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[drama 2008] Who Are You? 누구세요

Guest yeohweping

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Guest sakura_dubai

waaaaaaa~ it's great drama.. i dunno maybe because there are few SH & YD moments.. but ep 13 is good.. epsecially the ending.. i wonder if SH will tell YD the truth about the painting infront of that guy [not bothered to remember the name kekek~]

however, ep 13 wasn't WOW~ maybe because this week we are suppose to watch 13 and 14 .. that's why.. so i guess ep 14 will be WOOOOOOOW... ah~ anyway.. there are three eps left, ne? i want to watch more.. but i also hope no sad ending here ><

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Guest Jinny617

Some of the BG music pieces (the violent) reminds me of the movie, Titanic . D= It gives me a sad feeling.

If I'm not mistaken, Mr Reaper is totally watching the Titanic in one of the earlier episodes, in his theatre. =| Right?

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Guest Yehbaby

thanks all for the detailed dialogues, hats off! people like me who don't understand korean, this was very helpful.

i really liked ep 12, many scenes, my fav was the car scene, where SH laughed (if im not wrong, first time he laughed out loud as SH & not as SHD).. it was so adorable that right now since morning, i had been replaying the scenes (call me crazy if you want) :lol:

the soccer ball conversation was so sweet, all those things that SH did at the orphanage (although it was SHD) but still he was so adorable!

the last scene at the secret painting hideout, the conversation between SH & YI was so nice and touching!

i know, i loved that last scene too! :blush:

and SH was so adorable laughing like a carefree child...you can virtually see his built-up defensive wall from years of neglect melting away....aww. it broke my heart to see little SH's flashback scenes at the orphanage. :tears:

something tells me that at the last moment, SH's half-brother will turn around and help SH when he is put in steep danger. but he must get over his jealousy of SH first. SH's half brother doesn't seem like a truely evil guy. who can blame him for being resentful of his lot in life with such lousy parents? :angry:

can't wait to see how the final three episodes will play out....

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U Can find the rating here

still angry wny s the so low!

Thank you for the link to the rating. Me too I feel angry. Who Are You is very entertaining....it really deserve much more attention in Korea. Why??? What do viewers want to see in a drama? I hope the rating will not discourage the actors and actresses too much!! They are doing a fantastic job.

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Guest kyelin

the rating still low, ya?

well.. i think there is no dvd and i have to satisfied watching this drama at youtube w/out subs

i'm not complaining.. no, it's not what i meant

i really appreciate for everything u've already given (the links, caps, summaries, the picky translations)

it's really heplful for someone who doesn't understand korea esp. me

just keep up the good work, guys!

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Guest littlemafia

can some1 help me?

i want to dload who are you OST in mp3..

but i saw only in wma..

or u guys can teach me to convert wma to mp3..

i still open my torrent @d-addicts to dload the OST but it didnt move at all.. :tears:

thanks a lot guys

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Guest sakura_dubai

Thank you for the link to the rating. Me too I feel angry. Who Are You is very entertaining....it really deserve much more attention in Korea. Why??? What do viewers want to see in a drama? I hope the rating will not discourage the actors and actresses too much!! They are doing a fantastic job.

yes, i agree.. it deserves more attention.. but we can't do anything.. they should count us internaitonal fans.. i'm sure the rating will go up very very very high hehehehe~

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i do agree tt this show deserve a higher rating as yks is doing really great. i jus dont understand why. is it bcos it dosnt have big casts but i thk the most important is the chem betwn the casts in this drama has got the warmnness in it. i really cant stand it tt i email to the director of mbc but no reply.

i am gg crazy if this drama so gd still cant make it tt mean tt there will be less companies want to look for yks to be in any dramas.

i have waited 2 yrs for his dramas and movies. pls don do this to him i want to see more of his products

2 dramas and 2 movies are not enough for me compare to 2 long years of waitg

pls don condemn him.......

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Guest Q_Park

yes, i agree.. it deserves more attention.. but we can't do anything.. they should count us internaitonal fans.. i'm sure the rating will go up very very very high hehehehe~

Right? They should count the international fans because then the ratings would be higher than they are now. ;)

- Kyu

PS. Anybody else want me to translate any other scene??? :)

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Guest Sammi83

I think YI will play a major part in helping SH reconcile with his father. YI lost her father, and SH can see how much IG cares for his daughter. SH might even envy their relationship and that will cause him to persue a relationship between him n his own father. We still don't know what his life was like after he was adopted, so maybe he didn't get a lot of parental love when he was younger. Sometimes kids who are adopted are not adopted by the best parents and for the wrong reasons.

