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[[Alice `N I N E]]

Guest JASON;

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Guest understanding_fiction

^ lol xD

a guy i know calls alice nine gay >:0 but then he always adds, "but their hair is siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick!" >.<

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Guest syunikiss

^ i go psycho when people do that

but i always say like "so what? so what if they`re gay? you gotta problem with that?"

usually leaves them speechless >:D

and about MIRRORBALL ... i think he spoke about it a bit before (or after) the NHK performance ... i think he said about the lyrics, something like: the complexity of humans and the conflict between good and evil [i think he means like within a person]

something like that =x

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Joanna: 8D HIROPON PICS! -fangirls- xD.... i like his hair in any style. x.x... though... he really looks like a girl sometimes~ <33

alice nine.: -dies- SHOW! XD... I like the SHOU spelling best. SYOU is quite Ok but........ SHOW?!?! >_<... can't really take it.

Btw... does anybody ever notice....... Shou has a limited kind of pose??

lumiyooni: GASP! Like syunikiss I go psycho whenever people say that in front of me. XD... but her reaction is nicer than mine. ahaha... I usually go like.......

"You're just jealous because he's gazillion times prettier than you and even with those kind of looks he still gets more girls."

^ or something worse than that. :ph34r:

hmm... I don't know if this has any relevance but~ XD... I kinda made these ads for a project. I was supposed to make an ad for each member but when I was looking for a Saga pic the computer crashed! X.x... thankfully I had a few pics on my mom's laptop so I was able to make these~


Hiroto: Bulgari Black

x.x... it was supposed to be Shou's but I liked Pon's pose~ it fits the mood I want.


Shou: Diesel

to make up for it, I made a Shou ad, but I used diesel instead of bulgari black.


Hiroto: Bulgari Blue

once again it's Hiroto. :sweatingbullets: he has the best kind of poses imo~

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Guest understanding_fiction

^ i go psycho when people do that

but i always say like "so what? so what if they`re gay? you gotta problem with that?"

usually leaves them speechless >:D

lumiyooni: GASP! Like syunikiss I go psycho whenever people say that in front of me. XD... but her reaction is nicer than mine. ahaha... I usually go like.......

"You're just jealous because he's gazillion times prettier than you and even with those kind of looks he still gets more girls."

^ or something worse than that. :ph34r:

lol xD

I stick to the tone of "I'm sorry that you're so ignorant and that you have such a limited perspective that you see everything in black or white, and I'm so sorry that you've had such a crooked upbringing that you never learned to accept other people's preferences. And I'm happy that you don't like how they look, because that reduces the competition for me."

hehe xD although I still have 27,402,735,682,560,865,836,246 to 1 odds for nao ~.~... wait, there aren't even that many people on earth -o-;;

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alice nine.: -dies- SHOW! XD... I like the SHOU spelling best. SYOU is quite Ok but........ SHOW?!?! >_<... can't really take it.

Btw... does anybody ever notice....... Shou has a limited kind of pose??


show is bad

but not too bad

he'll change it back - fan reaction ;)

Well actually yes, he does sometimes have a limited kinda pose o_o"

but actually in the Alpha mini book thing that you get when you buy the Alpha limited and normal edition, he does make some new poses that he's only used during that era.

oh and about the alice nine. looking/being gay topic

i respond to that by saying

"they're pretty boys what'd you expect, they're bound to look really feminine"


too sexy

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oh and about the alice nine. looking/being gay topic

i respond to that by saying

"they're pretty boys what'd you expect, they're bound to look really feminine"


too sexy


my respond:

@ least they take care of themselves unlike some guys....

there's harsher (i hope that's spelled right) responds, but then people who think inside the box wouldn't know.

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Guest understanding_fiction

*sigh* <_< pretty pissed off now

having the most retardest sister ever possible, she jumps at every chance to insult every single singer I like, including alice nine

I'd explain the details, but it would involve a lot of tricky ways to override the swear filter, so... :vicx:

I hate how everyone is so quick to say that alice nine fans are only attracted to their appearance -_-

which makes no sense anyways, when they're always saying how "ugly" jrockers are

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Guest xstrawberry_bearx

^ Your sister does that too!? T__T Same with mine!

Even though I love her, my sister keeps dissing who I like T_T

She keeps questioning everyone I listen to now: "So are they girls or guys?"

