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[drama 2008] Who Are You? 누구세요

Guest yeohweping

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Guest bluenitesky

you guys are making me really curious about what happen at the end of eps 4 , i'm really curious how everything is going to lay out in this drama , it's an unsual romance ^^

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Guest `shillalove

can someonee give me the linkk to ep. 3&4

(sendspace) becausee clubox, megaupload, or bigmail doesnt work for me.

Thankk you.

& is anyone uploadinng it on youtube, or veoh?

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Guest Q_Park

can someonee give me the linkk to ep. 3&4

(sendspace) becausee clubox, megaupload, or bigmail doesnt work for me.

Thankk you.

& is anyone uploadinng it on youtube, or veoh?

There is someone uploading it on youtube and veoh.

i watch who are you under both it's just who loads it faster

I have joo on subscription: http://www.youtube.com/user/joo0907

and: http://www.youtube.com/user/xilovee

- Kyu

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Guest kyelin

i already watched episode 1 to 4 at youtube

bcos i don't understand the languange there are so many questions i want to ask

1) before "dad" died, did YI and her dad had a fight? or YI really love her dad that YI doesn't want to remember her dad? or else?

2) y dad choose SY's body? did SY, YI's friend? if not then who is SY?

i really really like this drama ^_^

Thanks in advance for all your help ^________________^

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rochinipark dear.. I definitely think this drama gets better after episode 2.. that's my personal view.. as to whether it will fit your taste.. i would have to say.. check it out and judge for yourself.. lol.. maybe watch at least the first 2 or the first 4 episodes to see if it's your cup of tea :)

For me.. I am enjoying the drama.. it has a good mix of emotions for me.. I think the casts are doing a great job.. and I am not bothered at all by Ara's & YkS's age difference ( lol).. i thought their scenes are so fun!!

I can't wait to see the next eps ( despite the fact that I am not going gaga over the casts and mainly watching for the storyline).. and to me.. that's the indication that this series rock thus far!! hehehe

nod nod . lol i think the esp pick up abit after esp 2 for me .~~ and Jin Yi Han awwww .....he really looked so different as in modern and period drama ~~ .i like him in here ...

and yes i wasnt really bothered by the age difference .. i dun really sense it so strongly ..but Go Ara does tend to be overacting abit in the first few esp .but it was okay for me ..i thought she was pretty good in Snowflower .for someone so young . so i thought she will be getting more into role as the drama progress .

i like her interaction with both men lol^ oh three ..plus her father .

Yep. YKS is portraying both the dad role and his role perfectly!

Does anyone else think that when YKS is acting as the dad that

his voice sounds exactly the same as KNG's voice?

When I was watching it I thought that their voices sounded

really similar to each others!

- Kyu

yaaa. that the trick in making this kind of drama works ...they really need to know the other mannerism .to make it convincing

More pictures from episode 4...


thanks for the cap luv ..i am trying to catch up on this . i didnt really like On Air ., not that i cannot appreciate what they trying to say but i just find it was too heartless and brutual for reasons i dun really agree with.--;;

..i prefer Who are you .i suppose among the new drama release .

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Guest bluenitesky

i already watched episode 1 to 4 at youtube

bcos i don't understand the languange there are so many questions i want to ask

1) before "dad" died, did YI and her dad had a fight? or YI really love her dad that YI doesn't want to remember her dad? or else?

2) y dad choose SY's body? did SY, YI's friend? if not then who is SY?

i really really like this drama ^_^

Thanks in advance for all your help ^________________^

im not sure for the answer to number 1

but for 2

the dad didn't really choose Sy's body, the death guys was like "if im going to give you a chance i might as well give this guy a chance " and that's how it started ^^

@shirley, too bad you didn't like On Air , but im glad to have you in this thread =]

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Guest kdramafanusa

Luv, thanks again for the caps. :wub:

Thanks everyone for uploading the files.

Hi Shirley, glad to see you here. =)

I am going for this show as well, I need to catch up. Sigh....

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Guest yeohweping

OST sample can be heard from the link below


Song list - No date of release given yet.

01.You are the person who is crying - Woo Min Jin

02.You are the person who is crying (MR)

03.You are the person who is crying (paino ver.)

