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Posts posted by cynder

  1. Hello ladies! No worries. As a fellow fan, it goes without saying that i do understand how you feel. Am just trying to make this thread a pleasant one for everyone. And i think all it takes is a little consideration for everyone. So let's all move on and keep this thread alive. I have been coming to this thread everyday for years now and although I don't post much, i am here watching and supporting.   I do hope good projects will keep going her way. For her to last this long in this industry is amazing in itself. 


    And as for her kissing abilities...well i think there are other actresses who can beat her for the title of being the worst kisser. But am gonna be nice and not even mention names lol. 

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  2. @Camillajames. All i am saying is that you have not liked so many things about her these last few months or years i don't know how long because i honestly don't nitpick peoples comment here. But your name pops up....i wonder why? Am not here to argue with your stance but pls try to look at your recent postings and see the negative vibes of your posts. I mean we are not blind..am i really unquestionably liking everything about her? Of course not!  But in general, i am. My point is, try not to take me words literally (like my liking everything and tongue/kiss comment) and read between the lines. You wanna criticize her once on awhile..that's ok. But you seem very unhappy with her lately that I have to agree with Andra. You are a bit much. But those are your opinions and you are entitled to express them. But since this is hajiwon's thread, you have to be mindful also for the rest of the fans. Not all fans like to hear your criticisms every time you post.  We see it enough from haters. Tone it down. I think we can ask that of you, right? 

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  3. Thank you, Andra for replying to camillajames' comment. I was trying to ignore her too. I have been a long time fan of hajiwon and most of the time I just read the comments here. Though there was a time where I would post here too (don't know if you still remember me).  Anyhow, I just want to say this for all hajiwon fans. I have seen fans come and go in this thread. More fans flock here when hajiwon is at her most popular self. And fans disappear when her projects aren't as popular as expected. But what irks me the most are those fans who thinks they know better. How hajiwon dress, kiss or pick her projects are her own choices, never ours. As fans, what do we know really about the world she is in? Me? I like everything about her. Whether it is a popular choice or not, i just support and accept what she does. So she doesn't feel like sticking her tongue out when kissing! Does that make or break the projects she is in? Not for me..sorry for the long post but in summary..i hope we as fans, can choose to be the kind of fan that we can be proud. Stop with the negativity. Let other people do that lol. Seriously, this is entertainment afterall. Be entertained and don't forget we are just looking into a bit of her life. 

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  4. klent said: @koreanlite, here is my suggestion. just change if you want or thrash it. it's just a suggestions
    "Hi guys. It's Ha Ji Won's birthday. I hope we could all give her a birthday gift by trending #HBDHaJiWon internationally on Twitter. Let us all tweet #HBDHaJiWon on June 28 from 12 midnight to 1 am. It will be our little gift to our unnie. I hope you could help me get everyone together and make this possible. It's time the world knows how special Ha Ji Won is."
    i also watched her on Miracle of a Giving Fool. Darn she's good! it got some international attention when it was shown in several film festivals. I think she's one of the few actors in the whole world who can act with their eyes. I remember that scene in Closer to Heaven, that one time she begged God to save her husband. It was so subtle. she didn't break down and cry. she just said three sentences and it said it all. it's all in her eyes. brilliant actress. 
    you can open a twitter account, it's super easy. then maybe you guys can exchange twitter accounts and go on a tweeting party that day. =)

  5. Annyeong, Hunnies!!!
    @sophie...now I am mopping my drool. My face turned tomato red looking at those photo collage but the gif...OMO! makes me wanna hit his behind just for kicks X_X
    @yanny...that's it! i love that school boy charm of his...though he can be HOT in almost every look. But can you imagine having him at your school??? I would definitely LIVE in school =)) =))
    @nightgiggler....thanks for relaying the message. Nice to hear from you, Tarits!  Keep it up and may you heal real well soon :-)

  6. Annyeong, hunnies!!!!!!
    @witchwithnos...oohhh lala =P~ =P~ 8-> kamsahamnida ^:)^ totally agree..another rom-com please....
    @novchime...glad to be back. been missing Tarits too....but in my case...it's all because of work #-o. Sadly my schedule is kinda crazy these days so don't be surprised if i'll be missing a couple of days a week...anyways, i will keep coming back to get a dose of my one sided love affair :-P But boy..am I glad to be here today. Check those HOT HOT HOOOOT pics! :\">
    :\"> :\">

    @goongfan, @yanni...are you guys ok?~hahaha
    @ziera...am lovin that schoolboy look of JJH...aaaahh when does he ever NOT look good??
    @yanni...hi sissy! gomawo.... nado bohgoh ship uh. You got that right...I wasn't in my right mind too until novchime mentioned it. I guess am like that when I am inlove...i can take whatever I can get...pathetic, yes, but as long as it is my Ji hoon ssi....i can take it :-P
    You tell her, sissy!! She better make the most of it....whatever they got going...it's better left in China X( X( X( 
    @sophie @mabelle147 @ck16@kabilag @selasih @lualm and the rest of the hunnies----you all better come home soon and check out @witchwithnos collage....you won't regret it :-P