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Guest azaazajoojihoon

I just started to watch this drama recently. It's really good although I have been avoiding it. I do have an opinion of some of the characters of this drama. Mainly, I'm concerned about the dad. I understand that the drama is supposed to come off as Son Il Gun, a loving father who misses his daughter and wants to do anything he can to help her while she is left in the world all alone, but I have an impression that he is sorta a jerk. Yes, I understand that Cha Seung Hyo is a jerk, and he is supposed to come off as one, but I get the impression that he does what he does for his own reasons. I mean, he works hard for his money doesn't he? And Son Il Gun is spending his money without worry on a girl he who annoys him and calls him crazy. Although he does not seem as warm as other character of the drama. There has to be credit taken on him. Cha Seung Hyo is going on his life, yes offending others and maybe making some lives a little harder to live, but that does not give any right for Son Il Gun to race into his life, spend his money, kill his job. Son Il Gun keeps calling Cha Seung Hyo a jerk or ill manner twirp but he does not put his feet in Seung Hyo's shoes. This makes Il Gun the real jerk because Seung Hyo really doesn't have a relationship with Young in.

*P.S. I'm on ep 4 so i may not have the whole story and how the writers really want the characters portrayed.

Yoon Kye Sang is doing a really good job acting as both Cha Seung Hyo and ChaSeungHyo dad

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If you go by what he father said to SH when they met in his office, it's not as much "thrown away" but that SH was adopted while the father was in jail for several years. SH's step brother seems to be somewhat younger, so unless you have a situation that SH's dad got married to the stepmom at a time before the prison sentence and SH would have been actually left behind by her, then SH being adopted to the US-parents was not throwing away.

Also, I guess that while the father, in his situation, agreed to give up SH for adoption, he probably thought he could at least keep up contact in one form or another and explain what happened to SH.

Of course, through SH's eyes, the situation looks a bit different, so he's reacting on the sense of being "thrown away".

i don't empathize with the biological father at all. in ep10 SH was reading the report on him:

1979 to 1980, two cases of domestic violence

1981, jailed for acts of violence

1983, released from jail

unless the father was beating SH back then he was either beating SH's biological mother or the step mother. in ep12 in SH's flashback his younger self is praying for both his father and mother to come and take him back so that implies that beside the father a mother was in the picture (which one i'm not sure.) if the father had signed papers for the ok of SH's adoption then that means that he knew SH was at the orphanage and didn't do anything to try and communicate with him via letters or telephone calls. when the father found out that SH is his son he didn't approach SH but instead skulked about in the shadows and only told SH when he was backed into a corner. if it's as the father said and that he had been looking for SH all this time why not DO anything to affirm it? unless he felt guilt/shame for either dumping his young son or his questionable lifestyle. after dumping the facts on SH the father doesn't do anything and it's SH who makes the move to have it out in the open. as for resentment, i don't know if SH feels that. in ep11

"Why would that be a regret? Is anything different if you died after seeing your parents? Why do you insist on having to know them, meet them? I have lived not knowing them without any problems, Why can't I live the rest of my life without meeting them? What's so remarkable about that relationship... To suddenly turn up after decades, crying, screaming,"

along with KyeSang's wonderful performance SH's confusion is apparent and that it seems like he never did give a moments thought to the biological parents. i don't know what kind of upbringing SH had but it turned him into emotionless robot almost and that he's incapable of comprehending emotions.

while alot of people find the confrontation at the gym to be heartless of SH i find him to be ballsy for actually saying it. blood is thicker than water but that means nothing when there's no emotional bond. i think that it's better to flat out tell the father not to have any expectations of a happy reunion when SH himself feels nothing of the sort.

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Guest berkeleygal

Does anyone know how many days are left of the 49 days given to Son Il Gun? I wonder how they going to fit the remaining days into 3 episodes?

