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Posts posted by reign

  1. reign, glad you liked it. Also, I used Adobe Photoshop 6.0 (can’t afford newer versions :tears: )

    I hope we can keep the Queen's picture thread alive as well ;) to show the continuous and growing love the majority of soompi have for her :wub:

    really? we have photoshooped7 installed in the pc im using at work but can't do thoseyet,aheheeh...

    i'll definitely keep the soomoi queen's thread alive too

  2. anyway..what really surprised me is when i read that she was here in cebu just recently.. i now feel like strangling myself because UP Cebu (my school) is just really very near Ayala Center Cebu where she had been seen shopping. if i only knew..i should have gone there and get the chance to meet her in person!

    really?!?!?!!?!?! Unnie have been here for a couple of times without us, fans knowing, if the other girls(our fellow SHKers) who lives in Cebu found out about this there will be there for sure..

    ms. B... i love it!love it!love it! what program are using to make these graphix? :)

  3. ¡°Full House¡± to Be Exported to Japan


    The KBS hit drama ¡°Full House¡± starring Rain and Song Hye-kyo will be exported to Japan for Japanese viewers across the island country, KBS Media said.

    The drama has already gained great popularity in many Asian nations such as China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore. In some southeast Asian nations, it recorded viewing rates as high as the popular Korean drama Daejanggeum (Jewel in the Palace). In Thailand, its viewing rates for its last episode posted a staggering 64 percent.

    The export to Japan is expected to serve as an opportunity to show the true value of the drama's two Korean stars, especially at a time when Rain is already enjoying great popularity as a singer and Song is also quite famous in Japan for her role in the drama ¡°Autumn in My Heart¡± and the film ¡°My Girl and I.¡± Insiders believe that the fact that the drama features the two stars will produce great synergistic effects.

    ¡°Compared to ¡®Winter Sonata,¡¯ which received a rave response from middle-aged Japanese women, ¡®Full House¡¯ may potentially be loved by young people in their teens and 20s,¡± KBS Media said. ¡°We expect that the export of the drama may help spread the Korean Wave or Korean pop culture craze among the younger generation in Japan.¡±

    Source:KBS Global
































































































































































































































































































































    im downloading this series... does this series have a tragic ending?

















  5. i thought this was funny! :lol: me too! i'm afraid of fishes! lol! so she had diving lessons???? how come she didn't get a tan???? man her skin is just flawless! and cth is weird to say his first love is not as cute and pretty as shk! he probably couldn't help himself adore shk's beauty! lol!

    soutsada, yeah i think i'll just do that! i'm excited to make my first ever banners! i'll make one for hye gyo unnie and one for jun ki oppa! my queen and king! :)

    if you gals are afraid of fish, well im afraid of diving itself,lolz..coz, you see..i'm not a good swimmer..i am not a swimmer at all but i like to swim..only in swimmingpools so i can hold on to the edgesof the pool :lol::lol::lol:

    (charles0702 @ Aug 18 2006, 10:24 AM)

    gita, you made me laugh.. at first, i didn't care about the poll.. but once people started talking crap about our unni was when i really wanted her to win because she was able to prove she still has it going on even after staying away from the limelight.. I am soo freekin happy too.. by the way, where is gina

    evenstar.. i agree. we shouldn't let people's negative comment affect our celebration of her winning..

    ahahahaha!! same here..they hate it when people put their fave stars down or you say something against their faves but they're doing the same thing, duh!!!

    just posted pictures for the Queen..it's quite a lot..geez..you can't just have a few favorite pictures of Unnie :lol:

  6. got this from Sidus


    Song Hye-Kyo – Moved by the Passionate Welcome of Korean Wave fans in Japan


    Posted: August 16,2006

    Song Hye-Kyo was passionately welcomed by Korean wave fans in Japan. After arriving in Haneda Airport in Japan on the 6th, Song Hye-Kyo was surprised by the warm welcome by over 300 fans that had crowded the airport. She is visiting Japan to promote ¡®Blue Alert¡¯ to be opened in Japan on the 26th, and this is her first official visit to Japan. But, Song Hye-Kyo has already founded a solid position in Japan in terms of popularity and recognition through Korean wave dramas like 'Autumn Tale' and 'Full House'. Hence, the interest of Japanese fans on this film, 'Blue Alert' is hotter than ever. Meanwhile, the film will open in Japan with the title 'You Are the Center of My World', and she will be touring 4 cities in Japan with Cha Tae-Hyun to promote the film until the 11th.

