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[drama 2008] Who Are You? 누구세요

Guest yeohweping

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Guest sheena0627

I SO AGREE!!! This is not a 70s or 80s drama!!! I want them to KISS!!!!

every SH and YI part i was hopping they would kiss but... ARGH~~~

anyway, it would be cute if Ho Joong end up with SH's secretary. I really had a good laugh when Ho Joong is trying to hook her up~~ haha!

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Guest Q_Park
I SO AGREE!!! This is not a 70s or 80s drama!!! I want them to KISS!!!!

every SH and YI part i was hopping they would kiss but... ARGH~~~

anyway, it would be cute if Ho Joong end up with SH's secretary. I really had a good laugh when Ho Joong is trying to hook her up~~ haha!

I know right? They better kiss in the next episode.

Here are some pictures from the event that the fans of Who Are You? did. (the ones with the snacks and stuff)

Thanks for all of your hard work! (the made over 100 bags)




^ the director



Coffee, Tea, Sandwich, Rice Cakes, Cookies and Chocolates

Just translating some of what they said.

The producers and other crew members welcomed us well and they are very nice.

We saw Yoon Kye Sang up close for 5 hours.

We were also really intrigued with Ara because up close she is 100x prettier than she is on TV.

YKS is very handsome, tall and kind not to mention very humorous.

He was cracking jokes all the time but I guess he sensed us watching him so

he only joked around 30% of what he usually did to protect his image.

Even though Ara was sick on the day of the filming (stomach problems?) when she was filming she

was laughing and having a good time with everybody else. Kang Nam Gil was the one that talked with us

the longest and he thanked us many times for all of the snacks and said that he ate them well. We were

deeply moved by what he told us and we think that he is a true actor.

We were really happy and glad that we spent this day with the crew of Who Are You?

^ They are soooo lucky~! :lol: I wish that I could of been there.

Imagine myself a few feet away from YKS and not light years. :o

And those snacks look really good! Looking at these pictures made me

glad that I contributed money to this.

- Kyu

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Guest t3a26
kata yg udh download from veoh memang agak susah but u have to try so many times (ada yg sampe 25 kali loh)

tp ttp bisa tuh

of course u cannot combine with the translation if u download from youtube

yup, u can say that again :sweatingbullets: i hv a very terrible bandwith makanya gw pgn ganti ke speedy

gmn lu sendiri pake apa? speedy, cbn atau yg mana? pls tell me?

I can download the series through veoh now,sebelumnya memang diblokir tapi sekarang sdh dibuka.Gw pakai fastnet yg 764, jalannya lumayan cepat, download bisa 90kb/sec. Jangan speedy deh, lebih mahal&bandwitdh dibatasi(max 1GB,kalau tdk salah&fee 222rb/bln,kelebihan pemakaian dicharge Rp500/Mb),jalannya juga lambat banget, fasnet is unlimited bandwitdh,the fee about 300rb or more/month and the speed is faster than speedy.Cbn juga tdk kalah lambat dg speedy :sweatingbullets:

I hope this can help you to decide :)

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Guest kyelin

@ellasam : me feel the same :tears:

always pray for his success, kyesang fighting!!!

@q_park : wow!! korean fans are so lucky!

they can meet all the who are you actors and actress!! i wish i could meet them too, esp. ara and kyesang

i wish i could show my support to them, hope they (the actors, actress, director and the crews) don't burden bcos of less appreciate for their hardwork!! they deserve an award for this

way to go guys !!! ^_____________^

btw, i want to comment to il gun

why he doesn't do anyhting to solve seng hyo's problem? he the one who mess seng hyo's works, right?

i think it's not fair for seng hyo >.<

i want him happy w/ young in but the most of all i want a kiss scene too in the weeding ceremony!! of course their own wedding ceremony, yayyy

I can download the series through veoh now,sebelumnya memang diblokir tapi sekarang sdh dibuka.Gw pakai fastnet yg 764, jalannya lumayan cepat, download bisa 90kb/sec. Jangan speedy deh, lebih mahal&bandwitdh dibatasi(max 1GB,kalau tdk salah&fee 222rb/bln,kelebihan pemakaian dicharge Rp500/Mb),jalannya juga lambat banget, fasnet is unlimited bandwitdh,the fee about 300rb or more/month and the speed is faster than speedy.Cbn juga tdk kalah lambat dg speedy :sweatingbullets:

I hope this can help you to decide :)

fastnet? where do u register? do u have their phone number? i want to register too

pls tell me?

