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Nintendo Wii: The Next Generation Nintendo Console

Guest 1SwtDeception

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Guest carol

I plan on getting either Nintendo DS Lite and/or the Nintendo Wii. Do you think it's worth the money for me to get the DS Lite this month and get the Wii later when it comes out? Or should I just get the DS Lite or just spend my money on the Wii?

How much are they? I heard $130-150 for DS Lite and $250ish for Wii.

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more "new" stuff.




2 different paths on Mario Galaxy



Super Monkey Ball


Wario Ware


Wii Sports: Airplane


Wii Sports: Baseball


"Sadness" looks too real. Warioware is the way I hoped it would be.

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Guest 1SwtDeception

I think Snake will TRY to break his neck.. but Navi comes out and smacks him XD (too bad it will never happen =[)

Awesome Slash! I can finally add some videos! I will update it when my net is stable -______-

carol: Get BOTH! Get the DS lite and the Wii! Get a white Lite and Wii mmmm the matching sexiness =T Those are about the prices that they will launch.. and my DS is already worth it! So a DS lite is even better =]

Btw here are some rumors.. not always a good thing BUT something to maybe consider?

Thanks to megaseadramon from CAG who got it from nintendogossip.com (most likely these are fake since we practically know everything, but always an "interesting read" .. just like my sig with SEGA being back..;]!!

I hate all of these rumors, but I thought I would post them for all of the rumor richard simmons. By the way these are from nintendogossip.com. I call *FAKE* on some but the others could be realistic.

- According to Moz La Punk the sensor bar for Wii will have changed a lot since E3. Most likely we will see the result of an improved sensor bar at this year’s Space World.

- Wii will support a HD-DVD format. Nobody knows how Nintendo would do this.

(I call *FAKE* on this one)

- Connect 24 and the Virtual Console will both be demonstrated during Space World.

- Thirteen new titles for Wii will be presented at Space World. Three of these games will get the adult rating and one of these games is created by Shigeru Miyamoto.

(I think they mean M rated, no way would Nintendo commit suicide by creating AO games)

- Heroes, a game that Suda 51 and Takashi Mike are working on, will be based on the movie Ichi the Killer.

- Excite Truck will feature gameplay elements that we can already experience in the Burnout games.

(I think thats obvious from the videos)

- We will see loads of new footage of Ubisoft’s Red Steel during Space World. The sword fights will look a lot better in this demo.

- Resident Evil 4: Ultimate Edition will appear with loads of extras.

(I could see this happening seeing as Capcom really, really loves to rehash games over and over again.)

- Resident Evil 5 for PlayStation 3 and the Wii version will come out on the same day.


- In 2009 Wii will get an exclusive Resident Evil game.

- Hideo Kojima is working on Metal Gear Solid: Guns of the Patriots for Wii.

(he has shown interest in the wii)

- All Metal Gear Solid games that have been made will be available on the Virtual Console.

( I can believe the nes ones but the PSX one as well?)

- There will appear two bundles on the release of Wii. The first bundle will cost $299,99 and will contain two controllers with nunchuck, a classic gamepad, a DVD 9 attachement, a wireless headset, a 2 GB SD card, the game Wii sports and ten Virtual Console downloads. The second bundle will cost $199,99 and will contain one Wii controller with nunchuck, a classci gamepad, the game Wii Sports and five Virtual Console Downloads.

(I would so buy the $300 one if it came with all of that.)

- The AI processor in the Wii carries the codename RID: Reactionary, Instinctual Domino AI.

- Graphics and physics on Wii will be very realistic on Wii.

(It had some pretty good physics in the red steel trailer)

- Developers won’t have to spend a lot of time in the graphic design. Thanks to the processor they will have more time to focus on gameplay and the storyline of the game.

- Wii won’t contain CPU and other chips but it will contain bridgets developed by ATI and IBM.

- Wii won’t produce a lot of heat.

- The Artifical Inteligence in Wii games will be very good.

- Space World 2006 will take place August 2006.

- There are two reasons why Nintendo wanted to organise Space World. The first reason is that they wanted to have a game event for Nintendo only. The second reason is that they want to create a hype close to the launch day.