    Source: Sports Korea / Reporter Hong Hunyoung / 2006.08.07

  7. i promised soutsada that i will post one of my creations...so here it is...hope everybody will like it. i am not as good as reign and others...sorry if i didnt meet your expectation.

    credits to ent.tom/photo163/asianfanatics/xtreme


    i can spot the role kyo..hehehehehe...

  8. hey reign, welcome back!!! mwehehehe~ join the club! ive been an absentee in this thread for quite awhile now too..but, no fear!!! everytime i check back in, there's nice new goodies to feast my eyes on... :lol::lol::lol: thanks for sharing the new pics u guys!!!

    it's just amazing...shg can't be getting any younger in age, but for some reason, everytime i see her in smthing new, she never ceases to amaze me with her youthful look and glowy skin... :blush:

    aahhahahahh!! yeah...welcome back to us... i don't feel out of place n this thread no matter how long i've been absent... :)












































    finished watching this movie and now I can get it out of my head!!! In fairness, they have chemistry and it’s really an enjoyable movie




































    The first time I saw this on TV I said I wanted to watched it and im glad I did want to watch it and watched it coz it’s a really good movie...i think I like krw and mgy coz of this





  10. Ruthie thanks for the article…kamsahamnida!!!

    Soutsada – same hear..i think if we’ll wait for sidus to confim if unnie had accepted the role,we’ll justgrow roots on our foot,lolz…

    Comparisons are already on the rise, I hope this won’t make a “war” between unnie and hjw’s fan… both are equally pretty and talented actress so foighting to both of them :-)

    Welcome to the thread twangster

  11. :lol: i'm glad SHGers enjoyed the little gifts ;)

    reign, i love your art work, do you mind if i save it for memory? :blush:

    Ms.Bi, no problemo...you can save 'em...

    kneekey Posted Today, 01:35 PM

    ^ill take your word soutsada, ill watch ofd first then i really really like you

    thanks jgabriel for the pics


    whhhacckk!! i love unnie heer(always love her :lol: ) she looks so cute...like me, ehem..ehem..ehem,ahahhah!!!Thanks for posting 'em nikki..

    Soutsada.. i've saved some of Unnie's pics in my mail, i can share them with yah if youlike :)

    felicia - just watched it too...do you know how hard ot is to watch a movie with your co-workers around you and you wanna cry but trying not to?! so hard!!! :lol:

  12. Waaahh!!! Ms. B, I was still feeling sleepy at work and visit Unnie’s threa and read something lke ‘BiKyo dreams has come true”, my sleepy self suddenly woek up, ahahahaah!! I really thought they finallt admitted it,hahahaha!! But it was really nice…I did something of them too..might as well post it here

    ohmyqk9.th.jpg yuhooookr3.th.jpg

    textures by freed-wings.org

  13. yey!!! soompi is back...again..it's hurt my feelings so much if i click on soompi's link on my favorite and shows "cannot find server",lolz..

    see lodas of lovely pics again..but the best news is i've finally watched MG & I,bwhahaahahah!!! i'm glad they didn't make Unnie's death more dramatic that it already was..the moment i started the movie, i was already in a serious mode, maybe it's because i already kinda have a hint of what the story's about,hehehee

  14. omo, two of our pages have been deleted!!! :sigh: oh, well, I guess we can start over...lol, I'll start by posting a pix then:


    credit: shanda @ songhyegyo.net

    oh really, why?

    love lurve lurve the pics..they're all so prettty..Unnie's simplicity is the kind you just can't ignore :)

    watching her my girl right now...finally...was able to download,ahahahha!!! can't resist downloading it after all... :lol:

  15. thanks sushimi for sharing the pix...for some reason, I just love SHG with fruits, especially apples, lol.

    Good morning ,gals..i checked our thread and look what weve got hear to greet more..more lovely photos of unnie :blush:

    Here's my share for the day :)

    Unnie with an apple..for Soutsada :phew:


    it might be the earrings she's wearing but it's still an apple..right :lol:


    i just love this CF..Unnie's so adorable


    One of my fave picture of her :)


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