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Posts posted by shaselai

  1. From the preview MH gets the wind that YJ is pregnant and says "that's interesting". Perhaps he is planning to get her to miscarry by hiring someone from the inside? That would be at least avenge his unborn child. 
    I think whether this drama ends in forgiveness or love will depend on how far MH goes in his revenge against YJ. Will he try to harm her physically once she get out (hiring thugs etc.) or just block her financially (blocking her from jobs etc.). Those are two different types of revenges and i think the latter is more forgivable than the physical route..

  2. Diana Blake said:

    shaselai said:

    Well if js follows footsteps of Kelly nam wouldn't she end up with her own company like she is doing now and become Shinwha's competitor?

    That makes sense. BTW what do you know about Kelly nam biography? I do not know korean so I cannot find any info on her. 

    Only thing I could find on her is that she came from an experienced type of background and set up her own company in her 30's. This is all I could get, nothing else is known or at least anything I could find in English. 

    @shaselaiI think that's what JS may just do or at least it will end up that way by the end of the drama. 

    so js will stand next to the Olsen twins like Kelly from page 1 :)

  3. baduy said: Ep 17 text preview is now out.

    Do Yeong finally recognizes Jeong Soo and they are reunited at long last.

    Jeong Soo, drawing on the know-how of Dongdaemun market traders, prepares to launch a new fashion brand at a pop-up store within an existing department store.

    After the sudden death of Shinwha Group's President Do, an emergency meeting of the Board of Directors elects Soo Ho as his successor. He tries to press ahead with the formal engagement of Seo Hyeon to Jin Hoo, who has lost all his bearings.

  4. I guess JH agreeing to be engaged shows he either he values the company more than JS or he gave up on JS? I can see both since the timeline of the show hasn't been that long so he can't be madly in love with her at this point though. 
    It would be interesting to see if DY will hang out with JS more and more and that could raise suspicions from MK and JH about the story KH has been feeding them.
    Finally, would it be remotely possible that SH wants MK to marry or be engaged to JS for her designs so he could combat grandpa? It would be hilarious indeed if 2 fake engagements were setup although. 
























































    I do feel JS will go soft and have DY not abandon KH. I do see JS hanging around with DY alot more which will further richard simmons kh off even though JS saved her from the humiliation.  JH should come around too with his detective hat on.
































































    Preview is very juicy but it fails in one part - not enough stares at the final scene.








































    I wonder what KH will do for the next 4 episodes... will her adoptive parents forgive her and she continue her ways or she will find alternate way to survive?








































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    howa said:
































































































































































































































































































































    Not another grandfather who wants his grandson to be with a woman that he thinks she is nice and sweet and all she does is lie
































































































































































































































































































































    i mean come on what does she wants more she has every thing good education,good job, money ,a man that she loves and mybe he is
































































































































































































































































































































    still in love with her just stop and live a fresh life with a fresh start and dont get into web of lies

































































  8. i am hoping DY and her hubby figure this out by themselves rather than JS dirtying her hands although one could say she has already done that...
    It is also interesting that the pouch is with KH now... i thought it might have played a role (maybe it will) in identifying JS later one since it was a unique item...
    Do you guys think there's enough time for KH to be misidentified as SH's child or that would take too long and would be a bit rushed with 6 left?

  9. baduy said: Seeing that Kim Jeong Hoon's real-life hobby is math, it must have been quite an effort for him to take the "explanation" of the problem provided by the writer seriously and deliver it with such apparent conviction. The solution JH shows JS is, of course, correct (it's actually one of at least two equally correct ones), and we can see it working, but the explanation the script provides of how to tackle the problem and why the solution works is mathematical nonsense.
    First off, though JK had stated the nature of the problem very clearly in what he'd written on the glassboard above the drawing, as usual the DF subbers didn't translate the on-screen text, so it may not be entirely clear to viewers whe can't read Korean precisely what the "homework" (JH's term for it on the post-it note under the dinner plate) he'd set for JS consists in.
    The challenge is to reproduce the pattern of lines in a single stroke (= without ever lifting the marker from the board and without going over, in either direction, any line that's been drawn already). This is what mathematicians call a "unicursal line" or a "unicursal path".
    Exactly how and in what circumstances it is possible to draw such a unicursal line joining a given set of points had pre-occupied mathematicians for many decades before it was solved in the mid eighteenth century by the great mathematician Leonhard Euler. It had become known as the "Bridges of Königsberg Problem" since it was exemplified by the layout of what was then the Prussian city of Königsberg (now Kaliningrad in Russia, with its ancient town center altered beyond recognition, so the Problem can no longer be illustrated, let alone solved, there).
    Königsberg had at its center two river-islands, connected to each other and the surrounding land by a total of seven bridges. In non-mathematical terms, the "'Problem" was to find a route that would visit all the parts of the city by crossing each and every bridge once only in a single direction, ending at the precise point it started at. Adding the condition that you must end up where you started (rather than just crossing each bridge once, but once only, without necessarily getting back to your starting point) made this "unicursal path" into a "unicursal circuit".  
    Common-sense folk might think that to count as a solution to this problem, you would need to come up with just such a route. But mathematicians have a different notion of what a solution is. And Euler's mathematical solution to the Bridges of Königsberg Problem was to prove by rigorous and irrefutible formal arguments that there was no such common-sense solution, and never could be: the task as posed was impossible. In honor of this finding, the term "eulerian" circuit or path is now commonly used in math textbooks alongside or instead of "unicursal".
    We might think that's a fat lot of use, but Euler's proof, and further principles that followed from it, turned out to be of enormously practical use in ways Euler himself and his contemporaries never dreamed of. When Amazon deliver your books and CD's to you, their carriers use methods directly derived from Euler's work to figure out the optimal routes between all the destinations they have to deliver to to minimize fuel costs and driver working hours. And the way my current ramblings are being conveyed to you and potentially thousands of people in hundreds of different countries is only possible because of the design of the Internet, which relies heavily on work based on Euler's reasoning.
    Those Prussian bridges and the city areas they linked are concrete embodiments of the discipline Euler founded, known as graph theory, where a "graph" means a set of junction points ("nodes" or "vertices") linked to one another by lines ("edges"). To understand the core of Euler's discovery, and to see how the solution to the "homework" that JH set for JS should actually by explained, we need just one more bit of mildly technical terminology, as follows. A "node" or "vertex" (one of those points where lines or "edges" in a "graph" meet) is classed as "odd" if the number of lines that meet at it is odd. And, unsurprisingly, it's classed as "even" if the number of lines meeting at that node is even.