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Guest CK92842

I don't see Nintendo supporting either blu-ray or HD-DVD, definitely no on that. Nintendo has strictly mentioned time and time again that it's all about the games. Also Resident Evil 5 is not scheduled at all to appear on the Wii so scratch that, Capcom has another unique RE title in mind that'll utilize the unique controller. The title is said to be a Nintendo exclusive, remember this is the same developer that said RE4 was a Nintendo exclusive. ;) I'll venture a guess and say, a RE Gun Survivor title. <_<


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not sure of the validity of this, but...

Sakurai reveals new Smash Bros. Details

The producer of Super Smash Bros. Brawl spoke to a Tokyo gaming radio show recently and revealed three new characters for the series. Bowser Jr, Ridley (from the Metroid Prime series) and Cell-shaded Link. Unfortunately Ice Climbers, G&W and original child Link won’t be in the game.

The good news is that the number of characters in the game should reach forty and it is expected that another fifteen unannounced characters remain.


YAY Ridley!!!!! I never used Ice Climbers, so im ok with them gone. There will be some major balancing issues if it reaches 40 characters.

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Guest CK92842

I'm not exactly sure what cel-shaded Link has to offer that Young Link couldn't. :huh: Damn I really need to hop on back Wind Waker, I still haven't finished that game...too much darn sailing. :lol: If the news is indeed true then it would only make sense for Ganon from Wind Waker to appear.

Aside from that, I do hope Nintendo finally gives into the demand and has a level and character design similar as to what was shown in Spaceworld 2000.


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Guest 1SwtDeception

Wow nice! Cell shaded to give different texture to the game :D?

Bleach for Wii


Yeap it' official Bleach will be on Wii!

Super Swing Golf Pangya:

Images here:


Wii patents instant messenging:

(thanks to botticus -- whom I got the info from)

Six years ago, before the GameCube's launch, Nintendo had filed for a patent on a "messaging service for video game systems with buddy list that displays game being played," and on Tuesday they were granted the patent. The details involve a fully-fledged IM system featuring buddy icons, in-game messaging (via text or voice chat), and web-based storage of the user profile (i.e. Nintendo's servers). All the details can be viewed within the patent's claims.

You can see the similarities between Nintendo's patent and Microsoft's Xbox Live service, but there are two things you should take from this patent:

It does not mean Microsoft copied Nintendo. While Nintendo filed this patent before the Xbox was even launched, chances are Microsoft also filed a patent just as long ago, if not longer.

It does not guarantee these services will be included in the Wii. While Nintendo now has patent protection on such services, given the company the option to incorporate all these features into Wii Connect24, that does not guarantee Nintendo's willingness to implement every aspect of the patent into its service, although it is likely we will see a very similar (if not exact) system implemented by the time the Wii launches.

Nintendo, we can now confirm, has the ability to launch a fully-fledged online service on par with Microsoft, providing almost the exact same features (fully-fledged messaging, downloadable content). To what extent will Nintendo beef up the Wii's online component?


Wii date ANNOUNCED in Sept

(from CAG that got it from Kotaku from Famitsu)

"Today in Japan, Nintendo gave its Management Policy Briefing in which company President Satoru Iwata stated that the ship date announcement would be this September. More over, he said the Wii and the DS would be synchronized, which Shigeru Miyamoto broke to us at E3. While Iwata acknowledged that the Wii had low specs when compared to the PS3 and the Xbox 360, he noted that the function and the aim was totally different.

"When the size of the hardware increase, the sound of the fan gets annoying and the development costs soar," Iwata said. "Services like Wii Connect 24 cannot be developed. In short, I think the balance is important."

He went on to describe the virtual console and said that games would be downloadable at somewhere between 500 yen and 1,000 yen (approximately between US$4 and $8).

Iwata also announced that the DS will act as a touch screen Wii controller and can download demos from the Wii.

A new Wii title called Pokemon Revolution was unveiled. The game will go on sale sometime this winter. This autumn will also see the release of Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl for the DS. The games will take advantage of the DS's voice chat functions.

