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Posts posted by cynder

  1. @tinenini...Thank you so much for posting the vids...though I am one of those who can understand neither Korean or Japanese Lol...so I ended up watching and getting the feel of it as you said. You are right i think...I feel like I am getting to know JJH personally. I'll try to get the eng sub DVD's since I would really love to understand what's being said. It looks very interesting, laid-back and personal. I never thought he could talk that much LOL....its fun seeing that side of him...more warm and lovable :\">
    Btw, i really tried not to comment about his pants...but something funny happened to me yesterday. I was just driving on my way home from work and for some reason the comments here and his pics of course keeps popping in my head...I couldn't stop smiling and I thought how weird i must have looked since I was all alone in my car. When i looked at the rearview mirror...i was even more embarrassed because...my face was sooooo red!! LOL...just thought i should let you all know since you're all responsible....you guys know who you are ;)

  2. klent said: some quoteable quotes from the video links that @cynder put. 
    "Time stops for me when I am making a film.""When I am working, I don't think of anything else.""The pain [from the filming] made me want to stop but then I recover and I forget about the pain and think about work again.""Please be totally nice to me.""I was not good at [table tennis when I was filming] and it made me feel like I was lying.""I would like to party but I don't know how.""Q: Do you feel like you are missing out [on all the partying]?"HJW: No, I love my work.""I got rejected a lot because I didn't see the point in doing things I didn't want to do.""I want to fall in love.""I used to hide but my friend told me to let my fans enjoy seeing me. I have been doing it since and I like it."
    i'll turn this into posters. 

  3. guadi


    MASSIVE Pictures Dump!!!
    Please Don't Quote these pictures or gifs (But you're welcome to save them :)) )


    Exhibit A: Lovely Glance



    I really like the styling here. He looks at his best in striped shirts.

    Exhibit B: Eyegasm ;))

    Exhibit C: The best side profile evahhh!!!

    Exhibit D: Seemingly lost in deep thoughts, hehehe :))

    Assortment of gifs :X

    The "I'm so cool and you know it" Look


    Speaking of hair :)

    Which hair do is your  favorite? :P

  4. @guadi and May Tan..thank you for the vids and pics...really awesome...am getting an overdose  :P He is just too beautiful for words :x
    @ilwoo..thanks for updating us with the "Heirs" project. You definitely save me time to look for it online :-)
    However, I am a bit apprehensive with the pairing. I like PSH but I think she is still not there yet. I have seen her in He's Beautiful, Heartstrings and Flower Boy Next Door and all three seems a bit mediocre, acting wise. (I liked Heartstrings the most since it was pretty light, story was great and the music was fun to listen to.) I was really hoping for some serious acting for the leads in this new drama. The fact that KES wrote the story, I would have thought they would pick a veteran actress since a lot of her work involves pretty serious kissing. I have seen how PSH kisses and tbh it is quite disappointing. I am guessing because she is still young or perhaps because the time slots of her drama doesn't allow serious kissing...at least that is what I thought. I am not a perve but for romantic movie to be believable i think you have to at least show some spark. But then, who knows...maybe this is a new opportunity for her as well. I am definitely watching the drama regardless...and  am looking forward to see LMH !!

  5. Some of you may have already seen these videos...this when HJW visited Win Win...a MUST WATCH especially to all newbies (with ENG SUB too!). I love this side of her...



    @klent...you can see it in these video. She talked about her role as a boxer :-) 

    I find it hilarious when she talked about her visit at the sauna with her famous table tennis coach when she was doing "Korea". Her mature "oppa" dance move does not disappoint either :-P

  6. @Klent...In the movie Miracle of First Street, HJW play as a boxer so she has to take some punches...from a pro boxer too! She talked about that movie during her visit at Win Win. I remember she said it was a bit too much and that she really was hurting. She even had to put some raw meat to her face to treat the swelling..
    @pie (may I call u that too?)...i tried to click on the link above but the site is all foreign to me :-) Is there an english website available? Also, do we vote separately for her for the movie category?

