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Posts posted by cynder

  1. Hi pie!...your absolutely right. Your choices are just like mine. Even the one she wore during PIFAN event...the blue one with brown lace...though did not show some skin looked really elegant on her. She can get really classy when she needs to be....what a chameleon this lady is!!!  :-bd  ^:)^  =D>
    That's what I have been thinking too...you know I have been diligently browsing the net for news about her project. I am hoping to hear her announce an upcoming project...hope our wishes will come true..very soon!

  2. @pie...you were right. But until the last minute i really kept hoping she would show...by miracle i guess LOL. Looking at the ladies last night, I really missed HJW...I am sorry to say and I mean no disrespect but HJW can really bring IT in red carpet events. She knows how to own it big time...Just thinking about her last Baeksang event with the bare back dress...that was sooo up to par with the Hollywood/Cannes red carpet fashions.
    @girlinsorea...I honestly don't see the resemblance :-)
    @bashful, @ danit....right on! She does have that skill...that is probably one of the reasons why I cannot pick any of her reel actors to ship :D...They all look good with her.
    @smoochysparks...i am so surprised you brought it up...it actually crossed my mind. I would love to see them paired up in a project and see what kind of energy they can bring out from each other. 
    @sayadew...thanks for the trans...your very diligent with those. I am so happy to read all those comments from other actors, may it be senior or junior actors...they must really see something in her...past her physical qualities to pick her among the many skilled and beautiful actresses in South Korea. She must be really captivating in real life. 
    Ji woon ssi, you will always be No.1 in our hearts :x >:D<  :x

  3. Annyeong, hunnies!!! 
    What a good news this is! I was actually a bit sad yesterday coz of the baeksang awards...knowing JJH will not be there. I would love to see him in the red carpet again. But this news totally makes up for it. Thank you lualm for sharing this great news....and for all the other hunnies who posted pics, videos and news links---many thanks to you!
    @yannyayson.....Yannnnyyyy!! you are so contagious! LOL I can just imagine you jumping up and down with this new movie. Btw, good job with the research...it is indeed kinda hard to understand... Did you see those Chinese actresses?..How lucky can they be!?..He looks so cool as always. Am so glad for him...let those project roll one by one...soon enough our Ji hoon ssi will be on top of his game again. Anyway...clone or not..I don't think my heart can handle it. I seriously can not imagine being distracted like that at work...thinking about it just makes me blush. My goodness, my license will be in great danger, i tell ya! 

    @novchime...thanks for the post above. It made the synopsis much much clearer lol. Am glad he picked this movie...seems very interesting. A love story perhaps...in a twisted kind of way :P

  4. Annyeong hunnies!!
    @selasih...congratulations on your wedding!!
    @yanny...welcome back! nice to see your usual happy mode. Go ahead and dream away...Lord knows i do :P :-j  But i really like your wish for me... I should start looking around at work lol. Can you just imagine running into him anywhere??? I seriously can't =)) :D :-O
    Anyways, i have been searching high and low for some bit of JJH news...but nothing new yet :-( I wonder if he's going to be at the Baeksang award tomorrow...that be awesome!!
    @Tarits...hope you feel better now...hurry up with the rehabilitation and greet Jihoon ssi on his birthday. You can do it :-bd  =D>

  5. Hello chingus!! Thanks all for the postings here...would love to help too but I am always a step behind LOL.
    @pie...thanks for the pics and articles as always
    @sayadew...thanks for the trans
    All i can say is...am so proud that HJW recognized the fact that she needed help and she actually went out and got it. That is just being responsible. This only shows that she knows herself truly...she did not let anything get in her way to make herself feel and act better. I have heard about this type of struggle before among actors/actresses. The good ones fully immerse themselves into their roles...and quite frankly it can get dangerous. Knowing how her schedule was at that time...it wasn't surprising. I mean to actually go to the next project the moment you just finished another one is just crazy lol (but she did it with flying colors!). She definitely needed the break in between. I mean..look at us..it takes us awhile to start watching a new drama/movie especially if it is something we really love. And to think we only immerse ourselves in matter of hours...really...she is soooo amazing.
    I think her feeling lonely is just...well as an actress she gets to live vicariously into these amazing heroine character that she plays. Who wouldn't want to live like that, right? It's not that her life is boring but i think she really is happy with her work. But just like what Pie said...I really hope that she gets to experience the wonders of ordinary life...friendships, love and family life.
    I wonder if she will attend the Baeksang event tomorrow?? 8-> It is always a pleasure to see her in the red carpet!!! :-bd

