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Twilight The Movie

Guest yurikah

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Guest babieblue545

arghh..i really HATED robert pattinson as edward when i first found out...he's not drop-dead gorgeous enough and he's too skinny! =(

i loved stephennie meyer's original choice for edward -Henry Cavill.

BUt...im starting to get used to the idea of robert as edward...so i guess its ok...not like we have a choice anyway =|

and the actor playing JASPER is UGLY! jasper is supposed to be tall and all vampires are hawt! =( hmph...

im so excited for this movieeeeeee =D

Wasn't there also a part in Twilight where it said Edward was pretty lean? He's not supposed to be bulky or anything... Robert just requires a lean body with beautiful muscles, haha, 'cause if he were bulky, he'd be just like Emmett :blink:

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Guest jessyjess

^^ Yea I think it's when Bella first sees Edward that she describes him as being lean. I haven't read Twilight in a while so I think it was that part.

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Guest sweet_hunny

^ Robert is working with trainer to be "physically Edward fit" as I have previously stated in one of my previous posts.

Again, by the time he steps out into the sun

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Guest xlissa

everytime i see twilight stuff or someone mentions it i get super excited!

can't believe we all have to wait until december to see the whole thing!!

im super excited!

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Guest summergirl

a woman named Kallie posted up her podcast of her encounter with Kellan! She posted up pictures and in another podcast she's tell us what Kellan says about Emmett and Rosalie!


The story about ^

Adventures in Portland!

Wouldn't you know, with my luck (or lack thereof), the weather was HORRENDOUS on my flight out to Portland. I missed my photo shoot thanks to my flight being delayed by 4+ hours. (Sorry Veronica - NEXT TIME!) I am actually lucky I even GOT there - ours was the last flight that got off the ground before the airport was shut down! Anyway, so I finally got there around 3:30pm and Kia was awesome enough to rearrange her schedule to come get me and hang with me the whole time. So we went straight to the set at Kalama High School from the airport. It was about a 40 minute drive. We got there and it was SO SO SO cold!!!! The first people we saw were Nikki Reed, Ashley Greene, and Kellan Lutz. That was awesome, but then I spotted Robert and my camera's shutter immediately went hard to work! haha! He looked A-freakin-MAZING! He was wearing the black Ray Ban sunglasses, his hair was perfectly messy and copper, and he was wearing a black t-shirt with a grey v-neck sweater and a long black coat and dark jeans and black boots. His skin was SO pale, he had the circles under his eyes, and he had in his golden contacts!!!! I could barely breathe, he was so good looking!

They were filming the scene where Edward drives Bella to school for the first time. Edward pulls up and gets out of the car and opens the door for Bella (I was so glad to see that attention to detail). Then they walk together up the steps of the school while all the students in the parking lot are looking on totally drop-mouthed and in awe. They shot that scene literally probably 13 times before the final take. It was crazy! I never realized that it took so long to get one 30 second scene filmed! After that they shot a scene with the rest of the Cullen/Hale kids arriving at school in Rosalie's red Mercedes. She was driving and Alice was in the front seat (bless her poor heart - she was in SHORT SLEEVES and I kid not - it was like 40 degrees outside), and Jasper and Emmett were in the back. I thought that was kind of funny. I'd think Emmett would be in front with "his girl".

All the cast seemed to get along great! During the breaks, Nikki and Rob seemed chatty and Ashley and Kellan chatted a bit. Kristen didn't step on scene until the very last few takes of each scene, so we didn't see much of her. I imagine she was probably working on school between then. Kellan was playing football with one of the crew. Rob, Nikki, and Katie (one of Kristen's doubles) went off for a smoke break at one point. (Yes, smoking is nasty, but I have to say, Rob looks dang good doing it. LOL) Jasper came over and had his makeup touched up at one point, too.

After a break, they filmed a short scene of Edward walking Bella up the steps and into the school. That didn't take very long. They went into another break after that and Rob was chatting with Nikki and Kellan and Kristen for a little bit, then went off on his own to study some script. He was chatting with one of the hair ladies, too. He's such a happy presence on the set - he always seemed to be smiling or laughing and just having a good time. Actually pretty much everyone seemed happy to be there despite it being freezing cold!!

OH! At one point the sun came out and it wouldn't go away, so Catherine had all the extras doing this rain dance in a circle to make the clouds come back. It was really funny! She even got in on the action, herself. One of the camera guys got in the middle with his camera and was filming it, so maybe we'll get to see it on an extras part of the DVD or something! Catherine seems like a little ball of energy - very positive and upbeat and fun.

