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Posts posted by reign

  1. you gals are great...i love the pics so much...if only there's a way i can look like Unnie,lolz...but she's such a pretty gals..it's like she's getting prettier and prettier whenever we see her, whether in old pictures or new ones...in everything!!!

    Thanks for the link for her cf...you gals are my savior,i'd probably won't be able to download it if you didn't post a link..now, i feel like going to youtube and just watch Unnie's CM..im sure i still have a lot of things to see..BUT sadly our nete connection isn't working really well now..so i guess i'll do that tomorrow ;-)

  2. so... ha ji won will be starring in the drama version?! :unsure: is this one confirmed as well? sorry... cuz im getting confused on who and what things are confirmed. :sweatingbullets:

    reign... i made a simple avies for each photo you selected. i hope you like it. :phew:



    oh my... i'll finally have an Hye Gyo avvie..thank you so much kaye(kaye right? :blush: ) that was pretty fast..love it...will use it now..

    i think ha ji won taking the role of hwang jini is already confirmed...as for unnie well...maybe, ahehh....kamsahamnida!! :)

    (wonder why i can't see my siggy)

  3. Latest news on Hwang Jin-I, Song Hye Kyo chosen for the movie whereas Ha Ji Won will be doing the drama i.e. 2 versions for the same title. Abstracted from tour2korea website:

    Actress Ha Ji Won has finalized her decision to act in the KB 2TV’s new drama ‘Hwang Jin-I’. The drama will be filmed under the direction of the producer Kim Cheol-gyu of the drama ‘Bravo Mom’, and the script will be written by Yoon Seon Joo of ‘Lee Soon Shin’. The leading role for Hwang Jin-I, Joseon’s most celebrated gisaeng, has created much speculation.

    A movie version ‘Hwang Jin-I' is also being released around the same time, and the leading actress for this movie version will be Song Hye Gyo, a 24-year-old actress, who has been preparing intensely to take on the role of a gisaeng.

    The two actresses playing the same character in two versions of the same story will create an interesting acting competition, which is already attracting much attention.

    DATE 2006-07-14

    finally..a news that's saying Unnie have really take role but it'll be better if sidusq can confirm it :huh: .. but do they really have to show the movie and the series at the same time?!?! :sweatingbullets:

  4. unnie being casted or not is still giving me a headache...the male leads are there already but no confirmation yet from sidusq, tsk!tsk!Tsk!!

    i can see the threads very much alive again...have to read a few pages back...

    my fave CF of unie by the way is the mcdonald one too..with the boy, that's just CM i can't gettired seeing over and over again..and her leatest pics is WOW again..such a angelic face but even with that angelic face you know she's not the type of girl you can just around, if you gals know what i mean,eheheh

  5. reign you're in a roll girl! one of the wallie you posted is also the same as what soutsada posted

    oh, yeah..i didn't motice it..sory for posting it again :rolleyes:

    idolfan311 Posted Yesterday, 11:45 PM

    i remember someone made a wallie of this with bi on it having earphones too. that was really cute.

    if you found that wallie, please, post it here,lolz..

    soutsada7 Posted Today, 01:13 AM

    wow, thanks reign for all those beautiful wallies

    just to make up for my absence, eheheheh..

    baby_n02 Posted Today, 01:20 AM

    QUOTE(wloi @ Jun 29 2006, 01:24 AM)

    Actually Hyekyo could do many things with high heels that normal people like me could not

    just to say a few: riding the bike, running and even swimming (remember the FH scenes )

    ya tell me about it. now that's what u call talent lol

    btw, i loved most of her outfits from FH so pretty!

    same here..her outfits, her accesories, everything...the clothes she wore in fh was just superb..

  6. News about Unnie to take the role or if she alread did take the role is really confusing,heheehh...

    Jea - welcome to the thread..i think i've alread saw your post with the same exact text few pages back ;-)

    Thanks for all of the wonderful comments guys..errr..about my you know, "creation",hahaahhh!!!

    i haven't signed the petition yet but i plan to once i can get to sit in front of the PC for a long time without rushing

    Here's more result of my boredomeheheheeh





  7. Hi gals....and guys, if there's guys...i've missed the thread for more than a week, argh!!

    I've missed a lot. but then i again i enjoyed reading all the previous post...there's a lot...

    so Unnie will really do the movie? i'm glad will...she should prepare ourselves to see a pretier and sexier and ..ruinning out of words here,lolz..

