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Your Phrase

Guest sparklnshine789

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Guest xFloOwuffBB

Haha i say things like





"Wuuhhht? o.O"

Hahah idkk. xD

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Guest jeffword

I tend to use "yeahhhh"

and like, extend out the 'eah' part with a laugh,

so it sounds like 'yeahahahah.'

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Guest lazlyher

haha, i seem to use "YO" alot for some reason. i use it at the end of the sentence, Yo!


or sometimes i call out for my older brother


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Guest sides.

lol man i went through so many phrases, my friends still mock me about my "you wanna die?" and "can you do ___ for me? i'll be your best friendddd" days

now it's just hecka and freaking like five times per sentence, but who lives in norcal and doesn't say that haha. oh and intense. because everything is intenseeeeee

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Guest Lanhai

Slang over here is a bit different.......i have noticed that i started ending every sentence with "yeah" and "aye" and making the end tone go up........

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Guest oh`retro

Oh man, I've gone through so many "current phrase" phases.

I use the word "ya'll" a lot.

My friends always make fun of me.

They're like "Are you from Texas? No. Stop using ya'll." LOL.

And I also say "Whoo..." a lot.

LMAO and I also say "With a name like ____, it's a wonder he gets anywhere."

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Guest suppaazn

"You know what i'm saying?" --I'm watching too much Crown J and Fresh Prince. xD

"Sooo...how 'bout them yankees?" --I used that as a silence breaker.. hahaha don't know why I used yankees...I don't like them. xD

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Guest prettynothings

I tend to use "yeahhhh"

and like, extend out the 'eah' part with a laugh,

so it sounds like 'yeahahahah.'


"Sooo...how 'bout them yankees?" --I used that as a silence breaker.. hahaha don't know why I used yankees...I don't like them. xD

My friend, Joseph did that one time and i was

hella cracking up! He didn't say Yankees,

but the lakers. Hmm,

i say

" Yo momma! "

all the time, even thou it's old.


Nicole: Api, where's the pillows?

Me: YOMOMMA, close the door!

She looked like she was about to cry(:

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Guest toomuchsmiling

i say 'freaking' a lot. 'what the heck' and sadly i got hooked on the 'so yeahh' phrase. <_< and i say 'WHOOHOO!' often and out of nowhere. actually i say a lot of weird things out of nowhere. i'm a random person. ^______^

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Guest Jesszic@

i used to hold a grudge on this word; woot!

..but not anymore! xD I used it quite alot now~ ohmygee! alright, you seee the flow.

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