  7. @minnie...love all your posts on HJW with her reel man. nice to know their whereabouts before, during and after they worked together...very insightful. Though now that you have brought out all reel men in her life, I have to say that I love KSW-HJW pairing the most---for visual purposes. If I am an advertiser, I would definitely picked them...their face together complements so well! I really enjoyed the magazine covers you posted. No wonder they had successful CF projects together. I just wish they can be given a chance to work in movie/drama project soon. 
    @bearbarbie...nice posts on Heaundae too! I like this movie as well...
    @klent...i loved the Closer to Heaven review you shared...I really enjoyed reading it. I also love that scene where she danced for her husband in the last few moments of his life...so heartfelt. I felt that HJW really did an amazing job...her acting was just right..not over the top, just enough to convince you that she's for real.
    @pie...loved the Damo party pics you shared...I have only seen a couple of those photos somewhere. Nice to see more of em..Btw, what is up with our Ji won ssi ? Is it me or is she getting more elusive these days? I hope it's not something we need to worry about...but I am getting really impatient with The Huntresses...
    @koreanlite...wish I can help with the trending...but I don't have a twitter :-P If it's not hard to do...perhaps I can open an account so I can do that too!..

  8. Hello Hunnies!!!..............missed you all! Hope you're all doing well. Here I am cathing up again...let's see, what did I miss ??
    @novchime....whoa!!! you're too smart for me! Now why didn't i think of that??! But wait..you think Yanny will let you off that easy ? [-X :-\" :-j  Btw, love the playlist, my dear...it's awesome!                                                                                                                                                                                 @ziera...nice vid. I read it before (can't remember where) that he was chosen for Five Fingers not only for his acting skills but for his piano skills as well...
    @Yanny...miss ya, sisssyy!! Ahhhh my days have been getting so hectic these days...am losing my JJH time. I seriously had a talk with my supervisor...told him I need time for my boyfriend!!! Of course, he didn't know am talking about my highly flammable, chicken legs JJH!!! =)) :x :P He doesn't need to know it's a one-sided thing, right?!! Anyhow, you better hang on to your dream man, girl...am reading a lot of JJH lovin in the thread lately...and novchime actually wants 3 weeks...not 1 week, mind you but three...Can you believe that?? [-(
    By the way..why oh why do you post such photos? You're killing me here! :-P I feel like doing this to the picture label above: Friendhip will never end   :D :D :D
    @lualm...thanks for that bit of info...nice to know that there are people around him that sincerely cares about him. Nice to hear from you too...we've been missing you here, old timer :-)
    @goongfan, @mabelle and @sophie....lovin all your posts too!

  9. @pie...I see. Can't wait to see the pictures...she was so cute in her white golf outfit :-) 
    ikr! She used to dismissed it like its not important to her....perhaps she finally found her prince!
    I hope things can still change about her birthday. I will keep my fingers crossed for sure :-P
    Awww....most of the links I found were like that :-( But that's ok, pie. Thanks for trying...

  10. @pie..do you know if the Golf Tournament will be shown live? I agree...she really can get quiet if she wants to haha. Sometimes I feel uneasy when she does that...but then again perhaps its better that way than to hear bad rep..Good job on the video...i really enjoyed it!
    Thanks for sharing that bit of news about HJW's view on marriage. I was really surprised she said that....but I can't help but grin from ear to ear. I am so happy that she is finally considering the idea of marriage...perhaps she has someone in mind?~hahaha.

    @Koreanlite...you make a good point. That is why when i see haters talk about her being plastic...I just ignore it. She is a living proof that exercise can really do wonders...not only does it make you healthy but just look at how young and fresh she looks----shines!
    @minnie...am so glad you made the KMM-HJW post. I think this pair is the most underrated among fans...perhaps because KMM is older and married ?~haha. I was in love with both of them in  Closer to Heaven---it really makes you want to believe in love. A love that conquers all! They truly deserved all they received for that movie. Both of them were equally skilled and hardworking...no wonder it was a successful project. 
    On a side note...that first picture during the 2009 Blue Dragon Film awards where HJW was walking in the aisle...did you notice Goo Soo sitting with Son Ye Jin? He was intently looking at Jiwon ssi ~haha. I wonder what was on his mind at that time :-)
    The HB-HJW pairing is great too! It's amazing how much history these two have...with and without their consent/knowledge haha. I mean if they really end up together in real life...I have to say that theirs would be a fairytale-like love story. I think it can even be made into a movie, Kyaaa! 
    @rabbit...try this:322, Nonhyeon-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea Tel : 1599-7222. This is the only address I can find in the site. I am not from Korea but I hope this helps:-)
    @mssegacrazy....thanks for posting. aaahhhh brings back good memories. when are they going to meet again?
    @moonbathe...lovin' your post too !
    Have a great day, ladies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Annyeong, ladies!!! 
    Thank you all for all your posts...am really loving it >:D<

