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Guest serawong

hahaha... i really am not too good at this... manage to get it bigger... spilt into 2 files... but can't seems to get the size rite... ehehhehe

well... just make do for the time being... i'm hungry.. =P

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Guest jerrybabie26

haha that is really creative! i didn't notice until you mentioned it - i couldn't even tell it was two separate images

do you need subbed versions of nonstop 5? if you can understand korean and can use clubbox, you can find the raw episodes in a lot of the common clubboxes. if you want subbed version and can use clubbox, go here:


if you can't use clubbox, you can also find some subbed episodes that members kindly uploaded at the nonstop 5 thread, here:


... THANKS SO MUCH!!!! OWE YOU BIG TIME>>> i wish shinhwa would come to manila... or at the very least i hope non stop 5 shows in arirang... hahahaha

need to experience minwoo oppa for real!! hahahaha


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Guest hush156

Besides them doing Minwoo wrong in the MV, the last time he was in Xman was really disappointing too. He looked like he was bored most of the time... and he ended up with a guy! COME ON! I totally hated Chaeyon than. It's like they want to focus on him, but he's not doing anything... cause theres NOTHING to do! I was hoping he'd be in the Xman special, but after hearing that he's sick, I hope he gets LOTS of rest. And stay healthy.

Actually... i thought it was great that he ended up with that guy... Only with him was minwoo able to do all those flips and turns in the last part of the show. Minwoo did look angry when chae yeon didnt pick him... but he got over it pretty fast ^^. I couldnt stop laughing with that last part of Xman... Due to the height of both that guy and Minwoo, when Minwoo stood on him, Minwoo's groin was right in that guys face~!!! kakakakaka... And you could tell that guy was kinda embarassed about it....^^.

I just saw a video of another screening dated 060827 and our poor baby was sniffling. But I think he should be recovered by now. :)

hmmmm... not sure where you got the news of how "nice" were the china fans.... actually i think there are just some freaking fans around (every country would have some of those) that tries to be kind and nice but probably go overboard without their own knowing...

from my own recent experience with the china fans at the bangkok concert that stayed with shinhwa and followed them... i can't really say they are nice... or rather... too nice to the extend of over doing and over board already.... reading from some china news, some other china fans were also upset what those gals did....

as well, from the friends that were in china for the Xman filming too... the information passed down by them to me.... the china fans... were again.... wayyyyyy toooooo nice....

no doubt i would love to see minwoo more on screen for programs or performance... but seeing him soo tired and not feelin well.... i feel the heart pain with ling too... just hope he rest well....

I understand where Serena is coming from with her statement. Cos I was of the same opinion initially. But I now think it is wrong to generalise all chinese fans to be the same. I am guilty too. Fans are fans... and they all have different ways of expressing themselves.. which at times, may not be comfortable to us. But in the recent months, one or more chinese fans has been telling baseless accusations about Minwoo. Hence explains Serena and my less than good impression of them.

hahaha... i really am not too good at this... manage to get it bigger... spilt into 2 files... but can't seems to get the size rite... ehehhehe

I'd be happy to help anytime... just let me know.. ^^

Here's some new pictures of our baby...

he looks great here but he also looks tired... :(








Source: cine21.com + ShinhwaJJ.com

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Guest serawong

Thanks ling!!! i think i will just leave with my signature for the time being...

Our baby keeps popping up with all these great pictures... in no time to come... i think i have to get it changed again...hehehhe :P

yes... the accusations!! ahahaha.... that big "story" that was hot on the china site for a few days i think.... said to be ....there was this pretty china fan at the pool where minwoo was staying... and was said.. minwoo gave this biggggg great smile and eye contact with her several times at the hotel and pool... hehehehe... i read the report and dunno why... just laughed it off.... :rolleyes:

then i have fans staying at the same hotel telling me exactly what happened... which there wasn't even anything close to it....

YES!!! the pictures looked great as usual.... sooo cute... but yes... he definitely looked tired..... he is due to go china again for another program on 3rd sept... i really really hope he has recovered and rest well... coz usually overseas event are very tiring for artist.....

and quite tight to schedule... they will all be coming to singapore for concert... poor baby....

