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[drama 2009] The Return Of Iljimae 돌아온 일지매

Guest cutiepie

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Uhw...i hope his mother is OK. I mean she`s such a strong person, and the "thing" that happen GJM won`t happen to her. I even haven`t watch eps.21&22...I think next week i won`t let myself to see any spoiler until i watch it. I just come here to collect torrent link. :P Please anyone who want to give spoiler to color the text in white not just yellow, so i won`t be lured to see it :lol:

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Guest hjkomo

Thanks, Luv! :tears: :tears: :tears:

Ep. 22


Iljimae frees Wol Hee and tells her to go on ahead. Then, he faces Bak Bi Su.

Wol Hee runs into an eye-slit bamboo hat, but Cha Dol, dressed as Iljimae, scares him off.

Iljimae and Bak Bi Su battle each other (awesome fight!). Iljimae injures Bak Bi Su and says that he wishes he could send BBS to hell, but he swore never to kill again. That is the only reason BBS is still alive.

Just then, Iljimae becomes incapacitated at the sound of drums beating. He's about to be taken away when Goo Ja Myung shows up with his men. Soo Ryun revives IJM with smelling salts.

Cha Dol and Wol Hee return to Bae Seon Dal's house, and Geol Chi asks where Iljimae is. Wol Hee says he said he would follow behind them.

Kim Ja Jeom appears, saying he was walking by coincidentally, and tells Goo Ja Myung that he will take Iljimae to the Judicial Tribunal. He tells GJM to take the other men (with the eye-slit bamboo hats) who are being arrested. GJM insists on taking Iljimae to the police station because Iljimae already wrote a letter of surrender to them. This allows GJM to take IJM away.

GJM reports to his commander. Aside from the Minister Kwon's murder, none of the victims of Iljimae's crimes have reported to the police.

Geol Chi and Wol Hee lament Iljimae's capture. Bae Seon Dal says there's still hope because IJM was taken in by Goo Ja Myung. If he had been taken in by Kim Ja Jeom, he would've been killed immediately. Wol Hee says if they could trust the judicial system, there would be no need for someone like IJM. The laws of this country exist for the nobles, not the common people.

KJJ and the other corrupt noble celebrate IJM's capture. KJJ assures them he has a way to bring about IJM's death.

GJM interrogates IJM at the police station and tells IJM not to give up. He must meet his mother someday. Soo Ryun informs GJM that IJM will be tried at the Judicial Tribunal. This has been brought about by Kim Ja Jeom.

KJJ gives IJM the choice of taking all the blame for the secret manufacture of explosives...or take down Choi Myung Gil and the king with him.

Soo Ryun informs GJM of the result of the trial. IJM has been found guilty of treason. He will be executed tomorrow.

WH faints upon hearing the news.

GJM decides he can't break his promise to Baek Mae. He can't tell her that her son died.

Soo Ryun checks in on GJM. He tells her to go home for the day...and almost says more but changes his mind.

Narrator: A moment that one will never forget for the rest of one's life....Now, one of those moments has been created {come into existence} for Soo Ryun...

GJM goes to see IJM on the pretext of further interrogation.

GJM tells IJM that Baek Mae came to Hanyang to see him but was unable to (that time she made the food). Then, she stayed a Hanyang for a while at a gibang before going back to Gaesong to her ginseng patch. IJM realizes that the woman who treated him is his mother...and laments that he didn't even know it was her.

IJM asks GJM not to tell his mother that he died. Just tell her that he went somewhere far away and let her believe that he's still alive. GJM says there's no need because he can go to Gaesong to see her himself.

GJM frees IJM. He gives IJM his clothes tells IJM to use the back exit where it's dark. IJM says he can't let GJM do this, but GJM tells him not to worry. He promised Baek Mae that he would save IJM and reunite her with him. All his life he's lived for the police bureau...that was a promise to himself. But his promise to Baek Mae is also a promise. He does not make promises he can't keep.

IJM escapes in GJM's clothes.