You can follow the timeline that I have set up when I was watching the episodes. I think as of episode 13, we are around March 26. About 20 days to April 15. I think what might happen is that

the drama will solve the murder case before April 15th comes around. So that, after april 15, the painting contract is invalid and Jae Ha didn't have time to get the paintings and claim them as a property

of U Gallery. He will probably be found guilty of Il Gun's murder.


March 12: Duk comes back from military service. Fire of Young Ae and Il Gun.

March 13: Il Gun and Young In drive on bike together. Brief contact between Young In and Seung Hyo. Seung Hyo gets in the car accident. Il Gun dies.

March 14: Seung Hyo wakes up as Il Gun, but given sedative so useless body take-over day.

March 15: SH(IG) goes to YI's graduation. SH and YI meet at the party at night.

March 16: YI goes to see SH for compensation of phone (Failure)

March 17: SH and IG kiss. SH(IG) and YI go shopping. YI faces the gangsters.

March 18: SH(IG) visits YA at dancing. YI faints.

March 19: YI released from hospital and starts living with JH. SH(IG) visits orphanage.

March 20: SH and YI meet up at the site of IG's accident. SH and YI get drunk.

March 21: Accident kiss of SH and YI. SH warns YI about JH. SH smiles due to YI.

March 22: SH can see IG. SH(IG), YA, and YI misunderstanding. YI moves out from JH's place. SH and YI share another moment together.

March 23: SH's dad comes visit him. SH thinks of YI during his troubled time. SH asks YI to feed him (to stop her from going to beach with JH). SH and YI go for lunch and walk under the cherry bossoms.

March 24: YI confesses her feelings to SH (ending of Episode 12). SH, YI, and YA go to the orphanage.

March 25: SH goes to see his father for the first time. SH gets drunk and falls asleep on Young In's shoulder.

March 26: SH and his half brother have a conversation in SH's office. SH and JH punch each other (ending of Ep. 13).

Note: This is just my estimation of the days, following on what the days the events occured and the clothes the characters wear. I could be off a day or two. Let me know if my dates don't match up.

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Guest kanshu
i don't empathize with the biological father at all. in ep10 SH was reading the report on him:

1979 to 1980, two cases of domestic violence

1981, jailed for acts of violence

1983, released from jail

unless the father was beating SH back then he was either beating SH's biological mother or the step mother. in ep12 in SH's flashback his younger self is praying for both his father and mother to come and take him back so that implies that beside the father a mother was in the picture (which one i'm not sure.) if the father had signed papers for the ok of SH's adoption then that means that he knew SH was at the orphanage and didn't do anything to try and communicate with him via letters or telephone calls. when the father found out that SH is his son he didn't approach SH but instead skulked about in the shadows and only told SH when he was backed into a corner. if it's as the father said and that he had been looking for SH all this time why not DO anything to affirm it? unless he felt guilt/shame for either dumping his young son or his questionable lifestyle. after dumping the facts on SH the father doesn't do anything and it's SH who makes the move to have it out in the open. as for resentment, i don't know if SH feels that. in ep11

"Why would that be a regret? Is anything different if you died after seeing your parents? Why do you insist on having to know them, meet them? I have lived not knowing them without any problems, Why can't I live the rest of my life without meeting them? What's so remarkable about that relationship... To suddenly turn up after decades, crying, screaming,"

along with KyeSang's wonderful performance SH's confusion is apparent and that it seems like he never did give a moments thought to the biological parents. i don't know what kind of upbringing SH had but it turned him into emotionless robot almost and that he's incapable of comprehending emotions.

while alot of people find the confrontation at the gym to be heartless of SH i find him to be ballsy for actually saying it. blood is thicker than water but that means nothing when there's no emotional bond. i think that it's better to flat out tell the father not to have any expectations of a happy reunion when SH himself feels nothing of the sort.

Well... for one, I think that SH's biological father disqualifies himself by the way he treated his second son. If he had learned anything from that first event, then he would've treasured his second son, not beaten him or used him to step in for his own crimes (and if I understand the mother correctly, apparently the second son went to jail for his father's crimes, or at least had them chalked up on him?). I only wanted to point out that, given the information that a) the father was in jail at the time SH was adopted, B) we know nothing about the whereabouts of the mother, so she's either dead, ran away or really "threw away" her son and went to marry someone else and c) the father said he tried to find his son back then but had no information as to where he was, the term "thrown away" might not be appropriate from the father's POV. :sweatingbullets:

Second, I don't understand Korean language, and hence I do not understand what was written on that report, outside of what was relayed in the dialogue. :blush: Nevertheless, the arrests for domestic violence pretty much fit into the general behaviour of the man.