  7. sophiechoice said: @novchime
    thanks dear for the explaination, although look like my brain still dont get it =)) oh well, whatever :D

    yepp, Mawang always has special place in my heart.. honestly, two dramas of jihoon which is Goong and Mawang is dramas that attached me into k-drama until now and which i thinking that k-dramas is worth to watch :)

    and i really love that TNK and Antique Director works, its fluffy, light but touch my heart with its sweet and simpleness and i'm glad Jihoon get to work with her again :)
    and talking about romcom, i really want to see Jihoon someday acts in Kim Eun Seok drama projects (writer of my 2012 favorite romcom Gentlements Dignity),, i love this writer with same reason why i love Hong Ji-Young works....

    ahhh fangirl can dreaming high 8->

  8. @ferlycious...well said. One thing I have noticed about the people here in this forum is having depth...in their thoughts, in their words and their love for HJW. 
    @pieracapozucca..i have read/seen those interviews too. It really made me sad as well since it made me realize that she really is living her life as an actress. She doesn't have much personal life because each role becomes her life at that moment. But being a good person that she is...i truly hope that she can find happiness also for herself so that when the film stops rolling, she won't feel lonely anymore.

  9. @guadi...I have watched all dramas that Kim Eun Sook worked on. In my opinion, she really knows how to build and develop strong character leads. Most of the female leads in her dramas are witty and strong...qualities of a woman that I personally like. I hate those characters that cry in most of the episodes and not do anything about it. And with KES, she is pretty consistent. When she makes the role witty...you can bet that role is going to stay strong till the end. I also appreciate her humor..it is quite natural and not forced. I find her pacing in drama quite satisfying as well. You know how sometimes in a drama it takes too long for the leads to meet (where the leads hate each other in most episodes)? and only happens in the last 2 episodes or something?...this doesn't happen in her writing. Hope that helps. 
    btw, when i watched her dramas..i didn't know she wrote it. It was only after that i realized that she wrote most of the dramas i liked.

  10. @koreanlite i am so like you...truthfully i was trying my best not to get too attached to ha ji won (not in a stalker kind of way, lol). My whole life i have never followed anyone's career before. Don't get me wrong, i LOVE movies..almost all kind of genres but i don't get attached to the actors and actresses. When i was in high school, i remember how most girls have a celebrity idol that they go crazy for (lol..no offense !) but i was really never the type to get hooked on it. I was always good at drawing the line between reality and entertainment but for some reason...my curiosity got the best of me. I keep wanting to hear and know more about HJW. I admire the determination and sincerity that I see in her...she really opened up a new world for me :-)

  11. pieracapozucca said: Girl group BEG's Narsha revealed that she resembles Ha Ji Won whom she has met in real via the latest episode of Mnet 'The Beatles Code 2'. She added "(I) went to the movie set to cheer for member GaIn one day and felt ashamed when people around kept on saying that we resemble each other. And we couldn't greet each other well due to awkwardness." Do you think they do resemble in some ways PH 1023? hmm (^_~)|

    Source: Nate

    Admin Saira


    Thanks to PH 1023

  12. willenette said:

    ***Wahhh.........this has made my day! I'm so happy to know that LMH will be back to the small screen soon. It’s always nice to see him. But, the title seems so weird, so long, eh.....But, I'm very much exited! LMH in a rom-com! I am so there! I totally forgot to breathe after reading this great news! I like the recent works of this writer : A Gentleman's Dignity" & "Secret Garden" - she captured my feelings regarding those dramas perfectly! Kim Eun Sook is well known for creating strong, male lead characters. That's why, I tend to forget that she wrote City Hall, where Kim Sun Ah really shined. Overall, her works are so addictive. This time I’m not sure what she will do with Lee Min Ho – ahhh......feast on LMH once again! Based from the title, it looks like we’ll have another jerk of a rich boy to follow on from Hyun Bin in Secret Garden, similar to his BOF character. (but I hope he won't be playing a teenage high school character again, please, don’t let this be) I mean, he already had these mature roles in Personal Taste, City Hunter & Faith which are really far from a high school boy. But, wait - he did say he wanted to play a high schooler again in his recent interviews. So, this drama was what he’s talking about? I hope not - I hope he's going to be like he’s a son from very rich family and the "heir" of big company. LMH is never that really great actor to me. But, he has an "X" factor. He lets us see “beneath his beautiful”. He is not afraid to admit his acting limitation and continue to pursue for improvement. And it has a lot to do with his voice – sounds so smooth – & of course, the looks. I really hope this drama is good! But really it’s Lee Min Ho. She could write him knitting for 20 hours and I’d watch. - hehehe - because LMH can do no wrong in my eyes. I wonder who are some other cast here, huh? But, this I'm pretty sure - I don’t see LMH taking anything less than the lead role even in the future. He’s already very popular in Asia. Hopefully, the drama’s PD will bring out the amazing Lee Min-ho again. Good luck! :))

  13. @klent and @koreanlite...with regards to WHIB, i have to agree with you both. Even at the end, I still questioned Kang In Wook's sincerity. I believe he truly likes Lee Song ju but he is also out to better himself. Jung Jae min was more of an open book between the two when it comes to Lee Song ju...unfortunately, like what klent pointed out..he does not know how to love. I felt so bad for him really...he was really trying his best. Anyhoo, I would also like to erase that tragic ending by having another movie or drama with either of the 2 leads...that would really be awesome!!