Flashbacks of GJM and Baek Mae...his proclamation of love for her and his wish to become IJM's father.

GJM holds the wedding rings he had bought for Baek Mae in his hand and says to them that they (the rings) have an owner but they won't be able to meet her. :tears:

GJM stabbed himself and wrote a letter to his commander apologizing for his actions.

The commander, fearing his own neck, tells Jong Sa Kwan to keep the fact that GJM freed IJM a secret. They tell everyone that IJM killed GJM and escaped.

Soo Ryun cries over GJM's body, telling him to get up...he can't depart like this... :tears:

Wol Hee wakes up. Cha Dol tells WH that IJM escaped from prison.

Kim Ja Jeom is furious that IJM escaped and calls for Gi Seon Nyeo. She tells KJJ that IJM will not come after him. She tells him not to call for her anymore. She's worn out and will go into the mountains.

Gi Seon Nyeo gathers her belongings in a frenzy with the steward and tells him that everyone around KJJ will die. KJJ is going to be beheaded and dismembered as a criminal.

Jong Sa Kwan tells Jung Tae and Soo Ryun to find IJM for GJM. Jung Tae can't believe that IJM would do such a terrible thing. Soo Ryun rages, saying IJM is a thief and a murderer.

Wang Hweng Bo and Yang Po have recovered from their wounds. They can't go back to Qing empty-handed.

Baek Mae asks the peddler for some medicine for burns...and asks for news of IJM. He tells her that IJM was captured and will probably die soon. She decides to go to Hanyang. Along the way, she runs into some policemen escorting a prisoner. They left Hanyang on the day the judgement from IJM's trial was announced, so they tell her he's already dead by now.

Geol Chi gives Wol Hee medicine. WH wonders where IJM is. Bae Seon Dal says he's probably hiding to avoid the police.

WH says they should tie IJM's foot when he returns, so he won't leave again. Geol Chi jokes that he'll tie IJM and WH together.

Bae Seon Dal doesn't say anything about GJM's death.

Baek Mae writes a farewell letter to GJM. She didn't believe in happiness, but GJM gave her hope...and slowly she came to know what happiness was. She thanks him for treasuring her.

IJM goes to see his mother but hesitates in front of her house. He goes to buy her a writing brush.

Baek Mae takes out some powder (most likely, poison). :(

IJM returns to Baek Mae's house.


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Guest Jill4675

Thanks, Luv, for the great caps! Thanks, hjkomo, for the quick summary (which I'm just about to read)...

Episode 22 thumbs:

Adorable Iljimae Jr. saves the day!


This was a great scene; boy, if looks could kill...




So happy to see her! :)

th_7901de6d.jpgth_33795768.jpg < Worried quartet sad0137.gif

Even the jail scenes are amazing; love the shot of IJM in his cell...






th_c13e8d38.jpg < So sweet...

Absolutely beautiful!



Dreading next week... 359.gif


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Ep. 22

IJM goes to see his mother but hesitates in front of her house. He goes to buy her a writing brush.

Baek Mae takes out some powder (most likely, poison). :(

IJM returns to Baek Mae's house.


Ohhhh mannn... why did he have to hesitate???... oh the cruel hand of fate... :(

Thanks so much hjkomo for another fast recap... will be watching this one with a heavy heart :tears:

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Guest hjkomo

The title of Ep. 22 is a bit tricky but it goes something like this:

Continuously Longing or Longing After That, Then Goodbye

(It's the last line of Baek Mae's parting letter to Goo Ja Myung.)

Iljimae's fight scenes are always spectacular, but this one against Bak Bi Su was especially well done, IMHO.

I particularly liked the choreography mixed with the sound editing...(and, of course, the camerawork) :D

thereturnofiljimaee22ko.jpgthereturnofiljimaee22ko.jpg <-- as in, this part...




thereturnofiljimaee22kor.jpg <-- and this part...





All the maehwa shots are stunning. :wub: They timed the production filming perfectly.







thereturnofiljimaee22ko.jpg <-- Loved this! The longing!









