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badminton, any interested?

Guest pcspte

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Guest sakuralily

RAWR BADMINTION ROCKS xD I live up in San Jose, CA where the asians are crazy addicted in badmintion hahah

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Guest *lyrynne*

it's only famous in asia?? wha? i love badminton...varsity here...can't believe it's just in asia...

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haha i play badminton!!! League Champs!! weeeeeee~

i hate it when people underestimate this sport though =0=

they should try.. and when they fail, i'll laugh.


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Guest jjin36

haha i play badminton!!! League Champs!! weeeeeee~

i hate it when people underestimate this sport though =0=

they should try.. and when they fail, i'll laugh.


Very tru. More difficult than it seems. I LOVE BADMINTON!!! 4 years competitively :D

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Guest DividedByZero

i used to play competitively in high school... varsity singles ftw!!

i barely play now that i'm in college though.... nobody to play with anymore.

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Guest katielovesyou


B) I"m a badminton player at my HS and next year i'll still be in it

:tears: Not that good but i hit hard

:blush: i can do a smash once a while when i feel strong

:D at least i can tell my classmates how to play even if i'm not good at it .

I can play good when my love ones support me but they don't really do that or my friends .

:w00t: I'm crazy about badminton

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ahhh ilove badminton! although im not that good T_T still in jv well hopefuly i get a position i only got to play one game ...

anyone know a great way for me to learn my smash again? cuz if i dont practice for a while i forget how to smash..

my coach makes fun of me XP cuz im short so she told me not to lunge hahaha

going to badminton club makes me feel like i suck a lot! those old people are goood XP

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^ well, considering you only played one game, you shouldnt worry about your smashes yet.

first juss get comfortable with your clears and drops/cross drops and so on

footwork is also very important including speed, stamina, strength, etc.

if you play doubles, i suggest you practice your rotation and to call out "mine" or "i got it" cause you dont want to get confused who's birdie it is during a game.

if you play singles, you have to take control and make your own decisions cause you have the whole court to yourself. always go back to the middle after hitting the bird. either way, when playing badminton you should be able to tell your oppenents weakness' and strengths in the first 5 points. oh and practice your serves.. haha <_<;;

serves killed me alot when i first started.

hehe i hope it helped...

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first juss get comfortable with your clears and drops/cross drops and so on

footwork is also very important including speed, stamina, strength, etc.

if you play doubles, i suggest you practice your rotation and to call out "mine" or "i got it" cause you dont want to get confused who's birdie it is during a game.

if you play singles, you have to take control and make your own decisions cause you have the whole court to yourself. always go back to the middle after hitting the bird. either way, when playing badminton you should be able to tell your oppenents weakness' and strengths in the first 5 points. oh and practice your serves.. haha ;;

serves killed me alot when i first started.

hahha yea i been working on my clears and my drops with my friend althought she makes me feel bad since shes in varcity n shes helping me instead of herself T_T

i been working on my foot work a lot thought ^_^ my coach says im gettin faster XP hehe

me and my partner already know how to cummunicate with each other but right now im confused with the doubles and mix thing my guy friend says that in girls doubles we play side to side not front and back and you know how in mix you play front and back

does that really matter or its just what way is easier for us?

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Guest Volts

me and my partner already know how to cummunicate with each other but right now im confused with the doubles and mix thing my guy friend says that in girls doubles we play side to side not front and back and you know how in mix you play front and back

does that really matter or its just what way is easier for us?

Well the tactics are the same when you either play womens double or men's double. The usual position while defending is side by side and attacking is front/back but there's always exception. As for mix doubles, you try to stay in a front/back position because when you're side by side, the opponents will probably attack the girl which is common sens in badminton.

But of course, you don't really need to follow all these when you just start playing since it's pretty complicated when you reach a higher level.

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hahha yea i been working on my clears and my drops with my friend althought she makes me feel bad since shes in varcity n shes helping me instead of herself T_T

i been working on my foot work a lot thought ^_^ my coach says im gettin faster XP hehe

me and my partner already know how to cummunicate with each other but right now im confused with the doubles and mix thing my guy friend says that in girls doubles we play side to side not front and back and you know how in mix you play front and back

does that really matter or its just what way is easier for us?

Knowing your positioning has a lot to do with knowledge of the sport and being aware of where your partner is not.

So, in girls' doubles if you serve short, and your opponent drops it, THAT IS ALWAYS THE SERVER's SHOT TO GET, even though it is on your partner's side of the court...

That's your shot. (And mind you, you and your partner should never stand side by side in girls' doubles when you serve cause if your opponent clears the bird, both of you will have to run backwards to get the bird) If you serve a long shot, that's when you play side by side...

You also have to watch where your partner is...If your partner's all the way in the front court receiving a drop shot, there's no point in you being at the front either. Your opponents can just clear the bird, and end of rally. If you are both in the back court, your opponent can easily drop the bird, and once again, end of rally. I dunno, it sounds kinda confusing, but once you get the hang of it, it'll come naturally...Anyway, good luck on your badminton season next year! =D

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