  6. @minnie and pie...I would ignore those comments about HJW being typecast as an action actress. Obviously these are people who have no idea who she really is. If they can only take the time to look at her work or at least her resume...that should clear the versatility issue. I bet you these are people who have not even seen much of her films or dramas. These are the type of people who looks at the success or failure of a drama/film by just watching 2-3 episodes. I have even seen bad comments about her latest film, The Huntresses, which is yet to be shown...does that even make sense? LOL  [-( I am not saying this because I am obviously a HJW fan. I just can't stand ignorance being used as an excuse to make thoughtless comments about HJW..or any other artist in that matter.

  7. @kdramafanusa...thank you much for posting the accurate polls. I guess thanks to soopke as well for bringing it up in the first place (i guess i read the same report LOL)
    @pie...where on earth did you get those photos?? Thanks for sharing it here. Isn't the boy in the pictures Yoo Seung Hoo? Kinda looks like him when he smiles...
    @Soopke...I am with you there. I surely don't mind another HJW-KDW pairing. I really like their movie. It's not a popular choice but I love it just the same. 
    Anybody got any updates on the release of The Huntresses? 

  8. Hi Ladies...correct me if I am wrong. But seems to me like this is the second time Won Bin and HJW came out on top for some survey. I think I remember reading an article about them being the most sought after actor and actresses..as conducted by a poll. Interesting....perhaps they should do a movie together? I really wouldn't mind an action (suspense action)  one again if they both star in it :-)

  9. pieracapozucca said: hi @cynder, i'm happy to see you again, in the last days it was everything very quiet in here! I don't know if there is some meaning about the watch! 
    About the "Thank You" episode, seems to me that they don't know each other, in fact at the beginning Ha Ji Won asks if she has to call Lee Mon Se oppa! And she was really surprised to see the music director Seo Hee Tae! They had a lot of fun, can't wait for the next episode, i'm still wondering why Ha Ji Won will cry! :(

  10. Yes, ladies...that is her, Lee Yeon Hee. Perhaps they are both doing research for their movie?..or just plainly having their nails done  :))   =))  \m/...
    @yanny..thanks for the update on Tarits! I pray that 2nd surgery will be done safely and her recovery will go well and quickly. As for JJH...I can see he is sustenance LOL :-bd
    @ziera25...nice vid.

  11. @sayadew...thanks for the translations..you are indeed introducing me to many K-talents...not to mention HJW fanboys lol.
    @pie...i just finished watching the "Thank You" episode and thoroughly enjoyed it. HJW was indeed funny especially that part where she was singing and got interrupted by a dog, then a duck and finally a crew LOL...she couldn't stop laughing and i was the same way too. I just really, really wish that someone can put an eng sub so I can understand everything they are saying...but either way...the episode really gives us a good idea on the kind of person she is. Though i know that they had to follow some script in some way...they were all very spontaneous. Do they know each other from before?
    @ferlycious, minnie and all the other regulars who shared gifs, pics and videos....thank you soooo much!
    Btw, I have seen in some FB...some talks about HJW's watch..the one she always wear..(you can see in previous page, where HJW is wearing a denim blue dress and standing by a bike). Does anyone know about the story of that watch?..like who gave it to her? 