Next week:

It looks like Baek Mae already took the poison before Iljimae found her... :tears:

but she's awake long enough to meet her son and dies in his arms... :tears: :tears:

And Iljimae goes back to Qing with Wang Hweng Bo and Yang Po.

Don't know why he's stealing a sword from Huang Taiji, though. :unsure:

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hjkomo, thanks for quick recap....have been dying to know what GJM said and also what BM has written in her note to GJM :tears::tears::tears:

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Ohhhh mannn... why did he have to hesitate???... oh the cruel hand of fate... :(

Not the cruel hand of fate, yskj but rather the cruel pen of the scriptwriter. :P

Spoiler.....eclipse, please don't read till you finish your episodes....... In Return of lljimae, the scriptwriter follows as close as possible to the manhwa and in the manhwa, both GJM and BM die in the end. GJM, because he wants to keep his promise to BM but BM's death is rather tragic because there is a chance for her to meet her son if it is not for the fact that she receives the wrong information.

In the manhwa, BM is on her way to Hanyang to see GJM as she has decides to accept his proposal but on the way there she hears from some passerbys that lljimae has been excuted. In her grief she kills herself on the spot. l could be wrong, perhaps fans who have read the manhwa can correct me but my understanding is that she did not has the chance to see lljimae at all.

In the drama, the scriptwriter has written a tragic and yet beautiful love story of GJM and BM unlike in the manhwa, which is sad and tragic.

- GJM, after he manages to track BM, visits her to tell her the news of lljimae and at the sametime declare his love to her and ask if he can takes care of her and lljimae. BM tells him that she needs time to think it over. GJM then returns to Hanyang. Again, l may be wrong but my understanding is that it is the last time he sees BM.

Personally, l know l will feel terrible if the love story of GJM and BM is being written out this way.....it is so sad, so tragic but most of all so incomplete. It is almost like reading a love story that has no ending and having this "nagging feeling of regrets". It is not because both of them died in the end. l can accept that, what l know l cannot accept will be the fact that GJM dies alone, not knowing that BM cares for him or that BM has actually accepts his proposal. For BM, after all her sufferings, she almost has her wish comes true and yet in a cruel twist of fate, she lost that one chance to do so and what makes it even more tragic is that the one person who truly loves and cherish her dies in order to fulfil her dream and yet it is not fulfil because she dies too.

I am glad that the scriptwriter has "weaves in extra parts" that mades the love story of GJM and BM, though tragic but beautiful and complete. Complete in what sense? Complete because even though GJM dies, l know that at least he knows that BM has accepts him. He dies knowing that this is the last thing he can do for the woman he loves all his life. He knows lljimae is more important to BM than himself and he is willing to sacrifice himself so that BM can be reunited with her son and be happy. BM's happiness is more important to him.

It is important for me to know that BM has truly accepts GJM and that he has given her the happiness that she has not known exists before (her farewell letter to him). In the manhwa, l am left with this awful feeling, wondering if she has gone to GJM because she has no alternative as GJM is her only link to her son.

I am always fearful that BM goes to GJM because she has no alternative but her farewell letter to GJM clearly express her feelings, that she has finally experience happiness because GJM brings her happiness. l think in this instance, she meant "love" and GJM himself because it is clear that at that moment when she writes this letter, she thought that lljimae is dead and that GJM obviously cannot keeps his promise to her but even so, she writes about the happiness that he brings her...... it is also, obvious that the happiness she writes about is not that GJM brings her is lljimae but GJM's love.....l really want to"hug" the scriptwriter....he creates such a beautiful love story........

The scripwriter has seen to it, all these incomplete feelings are close, l kind of have answers for them and am no longer left feeling unhappy and upset. He even creates the opportunity for BM to see lljiame several times (without them knowing each other) and one last time to let BM knows that the young man she has care for is actually her own son before she dies thus fulfilling her longings. Thus he has to create the reason for lljimae to stop and buy the pen.....if he does not do that, BM will probabaly be still alive and that will upset everything.