    Thanks for keeping the thread alive as always, i know i haven't been muh of a help here ;-(

    and since last week we didn't have a internet connection at work so i decided to play with photoshop, i don't know much about the program but im gonna post "my creations" anyways...i hope you guys can forgive me for doing this with the picstures ;D








  8. hellooo to every single BIer in this thread..i haven't visted for a while..hope im still welcome in the thread :)

    I like the bad-richard simmons with attitude image. But I have a soft spot for Freeway, simply because he looks so happy there. It's been quite a while since I last saw him that happy.

    exactly how i feell..during his Asian tour he just seemed very very tired most of the time and no matter how much he tries to hide it, it just show..but when Freeway was out..whoa!!! he's "back to his self"... was full of enerygy again :)

    It's raining here... now..

    A bit gloomy... I hate rain... coz it make me feel sad.. ^_^ ..

    i was about to react "what the are you doing here if you hate rain"..then i realized yur talking about a completely different "rain",lolz

    I saw the Bi's Special last night on ABS-CBN. They did a pretty good job of capturing Rain's popularity. But I must say their videos were outdated. They showed his "new" video and I was laughing because it was the I Do music video. I hope other Pinoy Biers were able to record the special so that they can share it here. But i didn't really like how they dubbed Bi's voice in Filipino. That was a major bummer. I think they dubbed over the Hong Kong concert interview. But still, it was fairly good.

    ABS is really making a major hype over Rain, which is about time. Now I wonder, maybe if they were able to get the rights for Bi's other dramas, Bi would even be bigger here than he is already. Oh well...

    i saw it too..and i was blaberring about the dubbed voice too..but oh well, can't change it..abs can do "anything" with it,lolz...i was watching it with a friend, who's in another place" and we we're both "mocking" abs for showing the LATEST VIDEO :phew: knowing abs, we'll probably show a lot of Bi on their station since Bi is finally "home".. <_< and i heard from a friend that ABS might get Bi to come here in the Philippines... :w00t:

    i really dont like rain/Bi but because of the 1 hr special of ABS last night about him im starting to admire him coz he's so down to earth and really good in dancing!!!

    i never thought that he is so popular in Asia..hehe...

    same with my friend..she's not really a fan but she don't don't like him..and when were watching it, she told me to stop Rain from crying coz she wanna cry too,lolz..and she also commented that he's so humble and she's realizing now that he's that popular ;-)

    Er, no offense, kababayan, but please don't drag our local network wars here. :) Thanks!

    kababayan..it's really hard to stop "talking" when you meet the "kapamilya and kapuso people".lolz..agree.. :lol: ..didn't get to have the newspaper, argh!!

    i was doing some reading of the past posts and then i saw Vannness and KangTa's pics..then goes Prince..then read neutral image and all..i thought there was a news where Bi admitted being one,lolz....

    JYP wouldn't allow them..i guess..they wouldn't want their work to go to waste once they do...coz no matter what, they'll loose fans for sure one way or another...just an opinion :)

  9. In regards to AIMH, i think the feeling was already there since they were kids but it just fully bllomed into a realy man-woman love when they find out that they're actually not siblings for real :)

    fatgrrl_slim Posted Today, 05:10 PM

    A bit of an info re: English tutors in Korea. Actually, you don't have to know Hangeul just to become an English tutor. They are basically hired just to talk to their Korean students in English so that they (the Koreans) can practice. So it's actually better if the tutor can't speak or understand Hangeul. That way, the Korean student has no choice but to communicate in English.

    You would be surprised at who is hiring English tutors in Korea. We're talking a range from little kids to CEOs of companies.

    With HyeKyo, I remember she took English lessons in the US last year. Maybe she hired her English tutor now coz her English is getting rusty. She just needs to practice.

    Agree...i've met some english tutor here and they said that korean parents, and Koreans in general are really strict about their education, when they learn, they'll really learn..there's quite a lot of koreans here inour place and sometimes i'd getto ride with them in a public vehicle, they're really trying to speak and learn English as much as they can..

    Anyways, i've been talking, i didn't noticed i started blaberring,lolz..