    With that in mind, what Euler established can be simply stated. Given such a "graph", there is at least one "unicursal circuit" of  it if, and only if, each and every node is even. And because in Königsberg, some bridge endpoints had an odd number of paths (counting the path over the bridge itself) radiating from them, it was impossible to follow the required unicursal circuit path.
    But Euler also proved that though a unicursal circuit (ending up exactly where you started) required a "graph" in which each and every "node" was even, he also proved that in some "graphs" where the condition of all nodes being even was not met, it was still possible to follow a unicursal path passing every node, although not one that ended up at its own exact starting point. However, such a unicursal path was only possible if the "graph" concerned had exactly two odd nodes, no more and no less.
    Right class... it's time to fire up our media players or bring up our screenshots collection, put ourselves in JS's shoes and go look at the specific problem JH set her for homework.
    The first thing anyone clued up about math would do if given such a problem was to look at each node and check if they were all even. If they are, then Euler assures us that not only is there a solution to the problem JH set, but that the maximally elegant solution of a single stroke that would end up at the exact starting point is possible, too.

    But, alas, we quickly spot that that drawing has odd nodes as well as even ones. So we could try to find a unicursal circuit ending up at our starting point in it till the end of time, and never succeed.
    But steady on... How many odd nodes are there? Well well, EXACTLY TWO (at either end of what JH describes as the troublesome "awkward tail" at the very bottom of the diagram: the bottom node has one line only coming from it, and node at the top end of that "tail" is the junction of three lines). So, Euler also assures us that there is at least one way of satisfying the conditions JH wrote at the top of the board, and all we have to do is find it.
    Euler doesn't offer us any help with that part. For that we need to turn to a systematically methodical approach (or algorithm) first published in the late 19th century by the French mathematician Fleury. Fleury assumed that the problem was equivalent of the Seven Bridges Problem, i.e. you need to find a path that can not only be drawn in a single continuous stroke, but which also ends up exactly where you started. And of course that can only be done if we have a drawing that meets Euler's condition of having only even nodes, which the one JH has provided doesn't.

    Applying Fleury's approach to a graph that does indeed have only even nodes, you can start at any node you like, and provided you follow the approach Fleury laid down, you will discover a single-stroke path that takes you right back to your starting point. There's a good demonstration of that here

    (What a pity, though, that the guy who made that video didn't know a little Latin as well as math. He uses the term "vertices" instead of "nodes" for the interconnected points, but alas he thinks the singular of "vertices" is the nonsense word "verticee". In fact, it's "vertex".
    Though it's not demonstrated in that video, Fleury's method can also find a single-stroke path in a network like the one JH has set as a problem for JS, with only one difference. Whereas in a graph where every node is even, you can start wherever you like, if you have a graph like the one on JH's glassboard which has exactly two odd nodes, you MUST start at one of those odd nodes (it doesn't matter which) and you MUST end at the other one. That aside, you follow the method explained in that video and you'll solve the problem.
    That's why the explanation that the writer has put into JH's mouth is so daft. It makes out that the "tail" joining those two odd nodes at the bottom is the "awkward" problem area and that you have to "think out of the box" to spot that. Whereas in fact (as I'm sure the mathematician in the real KJH was itching to say) that "tail" is, to a mathematically informed eye, the obvious one and only place to start. Ironically, the explanation could have been written in a way that made mathematical sense and still allowed JH to draw the same lesson where JS's current real-world problems are concerned: don't be frazzled by trying to take in the whole complicated tangle, locate the real core of the issue and focus yourself on that.
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