Jump to content


  • Posts

  • Joined

  • Last visited

Posts posted by 0rchid
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Jason: "you think sam could turn into a chicken and lay his own eggs? wouldn't that be weird; eating something that just came out of you?"
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Andy: "what kind of perverted brain would even think of something like that?"
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    andy and jason's male bonding moments = priceless. :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    moldy cheese =_____=
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i only realized it till i got down to the last 2 or 3 cubes on my plate and freaked out. the mold was white-ish but kinda hairy/fuzzy looking... :crazy:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    can anyone recommend me a lightweight laptop that is around CAD$1000 (aka - under CAD$1300 after tax)?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i'm looking for something that's
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    - lightweight (under 5.5lbs)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    - durable (won't get deformed/crushed by my books since i'll be carrying it around in my schoolbag on a semi-daily basis and won't be looking to replace it for at least 3 years)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    - has at least 4G ram & 250G hard drive space (i'm a heavy bittorent and photoshop user. also love to multitask so its not uncommon for me to have 8+ windows opened when i'm researching for school)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    - at least 3hrs of battery life
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    - minimum 3 usb ports
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    lastly, i'm hoping away from HP since my HP Pavilion dv1000 started having problems immediately after the warranty expired much like the many other owners out there.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i really like the Sony Vaio CS320 but i've read so many bad reviews about the intolerable chirping/creeking/snoring sound coming from its fan that i don't wanna risk it.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    omg... i just went on a marathon and caught up to the recent up.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    haha, am i the only one who feels really bad for the cop? that expression he had when he marched into the diner demanding to see the guy who broke his arm xD
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i'm really getting sick of the whole maryanne storyline; it's not moving the plot forward at all.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    and omg.. jason.. stupid, silly, loveable jason... *sigh* he sure knows how to pick 'em. every single women he's slept with ends up either dying or is crazy :lol:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    LOTR trilogy. Omg... I only managed to get through the first 2 because I saw the movies first. it's one thing to watch a battle, but it's quite another thing to read about it cuz it's hard to keep track of who died and who didn't. I started reading the third one, but I gave up 20 pages into it.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Frankenstein was really annoying to get through as well. had to read it for English class in high school and i think about 3/4 of the class ended up going to sparknotes for summaries :x
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    And I'm probably gonna be one of the few people to say this, but I've tried reading Pride and Prejudice at least 4 times but i've never gotten beyond 1/4 of the book cuz the writing style annoyed me so much. it's just so... gossipy... lol. too much trivial dialogue.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I wasn't too crazy about Interview With A Vampire either. In contrast to Pride and Prejudice, there's just too much description about the setting in this one. I think Anne Rice went on for over 4 pages just describing what Lestat's house looks like.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    "Les Misérables" by Victor Hugo (eventhough it was a condensed version) and "L'Étranger" by Albert Camus have got to be the worst of the bunch though.. had to read both of them for french class. boring as hell... especially L'Étranger...



































































































































































































































































    Haha, I had the same reaction... great minds must think alike. :lol: Where did you get the bag, 0rchid? It's simple and nice!




    i got it at FX Lasalle :) i love that it's so big and roomy but really light to carry around



  7. Mrizing Video - Forgive me & I'm Here Music COre Vr

    it's too good for words...

    he's the best, bestest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    look at the arm movement, leg, even the head+ neck, fingers

    he flows so smoothly..

    it's lovee <3<3<3<3<3<3

    practice video is the best!!

    i wish he can just make a vid for each track :xDD:



    does anyone know where i can get that version of "forgive me?" i love it even more than the original if that's even possible xD








































    STOP FLIRTING WITH ME!! what is the point of doing so and then telling me that you have a girlfriend???? what am i, a magnet for unavailble guys or something??? :fury: :fury: :fury: :fury:
















































    out of curiosity, how do you girls rid rid of your blackheads with bio-oil??
























    i've been using it for over a month now, and eventhough my blackheads have gotten smaller, they're still very much visible :s


    I also have acne prone skin, and oily skin.
























    and it caused me to break out in places ive never broken out before
























    on my cheek :crazy:
























    but it did 'whiten' a few scars so just try to not use to everyday.
























    or too much
























    or before school or it'll make your skin even oily-er.















































    ^ which is why i only apply it at night, lol. i alternate between cetaphil and aloe vera in the morning.
















































    ^hmm.. i was really debating whether or not i should dl this since really fake CG really bugs me (don't even get me started on Twin of Brothers), but the cast seems pretty awsome so i think i'm gonna give this a try

















    - profanity

    - shallow guys
























    - when a guy yells or disrespect his parents
























    - guys who take things too personally
























    - obsessed body builders
























    - guys with no sense of humor
























    - guys who drink until they K.O.
























    - guys with male dominated issues
























    - overly religious worshipers
























    - doesn't know when to stop joking
























    - compulsive bad liars
























    - guys who flirt with everyone
























    - metro-sexual guys
























    - guys who stay mad for a long time















































    yep, you've pretty much said it all.
























    guys who have a really short temper is also a major turn off.








































































    The Notebook (never cried so much in a movie before)
























    Black Beauty
























    Little Women - when beth died
























    LOTR: Return of the King
























    The Joy Luck Club - i was really young when I watched it so i don't really rememeber much about it
























    Lion King - muffasa's death
























    The Fox and the Hound - when the old woman had to abandon the fox in the forest
























    My Sassy Girl
















































    Fighter's Blue (the ending was just so gripping)
























    This is Our Exile (definately not one of my favorite movies, but omg.. the ending is just TT____TT)

































  13. Ladies of soompi, i need help...

    My best friend (Jill) has been with her boyfriend (Bob) now for over a year. I don’t wanna sound egotistical, but there’s always something going on whenever the three of us are together, whether we’re in a big group or if it’s just us three.