Also... wasn't SH adopted in 87? Then that would pretty much squash the idea of dad being in jail at the time, unless there were more sentences on that report than you saw. Because dad was released from prison in 83, which gives him 4 years to look for the kid. So maybe there's some more backstory waiting? I'm curious.

I have no problems with SH's reactions in that scene. i thought he handled himself pretty good, considering the emotional turmoil he must be in, and given the information he has about his biological father (not to mention that he just figured out that his "brother" might have something to do with IG's death).

I just started to watch this drama recently. It's really good although I have been avoiding it. I do have an opinion of some of the characters of this drama. Mainly, I'm concerned about the dad. I understand that the drama is supposed to come off as Son Il Gun, a loving father who misses his daughter and wants to do anything he can to help her while she is left in the world all alone, but I have an impression that he is sorta a jerk. Yes, I understand that Cha Seung Hyo is a jerk, and he is supposed to come off as one, but I get the impression that he does what he does for his own reasons. I mean, he works hard for his money doesn't he? And Son Il Gun is spending his money without worry on a girl he who annoys him and calls him crazy. Although he does not seem as warm as other character of the drama. There has to be credit taken on him. Cha Seung Hyo is going on his life, yes offending others and maybe making some lives a little harder to live, but that does not give any right for Son Il Gun to race into his life, spend his money, kill his job. Son Il Gun keeps calling Cha Seung Hyo a jerk or ill manner twirp but he does not put his feet in Seung Hyo's shoes. This makes Il Gun the real jerk because Seung Hyo really doesn't have a relationship with Young in.

*P.S. I'm on ep 4 so i may not have the whole story and how the writers really want the characters portrayed.

Yoon Kye Sang is doing a really good job acting as both Cha Seung Hyo and ChaSeungHyo dad

Keep on watching. And perhaps go back about twenty or so pages here in the forum, because we've had a few nice discussions about that topic already. :)

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Guest Q_Park

Translating the part where IG is talking to SH while he is drinking.

IG: There won't be a problem with my death report right? (not sure) Okay, I know that it's more of a shock for you than for me.

All of a sudden having your real dad, mom and even your brother appear . . . and also unbelievably having your brother . . .

No, I also hope that that's not true. But I have to know, why I died, who killed me, I have to know. I know I was a bad dad but I'm not a dad that's bad enough to die and leave his own child alone. I need to let my YI know the reason. Even though I already know that you are having a hard time and I'm sorry to tell you this but please think of through a parent's heart. For some reason if your brother was the one that killed me, our YI won't be able to handle that. Think about the shock, the hurt that YI would have to face please stay away from her. If that punk was to come near her, you be the one to push him away.

SH: You aren't going to go meet your daughter today?

IG: It's not because I won't, it's because I can't. I don't want my daughter to fall for you more than she has already. Playing the cool dad I told her that she wouldn't have to study hard but just grow up healthy and that's what she did. She just grew up healthy and she didn't study at all. Ah, I don't know why she's so interested in boys. Ah, I wish that she was more interested in her studies.

- Kyu

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Guest sunah
Thank you for the link to the rating. Me too I feel angry. Who Are You is very entertaining....it really deserve much more attention in Korea. Why??? What do viewers want to see in a drama? I hope the rating will not discourage the actors and actresses too much!! They are doing a fantastic job.

I swear, they're just making up numbers now. Some sleepyhead statistic gatherer is probably being paid off. I read around the forum that several of the dramas out right now are losing momentum, and a lot of viewers are become aware of the lag, and becoming weary themselves watching them! But Who Are You is keeping pace very nicely, neh?

I hope that the cast & crew are getting a lot of love from their family and their friends in the entertainment business, because anybody can recognize that this drama has something special about it. I normally wouldn't care about ratings, but I've heard that they cancel dramas if the ratings get too low. I'm sure MBC wouldn't do this as WAY is in it's home stretch, but it's been said to happen to other dramas that couldn't climb past a menial number in their first few eps.

*Sigh* Worried about my - I mean our ^^- Kyesangie...

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