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Realize ☆ミ

Guest fantasiimaker

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Guest fantasiimaker
and two requested clips ^^
>[get up and try!] melody. - Realize This is a song that I've been wanting to sing for a while =) So I've been semi-working on it up until now~ it's finally complete! It's such a catchy song ^^ the more you listen, the better it sounds XD (to me at least) I hope this one causes you to NOT say "Lisaaa slow songs suit you better," etc etc. WHAT IF I like upbeat songs <___< ..anyway please give this one a listen, as I've put quite some effort into its completion ^_^ Funnily enough, both of the following requested songs are slow songs ^^; Janice - My Eyes Don't Lie <---requested by JJames I enjoyed singing this one =) It has really pretty lyrics. But the low verses killed me xD So ignore those if you can. I hope I fulfilled your expectations, if even by a little! Rachel Lampa - If You Believe <---requested by Ocean-J Sorry Ocean-J, I can't do the other song(s) after all xD; My favorite part of this song is the first verse ^^ The original is lovely to listen to, but I learned this rather quickly so sorry for the mistakes xD;; If you have no time, just listen to Realize please ^^ Thank you!
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Guest luvjunjin0819

YAY....i'm 1st!

"realize" --- right away, I loved it! u are awesome, Lisa! i swear, u never disappoint me! I love it when u sing the high parts w/ such ease....which is something i wish i could do. I like this song, it's got a nice beat and ur voice fits nicely.

"if you believe" --- this was pretty good. U seem to struggle with the lower notes a lil bit ... but I still like it...ur voice is always lovely. this sounds like a pretty song too.

"my eyes don't lie" --- i think lower ranges are not best for u...but u get thru them nicely...maybe juss some more work on singing lower. dun worry girl, i'm the same way when it comes to singing low. this song is pretty and I like the lyrics.

OVERALL : U R AWESOME!! no doubt about it!! :D

and ohhh....i am trying to record new songs...some have yet to be mixed and others, well...I juss am not satisfied with the outcome. U have anything in particular in mind for me???????

*goes off and listens to ur "heaven" version*

Take care,

Tab ;)

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Guest Ocean-J

awww... it's sad that u couldn't sing kylie dean.. and it's even more sad that u didn't finish the song... HOWEVER... I LOVEDD it... it was nice and a nice change... thanks for doing the request for me... ^_^ and yup i did listen to realize .. it sounds soo happie.. i like it too... ^_^ ... keep up the good work...

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Guest juki_love

i like those songs: Realize and My Eyes Don't Lie++

did u make a vocal cut for My Eyes Don't Lie? i'm trying to find instrumentals for all those songs on her album ><.. but there seems to be none..


My Eyes Don't Lie -- u make the high notes easy to sing~~ hmm yea u do struggle to get those low notes, but it still sounds fine the way u sang the whole song^^

Realize -- i dunno wt to say abt this clip... coz i liked it!!~~ but i think sometimes when u make a transition to the higher notes, it goes a teeny weeny bit pitchy. BUT i still like the clip overall++

(didn't get time to listen to the last clip)

great job on all the clips ++ post more post more!!

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Guest animagelet

Realizee- OHohohoho i thought you maybe sang Boa's or Nami's Realize. X.x But i love how you sang this. Sounds like such a happyy songg. Your voice is clear and happy sounding here. It really suits you <33

If you Believe - I personally don't like this onggg. But I love the way you sangg thiss! The way you ended each note is perfecttt

My Eyes Don't Lie - YOU make the LOW NOTES SOUND SO SEXYY. Seriously. :D I love this. You sang SO high *_* wowwww. You sang everything so beautifully. I sometimes picture stuff in my head when I hear ppl sing.. And you vibratto reminds me of something dancing in the wind. T.T;; Don't ask why.

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Guest _MaJa_1234

So many songs to listen to :D

realize: I hope you do more upbeat songs from now on ^^ because they sound just as good as your slow songs.

If You Belive: Really pretty start and the whole song remained steady.

