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girls that play video games

Guest pdizzle

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Guest nana544

I'm a girl too, but I don't like to play video games mainly because I'm not good at it. The video game that I used to play with is MarioBros, I like it the best since it's fun!!! However, I'm a girl that is not into guys that constantly play video games and have no priority or goals :).

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Guest .D.A.R.L.I.N.G.

I don't play video games often but I do play games Online. >.< Mainly because the reason my parents are strictly against me and my sibling playing games.

So I don't own any game playing unit etc...

However I'm always downloading games to play =D

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Guest greenteaicecream

i'm a girl and currently playing Little Big Planet :X not sure if you guys classify that as a "girly" game or what not all types of games are games! super fun! :)

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Guest Natasya-Pard

I love video games~~~ :wub: Who doesn't?

The only bad thing about playing video games is that you'll end up not finishing the work you really have to do..:tears:

I have two younger brothers.. and both of them love video games...

And my dad also loves video games.. so my house is practically an arcade...

Like almost every week, my brothers' friends would sleep-over.

We have a wireless internet that is really fast.. I forgot how fast it is cause we just upgraded it last week and I forgot to ask my dad...blush.gif

In total we have 5 windows laptops, 5 windows desktop, 2 Mac Desktops and a Macbook Pro which is what I'm using currently...

We use the "alienware" for all of our windows computers...

Xbox, Nintendo Wii, PS 1, PS 2, PS 3, and etc.. name it we have it in the house... lol

And all the windows computers are connected to each other, so you can play DOTA and CounterStrike together with other people without using GARENA.

I haven't met anyone that can beat me in:

Dynasty Warrior


Cooking Mama


Guitar Hero

Rock Band

I also really like Online Games...like:








Perfect World

Other Video Games that I play are:


Harvest Moon

Kingdom Hearts



WOW (World of Warcraft)

LOL (League of Legend)

Games that I suck at:



Grand Theft Auto (Cause I don't get the point of the game, so far all I've been doing is hijacking taxis and killing prostitute-looking people)

I use to have a Garena account... but it took forever to level up.. so I decided to abandon it.. lol

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Guest .D.A.R.L.I.N.G.

wow that's a lot of games play :o ^^^

I recognized some of them and I had at least played em once or twice =] maybe more...

I do a lot of MMORPG However I quit em very fast because you need real money to play

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Guest motherducker

Cheyaahhh, I play games.

Love 'em.

I especially love shooting games (resident evil) , fighting games (SSBB, God of War), rpg-type games (Fire Emblem series, <3 those game! :)), and... Uh guitar/DDR type games :D

But for some reason I cant stand maple story-type games... I quit like after a day LOL Must be because I dont have the patience to sit at the computer and level up all day @____@

Currently, I own a Nintendo DS, Gameboy color, PSP, Old Xbox, Nintendo Wii and N64 lol.

Must... Get... More... Games for PSP! I only have 3! D:

I want a PS3 so I can play those cool games like Dead Space xP


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Guest mimuMELT

I'm a nerd when it comes to video games :D i have over 10 ds games (might not seem allot to other people but yea) and I love kingdom hearts and mmorpg games.

I'm also a freak for harvest moon :D <3

My friend never shows me a game cuz shes like "Your so good at games, don't even try to say your bad" XD I even beat guys while playing games. This popular boy is like

"will this be the game I finally beat you in" 

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Guest underthewings

I play video games, however I don't own any video game console myself so I just play at friends' houses. :c I love RPGs, racing, and fighting games! I'm not a big fan of shooting games myself, ehe..! ^^;;

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Guest Daylightful

Huh! I didn't know this thread existed!

Girls that play any game can be just as good as a boy.

I'm into competitive fighters (Smash Bros. Super Street Fighter, MvC3 when it comes out soon~ (so soon!)) I travel around the U.S. going to tournaments. I love the scene, and I love playing. c'= and of course winning.

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Guest orgasmiq.

I haven't met anyone that can beat me in:

Dynasty Warrior


Cooking Mama


Guitar Hero

Rock Band

bet i know people who can beat youu lol

+ you have like 10 alienware laptops/desktops? .. your family spends over 20 thousand dollars on hardware alone? not inclu. consoles etc ? rofl.. why arent you a pro gamer then? :phew: sounds like such a commitment :huh: lolololollol.

on topic:

every night is a happy night, cos sc2 every night makes it a happy night. eeeeeeeeeverrrynighttt. :D

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Guest yenaxchangmin

lol i LOVEEEE video games and games in general :D

I loveee Starcraft but more towards the first than the second :X

I like Halo but only the first one lol

I'm currently OBSESSED with Dynasty Warriors Online XD and I beat plenty of boys ^^~ hehe

I also like Diablo II :D

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Guest vanessa1988

like video games

i was a huge addict of marvel v capcom 2 even though i wasnt that good

i would have the highest handicap and my bro would still kick my richard simmons <_<

it was rare when i would beat him WITH THE HANDICAP!!

i played other games as well

ff series, doa series, mario series, dynasty warriors(had 2 and played all the way to 6) etc

sadly i dont have a console anymore since my bro took his ps3 when he moved out boohoo

kinda want a wii but my mother fobids...says it addicting. well duh!!!

when i have money imma go buy me one.

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Guest Miriamelle

I love to play games! I'm not "pro", I guess, but I'm not bad at 'em either. Depends on the game, really. I don't have a wide range of games that I play, I generally just stick to a few a like. Zelda is one of my top favorites. I also like Touhou, Pokemon, and a lot of online RPGs. I mostly play a private server for Ragnarok Online because I got a position on the staff about a month ago. 

It's kind of funny, my two best friends, also girls, are addicted to games too. One with World of Warcraft and the other with a game called Fiesta. Silly that none of us play the same as each other, eh? I've tried to get my little sister into games. She's 14 and as long as I've tried she's just not into gaming like I am. Oh well...

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Guest myuziknote

It's an unspoken rule that me and my gf do not play games together because i'll nerd rage at her for being super bad.

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Im always up for gaming... I used to be the biggest gamer back when I was a kid, following my gamer brothers. But nowadays, I find it difficult to keep up with gaming because of life and ambitions. *sigh*

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Guest WaffleZ42

I grew up with SNES and Genesis classics and spent most of my early childhood being a social recluse to play video games. It wasn't until recently that I got a make-over and became popular/attractive.

And I gotta say, there needs to be more gamer girls. They tend to be less reserved, more fun-loving and more intelligent and coordinated than most other girls.

I also wish I had a girlfriend whom I could talk to about how Chrono Trigger is the best RPG in gaming history, and have her respond with something other than a blank look.

Hey girls! You know how it's awesome having a guy who loves shopping going around the mall with you? Well for guys, it's along the same vein, because it sucks having someone who doesn't understand something we love.

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