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Posts posted by salz

  1. Deokkaebi and GR again hahaha I need to see this sub

    Did KS warn GR not to get close to Sunny since she supposedly his "sister"now? so over protective lol

    EunTak telling Sunny about Kim Sun I think

    Oh Sunny finally come to their house

    Lol she found out the trio live together 

    Poor GR forever intimidated by Sunny 

    She seeing the painting of Queen 

    Eun Tak and GR leave those two alone while KS telling story about the king..seem the king really jealous of all news of KS success with the annoying minister 

    • Like 15
  2. 6 hours ago, bebe1989 said:


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    and kim shin always nagging to grim reaper just like he always told his sister "ugly" etc.. in present time he love to makes grim reaper angry with annoying him.. (said it once again, i dont really observe or care if grim reaper queen or king, just my opinion to share for u two haha)

    in present time sunny living alone and her chicken resto rarely having costumer, she said it to euntak.. just like the king who living alone after kim sun died. .

    the special effect "slow motion" between kim shin and sunny in present time, feels like enemy who bump in the middle of road and stare to each other. lol.

    but reaper is king also have good argument..because he was cried when he saw sunny, and only king who have biggest sin to make him immortal living as grim reaper who has amnesia.

    it would be twist if they reincarnate with switch body. .




    Hahaha would be awesome twist if they indeed reincarnate with a switch body that would explain GR look like past king lol 

    I watch again ep1 when KS meet GR for first time the first thing he did is insult GR beloved hat lol... That something KS would do to his sister teasing her being ugly and so on to annoy her... KS and GR interaction sure give those vibe 

    While like you said the showdown of KS and Sunny first meeting more intense and like enemy reunion lol not the heartwarming or at least no family vibe 

    Yeah Sunny situation being all lonely in her shop with no customer really does remind me of King fate end up being alone in his kingdom 

    Oh I'm not sure I can join re-watch tomorrow since it busy night for me the life of multifandom :P

    But would like and read you guys recaps lol


    • Like 3
  3. Lol poor Jongmin get strip down just to greet the audience hahaha

    So cute their celebration throwing Jongmin to the air after he win

    Aww I love yaps appa giving message to JJY to come back anytime...btw I just watch sound of heart yesterday I totally forgot JJY appear there so it such nice surprise lol that drama is hilarious such pity he only appear in one episode only

    They totally kill me when they used Goblin and Grim reaper footage and bgm for Junho and Defconn lmao



    For me the best part today ep the battle between Jongmin Vs Defconn LMAO I'm dying because im laughing so hard I think worse than CTH hahaha these guys going all out from beginning of year..

    The fight so brutal lmao I'm half scared they gonna hurt or kill each other for real and half laughing like mad.beside the bgm not helping lmao too hilarious.

    But at same time feel sorry Jongmin get slap for real and even Defconn suffer 

    Junho Vs Donggu is funny too.. Poor Donggu get his hair pull by yaps..the best plot twist though Junho fight for 2nd time he still go back to the same number lmao not even increase hahaha so unlucky

    But the biggest victim is the poor staff need to pull Defconn lmao the rope keep on slapping the poor guy hahaha dead


    BTW Happy New Year to everybody here hope we will continue watching this show together with many good ep and good news only this year 


    • Like 10
  4. Congratulations Bogummy for winning the netizen award and the Top Excellent Actor Award 

    I'm so happy Bogum win he deserve it so much :blush:

    So proud of him:wub:

    Your tear is precious I'm sure your dad and family very proud and happy for you

    Btw Joongki crying together kill me in good way may the brothers stay good to each other for long long time

    Happy New Year everyone

    • Like 12
  5. 1 hour ago, vivvianne22 said:

    If Deokhwa is the other Deity. I think he's on Kim Shin and Euntak's side, while the Red Lady clearly only on Euntak's side. If he really the other deity, dude, his acting while he's with Goblin and Grim Reaper are amazing, I mean like he acts like a normal human and stuff. Deokhwa is like onion, so many layers of his character, if all of our assuming was right, then the writer really doing a great job on character developing. Now the only "normal" human is Sunny. But somehow I still cannot buying about Sunny being the Queen, I just feel something off, her character strangely match well with The Young King.



    Deokhwa have been bugging me since ep1 tbh when the time fast forward to 10yrs later the first person shown is adult DH met the grandma goddess on the bridge though they make it look like he flirt with her but we never know. Beside he totally different from all other generation who serve KS or maybe like others say there actually 2 DH one is real who obsessed with credit card one in disguise pretend to be him but he could just be really good actor in front of them..but there definitely big mystery about DH..well there many sign here and there he not what he seem.. 

    Though there all the super obvious sign thrown every ep that Sunny is the queen especially today im still waiting for some plot twist that the obvious is might just the cover for future revelation that it different from what everybody think..well i just wanna get as surprise as GR when he watch the last ep of morning drama when the truth is not like everybody expected lol 

    well i could be totally wrong since im no expert in guessing anything.. but it would be more interesting if the writer prepare different surprise than what everybody already guess with too easy answer since Sunny the queen hint is getting too much in my face lol.. of course it no longer surprising if she really is because it keep getting hinted almost every scene she appear but part of me hoping she the king maybe because she feel to resemble the king more esp with her control over GR but of course i could totally be wrong and im sure  some already sick talking about this who king queen thingy  

    Well i just wait and see next ep might show what is the queen real sin is since it hard to believe the queen to have bigger sin than the king so it does make more sense if king reborn as grim reaper not human but next ep might show different side of the queen.

    beside because it DH who answer prev ep when he suggest that GR is the sister im like are you just joking or you just hinting something here since like majority already convince it Sunny but that too easy and it could be DH know the real answer and try to hint at both GR and KS there..because if DH is really not human but deity or god i can't just ignore what he say even if it sound like a joke 


    Well @packmule3i will be waiting for your next session hope you say something more about DH :P

    • Like 5
  6. LMAO WTF with the secretary suddenly doing dancing so grandpa would sign those doc lol

    Deokhwa whatchu doin you love yourself too much

    Lol he took picture of himself as gift haha KS just gonna throw that away again

    Nice grandpa give the camera as gift..i just ignore all the ppl lol

    Oh the house is lively again

    Aww weekly brotp heart talk to talk face moment again 

    Lol taking picture 

    So cute just do threesome lol

    LMAO the awkward boyfriend dating scene again hahaha

    • Like 17
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