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Posts posted by cynder

  1. Annyeong, chingus!!
    @koreanlite, @cunn, @minnie and @ pie....like you guys, I too would like to see HJW find the man of her dreams....and since she works really hard my bet is she might find her MR. Right through her work  ;) I have truly enjoyed the pictures you all have posted...and the pairings also. However, I just read in kpop news that Bae So Bin is getting married this Fall....so ladies, he is no longer in the running as HJW's REAL man...though i guess he can still be her REEL man  ;))
    Though I think HJW is pretty quite these days...am glad to know that she is very visible in different magazines..fighting !!

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  2. Annyeong to all Hunnies!!!
    @mabelle...He does seem slimmer than before but I usually don't pay much attention about this since there could be many reasons behind it. It could be for a role..a photoshoot...or he might be just simply busy. I sure hope that it is not because he is lonely. Now that he is quite busy, i don't think he has the time to be lonely...even if he wants to~~haha. That is just my opinion... :-)
    @Novchime...got it ;) Though, I am not really into shipping couples...just so you know...Goong is one of my favorites. I sure don't mind him being paired with your gal :-P Now this pairing I am fully prepared to accept...I won't be shocked anymore :D
    @yanny...so right, sissy!! after watching the fan meeting vids...ahhh my jealousy melted away ;)) ;)) ;)) He looks like he was really having fun so...it really just made me happy. I am glad he is given the time to meet his fans and loosen up like that despite his busy schedule. I hope this is only the beginning of many great things in his life. And as for you my dear...try to get enough sleep ~hahaha. I can imagine you surrounded with all things JJH :x Am glad he brightens up your world...and mine :-) :x

  3. Annyeong, hunnies :-h
    To the new members...welcome >:D<   TO all the regular hunnies...i missed you guys a lot! Gosh, of all the days to pull double shifts...i missed his party :-(  I can see you guys were celebrating here...I know i still had a lot of videos to view but...
    @yanny...missed you, sissy! Fat chance in meeting a JJH clone, HAH! But I have to say...the pic that you posted.. with her finger on his mouth thing....oh, my heart X_X :-S [-(  I am not ready yet to see this hahaha. (No wonder I can't concentrate on watching the other videos after I saw this pic.) Yes..it made me green with envy. I need to rationalize my thoughts. Here's what I can come up with so far~~Ok, fine...since he can't have my finger...let some actress take my place =)) :)(please ignore me and my delusional self). I need a big >:D< , sissy!! Btw, thanks for posting the fanmeet vids...lovin it! I guess...can't stay mad at him for long ;););))
    @novchime...so you were jealous for someone?..hmmm...may I ask who might that someone be? I am totally being nosy :-P Blame @yanny for posting that pic and stirring the jealous side in me :-)). However, I do agree with you...I don't like it much when i see pics/vids of him smoking. I am worried that he does it a lot in real life. I can't really say if he does coz I don't really know him but one thing I do know for sure is that smoking is bad. Hope this one particular bad habit is something that everyone will be able to overcome in real life. Let's all keep our lungs healthy!! Fighting!!!
    @sophie...i think someone up there is looking out for you...her finger in his mouth picture not opening in your end--must be an intervention to spare you from feeling your heart being stabbed (i know i am being overly dramatic--just really kidding!) or shocked, maybe?? :-))
    But seriously....I am TRULY happy for his birthday! He seemed like he was having a great time as well~~~couldn't have wished for more :x :-* :x

  4. @mssegacrazy...I had a few names in my list to be paired with HJW. I so wanted to see Won Bin with our girl but chances are...he won't be doing drama :-(  I wouldn't mind seeing either Kang Dong Won, Kwon Sang Wo, Jo In sung or So Ji Sub again with our girl. But if I had to pick someone new...my choices are Cha Seung Won, Gong Yoo, Lee Min Ho and Lee Jun Ki....but then again, I think LMH and LJK are already out in the running...both already have projects picked this year :-(
    Can't wait to see who gets the male lead :-w  8-}  8->

  5. @pie...CSW is a good choice too. I have been paying much attention to who's getting confirmed for films and dramas. I am doing a lot of male watching~~hahaha for our HJW. 
    Anyway, I was also wondering the same thing. I was reading some information about Empress Qi and it is obvious that her significant years were spent in Mongol. I wonder how they are going to tell her story and yet make it interesting for the Korean viewers...hmmm.

  6. Hello, chingus!!!
    @pie and @aemi...I was gonna say Kwon Sang Woo is a good choice too since I really liked their Bang Bang CF's together....too bad that now he is out of the running :-(
    @ebulli3nt...thanks much for creating the forum for Hwatu...guess, we'll see you there!
    Imud really brings good point and I actually agree with what she says. Let's not worry too much about the director. I have read the comments in other sites and most of it were directed towards the poor performance of the director. It is true that he doesn't have an impressive work behind him however, let us not forget that the success or failure of any film or drama does not lie on one person alone. It takes a team effort to make it work...from cast to directors, screenwriter/s, editor, cinematography, soundstrack...and so on. So knowing this, it is unfair to put all the blame for the not so impressive reviews of PT and Dr. Jin in the director's head. He does bring it all together but he can't make all the decisions by himself. They all need to collaborate and agree to where the story is leading. 
    Contrary to what other people say, the director can't really butcher a good story if it is well written. It is as important to have a good screenwriter as well as a good director because that person needs to have a solid idea of where the story is leading. They are as responsible for the show as the director. In the case of PT and Dr. Jin, I can only make a comment on PT because I wasn't able to finish the latter. In my opinion, PT was an okay drama...nothing to be ashamed of. My impression of the show was that...the storyline could have been better. Some people thought the editing was bad...so in this case, should have blamed the editor too and not just the director :-) Anyways, sometimes, all it takes is a good chemistry between the casts and the staff..then..ta da..another Hwang Jin Yi in the making! In any case, lets give this director a chance...HJW surely did..why shouldn't we?
    So, having said all that...let us all anticipate who will be casted for the male lead. We already know what a daebak actress our HJW is...we need to hope for a daebak male lead as well. I sincerely apologize for the long post...just want to ease some worries here. \m/