We seriously had luck or something on our sides, because when we found out that we were staying at the same hotel as the cast!! Kia and I went down Wednesday morning to grab some breakfast and Jackson and Kellan are there in the lobby and then comes down Nikki and Ashley. We stayed cool, but kept peeking out the corner of our eyes. They are all just SO beautiful up close - it's crazy!

Wednesday Kallie joined us unexpectedly (but totally welcome!) and we went up to the set again. They weren't allowing photos to be taken because of the scenes they were filming at the time (got that info from the sound guy that I made buddies with later in the day), but we were still allowed on to watch.

This day they were filming some scenes where Edward is trying to restrain himself from killing Bella. I was kind of bored by it because they literally kept doing the same 10 second scene over & over for the entire time we were there. BUT - I am GLAD we stuck around because at one point, Robert went for a break with his umbrella carrier (so funny, by the way) and took off his SHIRT. He took off his sweater and his shirt came up with it. I told Kia and she totally missed it!! I was seriously wishing they would allow a camera at that point. haha! Let me just say - the boy is READY for the meadow scene!

We left to do some shopping, but then went back later. Kia stayed warm in the car while I ran over to the set for a bit to watch a little more. I am so glad we went back! One of the sound guys was kind of hitting on me and told me to come over to his little station to watch and hear the filming. I feel like a broken record because I keep saying how intense the scenes I saw filmed were, but there is just not a better word to describe it! I had chills going down my arms while I watched it and get them again thinking about it. (Rob's American accent is FLAWLESS. Perfection.) So - cute sound dude with blond hair whose name I can't remember now - THANK YOU for that experience!!! Seeing and hearing the taping really secured my confidence that they are doing this movie RIGHT in every way! The only thing he said that worried me was that this movie was geared toward 14-16 year olds. But I have no doubts that we'll still enjoy it - immensely.

So anyway, later that night as we arrived back at the hotel, I hopped out of the car and ROBERT steps out of this van on the corner where we are parking and walks down the street. We made eye contact as he passed, but I didn't say anything because I'm a big fat CHICKEN! So we decide to go get some dinner (and Kallie & Kia are ready for a drink to warm their bones after being in 40 degree rainy weather for the past three hours), so we ask the concierge where a good place to get both are and he points us to a place a block from our hotel. We walk in the door and just about croak when we see the only open table is the one next to two extremely hot males - ROBERT AND JACKSON to be exact!! We are kind of weirded out at this point and convinced that they must think we're stalking them. But we sit down and try to play it cool. The place had a glass mirror lining the back of the booth, so we could steal some stares glances every now and then. Rob was sitting diagonally from me, so I kept peeking out the corner of my eyes. He was SO beautiful!!! At one point, Jackson got up to pay his bill and Robert kept looking over at us like "TALK to me already", but of course we were too freakin' chicken and just sat there and ate our food and drank our drinks (coke for me and ale for Kallie & Kia)!!!! When they got up to leave, Kallie got the nerve to ask them to take some pictures of us girls (bless her), so Rob takes Kallie's camera and tells us to say "I love Ale". At first it sounded like he said "I love Anal" so I was like "WHAT?!" hahaha! Then he couldn't figure out Kia's camera but finally did and then told us "Say you love me." As you can imagine, we all had mini-heart attacks right at that moment. hahaa! I am still kicking myself HARD for the fact that we didn't gather the courage to be the fan girls that we ALL totally are and just ask for a photo with him, but . . . at the same time I feel good about it because the entire time he & Jackson were there they were venting about their day on the set and didn't seem to be in the best mood. (Robert and Jackson both have very big potty mouths - and it detracted NONE from their hotness if I do say so! haha) OH - and the details - they were both drinking ale (Rob had three and I think Jackson had one or maybe two) and smoking ciggies. They were both beautiful!! OHHHHH! And I forgot! My coat had fallen on the floor and Rob picked it up for me. So as much as a retard as I may be for it, I am NEVER washing my coat - it has ROBERT on it! HAHA!

We ran into Kellan several times because he was in the room across the hall from us. When we got home from dinner Wednesday night, Kia ordered some cake from room service and Kallie went up to work off her buzz on the treadmill. haha I went after Kallie and saw Kia had left the tray outside the door - and on it were some flowers. So my silly self took the flowers and put them on his doorstep. When I told the girls about it they were like OH MY GOSH AMY! So we went to go try to take them back but they were already gone. hahaha In the morning I went to get the newspaper and there was a note there thanking us for the flowers and signed Emmett with a googly face. SO funny, I wanted to laugh and die of embarrassment all at once. haha!