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Guest t3a26
fastnet? where do u register? do u have their phone number? i want to register too

pls tell me?

You can call (021)55777788 or open the web www.firstmedia.com

I SO AGREE!!! This is not a 70s or 80s drama!!! I want them to KISS!!!!

every SH and YI part i was hopping they would kiss but... ARGH~~~

anyway, it would be cute if Ho Joong end up with SH's secretary. I really had a good laugh when Ho Joong is trying to hook her up~~ haha!

May be they will have kiss in the last episode :D

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Thanks for the timeline berkeleygal :) . I think your estimations of the dates are as accurate as possible, I also agree with you on solving the murder before the 15 April, but I don't think that JH will be charged with murder. I really don't think he deliberately set out to have IG killed, but of course he is still guilty of not getting help to the injured IG, and that may not be as bad as murder but its still bad.

So far the pacing of the drama has been great, not too draggy and not too fast and I think that's one of its qualities but I'm kinda worried how they will wrap up everything in 3 episodes? I hope they don't rush through things and leave everything to the last episode, cause that would suck big time. Can't they just add one/two episodes, I'm sure no one will complain :P

PS: Is it Wednesday yet?? *checks into the WAY psychiatric ward*

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Guest Q_Park

Who Are You? is scheduled to be extended by 1 episode. Therefore it is ending on EPISODE 17~!

No I'm not making this up. You know in the couple of posts above I translated what some Korean fans wrote about the snack event and they posted up more things and they said that THEY TALKED TO THE DIRECTOR AND HE TOLD THEM THAT WAY? WAS BEING EXTENDED BY 1 EPISODE WAS 75% TRUE~!

^ *runs around the room, jumps up and down on the bed and starts yelling happily* Yay! I'm glad that they are going to end it on Thursday~! I'm soo happy.

Farah - No need to worry~!

- Kyu

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Q_Park: Yayyyy!! my wish has come true..just in my previous I was saying if they can extend the drama by an episode or two...one is good enough....but I hope this is not just a rumor..if it's true then I shall give everyone who posts or visits the WAY thread a brand new tweezer as a celebration of this wonderful news..what more could you ask for..lol

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Guest jadeacl
Who Are You? is scheduled to be extended by 1 episode. Therefore it is ending on EPISODE 17~!

It should be good news and it is good news but all I'm thinking about is "Drats, I have to be out for a friend's birthday that evening". Friendship or Yoon Kye Sang...hahahah. I'm now spending my free time re-watching everything YKS's been in. Flying Boys was a pretty fun way to spend today even though I promised myself to stay away from the PC. Annnnyway, I hope the extra episode does not affect the pacing of the drama though cos it would cost a blip on an otherwise perfect record for me so far.

There's something so sweet about SH and YI being each other's first loves. Although impatient too :blush: :D I'm actually glad a kiss hasn't taken place yet. For me, that would be too rushed and somewhat unrealistic, especially when they're both still so uncertain of where this is headed and SH adamant about stepping away.

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Its going to be extended by 1 episode??!!

Haven't found an official notice on this yet, but really really hope its true!

AHHH I'm soo excited!!! I was wondering how on earth the schedule would work out and how they were going to tie EVERYTHING - all the plot/story lines, the romantic lines etc up in 3 eps..

*runs around the WAY psychiatric ward throwing red beans and tweezers in excitement*

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Guest joicy

HI guys (wave to Kyu)

It's a long time to come back. I just stopped at Javabean's blog and now am watching the epi 13 with C-sub. This episode does not have a lot of *favorite couple* moment, but the moment SH sleeping on YI's shoulder was just priceless. Wow, she's surprised but she loved to hold him sleeping. Look really like his wife :)

Javabeans said in her blog that there's no news about 1 episode extension. Just 3 hours ago.



javabeans Says:

April 20th, 2008 at 1:59 pm

fizzlex3mh, I’ve been keeping an eye out for this news for the past few weeks — regardless of ratings, the series is off-schedule by one episode due to the pre-emption, which usually means an extra ep or special. But I don’t see any official news about it. There’s one post in the show message board, but it has no source. On Air, on the other hand, has just been extended 3 episodes for a total of 23.