The scriptwriter had also cleverly "weaved" in many parts for BM to "tend" to her own son (like a mother does), feeding him milk when he was a baby, telling him to be careful when she first met him in Hanyang city, making a meal for him (the meal that GJM shares with him), scolding him when she met him in the gibang thinking that he was good for nothing and wasting his time in the gibang, just like any concern mother who is concern about her son's welfare will do and finally tending to a seriously injured lljimae (thus saving her own son's life) in her house. It is as if the scriptwriter wants BM to dies in peace knowing she has done her duties as his mother.

l am sad that GJM + BM have to die in the end but with all the extras that the scriptwriter "weaves" in, l can accept their deaths in the drama.

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Not the cruel hand of fate, yskj but rather the cruel pen of the scriptwriter. :P

Spoiler.....eplicse, please don't read till you finish your episodes....... In Return of lljimae, the scriptwriter follows as close as possible to the manhwa and in the manhwa, both GJM and BM die in the end. GJM, because he wants to keep his promise to BM but BM's death is rather tragic because there is a chance for her to meet her son if it is not for the fact that she receives the wrong information.

Hehe jojo, you're so right! :P

Wow!.. thanks so much for sharing your feelings on the manhwa versus the drama... loved reading it! :wub:

I totally get what you mean... GJM and BM's love story has indeed been fleshed out so well.

From what you say, it looks like the scriptwriter has done a fine job of adapting the story for tv... you know, I have always had this feeling that the makers of this show are fans of the source material, which is apparent in how much they have been faithful to it and how lovingly they have brought the story and its characters to life.

And reading all that spoilery info on the manhwa just makes me want to read it too... but alas! if only i could... so please do keep sharing your thoughts on the manhwa and drama here :)

I still haven't gotten the time to watch the latest episode... darned work deadlines!...

Ep22 just looks so beautiful... and beautifully tragic... *sigh*

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Hehe jojo, you're so right! :P

Wow!.. thanks so much for sharing your feelings on the manhwa versus the drama... loved reading it! :wub:

I totally get what you mean... GJM and BM's love story has indeed been fleshed out so well.

From what you say, it looks like the scriptwriter has done a fine job of adapting the story for tv... you know, I have always had this feeling that the makers of this show are fans of the source material, which is apparent in how much they have been faithful to it and how lovingly they have brought the story and its characters to life.

Hi yskj, thank you so much for your kind words, l am happy that you enjoy reading my post. l have to confess that l did not read the manhwa and l have written according to what l have learn from some fans. However, l don't think l am too far off.

You are so right, the scriptwriter has done a wonderful job and so has the director, this is a great team. l really love the way he has "re-written" GJM and BM's love story, it has leaves me more than satisfy. l love this drama too for the beautiful cinematography and its sound track...it is a well thought of, well directed and beautifully produce period drama.

yskj, l have also edit my post (l was quite sleepy when l first wrote it). l like to point out that scriptwriter has also cleverly "added several episodes" in BM's life where she encounters lljimae (without knowing who he is) and these seemingly "unrelated" and perhaps "unimportant" events will in the end adds up to something meaningful. Actually, there are quite a number of scenes where it does not seems to be important at that moment when l see it but later on, l will realise that it is related to an important event.


The scriptwriter had also cleverly "weaved" in many parts for BM to "tend" to her own son (like a mother does), feeding him milk when he was a baby, telling him to be careful when she first met him in Hanyang city, making a meal for him (the meal that GJM shares with him), scolding him when she met him in the gibang thinking that he was good for nothing and wasting his time in the gibang, just like a mother who is concern about the welfare of her son and finally tending to a injured lljimae in her house. It is as if the scriptwriter wants BM to dies in peace knowing she has done her duties as his mother.

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Guest itsukahana

I have a quick question. Which episodes does Ki Seon Nyeo ( the fortune teller) appears in?

Also, is there any info about the character?

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I have a quick question. Which episodes does Ki Seon Nyeo ( the fortune teller) appears in?

Also, is there any info about the character?

She first appears in epi 18. * ^ ^ *

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