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BIGGEST TURN OFFS on the opposite sex?

Guest StylishAzNx07

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1. bad breath.

2. smokers.

3. yellow teeth.

4. body odour

- stinky feets.

5. hairy legs.

6. goofy.

7. immature acts and thinking. :tongue2:

8. rude; attitude problem

- scold their girlfriends for no reason.

9. violent

- hit girls; mistreat animals.

10. do drugs.

11. unfillial.

12. if they beg. (guys should have some pride!).

13. if they get and let girls used them. <_<

14. two timers.

15. jerk.

16. bastard.

17. bad in bed. =X

- cant get up 5 times in a row at night. =XXX (just kidding) :blush:

18. tattoos.

19. over lustful, pervert.

- take advantage of girls.

20. poor manners.

- no table manners, no respect for elderly.

21. liars.

22. drinks too much and get wasted.

23. live on parent's money; rascal, insolent brat!

24. poor hygiene.

25. doesnt know how to kiss!

26. behave like a clown.

27. irritates me when I say stop doing it.

28. cheat. ( to me, you can be stupid and I wont despise you but if you cheat on test or on people, I will condem on you. )

29. fashion disaster.

30. cry too much. :tears:

31. over sensitive/ unsensitive.

32. doesnt bother/ couldnt be bothered.

33. hairy chest! :blink:

34. speak and behave like an idiot, jerk.

35. too proud, egoistic.

- boast alot.

36. talks and compare other girls with myself.

37. discriminate the poors, races or religion. :mellow:

38. doesnt appreciate/ concern or care.

39. selfish and coward

- only think of oneself.

40. make use of girls.

- treating someone else as subsitute.

41. talking bad about other girls.

42. talk like he's the only one in a crowded bus.

43. misbehave.

44. rebellious.

45. talks to you in science/alien language.

46. doesnt bother to explain himself for whatever he does.

47. spoilers/ wet blankets. :mellow:

48. obessed with games and porn. :crazy:

49. mama's boy. <_<

50. poor time management.

51. messy!

52. talk with saliva and food all over.

53. makes you do his homework!

54. big bully.

55. act as if he is the king of the world and belittle you.

56. small penis. :crazy:

57. his jokes are over rated.

58. leads you on.

59. apologise and dont mean it.

60. always claim that shopping with you is boring! ( and when he goes out with his friends to buy some clothes, it's not boring!)

omg. I can go on and on.

but I'm lazy. ( sounds familiar?) <_<<_<

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Guest Honey_Babee

bad hygiene, and inappropriate comments. and also telling me about other girls, like checking them out as they walk by..

i hate that.

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Guest Jenny123456

Lets see. There isn't much that turns me off anymore. People are all the same. For example, you can't list "bad breath" as a turn off when you yourself

are a victim of bad breath every morning. You can't list "height" because it is not a characteristic of personality, but rather, is genetic and cannot

be adjusted. Hm. "Lack of confidence" is discriminatory in itself as well because self-confidence is acquired through society and its treatment towards you.

Why must turn-offs exist? We are all in the same boat, and in admitting turn-offs, we are admitting to elitism and superiority, which comes off as plain


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Guest k4t3_1m


and then theres :

1. perv

2. picky [goes for anybody]

3. no sense of humor

4. violent/short tempered [goes back to #3]

5. lazy [i need chivarly]

6. pathetic losers [like the guy im talking to now]

7. emo

8. meanies

9. girly

10. cusses [bad@ss type]

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Guest lost.breed

01. Big liar.

02. TOO serious.

03. TOO sensitive.

04. Insecure.

05. Just plain dumb.

06. Perverted and constantly talks about sex.

07. Immature.

08. Smells gross.

09. Cannot carry on a serious conversation.

10. Disrespectful.

There are more, but I am currently brain dead X_X


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Guest viviennexlove


drug user




bad attitude

bad hygiene

wants nothing but BOOTAY

no sense of humor



richard simmons talker


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Guest xdaisiesx3

- Stalker-ish actions

- When they're just plain annoying

- Immaturity

- Bad hygeine

- Bad perfume/cologne

- No humor/bad humor

- Eating in a disturbing way

- When they're touchy

- Clingy-ness

- Perverted-ness (once in a while is okay, but not every single time)

- Shorter/skinnier than me

- Bad at sports/not active

- When they're just fugly

- Smaller foot size

- When they act gay

- When they're nerdy (ewww!)

- Wears glasses like Harry Potter's

- Uses drugs

- Sensitive-ness

- When they're just plain dumb & are failing every class

- Bad fashion sense/NO fashion sense

- Wears the same thing every day

- Low self-esteem

- Bad hair

Man, I can go on for days...