    @pie...i agree with you. Somehow I can't help but think they are not handling this movie well. Anyhow, I am glad that at least there is a possibility that it may get released this June....am crossing my fingers[-O<  Am excited to see her for the Golf Tournament...hope something great will happen ;) 
    Btw, I was surprised she didn't attend attend SHJ's wedding. I also thought they were friends. I wonder if there are more wedding photos released? The ones I have seen only featured the male celebs who were there.
    @dearbarbie...aahhh you bring back good memories of damo. though the ending is___(don't wanna spoil it for koreanlite and others :-P )...i love this drama too. 
    @koreanlite...just wondering, are you currently in Korea? You are so right about that plastic surgery issue...though i don't have exact proof..the the possibility of HJW having done any is sooooooo slim...even by just that one fact you said---she got hit numerous times in the face while filming Miracle in 1st street. No one in their right mind would actually agree to that---with a plastic face :-))
    @mssegacrazy...no worries. I was just really wondering coz I have seen it before and i honestly can not tell when it was taken by just looking at her face...she doesn't age at all!
    @bashful...i know what you mean. I am just so afraid to hope :-)) 
    @moonbathe....love the pairing pics you posted...especially HJW-GY. wish this will become a reality someday. I would really like to see how they will do in a project together.
    Does anybody know if HJW attended the Northcape event...the camping one?

  12. Annyeong, Hunnies!!!
    @yanny....you really got me laughing so hard...am too embarrassed to ask about your dream but then again if it makes you this happy...get on with it ;)...still thinking about the 2 days offer , eh? am already being generous...come on now, there is still sophie, novchime, mabelle, nikmah and yours truly.. :)) :))
    @lualm...nice pics! he looks just like a typical boy-next-door...though extremely HOT boy next door!
    @novchime...good idea! I think that would be awesome. How I wish I can understand the vid..though i still enjoyed just watching him talk..am still spazzing obviously. Thanks for the pics...love the black and white "all of me" picture. Sadly...can't watch the video(supposed to show his face in Black and white)...is it just me? or there's something wrong with it?
    @nikmah...you and me both. Like you, I am addicted now to K-drama and their culture...naturally because it's where my Jihoon ssi is :\"> :\"> But seriously, I am glad you are having fun...just like us!
    @mabelle...awww..me too! I hate mawang's ending and had to watch goong over and over again so I won't get depressed. I honestly haven't finished five fingers coz my heart was actually hurting...why oh why do these korean writers love to torture my jihoon ssi...waaeeee??..btw, love the pics u posted...the ones in bed :-) thanks to @novchime..now i know one thing we have in common..we read before we sleep...though i am always reading about him :-))
    @ziera...nice vid! can't get enough of him, really...

  13. @pie...that is true. it won't make much sense to release it much later than August. If the problem really lies in cgi...it should have been worked double time. There are plenty of companies out there who can do this job. It really is almost ridiculous to keep postponing its release because the film isn't quite done....shouldn't it be the other way around?---a date is set and thus everything else has to be done by then? hmmm...i smell something fishy...

  14. Annyeong hunnies!!! :-h :-h :-h
    Yey! nice to be home :P...my heart is still fluttering from all these post. He is just simply...HOT! I was just thinking the other day what it would be like to live with him 8-> ...I realize that I would probably have to move to Alaska or North Pole to keep my temperature down! :D  :\">  This man should be labeled "highly flammable" 
    @novchime...thank you soo much for posting the links here ^:)^  ^:)^   love you for doing this :-* :-* :-* I was actually just wondering if there was one video that captured it all. I hope it wasn't much trouble for you posting each link....am really, really grateful.  I am enjoying not just him but of his singing as well. I love U2 as well...we hunnies do really have similar tastes...first in men, now in music too!
    @sophie...haha.. No worries, am not the jealous type :-P I would be willing to share...I mean there are many days of the week ;)....what about it, @yanny?..you can have 2 days if you want to =)) \:D/
    @yanny...hey sissy!! >:D>:D>:Dreally love the pics you shared. Can't help but notice the chicken legs too! I kinda like it, actually. I am not into the muscular type so thin chicken legs are sooooooo fine for me. The picture actually reminded me of Goong. Remember when Shin visited SK in Macau? I clearly recall the shot where they zoomed in his face and a third of his body and I was like thinking "wow, he looks so good sleekly dressed in a white jacket"...only to see when they zoomed out that he actually matched it with an above the knee black shorts, OMO---this is exactly how I feel about this black and white ensemble he got going on :-)) I didn't realize he was wearing shorts. He is the only person I know that can pull this look...yes, even with the legs and all :-P  Ahhhhh...seriously, am getting an overload :\"> :\">
    @nikmah...welcome, dear!! 

  15. @pie...you are soo right! I didn't even thought about award events. Considering she have had many movies with gorgeous leading men...she usually arrive alone. Well...actually from the kpop article which was dated last year...she said it was 7-8 years ago...which would have been right around The Duelist. But then again...KDW is also quite private when it comes to his personal relationships, right?...hmmm fishy, fishy :-))

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