Thursday we spent doing a bunch of sightseeing. We went to the Rose Gardens, the Japanese Gardens, then drove along old highway to see a bunch of waterfalls! We came back home and shopped and ate lunch, had a nap, and then Kallie went that evening and had an interview with Kellan Lutz!!!! She was just gushing about how cool he was and nice and down to earth! Lucky girl!!!

(This next part I'm gonna copy from Kia's post, she remembers it better than I do!)

"On Thursday night we asked the concierge about good food places and he gave us two recommendations...one three blocks down, the other one block up. Blame it on laziness but we chose the place one block up. We were eating, relaxing talking about life. Kallie excuses herself to go to the bathroom. When she comes back she sits down and is a little excited and starts asking us weird questions. We are looking at her all weird when she says, Jackson, Nikki and her friend are at the table by the window eating! AHHHH! Again, not luck fate. But they were eating dinner, they had just started we didn’t want to bug ‘em so we didn’t. We just ate our food, paid our bill and left. AHHHH! I know, so close yet so far away! "

Anyway, so all in all it was an awesome trip! I know I will always regret not asking for a picture or autograph from Robert, but I can revel in the fact that I got to see an adaptation of my favorite book being filmed UP CLOSE & PERSONAL, I was within 3 feet of Robert Pattinson, he got my coat for me, and I have a note autographed by EMMETT! LOL!!!!

AND, the best part of all, I got to hang out with two seriously cool friends in a way-cool city.

Adventures in Portland!

Wouldn't you know, with my luck (or lack thereof), the weather was HORRENDOUS on my flight out to Portland. I missed my photo shoot thanks to my flight being delayed by 4+ hours. (Sorry Veronica - NEXT TIME!) I am actually lucky I even GOT there - ours was the last flight that got off the ground before the airport was shut down! Anyway, so I finally got there around 3:30pm and Kia was awesome enough to rearrange her schedule to come get me and hang with me the whole time. So we went straight to the set at Kalama High School from the airport. It was about a 40 minute drive. We got there and it was SO SO SO cold!!!! The first people we saw were Nikki Reed, Ashley Greene, and Kellan Lutz. That was awesome, but then I spotted Robert and my camera's shutter immediately went hard to work! haha! He looked A-freakin-MAZING! He was wearing the black Ray Ban sunglasses, his hair was perfectly messy and copper, and he was wearing a black t-shirt with a grey v-neck sweater and a long black coat and dark jeans and black boots. His skin was SO pale, he had the circles under his eyes, and he had in his golden contacts!!!! I could barely breathe, he was so good looking!

They were filming the scene where Edward drives Bella to school for the first time. Edward pulls up and gets out of the car and opens the door for Bella (I was so glad to see that attention to detail). Then they walk together up the steps of the school while all the students in the parking lot are looking on totally drop-mouthed and in awe. They shot that scene literally probably 13 times before the final take. It was crazy! I never realized that it took so long to get one 30 second scene filmed! After that they shot a scene with the rest of the Cullen/Hale kids arriving at school in Rosalie's red Mercedes. She was driving and Alice was in the front seat (bless her poor heart - she was in SHORT SLEEVES and I kid not - it was like 40 degrees outside), and Jasper and Emmett were in the back. I thought that was kind of funny. I'd think Emmett would be in front with "his girl".

All the cast seemed to get along great! During the breaks, Nikki and Rob seemed chatty and Ashley and Kellan chatted a bit. Kristen didn't step on scene until the very last few takes of each scene, so we didn't see much of her. I imagine she was probably working on school between then. Kellan was playing football with one of the crew. Rob, Nikki, and Katie (one of Kristen's doubles) went off for a smoke break at one point. (Yes, smoking is nasty, but I have to say, Rob looks dang good doing it. LOL) Jasper came over and had his makeup touched up at one point, too.

After a break, they filmed a short scene of Edward walking Bella up the steps and into the school. That didn't take very long. They went into another break after that and Rob was chatting with Nikki and Kellan and Kristen for a little bit, then went off on his own to study some script. He was chatting with one of the hair ladies, too. He's such a happy presence on the set - he always seemed to be smiling or laughing and just having a good time. Actually pretty much everyone seemed happy to be there despite it being freezing cold!!

