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girls that play video games

Guest pdizzle

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Guest fiveplusohplusone

hahaha. omg i was a closet nerd back then :P now, i enjoy a little bit of gaming every so often but not as insane as i was in middle school-freshman LOL!

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Guest Dazzle and Destroy

I play all kinds

but lately...

shooting game:


left for dead




i'm addicted to pvp, and raids~ and i'm waiting for aion to come out D=

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Guest royalpirate.

i love playing video games. it's one of my favorite things to do.

my favorites video games right now are call of duty 3 and final fantasy.


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Guest leaves_of_mint

im a heavy gamer... a lot of my friends ask why i play so muhc.... hehehe.

well...... personally.. im not exactly pro but for some games..i am =P

i dunno.. it ?depends?

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Guest rogueeex

unfortunately, I don't play as much as I used to anymore. kinda got bored and also schoolwork got in the way..or I should say gaming got in the way of school. xD however, when I do I play mostly FPS. and I'm not much of a PC gamer either. yeahh not into cs, wc, wow, sc, ms, gb..the list would go on forever. xD although at one point I was addicted to gunz. ._. which was sad.

currently playing:

gow 2

cod: waw <- and to tell you the truth, it's disappointing. i'd rather go back to cod4. AND they bit off of gow's horde mode xD

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Guest thehazyfiasco

Gaming's my hobby. I like being treated nicely on games just cause I'm a girl. FREE ITEMS, YEAH? No, joking haha..

I've been mmorpg'ing since I was 9 and my family's heavily into it so it's not a big deal for me.

Lineage I: Level 64 Elf

Audition (AAU): Level 41 Stage Master

GunZ: Level 35

Rohan, Shaiya, Granada.. I've tried but can't really get into it yet, except maybe Rohan.

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haha, i used to be a pro xD especially at fighting+shooting games.

i'm only good at fighting games now, but i love rpg games LOL so much fun x_x<3

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Games <3

I suck at DotA for some reasons.. or maybe the guys in my class are just too pro. hahaha

But I always pwn my cousin at X-men Vs StreetFighters despite him using tons of cheats to beat me.. I wonder why.

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Guest vitaminlove

I was playing Fall Out 3 on the PC, but it was kind of slow and annoying control wise. I was in the beginning, the first town. I wanted to nuke everyone besides the shop lady. So I basically killed like 16 + jericho w/out dying. haha. That was a plus.

I was playing street fight(old school one) with my sisters guy friends. I beat them both with cammy like 5 times in a row. I had not play street fighter or any fighting game for years. I didn't even know the controls. I pwned xD. Then one of them beat me because he had the guy who waves his hand around -__-

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i played since i was like 6.

and i play to win. lol

call of duty, soul calibur, LITTLE BIG PLANET, final fantasy, golden eye, mario oldschool, anything you throw at me .

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The games I'm into are mostly RPG's such as the Final Fantasy series.

& I like playing horror games like the Silent Hill series ahaha~ Soo fun :]

Games can be fun if you have nothing else to do, or if you feel like releasing your stress onto a game. lol

Then fighting/shooting games ftw~ hah.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest DeviKitsu

I played since I was 7/ 8 maybe :D First on Commodore 64, next on Nintendo Gameboy and now I have PS2. I like jRPG games, especially FF series, SMT games. I also like Tekken and Soul Calibur.

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Guest . plum blossom .

I'm a girl, and I love playing FPS games and such. Although I'm still so noob-ish compared to the guys I play with, but I'm not too shabby. XD I love video games; I'll play them if they're fun and challenging, even if they're directed towards the male population. :D When girls own boys, it's hilarious, hahaha.

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Guest miss_prada_g

Hey...lots of girls are into games...just you dont know it! :D

Woot! I love games, got all the consoles and games i can afford *x* woo~

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Guest new_faith

Yeah, haha. Because my boyfriend plays a lot of video games so I do to.

I play DOTA, Left for Dead, Final Fantasy, Ragnarok, World of War Craft, O2 Jam, Freestyle, and many more!

My favorite right now is Final Fantasy 12. I love the "war" concept, it's more mature than the other titles.

I play Nintendo Wii too when I'm in the mood for some exercise! Lol.

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Guest HimikoShi

I played games since I was 7 years old.

I mostly play online games like Audition Dance Battle, O2Jam, Cabal, Ragnarok, Gunbound, and many more. Sometimes I play games in PS2, Wii, Nintendo DS and PSP. When I'm in the mood to finish the game.

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