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Actually... i thought it was great that he ended up with that guy... Only with him was minwoo able to do all those flips and turns in the last part of the show. Minwoo did look angry when chae yeon didnt pick him... but he got over it pretty fast ^^. I couldnt stop laughing with that last part of Xman... Due to the height of both that guy and Minwoo, when Minwoo stood on him, Minwoo's groin was right in that guys face~!!! kakakakaka... And you could tell that guy was kinda embarassed about it....^^.

I felt that the couple part was scripted.. if minwoo ened up with chae yeon, i don't think he's able to do those flips.. haha..

Poor minwoo.. he's really been working so hard..

Yes i agree with some of you.. i watch his seoul award performance.. not as good as before.

He's down with some intestine infection izzit?!? how the hell did that happened??

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Guest hush156

Thanks ling!!! i think i will just leave with my signature for the time being...

Our baby keeps popping up with all these great pictures... in no time to come... i think i have to get it changed again...hehehhe :P

Hahaha... So true... I just changed my banner last week... now I feel like changing again T_T

yes... the accusations!! ahahaha.... that big "story" that was hot on the china site for a few days i think.... said to be ....there was this pretty china fan at the pool where minwoo was staying... and was said.. minwoo gave this biggggg great smile and eye contact with her several times at the hotel and pool... hehehehe... i read the report and dunno why... just laughed it off.... :rolleyes:

then i have fans staying at the same hotel telling me exactly what happened... which there wasn't even anything close to it....

Ahhh.. thats nothing compared to the one I heard.. T_T... But i'll just keep it to myself ^^

I felt that the couple part was scripted.. if minwoo ened up with chae yeon, i don't think he's able to do those flips.. haha..

Normally I would be inclined to think like you... but there was just something in minwoo's face that tells he was equally shocked by chae yeon's decision. And I totally recall when han hyo joo picked tablo, Minwoo acted the same too... going all crazy and all.... which was very entertaining :phew:

... THANKS SO MUCH!!!! OWE YOU BIG TIME>>> i wish shinhwa would come to manila... or at the very least i hope non stop 5 shows in arirang... hahahaha

need to experience minwoo oppa for real!! hahahaha

Ahhhhhhh.... watching NN5 is gonna drag you deep ^^... welcome to the club ;)

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Guest jerrybabie26

Ahhhhhhh.... watching NN5 is gonna drag you deep ^^... welcome to the club ;)


i was able to watch an old clip of xman between minwoo and kangta... it was so funny when kangta said the only reason he had taught a particular dance to minwoo was becoz he didn't know minwoo was part of shinhwa hehehehe..... but he won anyway... hahahahaha

yeah... he's becoming more leaner... :( more tired.... hope he's ok now!!!

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Guest Charlie_&_M

Just made these...... Feel free to insert your picture in the dream bubble

Thanks for sharing the pic Ling ^^ !

Long time I didn't come here and I'm happy to see that the thread is going well !

I love the news Cine21.cm pics of Minwoo, when I first saw them in minipics I was wondering where I could find them in bigger size and Thanks GOD they did a bigger version LOL !!!!

And yes I find Minwoo wasn't at his best during the 1st Seoul Drama award perf, his live wasn't as good as usual, I hope he's going better now. I was quite surprised when he was the first to perform but after hearing he was sick, I think it was good he performed first like this he didn't have to wait a lot of time to do 10 mn of perf.

About Wontak's Angel, do you know if the movie is doing well in Korea ?

I don't want my Minwoo going sad like Dongwan was when his first movie didn't go well.


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Wow, it's been a long time since I've been here. ^^* Been busy with frosh week for university!!

Anyways..last time I heard, Minwoo is very sick. I'm not sure if he's any better now but he was suffering from inflammatory bowel disease (basically his intestines are inflammed) making it hard for him to eat anything but vegetables. He spent all day travelling between cities and I guess all that stress, lack of rest and possibly proper nutrition, he was cursed with this.

And I read that Minwoo actually hurt his ankle a bit before the drama awards performance because as he was greeting a staff member, he slipped (??) and fans saw him walking heavily after the performance.

Of course all Minwoo fans feel like kidnapping him and forcing him to rest but even with Good EMG not being able to stop him, we can only hope that Wontak's Angel does really well and that the sooner promotions end, the earlier Minwoo can turn off his cellphone and hide somewhere to take a vacation. He really needs it before he collapses.