OH! At one point the sun came out and it wouldn't go away, so Catherine had all the extras doing this rain dance in a circle to make the clouds come back. It was really funny! She even got in on the action, herself. One of the camera guys got in the middle with his camera and was filming it, so maybe we'll get to see it on an extras part of the DVD or something! Catherine seems like a little ball of energy - very positive and upbeat and fun.

We seriously had luck or something on our sides, because when we found out that we were staying at the same hotel as the cast!! Kia and I went down Wednesday morning to grab some breakfast and Jackson and Kellan are there in the lobby and then comes down Nikki and Ashley. We stayed cool, but kept peeking out the corner of our eyes. They are all just SO beautiful up close - it's crazy!

Wednesday Kallie joined us unexpectedly (but totally welcome!) and we went up to the set again. They weren't allowing photos to be taken because of the scenes they were filming at the time (got that info from the sound guy that I made buddies with later in the day), but we were still allowed on to watch.

This day they were filming some scenes where Edward is trying to restrain himself from killing Bella. I was kind of bored by it because they literally kept doing the same 10 second scene over & over for the entire time we were there. BUT - I am GLAD we stuck around because at one point, Robert went for a break with his umbrella carrier (so funny, by the way) and took off his SHIRT. He took off his sweater and his shirt came up with it. I told Kia and she totally missed it!! I was seriously wishing they would allow a camera at that point. haha! Let me just say - the boy is READY for the meadow scene!

We left to do some shopping, but then went back later. Kia stayed warm in the car while I ran over to the set for a bit to watch a little more. I am so glad we went back! One of the sound guys was kind of hitting on me and told me to come over to his little station to watch and hear the filming. I feel like a broken record because I keep saying how intense the scenes I saw filmed were, but there is just not a better word to describe it! I had chills going down my arms while I watched it and get them again thinking about it. (Rob's American accent is FLAWLESS. Perfection.) So - cute sound dude with blond hair whose name I can't remember now - THANK YOU for that experience!!! Seeing and hearing the taping really secured my confidence that they are doing this movie RIGHT in every way! The only thing he said that worried me was that this movie was geared toward 14-16 year olds. But I have no doubts that we'll still enjoy it - immensely.

So anyway, later that night as we arrived back at the hotel, I hopped out of the car and ROBERT steps out of this van on the corner where we are parking and walks down the street. We made eye contact as he passed, but I didn't say anything because I'm a big fat CHICKEN! So we decide to go get some dinner (and Kallie & Kia are ready for a drink to warm their bones after being in 40 degree rainy weather for the past three hours), so we ask the concierge where a good place to get both are and he points us to a place a block from our hotel. We walk in the door and just about croak when we see the only open table is the one next to two extremely hot males - ROBERT AND JACKSON to be exact!! We are kind of weirded out at this point and convinced that they must think we're stalking them. But we sit down and try to play it cool. The place had a glass mirror lining the back of the booth, so we could steal some stares glances every now and then. Rob was sitting diagonally from me, so I kept peeking out the corner of my eyes. He was SO beautiful!!! At one point, Jackson got up to pay his bill and Robert kept looking over at us like "TALK to me already", but of course we were too freakin' chicken and just sat there and ate our food and drank our drinks (coke for me and ale for Kallie & Kia)!!!! When they got up to leave, Kallie got the nerve to ask them to take some pictures of us girls (bless her), so Rob takes Kallie's camera and tells us to say "I love Ale". At first it sounded like he said "I love Anal" so I was like "WHAT?!" hahaha! Then he couldn't figure out Kia's camera but finally did and then told us "Say you love me." As you can imagine, we all had mini-heart attacks right at that moment. hahaa! I am still kicking myself HARD for the fact that we didn't gather the courage to be the fan girls that we ALL totally are and just ask for a photo with him, but . . . at the same time I feel good about it because the entire time he & Jackson were there they were venting about their day on the set and didn't seem to be in the best mood. (Robert and Jackson both have very big potty mouths - and it detracted NONE from their hotness if I do say so! haha) OH - and the details - they were both drinking ale (Rob had three and I think Jackson had one or maybe two) and smoking ciggies. They were both beautiful!! OHHHHH! And I forgot! My coat had fallen on the floor and Rob picked it up for me. So as much as a retard as I may be for it, I am NEVER washing my coat - it has ROBERT on it! HAHA!

