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Posts posted by tinatrix236

  1. Looks like Geon didn't get to do what he wanted..missed it. Lol!!
    A call interrupts Geon and he is annoyed. It is Secretary Tak. He tells Geon something and laughs. Geon is laughing too. Secretary Tak asks something and Geon scolds him. They end the call.
    Geon runs to MY and jumps on the bed...she's asleep. Lol!! Geon is disappointed and tries to wake her up. She's fast asleep. He says something to her and covers himself and holds her.

  2. In a hotel room with number 2006(what is it with that hotel room wherever they go?), MY and Geon are discussing something. Geon says something about being shameless. MY asks why he did what he did. He's trying to defend himself and give excuses. MY isn't buying it and smiles. She gets up and moves closer to him and tells him something while holding his hand. Geon replies and MY reassures him.
    MY's family are watching the news are see what happened. Her sister says MY and Geon are romantic. Lol!!
    Geon and MY are having a meal and he is so giddy! He is laughing!! He says something to MY. And she smiles. She moves towards him and he makes a gesture towards her and she does the same. He moves closer to kiss her but she pulls his cheek instead. Lol!! Geon is shocked and MY scolds him for lying I think. This is too cute!!! They look so happy and Geon is staring at her. He playfully touches her shoulder and laughs. He says something and MY replies. He is surprised and then laughs. Chingus...he is so happy and can't contain himself. Lol!!  

    Geon gets up and starts doing the snail hands thing. 
    They are in bed talking.

  3.  MY runs to halmoni in the living and sees how distraught she is. She notices the headlines and leaves the house. Outside she runs into the reporters who ask questions. She asks them to stop.

    Back at the press conference, Geon introduces himself and bows.
    MY tries to catch a taxi.
    Geon is telling the reporters something. 
    The elders are there including his brother and Secretary Tak.
    Geon says something and bows.
    Omo!! MY is there. She says him something about lying to her. Geon asks what she's talking about. MY days something and asks him to say tell her something. Geon asks his men to drag her out. She insists on knowing the truth. Geon says yes he told lies. MY asks if he's stupid. This is so good!!! 
    MY is asking him something with tears in her eyes. She's asking why he did it and is blaming herself.

  4. MY's family are sitting outside the restaurant and discussing something about MY.
    Geon is visiting his parents. Not sure what he's saying. He tells them to take care of Dog Poopie. Oh...there's a miniature photo of the artwork beside photo of his parents. :(
    Daniel drops MY off at Geon's house. 
    She's speaking to halmoni and asks about Geon. Halmoni says something and MY replies. She asks halmoni a question and halmoni agrees.
    MY is looking around Geon's room and has flashbacks to their time there together.
    Halmoni is happy and gets a call from a frantic Secretary Tak. She turns on the tv. Something happened at the company!!
    MY enters the secret room and sees all the baby things. She starts to cry and is surprised. Geon's laptop is on so she plays a video. It shows Geon talking about her I think. He also mentions their time in Macau and the baby.

  5. MY is at her mother's restaurant. They are in the middle of a discussion when Geon barges in! This is quite awkward!! Lol!!! He is shocked to see MY there. She tells her mother to serve him I think.
    Geon eats his food, gets up and says something. MY replies and looks annoyed. Geon replies and MY omma shouts trying to get them to stop. Geon wishes MY well and leaves. Her mother says Geon must be crazy and MY says something.
    MY is at the scene of the accident talking to Dog Poopie.

  6. Geon's brother is seeing Dr Octopus. I think he's given a clean bill of health. The doctor mentions something about Geon which surprises him!
    The mistress meeting the elder.
    Se Ra and MY meeting up. Se Ra is saying something and apologizes. I think she confessed! She leaves and MY is shocked.
    MY is with the someone. I think she's a talk show host(looks like the prenatal instructor). MY is being interviewed and Geon is watching. MY says something and the audience applauds. Geon leaves.

  7. The next day, MY is out for a run and Daniel meets up with her.
    Geon is with his lawyer and they are listening to the recording of the will he made before. The lawyer asks him something about MY and Geon replies.
     His assistant lets him know MY is at the office. MY comes in and gives him an envelope. I think she's returning the money. Geon throws the envelope across the room.She places the note he left on the table and asks a question. He agrees with what she said. MY says something and Geon asks her a question. They discuss some more and MY gets up and leaves.
    MY is meeting the lawyer!! He asks her something and she wonders about it. She tells him something and he seems to want to say something but stops himself.


    MY's store opening. A man is talking to her about something. Her friend comes by with flowers for her. The friend asks about her meeting schedules with Geon. Flashback to Geon helping Se Ra with the necklace. I think the friend tells her they are not dating.
    Se Ra is back home. She sees Daniel to have a drink with her. They are talking outside and Se Ra says something that surprise Daniel. It's about Geon and MY. Daniel is thinking in his apartment.
    Geon is looking at some documents. I'm not sure but it looks like the divorce agreement.
    MY is reading a note Geon left with the artwork. She thinks a bit and then picks up her phone to read the messages she exchanged with the buyer and confirms it's Geon.

  9. Daniel is with MY's family. She calls him and says something.

    Geon is looking at MY's artwork. He's holding the dog Poopie art. She sees one with candy drawn over all over it. HE remembers their time in Macao.
    MY comes into the room and sees Geon, then notices the dog Poopie art. She is annoyed!
    Flashback of Geon crying in the past over MY or dog Poopie. Looks sad. (Sorry my son distracted me)
    They are looking at each other. Geon says something while looking at her. I think he admits he's the buyer.