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Guest ==proudidiot==

when was the pics taken??? love his expression, does anyone know where i can see his performace at the seoul awards?? thanks in advance :)

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Guest serawong

Wow, it's been a long time since I've been here. ^^* Been busy with frosh week for university!!

Anyways..last time I heard, Minwoo is very sick. I'm not sure if he's any better now but he was suffering from inflammatory bowel disease (basically his intestines are inflammed) making it hard for him to eat anything but vegetables. He spent all day travelling between cities and I guess all that stress, lack of rest and possibly proper nutrition, he was cursed with this.

And I read that Minwoo actually hurt his ankle a bit before the drama awards performance because as he was greeting a staff member, he slipped (??) and fans saw him walking heavily after the performance.

Of course all Minwoo fans feel like kidnapping him and forcing him to rest but even with Good EMG not being able to stop him, we can only hope that Wontak's Angel does really well and that the sooner promotions end, the earlier Minwoo can turn off his cellphone and hide somewhere to take a vacation. He really needs it before he collapses.

oh... goodness... poor baby.... he seems to be really sick then....

he hurt his ankle too?! no wonder he din look the usual during performance at the seoul drama awards....

i just wish he wont tired himself out in china.. and when he comes singapore for concert... :(


credit : samsungmobile + shinhwachangjo.net

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Guest hush156

Minwoo was due to perform at M.Music Show in beijing... but has cancelled because he is very ill... T_T

My poor baby~~!! T_T He finally succumbs to exhaustion... Pls get well baby~~!! :(






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Hello everyone! Don't get to post here but I do check the thread to update myself on Minwoo. I've been bitten by the M bug seriously!

I was just so happy that I can now watch the his concert on DVD ( I have to give it to you guys, after seeing all those caps previously posted here of the DVD, can't help but order a copy for myself :P ) .... And then now I read that he's sick. Oh my, I hope he really gets well soon.

I really admire his drive and passion but now, it's really sad that it's taking a toll on his health.

I just watched a recent interview of him on star focus at arirang ( I get excited when I see clips of him with eng subs!) and it showed there how serious he is with his craft. I really admire his drive and passion but now, it's really sad that it's taking a toll on his health.

Anyways, what struck me in that interview was his ending statement ... I live for your love, I live for your screams and your interest. Please continue to give me that enormous energy It just reminded me of what you guys discussed here before that he gets his energy or motivation from the audience (or something like that!) :)

I also hope he gets well soon!

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Guest Charlie_&_M

Minwoo was due to perform at M.Music Show in beijing... but has cancelled because he is very ill... T_T

My poor baby~~!! T_T He finally succumbs to exhaustion... Pls get well baby~~!!

I knew it :tears: !!! Oh my poor Minwoo, my baby, I'm so worried now !!! Why can't he rest just a lil few days and now he's really very ill :tears: !!! Like you said Ling, please Minwoo get well !!!

I just hope he will take a lot of day to rest !!

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Guest Charlie_&_M

REALLY ?????!!!!!!!

Wow this guy is too much !!!!! Minwoo is so hot and gorgeous in the pics !!! Thank you for sharing the news and the news Ling ^^, with you it's like our special direct reporter from China LOL !!!!!

But he doesn't smile with his superb cuty dorky smile that we usually see in the pics, I bet he had to use all his strenght during all the perf and the shooting pics ! My poor baby !

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Guest hush156

I just watch M.Music Show.... He did cancel his performance... He just did a greeting and a little talk on stage..

M.Music is a chinese music show... Today was its first broadcast..

Even if he was sick... he would show his face there....

The amount of support he had from chinese fans was incredible~~!!!

He would feel better after hearing them call his name ^^

He was so funny on the show...

He spoke some chinese.... obviously he memorised a few words...

He said it really fast... so the MC asked him to repeat.... LOL... and Minwoo froze up...KAKKAKAKAK

He looked Ok... though not his usual self...

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he looks sick in the picture.. poor thing :tears:

but he never fail to show up even though he's not unwell and cancel his performance..

love his passion & determination but this boy is killing himself!

hopefully he'll be ok when he comes to singapore

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