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girls that play video games

Guest pdizzle

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Guest NO NAME?

I'm not a pro gamer, but I play games. I used to play games non-stop years ago, but stopped for a good two years. I'm back into playing them again. RPGs ♥

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Guest ForestRain

I consider myself more of a casual player(I think most girls are) but slightly closer to pro. I haven't picked up a controller in awhile. But I love video games! and I love RPGs! Like Tales of Symphonia and most of the Final fantasy games and shining force.

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Guest LeCiel.

i really love to play since i'm a kid! ahahaha..

i love playing street fighter..haha..

i'm addicted to it..

i play a lot that girls shouldnt be playing ^^

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Many girls are into video games. :D I guess it depends if the girl has the guts to admit it. I know many girls around here that's embarrassed to admit they are a gamer. >:/ I love playing games, even though it's time consuming. And I have a friend that plays cs. She's hella good. x_x

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I'm such a gamer :X

Not pro, but I'm pretty good..if I get into it.

My dad, younger bro and I switch off playing like so many games together rofl.

I hang out with a lot of guy friends so I talk to them a lot about games

but I do my research before I purchase one.

I've played starcraft (zerg = <3), HALO & HALO 2, Super Smash Bros, Street Fighter, Zelda oracle of time, Yoshi Story, StarFox, Mario Kart, Super Mario, Zelda phantom hourglass, final fantasy III, Guitar Hero, Call of Duty ( which in my opinion sucked, my brother loves it T_T), gamecube games I can't remember..

Current game: The World Ends with you <3

I just bought my bro Ninja Gaiden 2 cuz we saw the promo and we fell in lovee with it. <3

The graphics are amazing and the storyline is really intriguing :D

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Guest incubat0r
girls who play video games arent that appealing to me

if an asian girl knew how to play street ball, cross people over and break other guys' ankles while doing it, now thats appealing.

hahaha. that's hardcore.

but hey, to each his own.

It's weird that of most my friends, I'm one of the only girls they know who do game a lot.

girl power; represent? :|

I play games on various consoles + pc.

Totally digging L4D, TF2, and COD5 right now on the pc. What I'd give to have a PS3 for LittleBigPlanet :C

For the wii, just pretty much been playing brawl, and BF2 on my modded xbox.

Have a crapload of games at home...I wish I had them here in my college dorm. :C

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Guest ilovemesomekorean

well apparently i already posted in here. but idk what i said. haha. and i cant find my post either.. egh. oh well.

EDIT: never mind i found my post and it was back in 06. kekek.

///anyways. haha im playing games like all day. except school and work. but lately i havent had time to play because of finals. -__-





mortal combat vs. dc


i used/still do play halo1&2, all the marios, smash brothers, tekken, mortal combat, zelda ^ ^, kirby, fatal frame2, resident evil, rollercoaster tycoon, sims, rainbow six, ghost recon, time splitters, underground, james bond, street fighters, and plenty more. i also played city of heroes once i think. ^ ^

yeah. i have no life i guess. i also want to play last remnant, little big planet, and mirrors edge!! i keep seeing commercials for them and im sad cause i dont have them. lol. im 18 btw.

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Guest cja2204

OMG YESH! me + video games = LOVE

kingdom hearts <3333333

Final Fantasy ANYTHING!


Layton or any puzzle game <3

rachet and clank


wario ware



Nintendo ANYTHING (but not pokemon or animal crossing :x)

gosh sooooo many xD

now playing; LBP,CC:FF [2nd time],FFIV,KHRE:COM,Trace Memory

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Guest lttlrshark

I play/played alot *_* mmorpg's, handhelds, etc (maplestory, flyforfun, ragnarok, W.O.W. CS 1.6/source, Tekkan, DDR, etc..?)

I think alot of girls do play it's just maybe we don't go around talking about it.

I'm not sure if it's something to brag about though haha xD I think maybe alot of girls don't want to be called nerd?

Well now days girls are playing to get attention. I know many who...play and talk on online speaking prgrams and etc xD

you mostly hear about nerdy "ugly" looking girls who play..... Maybe we don't wanna be in that category! haha

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Guest pattxoxo

i LOVE playing video games..

it's really fun and it's a way for me to refresh myself..

i really like RPG games such Atelier Iris, Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, etc..

i think there are a lot of girls playing video games..

i can't be called a pro gammer because i play video games just for fun..


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Guest fio209js2

I love video games. o_o;

Fact my bf and I play a lot of games together, whether it's pc, ps3, xbox360, psp, ds.. you name it.. Lol. xD

I think these days there are a lot more girl gamers. :D

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Guest ellyphant

I'm not into it as a use to. After I came second in a soul calibur 3 comp I think thats where I decided I should get out more [i haven't exaclty started]. Once I start a game I get so badly addicted though, I want to get back into it.

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Anything Final Fantasy and I lose myself in it. Love the storylines (most of them anyway) and the art is just BEAUTIFUL. @__@ I'm visually-attracted to things so if it looks good, especially art things, I love. But then there are also interactive stuff I like to play too like Guitar Hero and DDR which gives a nice workout without having to go out into the hot killer weather of the American desert.

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