    1) When we went out bubble tea-ing the last time, he sampled my drink eventhough Jill has stated specifically on more than one occasion that she doesn’t want him drinking from the same straw/cup as another girl that’s not her. She says that it’s the equivalent of kissing another girl, but he did it with my drink anyways and right in front of her too.

    2) Even if we’re eating out with a big group of people, he’d always end up sitting across from me (with Jill beside him) or beside me (with Jill across the table from him)

    3) Whenever he’s sitting or walking beside me, he’d always end up brushing against my arm; and whenever he’s sitting across the table from me, he’s leg always ends up either against mine, or touching mine.

    The thing is though, he’s naturally a really nice guy and I don’t know if he’s like this with all his female friends and it doesn’t mean anything, or if it’s just me. My gut feeling is telling me that there’s something there, but I don’t how I should address this.

    The worst part is that all of the above happens right in front of Jill, yet she seems completely oblivious to this. Come to think of it, Jill and I never hang out alone anymore cuz he’s always there.

    Should I mention this to her and if so, how?

    I’ve known Jill for over 13 years now and we’re like sisters. We’ve been there for each other through a lot of major things (both good and bad) and have literally never fought over anything except for trivial playground games when were in elementary school. I would never betray her or hurt her so I don’t want to blow this out of proportion if it really is nothing.

    This has been going through my head for quite a while now and I really don’t know what to do especially since she really loves him.

  14. hey guys, I have a little dilema that I was hoping you can help me with:

    My best friend (Jill) has been with her boyfriend (Bob) now for over a year. I don’t wanna sound egotistical, but there’s always something going on whenever the three of us are together, whether we’re in a big group or if it’s just us three.


    1) When we went out bubble tea-ing the last time, he sampled my drink eventhough Jill has stated specifically on more than one occasion that she doesn’t want him drinking from the same straw/cup as another girl that’s not her. She says that it’s the equivalent of kissing another girl, but he did it with my drink anyways and right in front of her too.

    2) Even if we’re eating out with a big group of people, he’d always end up sitting across from me (with Jill beside him) or beside me (with Jill across the table from him)

    3) Whenever he’s sitting or walking beside me, he’d always end up brushing against my arm. and whenever he’s sitting across the table from me, he’s leg always ends up either against mine, or touching mine.

    The worst part is that all of the above happens right in front of Jill, yet she seems completely oblivious to this. Come to think of it, Jill and I never hang out alone anymore cuz he’s always there.

    My question is, do you think these are all incidental/accidental or there really is something there? I don't know how he acts around his female friends so I really have nothing to go on.

    I’ve known Jill for over 13 years now and we’re like sisters. We’ve been there for each other through a lot of major things (both good and bad) and have literally never fought over anything except for trivial playground games when were in elementary school. I would never betray her or hurt her so I don’t want to blow this out of proportion if it really is nothing.

    This has been going through my head for quite a while now and I really don’t know what to do especially since she really loves him.
















































    omg.. i do that!!
















    i've also been known for random outbursts at home as well when i'm so into my thoughts, lol

















































    Oh, Les Mis is sooooo good though!! :(

    You could try Candide, it's pretty funny...
































    Other than that I read a lot of depressing novels, too, hahaha. Proust's Swann's Way, Pierre et Jean, Enfant Noir, La Guerre de Troie N'aura Pas Lieu... I think it's a rule that the novels have to be depressing to be studied in French class, haha.































































    ^ LOL!! that's not really motivating... :lol:

    Si tu veux lire des fomans classiques pas dépressifs essaie "le conte de Monte-Cristo" (plus classique que ca tu meurs). Très riche en vocabulaire et pas du tout dépressifs (mais il est pas très facile à lire non plus). À part ça, essaie les livres de Amélie Nothomb par exemple "stupeur et tremblement" ou "l'hygiène de l'assassin". Elle écrit magnifiquement bien et ses romans sont loin d'être barbants.
































    ^ OOoo!! j'ai complètement oublié cela; j'ai lue "le conte de Monte-Cristo" en secondaire 1 mais en forme de graphic novel, heehee. Peut-être c'est temps d'essayer le roman, lol. Je vais chercher pour ceux de Nothomb aussi la prochain fois que je vas à la bibliothèque. thanks for your suggestions!

    Yes there are many novels on the web.

    If you like fantasy try the adventures of kalon
































    Lot of humour, many vocabulary and words-game (jeu de mots) :
































































    If you prefer science fiction try the novels its short and plaisant.
































    in google type "nouvelle science fiction"
































    or here :
































































    This one is very good :
































































    if you want listen french try the donjon of nahalbeuk
































    its like françois pérusse (encore un quebecquoi je crois)
































































    enjoy !! :w00t:
































    vive les vacances tous à poil c'est la fête du slip ^^































































































    ^ Je préfére de lire d'un livre au lieu de l'ordinateur car c'est trop facile a devenir distracted quand je suis online, mais merci quand même, lol!

































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