Nintendo plans to move six million consoles globally before April 1st, 2007, and Iwata pointed out that these units will be sold at a loss. Brian Ashcraft"

Nintendo + Apple = yea? NEVER


Repeat after me: Apple will not buy Nintendo; Nintendo will never be bought. If I'm wrong, I will let the entire Joystiq staff and our top 5 contributors punch me in the gut. There is an article from CNET that came out yesterday (bearing a striking similarity to an O'Reilly blog post from February) that has given Nintendo and Apple fanatics a heart attack, but that article has no basis of a fact and is pure excrement speculation. The article extrapolates from a rumored Apple games division that the company may buy Nintendo. Let's look at their points:

Similar corporate philosophies / design styles: "the DS Lite looks practically looks like [Apple designer] Jonathan Ive built it." So do a countless number of iPod knockoffs, but we don't think Apple will be buying those companies anytime soon. Size aside, even Microsoft's Xbox 360 appears inspired by Apple's sleek design philosophies, but it'd be a cold day in Hell if those two companies ever joined forces.

"Cisco was rumoured to be looking at a purchase of Nintendo earlier in the year:" That would be a good support, except that the Cisco-Nintendo rumor spawned from another CNET article and was merely speculation by the author, with no factual basis (GameSpot denounced this rumor long ago).

Now, let us take a look at why Nintendo would never sell.

They makes a profit. Nintendo has been profitable practically every year since it moved into the video game industry over two decades ago. The Nintendo DS continues to sell at a phenomenal rate, and Nintendo has yet another hit on its hands with the New Super Mario Bros.

They have a potential mega-seller on their hands. Every poll Joystiq has put up has placed the Nintendo Wii in the running for a comeback, and the mainstream audience has been given some positive news about it by way of outlets such as the New York Times. As Next Generation wrote, Nintendo is making some really smart moves in terms of marketing its new console.

Nintendo does not want to sell. The last time a rumor like this surfaced was when Bill Gates commented on how he'd love to purchase Nintendo. At that point, the possibility of such a merger was laughed at by most analysts and Nintendo officials. And that was in 2004, before the DS took off and before the hype for the Wii.

Keiretsu: A business system in Japan that, as the CNET article accurately notes, "makes conventional takeovers exceptionally hard." Being that it would be Apple's only chance of holding hands with Mario, that is not good news.

Even the article mentions the chances are low, so why write it? This has blatant sensationalism written all over it, with little research to back up its claims -- a fanciful dream that has given false hope to many in the community. Don't be fooled, Joystiq readers: Nintendo is going be around, standing on its own two feet, for quite some time.

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Guest CK92842

I knew that Apple buyout wasn't gonna happen, it makes no sense whatsoever. Also glad to hear downloadable content will be available through the Nintendo Wii for the DS. I just hope the next bit of news we'll hear are some launch titles for the Wii, I know for a fact Smash Bros Brawl won't make it. ;) At the moment, I'll be getting one for Zelda Twilight Princess WS version. The added gameplay should keep me busy until a Nintendo gem is released.

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Guest milk tea!

I've looked only at a few Wii game trailers and I'm already ready to buy it ^____^ I'm SOO glad Wii is focused on games more than anything else :)

Hmm but should I buy Zelda for GC or wait for Wii? Since it's backwards compatable, I can still play with Zelda GC copy...but will it have Wii functions? Yes right? :unsure:

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Guest CK92842

The GC version will be playable on the Wii but no Wii features. Plus the Wii version of Zelda is in widescreen whereas the GC version is not. I already have $300 saved up, the system is said to be around $200 & 2 games should hold me. :)

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Guest shoko86

I dunno if I can/should post these here or not but its nintendo. Its not new, more old school.

Its pretty lame but its kinda cool. :lol:



and last but not least... so lame but so funny.. and yet so wrong. XD

Anywho, back on to the new stuff. I seriously cannot wait for the new Zelda game. Im really hyped up about it. There is also Mario Galaxy that i am really looking forward to. I love most of the mario games. Plus i CANNOT WAIT to play FPS on the Wii... it will be an experiance to remember for sure!

Uh oh Snake is going to break Link's neck!

Yes, yes he will. :w00t:

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Definitely looking forward to this.

Nintendo has already said time and time again, that they're sticking with games (even though the Panasonic GC was made, but what the hay with that, right?)

Looking forward to Zelda, not too sure about Mario Galaxy, to me it looks rtaher awkward to play. Super Smash Bros: brawl, I've seen , looks HAWT.

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