  14. pieracapozucca said: credit to The King 2 Hearts
    Joo Sang Wook - Mnet Wide ‘Quick Talk’ Interview

    The MC asked how did he feel about Ha Ji Won saying that he makes her heart flutter. He said that he watched the actual video clip, and answered, “Her nuance seemed like she didn’t really mean it,” and laughed. The MC asked him to leave a video call for Ha Ji Won, so here’s his message for her, “Ms. Ji Won, I hope our movie does well. Fighting!!!” He addressed her as 지원 씨 “Ji Won-ssi”. 

    by: TK2H with LSG & HJW (Admin) 
    *This is not randomly copied from press articles. I wrote it by myself. So please do put proper credit if you’re going to repost it. :)

    [youku] http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTI1NDAxMDg4.html
    [tudou] http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/8kUe9U9YUfA/?resourceId=0_06_02_99
    [daum] http://tvpot.daum.net/clip/ClipView.do?clipid=48505314&rtes=y&startDuration=235.3490625

  15. Tarits said: Hi everyone, the new photos and gif of Jihoon are the unreleased photos of the practice he did for the BUSAN International Filmfest.  Here he is in motion but without sound which is kinda okay anyway:

    cynder:  yes I read that interview, several interviews in fact about love and marriage. We really do not know the truth and all we can do is wait till the very end. In the early years, he wanted to get married early, then now he sort of changed his mind.  After his release from the camp in his first fanmeet, he was asked about it and his reply was "it will be foolish of me (even stupid I think is the word he used) if I marry now.  
    Let's not probe deeper because only he knows what is on his mind.  But we all just want him to be happy.  He is very private and hardly gives away what are his very personal thoughts. 

    rivanaraja - I am glad this thread and Jihoon can make you happy. I am glad you are a loyal and faithful hunnie

    There wll also be a SPECIAL DATV Jihoon Special where I suppose all his previous projects will be reshown. This is good for his Japanese fans.

    Video ~ DATV Special Ju Ji Hoon


  16. misscesc said:





    how do you know SJH not impressed with<br />

    HJW? Did you have heard any words came out from her mouth saying that she not<br />

    too impressed with HJW? Or was it by her reactions alone? Please tell me how<br />

    you judged it..your comment not give any justice to SJH, as I know SJH really a<br />

    nice girl she respect all of female guests on RM

    them. You are SJH’s fan? if you're her fan so don’t make this girl looks bad<br />

    with you untrue comment because I love this girl even though I’m not her fan.<br />

    Please read carefully at


    ’s comment, he/she was mentioned about SJH’<br />

    FAN not HERSELF. AND HJW nothing to lose if someone not<br />

    impressed with her….

  17. @Tarits...I am so thankful I feel like hugging you hahaha! These are the things i would really like to read about. I hate asking too many questions here but I have been unsuccessful in my efforts these past few days...i just needed a little doze of JJH. Too bad your special JJH page is in Fb...I'm still not comfortable using FB LOL...Anyways, I tried the links found in page 1 of this thread but it keeps taking me back to this latest page :-( But no worries, I will find a way...eventually. For now, what you have given me is more than enough... ^:)^
    Btw, I read an article here at Soompi..I think it was around Dec last year where Jihoon talked about dating and marriage....it really made me sad. You probably read that before but i just thought i'd share my thoughts with you.

  18. Hahaha..i did that too!..but not every single one of them...i just thought i'd browse and see how many pages others have. But you know what, some threads they don't talk much. I notice they just post pics after pics and no discussion...so i thought..those forums don't count HA!! Lol
    Thanks, Tarits for answering my question. Since you're the official JJH mom (right?)...If i wanted to know more about him as a person...where can I find this info? Don't get me wrong..i have no plans in stalking the guy...i just want to know more about him..what's he like...does he laugh much...does he like sports...you know stuff like that. I already know that I like his skills in acting and singing as well but I also want to catch a glimpse of who he is inside. It would be nice to admire someone not just for his skills but also as a good man. Does that make sense? Hope so...

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