We ran into Kellan several times because he was in the room across the hall from us. When we got home from dinner Wednesday night, Kia ordered some cake from room service and Kallie went up to work off her buzz on the treadmill. haha I went after Kallie and saw Kia had left the tray outside the door - and on it were some flowers. So my silly self took the flowers and put them on his doorstep. When I told the girls about it they were like OH MY GOSH AMY! So we went to go try to take them back but they were already gone. hahaha In the morning I went to get the newspaper and there was a note there thanking us for the flowers and signed Emmett with a googly face. SO funny, I wanted to laugh and die of embarrassment all at once. haha!

Thursday we spent doing a bunch of sightseeing. We went to the Rose Gardens, the Japanese Gardens, then drove along old highway to see a bunch of waterfalls! We came back home and shopped and ate lunch, had a nap, and then Kallie went that evening and had an interview with Kellan Lutz!!!! She was just gushing about how cool he was and nice and down to earth! Lucky girl!!!

(This next part I'm gonna copy from Kia's post, she remembers it better than I do!)

"On Thursday night we asked the concierge about good food places and he gave us two recommendations...one three blocks down, the other one block up. Blame it on laziness but we chose the place one block up. We were eating, relaxing talking about life. Kallie excuses herself to go to the bathroom. When she comes back she sits down and is a little excited and starts asking us weird questions. We are looking at her all weird when she says, Jackson, Nikki and her friend are at the table by the window eating! AHHHH! Again, not luck fate. But they were eating dinner, they had just started we didn’t want to bug ‘em so we didn’t. We just ate our food, paid our bill and left. AHHHH! I know, so close yet so far away! "

Anyway, so all in all it was an awesome trip! I know I will always regret not asking for a picture or autograph from Robert, but I can revel in the fact that I got to see an adaptation of my favorite book being filmed UP CLOSE & PERSONAL, I was within 3 feet of Robert Pattinson, he got my coat for me, and I have a note autographed by EMMETT! LOL!!!!

AND, the best part of all, I got to hang out with two seriously cool friends in a way-cool city. :)

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i'm so jealous right now. :tears:

i wish i was Kallie

and i wish i live in the U.S.!

heck, i practically live halfway round the world!

btw, Jackson is HOT..

so people should really stop complaining

about him and the rest of the cast..

Rob is perfect.. :wub:

thanks for the updates! :D

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Guest summergirl



i'm so jealous right now. :tears:

i wish i was Kallie

and i wish i live in the U.S.!

heck, i practically live halfway round the world!

Oh same here. :[[[

i wish i could go to the movie set.

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Guest loveprint

This is so damn Edward. <3 I don't see why so many people are complaining. Rob is so perfect for the role. *sigh* There are also more photos in that album so check it out. (:

i found this amazing fan-made trailer

on youtube!

check it out HERE

I LOVE the music in that trailer. *dies* It's done very nicely. I agree - it's one of the best I've seen. I got chills at the climax of the song. I don't know how I'm going to handle myself when the teaser trailer comes out.
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Guest jessyjess


And that fanvid trailer IS AMAZING. I really did get chills watching it and I screamed when the rest of the cast was shown at the end of the clip! Hahahaha, I'm such a dork.

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ooowwww! im so jealous! i wish i could read minds like edward so i could picture exactly how kallie saw Robert. ahuhuhu.... he is so freakin HOT! i made my brother read the book.hahaha..he says im acting like a lunatic.

^ thart fanvid is really good! i must say its the best of what i watched. anybody here know when they might post the official trailer of the movie?

seriously, people really need to stop complaining about the cast. its NO point complaining because they're already in the process of filming the freakin movie. suck it up and wait til the movie comes. also, stop saying nasty things about the cast cause you're not only insulting the stars but also the fans who like them. i know this is a free country and stuff but have some respect. its already an honor to see our favorite book come to life. :)

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Guest Ladyy

This is so damn Edward. <3 I don't see why so many people are complaining. Rob is so perfect for the role. *sigh* There are also more photos in that album so check it out. (:

I LOVE the music in that trailer. *dies* It's done very nicely. I agree - it's one of the best I've seen. I got chills at the climax of the song. I don't know how I'm going to handle myself when the teaser trailer comes out.

The crooked-Edward-smile! :w00t:

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Guest sweet_hunny

^ They need doubles for their stunts and the actors' safety are always first priorities.

Ooh! Cool fan-made trailer. I love that these fans are so dedicated to movie as we are :lol:!

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Guest SM Town

found this amazing fan-made trailer

on youtube!

check it out HERE

btw, i think it's the best fan-made trailer i have ever seen of Twilight..

said it was made by madison meyer..

is that stephenie meyers sister ??

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