04.Merry go round - Han Jip (Loveholic)

05.Merry-Go-Round [MR]

06.Merry-Go-Round[Piano Ver]

07.Romeo & Juliet - Clazziquai

08.Romeo & Juliet [MR]

09.Happy - Clazziquai

10.Happy[Remix Ver] - Clazziquai

11.First snow - Alex

12.First snow [Piano Ver]

13.First snow [Guitar Ver]

14.Goodnight - Loveholic

15.Goodnight(Piano Ver)

16.Goodnight(Guitar Ver)

17.Island - Loveholic

18.Ribbon Candy - W

19.Ribbon Candy [Piano Ver] - W

20.Ribbon Candy [Guitar Ver] - W

21.Your and my world - W

22.Your and my world (acidperfumemix) - W

23.Your and my world (rungunmix) - W

24.Soulcity - my Aunt mary

25.Soulcity[Piano Ver] - my Aunt mary

26.Soulcity[Acoustic Ver] - my Aunt mary

27.Fortunateson - Lee Seung Yul

28.Fortunateson Ver. 2 - Lee Seung Yul

29.Fotunateson (feat DJKayip) - Lee Seung Yul

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Wow! I really like YKS's acting in here. Sometimes I actually think that he was KNG then I have to remind myself that this is a drama and that he was just acting. So his acting is superb! The thing I like about this drama is one minute I am laughing my head off because of YKS and the next, I am crying with GAR!

By the way, episode 1 and 2 are definitely tear jerkers. It's so sad to see them crying.

I think I will stick around with this drama! :D

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Guest KiMHyoBiN

Very funny in EP.2, Young In tell Her Father (in Cha Seung Hyo's body) "If you are my dad, then I'm super junior's mom" :lol::lol::lol:

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1) before "dad" died, did YI and her dad had a fight? or YI really love her dad that YI doesn't want to remember her dad? or else?

Actually YI & her dad borrowed money from loansharks for her mum's illness then the mother died. They scrimp & save yet they can't even pay the interest portion of the debt but at least they had each other. YI was supposed to go university after her high school graduation but with her dad's death, she not only has to forego her studies, she now has to find means for survival and even take over the servicing of the loanshark debt. YI's dad died under suspicious circumstances but the police classified it as suicide (a suicide note was found). YI thought her dad had deserted her and chosen his own way out of their dire straits while she's left to face up to the whole crisis all by herself hence she 'hates' him for that and doesn't want to remember him.

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Guest Q_Park

OST sample can be heard from the link below


Song list - No date of release given yet.

01.You are the person who is crying - Woo Min Jin

02.You are the person who is crying (MR)

03.You are the person who is crying (paino ver.)

04.Merry go round - Han Jip (Loveholic)

05.Merry-Go-Round [MR]

06.Merry-Go-Round[Piano Ver]

07.Romeo & Juliet - Clazziquai

08.Romeo & Juliet [MR]

09.Happy - Clazziquai

10.Happy[Remix Ver] - Clazziquai

11.First snow - Alex

12.First snow [Piano Ver]

13.First snow [Guitar Ver]

14.Goodnight - Loveholic

15.Goodnight(Piano Ver)

16.Goodnight(Guitar Ver)

17.Island - Loveholic

18.Ribbon Candy - W

19.Ribbon Candy [Piano Ver] - W

20.Ribbon Candy [Guitar Ver] - W

21.Your and my world - W

22.Your and my world (acidperfumemix) - W

23.Your and my world (rungunmix) - W

24.Soulcity - my Aunt mary

25.Soulcity[Piano Ver] - my Aunt mary

26.Soulcity[Acoustic Ver] - my Aunt mary

27.Fortunateson - Lee Seung Yul

28.Fortunateson Ver. 2 - Lee Seung Yul

29.Fotunateson (feat DJKayip) - Lee Seung Yul

I really like the OSTs in this drama!

Thank you for that link!

- Kyu

PS. So far I like 눈물나는 사람 너야, Merry-Go-Round, and Romeo and Juliet!

Maybe my Korean is bad but isn't it Lemon Candy instead of Ribbon Candy because it says 레몬사탕.

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Guest jess22

Thank you for those lovely caps Luv!

I wished that she didn't ask SH?IG? to put

the soju away because it reminded her of

someone that she didn't want to remember because

I was thinking why in the world did she say that?!

I think that she's being too hard on her dad.

But I guess that death can change things

I too hope that nothing bad happens to Ara!

- Kyu

I don't think she meant it as a bad memory though.

I think it was more like, she will be more sad because she's reminded of her father.


Also, I'm not bothered by the age difference either. Maybe because Ara doesn't look that young (she could pass for early 20s) and Kye Sang actually looks younger than his age (like mid-20s).

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