  12. Annyeong, hunnies!!!! I missed you all....it seemed like i was gone forever...now am like catching up as fast as i can and lualm almost gave me a fright with JJH holding hands  :-O  #:-S  :-SS. Thank you for clarifying that right away..lol. Before i blab away...i just want to thank you all for all the pics, videos and links you all shared here. I don't have fb so this is all where i can get my fangirl fix  :P
    Now I am really seeing the wide variety of clothes he wears...classy, funky and can be out of this world LOL. I have to agree with yannyayson...his top did look like a scrub suit. And just like you my dear...if we have him in our staff..i wouldn't mind working 24/7 :P...but really...i can't believe how he still looks good. I honestly could not understand the look he was going for but damn...he looks fine!!!! =P~ He can totally wear rags and gets away with it. He pretty much have everything that i liked in a man...dang it! I can't wait for his coming movie to come out...and HOPE that it will premiere here in LA...you can bet I will be right behind Tarits screaming my richard simmons off :D :D :D
    Btw, any news about his upcoming movie?..what's the progress?
    @yannyayson...i have to agree with novchime. you do bring sunshine to this thread. i can totally feel giving you a high five >:D< Please keep us posted about Tarits...nice to hear she is doing well. 

  13. Hi Sophiechoice..fancy meeting you here lol :-h
    Glad you shared that with us...Most search engines are programmed that way...there were probably some articles around that time where both HB and JSY names were in the html tags--this is why when someone types in either name...the other would be given as a choice for quick search...but definitely have no connection...

  14. @sayadew...thanks, my dear! You are awesome as ever ^:)^  
    @pie...I know what you mean. As much as I like seeing HJW in movies or dramas...I do think it would be nice if she can have a little romance of her own in real life. But then again...it is her life. Maybe being an actress really completes her...only she knows, lol. I will just have to trust her...that she knows what she wants out of life...Btw, hope we can see tonights "Thank You" episode...

  15. Kiddo214



    the96butterfly said:<br />

    So, dispatch is confirming and exposing a new power couple later today..could this be Hyun Bin and Ha Ji Won?I have a strong feeling! heheheohh my bias mind! keke<br />

    <br />

    <br />

    I don't think so.<br />

    <br />

    Korean netizens are speculating with great details that Hyun Bin is dating Jin Se Yeon, even living with her

    .<br />

    <br />

    Hyun Bin and Ha Ji Won may look great in SG. But fans should differentiate fiction versus reality.

  16. Thank you, Amlogo_10. I really appreciate your understanding. Though we follow and appreciate different celebrities, it does not mean we have to speak ill towards anyone..right? I personally stay awaya from shipping a couple but in our forum there are people who does and as HJW fan family we would like to take care with each other. Would you mind if I quote you? just this part:
    According to the Chinese fans at Kdrama forum, the article is said to be from Korea, but the source of the article has been verified by Chinese fans as not credible, and the article is said to be not from any major news agency (not from Dispatch also).  The article has involved many celebrities without mentioning their names, so netizens have been guessing, thus creating lots of rumors.  But none of the rumors have been proved or confirmed.  The Chinese fans at Kdrama forum have already clarified the article as unreliable, asking people not to speculate anything about it.

    Thanks, again for the clarification!  >:D<

  17. Hi all!..I come in peace. I am actually a Ha Ji Won fan. I just want to ask since I don't really have a way to verify Baidu or Naver about this HB and JSY rumor...someone just made a comment in HJW and HB thread which lead me back to this forum...This is what someone posted: 
    Korean netizens are speculating with great details that Hyun Bin is dating Jin Se Yeon, even living with her.

    Are there really articles about this circulating in Korea/China? It's the first time I heard of it...Please let me know anything about this issue so I can stop the rumors from spreading..at least on our end. Not too long ago, there was a troll who tried to create problems between us and another actress' fans. I really hate it when people take it upon themselves to start a rumor.

  18. @pie...thanks for the nice pics! Did they film more asics CF? Seems like I have not seen some of those photos.

    @sayadew...thanks for the new batch of translations. I am really enjoy this postings of yours...it's like getting a vitamin :-)
    It's really amazing how these other actors see HJW in their eyes. There is so much consistency in their descriptions that it makes you, as a reader, long for a chance to meet her as well. 

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