  7. Annyeong, hunnies :-h 
    @yanny...you really are cracking me up! Girl...you really do bring much laughter in here... >:D<  >:D<  >:D< for you, sissy! I can tell JJH really brings out the girl in you :-P With novchime posting hot, HOT vids...you and I won't be needing a blush (make up) for awhile ~haha
    @novchime...good video finds. They are all done with love :x The videos from piano JJ are one of my favorites...love her choice of music :-bd
    @ziera...hi! Am so sorry...I was actually kidding when i said i broke my hip in response to novchime's teasing when she uploaded "The Model" video. She was saying how the video will make us fangirls fall to the ground :-) Though I am so touched of your concern...i felt so bad having misled you. Forgive me? [-O<
    Let's all stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  8. All I can say is that...doesn't the bathtub looked kinda small for him?~hahaha He couldn't even stretch!...which means I can only stare at his knees. I was so embarrassed to really watch him play with the bubbles...i am an idiot, right yanny??  X_X  :-\" 
    @yanny....I do get what your saying though...he does seem so carefree in that video. He always seem to play the mysterious, brooding, quiet, man of a few words. The video was totally refreshing. He was too relaxed that even when he smokes (which is not cool)...he makes it look good. He's just smokin hot!!
    @novchime....thanks for the vid!...I think I broke my hip :))  =P~  8-}

  9. Am not gonna be picky hahaha....I will trust that she knows what she is doing. Wow...I honestly have not watched any drama longer than 24...so..if its true that this drama of hers is really 60 episodes...then goodluck to me :-)) Anyway...this is so awesome. It was only the other day when I was thinking how (especially) pretty she looks in a saeguk costume. I was actually looking at her old DAMO pics and was thinking how her face is perfectly proportioned to the costume. What an empress she would make!
    Anyways, maybe there is another movie offer she is considering...

  10. YEESSSSS!!!!!! This is such good news!
    @pie, @minnie and all the rest of the ladies here......the Gods have finally answered all our wishes!
    I am not familiar with Empress Qi but so far the idea of the drama seems to be interesting...and it describes a beautiful love story. Maybe a happy ending ?>>>
    @jjsweeter...I had fun reading your post. I thought the writers mentioned seemed to be quite impressive from the previous works mentioned. I was just getting curious about why the drama Dr. Jin had a not so favorable review when I read your post ~haha. So this is the part where we need to worry?
    @smoochysparks...I admire your perseverance....Gong Yoo it is! ~haha. Whoever it will be, i hope a strong male lead will be casted to balance out our worries :-)
    @piiiieeeee......it was only yesterday when you were moved at the video I posted. Am soooooo happy we have something to look forward to this year....keep them coming!

  11. @Pie...KSW-HJW is probably one of my favorite pairings. I love their Bang bang CF's. In my opinion, their faces complements so well with each other. 
    @Koreanlite....Hi! Nice to see you here again. SJS and SSH are good candidates too. I think I saw that interview with SSH saying he wants to work with her but our Jiwon ssi said she wanted to work with Ha jung Woo that time :-) He wanted to take it back then ~hahaha.

    Ladies...here's a fanmade video that I thought was interesting... :-) 

    credit to miajjang
  12. @smoochyspark, @sayadew....IKR, she never had a full on white wedding scene in any of her projects. That would be something new if ever...GY is a good looking guy. I surely don't mind having him play as the groom...but most of all, I can't help but wish to see her wear the wedding gown in real life haha....please excuse me ladies....must be due to the many wedding announcements I have seen lately.
    @minnie...i know what you mean. I don't think about those type of awards that are based on popular votes anymore. I mean its nice to be popular too since that helps them in the business but i think being nominated is enough. It's not a secret that when it comes to popular votes...idols usually gets it, regardless of their performance. So now, I only cheer for awards that recognize her performance :-)
    @jega...thanks for the vid. I haven't seen that one!
    I guess TK2H will always stay in our hearts. It definitely will in mine....

  13. @yanny...love the vids you posted. He look so much like a regular guy in it...so laid back and playful indeed! My dear...i think you need not worry about your looks. It's those little imperfections that makes you unique...so keep at it and practice acting...you really never know where it may lead you. When you do get famous...make sure to invite us hunnies on your premier :-) Btw, most of the pics didn't open for me but the first one..was that a gif?...it looks so cute. I really hope JJH can have the time to see all the bday gifts from his fans all over the world. That would really be awesome. And ohh...thanks for making a sweet wish for me hahaha...if by chance i stop coming here...that would mean your wish has come true  haha :-P >:D<  ;;)
    @novchime...thanks for posting his bday videos here. They are so nice...makes me want to learn how to make it and do something special for him...i sooo wish i have the time :-(....But in my heart...God knows my most sincere wish for him....
    @Tarits...hope you are doing well!
    @goongfan, @lualm, @ziera25, @sophie and @selasih-------thank you for making this thread a home!
    HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all the mothers here in this thread.

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