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Your Phrase

Guest sparklnshine789

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Guest MisS_SuJu

I keep calling everyone a broom nowadays...

don't even know where I got that from.

Like: "EK! YOU BROOM, you're noisy man..."

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Guest v3rmillion

recently, it's been "duuuuuuude" and "man, that's _________" and I'm talking with girls 99% of the time -______-

and my friend's still using "fierce!" asdflhgj;/'asghi;aga'sase Project Runway...

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I say indeed or uncalled for a lot now, those two words annoy my friends though, which is why i say them even more xD

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Guest Amanda Plz

I say dude a lot :lol:. And homie. Like to my sister:

"Yo homieeeeeeeeeee geeeeeee =_____=. How it be poppin'?!"

And it usually goes on like that with us saying it back and forth.

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Guest love_fate&destiny

haha, let's see. whenever i'm surprise or scared or exasperated, i say

Jesus Crisis! or Jesus! or Jesus Christ!

i'm not church people. but i don't know where i picked that up. One day, i just started saying it. and it's stuck. ;)

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Guest love!mvmt

-- can you go like me

-- yes yes i seee

-- b.itch. lol. i really love using that word now for some reason. o_o

-- jesus christ, man! (like the above poster)

-- i'm so gee

random random indeed

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Guest traceface

i say dude A LOT

"oh f*** me." when something is bothering me or i screwed up.

i saw awesome too. lol

hm.. yeahhhhhhhhh.. .

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Guest xstrawberry_bearx

The words I say the most lately are:

- Nyappy! ♥

- Mouu, hontou nii? O__O;

- Waeeeee? T_T

- Nyaaaaar~

- Dude.

- Seriously!

- LOL -- I find that I use laughing out loud a bit too much ^__^;

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Guest ninasaurus

haha I say a lot of crazy things sometimes

a lot of the times it doesn't even make sense

some of the stuff I've been saying lately:

"I'm over it"

"active rage!" -- this has to do with the fraternity I'm in

"oh my god lawlz"

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