  10. SecretAry Tak gives Geon some news about Ellie Kim and they are excited.
    Se Ra comes into the office and ask something. Geon says they are busy and he has a meeting. She turns around and sees MY.
    The two women are at a restaurant and talking. Se Ra asks a question and MY replies. MY notices the necklace Se Ra has on her neck and remembers seeing Geon putting it on her.
    Geon and MY are in his office talking. He says something and she seems annoyed. She thanks him for something and he says something. 
    Everyone's watching a presentation /commercial that MY worked on. They are impressed and they clap. Geon looks sad. He is asked to come to say a few words.
    Geon gets on stage and acknowledges the job MY did. He leaves the stage and goes to sit down. He looks really sad.
    MY is leaving and Geon walks up to her. He thanks her and says something else. MY looks down and says she's leaving. Geon bows to her and says something. My heart is breaking!!!  =((
    MY enters the elevator leaving a sad Geon watching her. She thinks and says something to herself.
    Geon is in his secret room and looking at the artwork. He says something to Dog Poopie.

  11. Geon goes back inside and teases MY a bit.

    Se Ra alone thinking about something.
    Daniel goes to see MY and takes a look at some art. He makes a comment and MY replies. He asks a question and MY says something.
    Geon and MY are texting each other. He asks her a question and she agrees with whatever he said. I think he's giving her some advice. MY remembers the sort of person she used to be. 
    Flashbacks of how she used to be post-it girl and when she met Geon.
    Geon giving a her some more advice and cheers her on.

  12. Geon bring to food to MY but she is asleep. He watches her and touches her cheek. He leans forward to kiss her but talks himself out if it.
    Lol!!! MY opens her eyes and looks at him and gets up. She asks what he's doing and he laughs and says something. She takes a look at the food. I think she realizes it's her mother's food and is annoyed. Geon defends himself. MY remembers the past and his interaction with her mother. 
    Geon starts to eat and shout. He seems a bit frustrated and gets up and takes out his phone. MY watches him and sends a message to the buyer. Geon receives the message immediately. Lol!!! She calls the number and he panics and runs out! Secretary Tak comes by and calls out his name, almost exposing him and Geon hits him. Lol!! MY says something and Geon replies and they end the call. 

  13. MY's family is talking about something. The brother in law asks MY's mother a question and she replies. The uncle says something to the mother and he leaves. They set excited about something. MY's mother makes a comment about them.
    MY is somewhere and walking around. She enters the elevator.
    Geon is watching her via security cameras. He gives instructions to the head of security who gives instructions to others. When MY gets out, the lights come on in the hallway and she is greeted before she leaves. There's a car waiting for her. Awwwww!! Geon watches her and says something. He looks sad.
    Halmoni talking to someone...sorry I missed this part.
    Geon is with MY and he is displeased about something. She apologizes and tells him not to worry.
    Awwwww!!! MY omma is watching the clock and waiting for Geon. He comes by and surprises her. He sings a song and she scolds him. He replies playfully and sits down. He asks for a takeout meal and she is surprised but goes off to prepare the food.

  14. Daniel is speaking to someone on the phone and overhears Se Ra talking to her mother. They are having an argument. Her mother leaves and Se Ra starts to cry. Daniel goes over to Se Ra but she tries to go into the elevator. She doesn't want to talk to him and he tells her to move. He turns and asks if she would like to go get some ice cream.
    They are eating their ice cream and Se Ra talks about her mother. Daniel asks her a question and she replies. She explains something and he asks a question. Se Ra tries to leave and Daniel mentioned that he proposed to MY.
    Secretary Tak and Geon's brother are carrying boxes and run into Geon. They say something to him and he scold them. Not sure what but I think it's about MY.
    Geon is talking to MY and those boxes are in front of her. She asks a question and he replies and gets up to leave. He turns back and says something. MY starts working on something and Geon watches her. MY notices but isn't comfortable. She tells him to leave and he laughs and agrees to do so. 
    Lmao!! Now he's pretending to be in pain. Something about his leg. Hahahahaha!!! MY simply watches him leave. Lol!!

  15. Daniel goes to see MY and asks what happened. She replies and he says something. I think he's off to get something for her to eat.
    MY is thinking about Geon and says something to herself. 
    Geon is going crazy again and has looks tired. He's scolding Secretary Tak and has something on his face....ink maybe? Lol! They are discussing Ellie Kim and seem happy. Secretary Tak leaves and Geon says something to himself.
    Daniel and MY are shopping for running shoes. They make a selection and Daniel helps MY tie her laces. 
    Geon is in his car outside a building waiting. I think it's MY's place. He sees MY and Daniel together checking out their new shoes. He starts saying something and seems annoyed. Lol!!
    Geon's brother is at a restaurant with his mother. His girlfriend comes in and the mother does not realize they are seeing each other. Lol!!! When they tell her, she almost faints and says never! Lol!!


    Opening scene....MY and Geon together. MY says something to him and he let's go of her hand and gets up. Geon stops her and says something. He leans forward like he's going to kiss her but MY faints. She has a fever and Geon is taking care of her.  She says something and he replies. He looks really worried.
    MY's phone is ringing.....it's Daniel. He wonders why she isn't answering. 
    Geon stays up watching MY. Aww.
    MY wakes up the next morning and sees Geon sleeping and holding her hand. She takes it away and tries to wakes him up but he doesn't answer. She puts her hand on his again. Awwwww!!
    Geon is driving somewhat and reading a note from MY thanking him. 

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