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Twilight The Movie

Guest yurikah

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Hmmm, you guys have a point. No-name actor would be good so that we can actually get the Jacob-feel from him and let Jacob be the reason why he became known. That way - years from now when he's more famous and is doing other movies, we could see him in another film and be like "oh yeah, that's Jacob Black!" ^^* If we ever see Daniel Radcliffe in another movie, I'm sure we'll be thinking of Harry Potter, lol. You convinced me - I'm beginning to support the whole "new-no-name-actor-for-Jacob" plan. I mean, I'm afraid to watch Harry Potter again now - I don't want Cedric to ruin my view of Edward (since at the time when I was watching it for the first time, I really wasn't paying attention to Cedric).

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Guest babieblue545

^Yeah, I wasn't either. It was all about Harry Potter that I completely ignored Cederic xP And it's so funny because now we're all paying close attention to Robert :)

If they do have a new Jacob, I really would love it if he is Native American. And someone who can really act, also.

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Guest aznxgirlieeex3

Oh my goodness. i love the pictures of robert in those contacts. he looks amazing.

i was wondering if jackson's natural eye color was green? they are gorgeous O_O!

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Guest jessyjess

i was wondering if jackson's natural eye color was green? they are gorgeous O_O!

^^ yea they are <3 so purdy

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Guest Special Kay

Hahahaha I know. Well I figured Rob already has his own fan base so why not give it to the other guys!

You can just call me jessy btw~

Oh and Kiki did her exclusive report with Kellan! And there's pictures!


dude i totally know that girl lol i was so jealous that she got to take pictures with kellan! i think two other girls got to take pics with him too and apparently when they stood next to him and stuck their arms around his back he was like "you call that a hug??!!" so they got permission to molest him lol lucky girls. and i totally saw them walk off to the auditorium .... i should have walked off and followed them but i didn't know if it would bother him. and too bad my camera broke last week so i couldn't take pictures of anything <_< great timing. i did have someone take a pic of me with stephenie meyer but i have to wait until they email it to me.

oh and peeaye ..... i'm that constipated looking girl LOL i didn't know that they were taking that picture! its not my fault :blush:

oh and i did just got done shooting some additional car crash scenes today and then i'm going to do the prom later in a couple of weeks!! woot!

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Guest jessyjess

oh and peeaye ..... i'm that constipated looking girl LOL i didn't know that they were taking that picture! its not my fault :blush:

you mean in the picture with stephanie and a bunch of girls?!

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Guest jessyjess

^^ awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

but I'm SO jealous again that you were on the set and you got your picture taken with Stephanie!

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Guest Special Kay

thats okay! i always look weird in pictures anyways lol. but yeah, i just got home from shooting some additional scenes for the car crash scene (which i think will look awesome!) and then i wont be shooting for a few weeks and then .... the prom!! yay!! and i will defifnitely have a camera by then and i will take pics! and i'll especially try and take picks of all of the gorgeous cullens!! ohhh! in the cafeteria scene i get to sit at the table right next to theirs! :w00t: it was very hard to not stare at them. they look gorgeous with their contacts in .... i love the black contacts! its so intense!!

i'm a robert fan but i have to say that jackson is really hot! ..... like im not even kidding! i might even go as far as to say hes hotter than robert ..... but i wont lol but you get my drift yeah?

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Guest jessyjess

i'm a robert fan but i have to say that jackson is really hot! ..... like im not even kidding! i might even go as far as to say hes hotter than robert ..... but i wont lol but you get my drift yeah?

Okay you're seriously killing me here. PLEASE TAKE AS MANY PICTURES OF JACKSON IF YOU CAN and I'd love you forever and ever and ever!

I'm SO jealous I think I'm going to cry!

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^ Pics~! Yes please~! ^^* You get to sit in the table next to the Cullens too~! OMG, xD and ok, how come I don't see pics of Stephenie Meyer and a bunch of girls (including you)? I see Emmett after Emmett and then school areas. Is it because I don't have an account there? T.T

Oh BTW - I read that there's a scene w/ Bella and Edward and some golden onion in the school hallway? What in the world is that?

But Special Kay, you're so lucky (: Being an extra in a movie - now that's a life experience, haha. And it's for Twilight too~! <3 I envy you like crazy.

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Guest Special Kay

^ Pics~! Yes please~! ^^* You get to sit in the table next to the Cullens too~! OMG, xD and ok, how come I don't see pics of Stephenie Meyer and a bunch of girls (including you)? I see Emmett after Emmett and then school areas. Is it because I don't have an account there? T.T

Oh BTW - I read that there's a scene w/ Bella and Edward and some golden onion in the school hallway? What in the world is that?

But Special Kay, you're so lucky (: Being an extra in a movie - now that's a life experience, haha. And it's for Twilight too~! <3 I envy you like crazy.

if you don't want the scene spoiled for you then don't read ......

the golden onion is part of the biology scene. its after edward gets back from alaska so things are tense between edward and bella. so they're sitting in bio class and the teacher says something about whoever gets whatever right gets the golden onion lol so obviously edward gets it and then after class bella kinda rushes out of class to get away from him but he catches up with her at her locker and he talks about how hes sorry and how he can;t figure her out and stuff like that and thats when she asks him if he got contacts because "they were like black yesterday and now they're like golden brown" and he says something and then he gives her the onion and walks away .... very tensely like hes trying to control himself with his arms straight at his sides and stuff. it'll be a good scene ... i was in the hallways in that one too! lol.

sorry im going crazy with posting but i've been staying at my brother's house and he doesn't have a computer but now i'm home and i can get back to this thread!

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Guest babieblue545

^I can't wait to see that part :)

They changed that scene... It was supposed to be something else instead of the onion, where they're looking through the microscope and finding out the stages of mitosis (I think)... stuff like metaphase and anaphase.

Thanks for the info.

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Oh - it's that scene~! Yeah, I don't think they used a "golden onion", but there was definitely a scene like that in Twilight. And you got to see them film it~! OMG.

And yes - thank you for sharing all the info~! ^^*

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Guest sweet_hunny

Yea they mentioned

onions but not a golden onion

:P. It's just a scene where they first engage (without the anger from Edward).

So what does some of the "known" cast members look like in real life (although I'm guessing amazing) and I also heard that some of the casts are in their own groups as well?

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Guest jessyjess

and I also heard that some of the casts are in their own groups as well?

Well I think Mike and Justin became close friends on the set but I am curious as to know the groups as well.

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Guest si11y_wabb1t

I think I have found my thread o_o;

I think i love you guys!

It's taking forever for the movie to come out it's killing me.

But the cast looks so amazing.

I can't wait for the movie release >_<;

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