity - I value mine so he should too. No drugs/alcohol/smoking/etc. either.

Musical talent would be nice, I play violin so we could do stuff together, haha.

Hair? I don't really like LONG hair but grown-out hair is nice, if that makes sense? It should just fit his style. Fringe is okay, but not too much of course.

Straight teeth never hurt, but I know perfect skin is a impossible.

Clothing? He should be able to dress himself to suit his taste but not overly concerned or narcisstic. Maybe not so much hip hop though. His clothes should fit and make him look presentable but still unique.

I guess music plays into clothing, and I like indie rock/pop for the most part.

He should be able to think for himself and hold good conversation and even argue with me.

uhhhhm...I don't think this is really going anywhere. hahahaha.

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Guest babiixswt

He has to be asian.

- amazing personality (understanding, trustworthy, honest, kind, gentle)

- a cute smile

- dorky

- taller than me

- athletic

Other than that I don't care.

I find that personality completely overlooks appearance.

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Guest chocopocky

My ideal guy was always there in real life but now he left. :(

I feel stupid for not doing anything.

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Guest Esteroo

HMMM well i pretty much like tall, skinny guys that are kinda built. like enough muscles that are visible but not like raging, bulging RIPPED guys. HAHAHA

but i like guys that have a real gentle side to them but can also be tough at the same time..


Tim, Shim Changmin, Yeon Jung Hoon


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Guest marvinoppa

this thread is sexist and objectifies men. men are human beings, not objects for women to ogle over. you girls disgust me.

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Guest catsinheat

this thread is sexist and objectifies men. men are human beings, not objects for women to ogle over. you girls disgust me.

shut up and get me a beer.

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Guest lshluvr


Older (but not ridiculously older)

Skinny/muscular <3

Asian (except only one person is an exception)

VERY good-looking (clear skin, nice jaw, big eyes, etc...)

Funny but NEVER cracks corny jokes

Fluent Korean, English, and another language




Stylish but not big on name brands


Has a good background :phew:



Can play piano

Can dance

Can sing

Not very hairy

Has his eyes only for ME :lol:

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-more than 170 cm but less than 180 cm

-handsome face

-caring; romantic; has sense of humor; understanding

-not a player; loyal

-always gv me roses XD

-can sing; dance; compose song

-good education (better than me or equal)

-has 6-packs; muscles at arm (lol)

-awesome hair

-makes me happy; comfortable; protected when i'm around him


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I've noticed that a lot of girls make lists of what they want in a man, and that men, make lists of things they can offer a woman.

I say, we stop making demands on one another. We should learn to live with and respect each other instead of offering ourselves up as meat for the sacrifice. I for one do not like the lewd comments and richard simmons pinching that occurs on public transportation. (yes ive had my richard simmons pinched on a public bus by an extremely large black woman. i was scurred) :tears:

pg 27 pwnd

man marvin

you are really hilarious

xD your killing me!

I like this thread it helps me arrange goals to raise my self esteem


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Guest xTwilight

-knows how to use his power tools. Women like handy guys that can fill a hole or two in the house.

-starcraft 400 APM and micro's on a touchscreen. Women like guys that are good with their hands.

-has taken some lessons on manipulation of wood (aka manufacturing skills). That way, he can create new things for himself and his woman.

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Guest catsinheat

-knows how to use his power tools. Women like handy guys that can fill a hole or two in the house.

-starcraft 400 APM and micro's on a touchscreen. Women like guys that are good with their hands.

-has taken some lessons on manipulation of wood (aka manufacturing skills). That way, he can create new things for himself and his woman.

why did this make me lol.

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Guest ShaMaox3

When I think about my ideal guy, I could go on for hours! But I don't think there really is a guy that can match up to all the things we would like them to.

My ideal guy:

-Super SHY

-Very sweet

-NOT conceited

-Dresses nicely

-Knows what to say and when to say something


-Very knowledgeable

-Has to be taller than me

-NOT skinnier than me!

I have a boyfriend and he doesn't match up to all the things I like in a ideal guy. But he comes pretty close. The only thing I don't like about my boyfriend is that he's conceited. HAHA!

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Guest tjh246

I don't like bad boys.

boyish, child-like(NOT childish)




I'm just describing Lee Dong Hae. lol

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Guest freetshirtsorg


Emotional (not EMO; basically has feelings similar to caring)

Dresses reasonably well, (not long shirts with boxers sticking out ew.)

Tactful (unlike me)


Is an intellectual (someone I can have a convo with about anything)



CONFIDENT. I hate guys who are insecure sorry.



Fun to be around

Has a secure steady job that's better than mine (w/e that ends up being)

Has potential to be a good father. yay maternal instincts.

Willing to do housework.

A romantic would be nice and it would also be nice if they were older than me and taller.

Looks shouldn't matter, but I'm slightly biased like all humans.

Of course mis parientes want me to get married to a Korean guy, but I'm not limiting myself.

I really don't think the characteristics above (minus the last sentence) are unreasonable.

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