    Top 100 Sexiest Asian Girl...it's not very surprsing right? heehe..i bet we'll be hearing a lot of Unnie's fan going "mad" if she's not it in :lol:

    and i was so bored earlier, i nded up making this, i've been thinking what can i do with this pic i put together, oh well, that's al i was able to do...maybe if i can explore and learn photoshop more i can do something else,heheehe


    i can smile wider knowing what those chinese characters mean :blush: :lol:

  10. hello guys! am i late for the greetings?? :blush: anywayz, HAPPY 500th page for SHK thread...i made a wallie. its not too creative though :sweatingbullets: ... ahahah hope u'll enjoy! :lol:

    omg! did u say..SHK's english tutor is a Filipino?? ahahah that is so cool! wow~ thats really nice to hear...im so happy! maybe she/he could teach her a little tagalog nyahaah!


    I'm late too....Happy 500Th Page to all of us...now i'm proud to say that i've ben posting..at least more than i used to before, not posting at all,hehhe

    not creative, girl..im telling you, i can't even make one of those... :lol:

    wloi Posted Today, 02:03 PM

    A new PS made by my friend.

    The banner read: 'Guys, stay away from my woman !!'


    oh my gosh!!! who's that friend of yours, she's so good...im gigglin and smmiling here,looking stupid..can't help it...just love seeing them together...

    am i pinay too..well, half of me is....knowing that her Engl teacher's a pinay makes me wanna be a teacher too,lolz...her Pinay teacher's so lucky...she better tell Unnie some of the beautiful placs in the Philippines so if she decides to have a vacation, she'll choose the philippines,hehheh

    bambiina - you're so funny, i love your comments

    And to everyone, Annyeonghasseyo..

    Soutsda, Shanda..hello.. :)

  11. Goshy - I request the pics yesterday and you've all posted them up and they are lovely pics indeed - thanks for being so helpful!!!!!!

    Those full house pics were amazing - loved her fashion there - suited her. SO BIG THANK YOU :).

    Here's some more..hopefully they haven't been posted yet..and welcome to Unnie's thread...i havent welcomed you yet :)





    credits to biase_jer





    That's all the pics i found for now..gonna looks some more if have time :D

    and i know im late and all but Unni'e look in All In was also "bothering" me..not in a bad way though, it's just that there's something different about the way she looked in there...i was thinking could it be coz of the shade of lipstick she was using or is it the eye brows..now i know it's about the eye browse :lol:

    i thought the movie was already confirmed too..so it isn't confirmed yet, right?

    i wouldn't want her to do it to if there'll be 2 other drama's with the same plot...but im dying to see her again with a new series/movie :D

  12. Wloi I have also read something like that. wloi they are like our actors here who keeps on denying about their true relationship but after a long while they'll just announce there relationship.

    Now I know why Bi keeps on telling his fans about his ideal girl. I mean maybe it's a clue for all of us. Calling is the best way to keep their contact with each other cos no one will know about there conversation. Wloi they are very close to each other now and Bi's b-day is coming.....

    I'll just hope HK will attend Bi's b-day party. :blush:

    Welcome to the thread ane_108 Yea right right she's so pretty and a great actress! Enjoy your stay here. :D

    you gals..can you please stop these talk about BiHyo going out for real..i may not be able to contain myself and start screaming and jumoing coz of happiness :lol:

    i'll be one of the thousands of fans who'll be very very very happy if, in the near future, BiKyo having a relationship will be confirmed :blush:

  13. I don't want to see Bi and Kyo together in a drama...

    I want to see them together in real life...


    *this post is just to spite Bikyo hater*...

    hahah.. Kidding..

    But seriously I dun care so much now about seing both of them

    together in any drama or movie... I want to see them together

    in real life... Ahhh I can just dream :(...

    I feel like everything is so real.... almost can smell it..

    Wahahah... and I trust my instinct....

    Sorry.. to barge in......... just feel like letting it out..

    I have been feeling so positive about them lately just need to let it out..

    I never see any drama couple as good as them.. they compliment each

    other perfectly..

    Bi tall.. SHK small... he fit her like a glove..

    im gonna hug you bambiina..very well said...i guess you've said what us,Bi-Kyo lovers really wants,lolz...

    you guys have alot of guys in mind now i want to see all of them work with SHK unnie :lol:

    all the credit goes to kirsten(pinklily). thanks girl! :D

    and last but not least... a pic of her with lbh's family.


    never saw this pic before...unnie seems to be pretty close with lbh's family...

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