I definitely want to see more of Who are you, but .. no hoping no disappointed..

Have your guys seen Beastie boys' poster? YKS is deadly sexy OMG I looked at that and I wished Go Ara would see this movie (hahaha, can't have enough of our cute couple and always imagine if they become the real couple in life).

By the way, sorry if this turns any body off, I rewatched every episode several times and just realized, YKS's ears are a little too big. It curved by the 1/3 part from top, and made his ears a little funny if you stare at that part.

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Guest Q_Park

Yeah. I haven't seen any official news yet.

The fans that talked to the director said that

the director told them the extention of 1 episode.

- Kyu

PS. i hope it's not a hoax.

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Guest joicy

Kyu, I really love if you keep on watching the news and let us know. I would be happy if they really extend by one more episode.

It seems we meet each other so often today, I just read your post in YKS's thread (shakehand).

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Guest hnitao

Haha... Surprise to see so many ppl support the extension, usually drama fans think that the extension is only lagging the storyline and then ruin the whole story~! Of course, I'm also ONE of the supporter of the extension... Really like this drama, no matter story, actors, OST, etc....everything!!! GO GO GO, WHO ARE YOU!!! :D

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Guest kyelin

Who Are You? is scheduled to be extended by 1 episode. Therefore it is ending on EPISODE 17~!

No I'm not making this up. You know in the couple of posts above I translated what some Korean fans wrote about the snack event and they posted up more things and they said that THEY TALKED TO THE DIRECTOR AND HE TOLD THEM THAT WAY? WAS BEING EXTENDED BY 1 EPISODE WAS 75% TRUE~!

^ *runs around the room, jumps up and down on the bed and starts yelling happily* Yay! I'm glad that they are going to end it on Thursday~! I'm soo happy.

Farah - No need to worry~!

- Kyu

aw!!!! it's so amazingggggg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

can't believe it!!! hope it's true!!!!

i'm soooooooooooo love kyesang and ara, yayyyy!!!! *love the director too, hehe*

thanks kyu

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Guest Q_Park

Kyu, I really love if you keep on watching the news and let us know. I would be happy if they really extend by one more episode.

It seems we meet each other so often today, I just read your post in YKS's thread (shakehand).

*shakes hand back*

Don't worry my mom and I are keeping a birds eye out for any official news.

(my mom loves this drama too)

I have an idea~! The writer can solve the problem by episode 16 then have 17 be an episode of just pure 100% SeungIn fluff. If only . . .

- Kyu


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Guest Pyoungsang

Translation of my favorite scene from EP 13. Thanks once again to Luv for

all the great caps. I put them together from different posts of hers.

SH decides to go see YI in her apartment that she shares with Duk and Sook

to only find a surprised Duk. SH burst into the apartment as soon as Duk (YD)

opens the door. They have a nice exchange between them. One thing that

cannot be translated into English is that most of time when Duk talks to

SH, he add the more respectful ending at the end after a pause. It is to

show that he is uncertain of his status in relationship to SH. They get more

relaxed after a few drinks though.


YD: Young In is not here ...

SH: Why isn't Son Young In here?

YD: I said she isn't here because she not, if you ask me why ...

SH: I understand. I'll change the question. Where did Son Young In go?

YD: I don't ... know.

SH: Why don't you know that?!

YD: I said I don't know because I don't, if you ask why I don't know ...

SH: What your name?

YD: It's Kwon Yong Duk.

SH: Look here, Kwon. If you had been my subordinate employee, it would be termination here, immediately.

SH: Why are your answers like that?

YD: I think the questions are also "like that".


SH: You got a smart mouth ...


YD: It's liveir, still. Go in ... please.

As SH starts to fall down, YD grabs his arm.

SH: Don't grab me!

YD let's SH drop to the ground. Now we go to the swing outside the apartment. IG is there.

YI comes home and IG sees her.

IG: Young In.

YI of course cannot see him and proceeds to sit down next to him on the swing.