My eyes don't lie: I don't think low range songs are for you. They don't do you justiiccceeeee パワアア!! Everything else is really pretty as usual ^___^

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Guest fantasiimaker

tab - XD as I said, the lows kill me T__T funny, since I used to think I was better at low than high. oh well, I guess it depends XD; thank you for the more in-depth review =)

Ocean-J - I'm sorry I couldn't finish the song >__< after a while, I just couldn't feel it anymore xD; sorry m(_ _)m I just really liked the beginning ^^

juki_love - yep, I did a vocal cut ^^ thanks for noticing the transition-pitchiness on Realize! That was one of my biggest weaknesses on that song, which was why I'd been working on it ^^; I'll try to improve next time =)

animagelet - XDD I wish I could sing Nami's Realize. And BoA has a song called Realize? x__X hahaha~ *dances in the wind*

phantom.leonhart - why, yes it is =) I didn't think I had an accent though, as I'm quite fluent in the language. did you pick out something?

xx0_gigi - ^^ thanks!

maja - 聴いてくれてありがとう!!マジャも, もっと歌ってね!^^

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Guest babiixru




OMINA! what do u mean I improve?! YOU improve with every song. if you believe, i love your emotion. still working on those lower notes i see! keep at it =) my eyes don't lie *ear-gasm* that's all that needs to be said :D oh and besides that this was my favorite song out of this batch (; and realize, the high notes you sing with such ease. i swear your voice is transforming from the lullaby beautiful voice to a more soulful-more powery-voice infused with tints of lullabyishness. =) :wub: FANTASIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-tic job har har :lol:

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realize - hmm i like this song. you sound so young and happy. i like it :D hehe this makes me happy

if you believe - lampa is so good. you did pretty good. the beginning, some transitions were not so clear. but you pulled off really well later on. i enjoyed it. :D

i only listened to these two cuz.. erm.. yeah. haha :D :D

i love you lisa ! <33

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Guest conversebunny

realize- I like this song, it's really upbeat and happy! and I think you did a great job breaking out of your usual ballad-songs image...upbeat songs suit you just as well as slow songs do! sounds great! you should sing more songs like this one!!

if you believe- and of course, you still always sound amazing on slow songs too! I like how you handled the higher notes...you do those turns beautifully!

my eyes don't lie- this song has lovely lyrics <3 although a couple of the low notes didn't come out, it wasn't such a big deal because everything else sounded so great.

I enjoyed these songs a lot!! I really think your hard work on Realize paid off because it turned out really well! keep it up! :)

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Guest kristiniee

awh.. i like the first one.. [[= didn`t listen to the rest of them.. lol.. sorries. but i`m SURE they are good. cause i sure did like the first one (=

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Realize.. wow this song really matches your voice! but seems like everything u sing does :D sounds soo good.. hheehe

i love the chorus...

My Eyes Don't Lie... WOW! i'm really impressed! u did the low notes as well!! me like me like! thankyou for for fufilling the request :D

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Guest marshmellow

I let my sister listen to you a few times and she couldn't tell that you weren't professional. Haha.

So pretty, like always. (: Beautiful job.

Sorry, I can't critique because I don't know a THING about detail. XD

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Guest hmaster

The strange thing I find with your singing is that it's quite relaxed. Which then has a calming effect on me. Even with your more upbeat songs.

I think what i'm saying is while it's unusual, it's not unwelcome.

Great job. ^^

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realize: wow.. u started so good and so cool!! but then at 01,20 ur voice became softer, and abit diff style from the first part.... ? dno how to explain.. Very well done!! ur voice is so good and as hmaster said, it has a calming effect!! haha

janice song: here ur high notes were very gd as usual, but the low ones were imo abit weak, but still good =)

if u believe: this song hasnt alot of high notes ... therefore not as gd as the others u sang.. hehe

ur so pro, supports ~~

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Guest hmaster

after listening to it (on repeat all morning) I have also come to the conclusion your vocals were too loud and the overall mix kind of lacking in oomph..

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