It gets very very annoying! But anyways ... T__T Cant go around the swear fliter either.. ^__^;

I hope it's SHOU and not SHOW. I mean either way it's still him but preference i think SHOU is much nicer<3

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^AHH YES SAME it's SO ANNOYING, because she doesnt listen to ANY of the music i like so she disses them all T__T im nice enough not to diss any of the artists she likes >_>

^ohh my sis doesnt ask that but my friends do :X haha i guess im kinda used to it now >< haha

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Guest fallen-anjoOL

She keeps questioning everyone I listen to now: "So are they girls or guys?"
My friends say that and I always count to ten when they do. xDD; They always ask even though I keep telling them they're guys... yet they don't believe me. :X

One of my friends is really public with their opinions too. (Not on alice nine. but DBSK, :sweatingbullets:) She keeps insisting that JaeJoong is a girl--not that that has anything to do with alice nine. Lols. XD;

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my respond:

@ least they take care of themselves unlike some guys....

there's harsher (i hope that's spelled right) responds, but then people who think inside the box wouldn't know.

yeah you spelled harsher right :D

but responds isnt right

it's "response"


ima guy :D are you calling me one of those other guys? >=\


I hate how everyone is so quick to say that alice nine fans are only attracted to their appearance -_-

which makes no sense anyways, when they're always saying how "ugly" jrockers are

yeah i hate that too

the mirror ball picture was on my diary for a while

and all these girls thought they were girls and called them hot =="

like zomggggg they're not girls

then they auto change their mind and go "its so wrong! they look like girls its not right"

people these days >=\

I hope it's SHOU and not SHOW. I mean either way it's still him but preference i think SHOU is much nicer<3

Shou is a lot nicer we'll see how it goes :D


I dont think mirrorball did very well on oricon charts ;S

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Guest fallen-anjoOL

^ Oh? ;D Screencapped from the Oricon Charts Website:


That's the weekly ranking, though. But still, #6 is still pretty good! :D!

I'm guessing that 13801 is the number of MIRRORBALL copies that were sold? I should've screencapped the table as well sughsurhtswt. -facepalm-

(Sorry for the crappy quality of the screencap. >__>!)

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Guest Hιtσмι

When i went to Japan i saw this really big flyer for Alicenine mirror ball single promotion!

it was awesome!!!!

<3 love their new single

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yeah you spelled harsher right :D

but responds isnt right

it's "response"


ima guy :D are you calling me one of those other guys? >=\


lol me and my spellings

...0_o...wait your a guy? and all this time i thought you were a girl....sorry....well, i don't know if you take care of yourself and have good hygiene than you can be a pretty boy or a clean person, whatever you consider yourself, but sorry i didn't mean to offend anyone.

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i hope you're not sad or nothing D:

i was just saying, ima dude x]

dont worryyy mang :D


btw. anyone know where i could find my avatar D:

i dunnoe where to find it D:

or the real picture D:

edit: also can anyone tell me where to get the black jewel white rose photos? anyone know what im talking about? T____T"



i dunnoe why the sides are white o_o"

i think someones tampered with it lol

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XD... this might be a little late but~ haha... I'm shou_haido9's li'l sis andddd... don't get too worked up with li'l siblings comments~ it's just our way to have something to do with the older siblings. ^_~ plus, it's a lot of fun pissing the older ones. :ph34r:

Number six in the oricon charts huh? XDDDD not bad... I think Mirror Ball is one of those songs you have to get used to first. well, it's just my opinion. ^^;; took me a few days after hearing the full song to completely appreciate it. Oh yeah! Tsubasa's a really catchy song. <33 I love the lyrics a lot too.

Btw~ I rewatched their Number Six the movie and it's actually my first time noticing how cute (in action) Tora could be! x.x... and has anyone noticed? Shou keeps moving his head left, right or some other direction when he talks there? @_@


XD... I was actually going to ask you where you got your avi.

:sweatingbullets: ... I just raided my sister's Shou pic folder and I found a few. I also found a pic like the one you posted~ it doesn't have the white border edges but it has a watermark. (btw... I'm not really sure if they're the one you want coz.... xD I'm still sorta, kinda new to them. O_o... or I'm just lazy~)








xD... these are all we've got (my sister and myself)

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lol thnx a heap :D

but i already have MOST of those photos x]

i just need NAOs picture since i already have shou, tora, hiroto and saga D:




i dont mind the watermark, i crop it out anyway x]

im also looking for the photos that look like this:



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