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Guest truestar

bad hygiene

rude or has no manners whatsoever

not funny

drink/smoke/gamble/drugs/swear (all that bad stuff)


not open-minded

male chauvinism

a guy shorter or smaller than me

uptight/too sensitive

gets jealous easily

not caring or disrespectful

bad temper

and the list can go on and on!!!...

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Guest lollypops




-height? i don't care that much though

-cussing excessively

-not funny.. big big big turnoff :(


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Guest pel1300

That's real classy in a mostly asian forum.

You can respond by saying:

1. flat butt

2. flat chest

3. small eyes


1. bad breath.

2. smokers.

3. yellow teeth.

4. body odour

- stinky feets.

5. hairy legs.

6. goofy.

7. immature acts and thinking. :tongue2:

8. rude; attitude problem

- scold their girlfriends for no reason.

9. violent

- hit girls; mistreat animals.

10. do drugs.

11. unfillial.

12. if they beg. (guys should have some pride!).

13. if they get and let girls used them. <_<

14. two timers.

15. jerk.

16. bastard.

17. bad in bed. =X

- cant get up 5 times in a row at night. =XXX (just kidding) :blush:

18. tattoos.

19. over lustful, pervert.

- take advantage of girls.

20. poor manners.

- no table manners, no respect for elderly.

21. liars.

22. drinks too much and get wasted.

23. live on parent's money; rascal, insolent brat!

24. poor hygiene.

25. doesnt know how to kiss!

26. behave like a clown.

27. irritates me when I say stop doing it.

28. cheat. ( to me, you can be stupid and I wont despise you but if you cheat on test or on people, I will condem on you. )

29. fashion disaster.

30. cry too much. :tears:

31. over sensitive/ unsensitive.

32. doesnt bother/ couldnt be bothered.

33. hairy chest! :blink:

34. speak and behave like an idiot, jerk.

35. too proud, egoistic.

- boast alot.

36. talks and compare other girls with myself.

37. discriminate the poors, races or religion. :mellow:

38. doesnt appreciate/ concern or care.

39. selfish and coward

- only think of oneself.

40. make use of girls.

- treating someone else as subsitute.

41. talking bad about other girls.

42. talk like he's the only one in a crowded bus.

43. misbehave.

44. rebellious.

45. talks to you in science/alien language.

46. doesnt bother to explain himself for whatever he does.

47. spoilers/ wet blankets. :mellow:

48. obessed with games and porn. :crazy:

49. mama's boy. <_<

50. poor time management.

51. messy!

52. talk with saliva and food all over.

53. makes you do his homework!

54. big bully.

55. act as if he is the king of the world and belittle you.

56. small penis. :crazy:

57. his jokes are over rated.

58. leads you on.

59. apologise and dont mean it.

60. always claim that shopping with you is boring! ( and when he goes out with his friends to buy some clothes, it's not boring!)

omg. I can go on and on.

but I'm lazy. ( sounds familiar?) <_<<_<

You sound so fulfilled and at peace with life :phew:

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  • 6 months later...
Guest don'tpan!c

body odor

bad breath


no/bad/poor manners

bad hairstyle

bad sense of style






shorter than me

bad attitude



uses cuss words


has a unibrow

too hairy

annoying voice


bad kisser

too quiet/doesn't know how to start & hold a conversation

acts dumb/stupid when he's actually smart

doesn't know when to joke around and when to be serious

I bet there's plenty more...

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Guest hiswendy

  1. 1. Running weirdly ; I don't know, it just turns me off when he runs like a girl or just runs really weirdly. It annoys the crap out of me then I want to just shove them to the ground. =x
    2. Ill-mannered at the table ; I can't stand it when someone chews with their mouth open. I literally box my ears when that happens.
    3. Not a gentleman ; Not to be old fashioned but chivalry is not dead.
    4. Has no future ; I want to go places and be someone. I don't want my guy dragging me down </3
    5. Not hygienic ; I don't want someone stinky or sloppy-looking. I want him to be presentable.
    6. Has no sense of romance ; I don't mean just with words. I want him to actually be romantic in words AND actions.
    7. Prettier than me ; JaeJoong is uber beautiful & I'd want to make him mine but deep down I know he's just too pretty for me. Guys will hit on him, not me. That'd be sad.
    8. Smokes and/or does drugs ; A big no no. Just no. Smoking, I can't even breathe around smokers. Drugs? No, thank you. It's illegal, it's wrong... it's just... NO.
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