YI: Dad ... Dad ... I'm sorry.


Back in the apartment, SH and Duk are drinking

SH: Look here, Kwon.

YD: It's Yong Duk, big brother. Since Yong and Hyo are alone ... call my name affectionately.

SH: I got it, I'll try it again. Look here, Yok Duk ... No, no, Yong Duk


YD: If proper prononciation is difficult, what is it ... Duk, Dduk! If you call me Dduk, it would be easier.

SH: Look here, Dduk,

YD: Yes, big brother!

SH: Where did Son Young In go?

YD: I don't know.

SH: Don't know? Again, don't know? I understand. Even if you don't know, go find her. I came because I have

something to say to Son Young In. Go find her.

YD: Tell me instead. When Young In comes ... exactly .. exactly, I will relay to her.

SH: You will? Alright, let's do that. That'd be easier for me also.


SH: Tell her ... it's not going to work. No matter how much I think about it, that it's not going to work.

SH: Tell her I like turtles more than poeple. Even if I concede a 100 times, That I like turtles more than Son Young In ... Tell her ..

Duk is a bit taken back by what SH is saying.


YD: Look here, big brother Seung Hyo. How can you ... like a lower life form more than a person?

YD: How can you, than Young In ... those ... like turtles more? Big brother is not even a person, or even a man.

YD: This is really a dissapointment, Sergeant Kwon is ... know what, it turned out well, didn't it?


SH looking a bit angry, YD continues.

YD: I was already, because big brother's so much older, very uncomfortable. Our friend Goo Goo ...

YD: to give her to an 11 years older mister, honestly seemed wasteful and really felt unfair ... it's really a relief.

SH: You said you're a girl. What ... you guys said it was girls staying togethers as roomates. Then, what's with your attitude now? Why do you feel it's wasteful? Why would you feel cheated?!

YD: Young In was my first love. Big brother picked Young In at 31 but I chose her in middle school! Why are you like this?

SH: First love for only you? It's my first love, too!


YD is shocked by SH 's statement.

SH: Why is this like this?

Meanwhile, YI is trying to call SH from the swing.

[Dialing ... Crazy Man ... connecting ...]

YI: Would your fingers break if you phone once?


YI: I won't, I won't, I won't either!



YI comes inside the apartment and is shocked to see SH drinking with Duk.


YD: Uh, our Goo Goo came. Erm, come here, here.

YD pulls YI down and sit her down between him and SH.

YI: Hey, what the heck happened?


YI: Why ... why are you looking at me like that?


SH: Look here, you, is your IQ really just 99?

YD: No, no, it wasn't me. Ah, I didn't tell!

SH: You got 58% on driver license test ... and failed the written test, is that right?


YI starts to make evil faces at Duk.

YD: Ah, it wasn't me! Say that it wasn't me, big brother!


YD: I'll be killed by her today. Ah, quickly, big brother Seung Hyo!

YI: What? Big brother? Big brother Seung Hyo?

YI starts to laugh (she think it's funny that Duk is calling SH Hyung (older brother).


However, SH is not amused and has a more serious look.

SH: Why are you laughing?


SH: Don't laugh. I told you not to laugh. Don't laugh like that Son Young In!!


SH: Don't laugh in front of me. Don't cry, either, where I can see you.

SH: Don't look at me that way, either. Don't do anything. Don't say anything, either.


YI no longer smiling, looks more serious.

YI: Why ... why?


YD: Big brother ...


YD: said he like turtles more than you, Young In.


SH: You heard, right? I came to say that. Since I said it ... since you heard it,


SH: then I'll go.


SH tries to get up but falls down by the door.





YI stoops down next to SH for a few seconds, just looking at his face.


YI: Please get up.


YI: Please get up.


YI: You musn't sleep here. Go sleep over there. Okay?


As YI tries to help SH up, SH awakes a little.


SH: Soccer ball ... play soccer with me.


YI: Today, you had your fill of kicking me. Don't you see that I'm bruised purple all over? Get up, go over there and ...

Before she could finish her sentence, SH nuzzles his face on her shoulder and we have our nice moment of them

just sitting there, with YI providing comfort to SH, who didn't really mean what he said to her.







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