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Posts posted by berny

  1. 14 minutes ago, dustdevil said:

    The real Wang Wook married Queen Seounui, who was another daughter of Taejo by yet another wife/consort/queen. (Wiki says that she carried her mother's surname Yu, which means that her mother was probably from the same family as So's mother, our evil queen.) They may not show Wook's marriage in this version. Since his son became a king, I don't know that they'll kill him off, but then "Shine or Go Crazy" sent their Wook off to travel the world, so who knows.


    Their customs and traditions in the old days...well..maybe they have their reasons valid or not...acceptable or not.....for marrying their blood relations.  But somehow it answered something that I have been so curious about for the longest time now...



    I have noticed even before that a lot of people in Korea (at present time) eventhough not related to each other...LOOK SO MUCH ALIKE....there are even celebrities that can even pass of as TWINS....same facial features, common features ...exactly the same.   And that is maybe because they share very common genes from that practice of marrying their blood relations centuries ago.





    • Like 11
  2. Okey, so as it is written in history WS will marry YH.

    Well I do not know what kind of a person is the real YH of Goryeo 10th Century..

    But the YH in this drama is a wicked, evil person.  

    Her fate should not be getting to marry the coolest Prince of them all and live happily ever after.

    She should be thrown to the cliff or get eaten by some vicious animal in the forest...that kinda fate is more for her.

    She does not get punished ever ?? and just like that, she will live as his queen...where is the RETRIBUTION in that? :blink:

    For every bad deed, there should be an equalizer....a balancing force...in this world.


    • Like 7
  3. 8 minutes ago, Akiddo said:

    The part that got me was his parting words - "chansoori" (nagging). They were trying to keep the conversation light just like they used to be. It was barely a whisper from So. That was all he could muster before tearing himself away from her. 


    LJK is so brilliant in this scene...

    The raw emotions of WS here....it's like, it is taking all his will power to control his emotions - his worries, frustrations, anger, for what HS is going through.  You can see the struggle in his eyes, and voice...gosh he's tugging at my heart strings...i wanted to embrace them both in this scene. :tears:

    • Like 20
  4. I seemed to have misunderstood that Ep 11 would be fun? not after all this torture, blood, tragedy...

    Poor HS, not only because of the torture, but but because of Lady Oh's execution....after Lady Hae whom HS also dearly loved. now Lady Oh...that is just too much.

    I thought HS will be depicted as a spirited, strong, optimistic bubbly character.  Now they have broken her spirit. Always that sadness, i am going to miss her smiles.

    Be careful with what you wish for indeed...she wanted to escape heartbreak and debts in her 21st Century life.... only to be transported in this barbaric era. 


    • Like 16

    Gwangjong of Goryeo

    Reign : 949 - 975

    This period  is the 10th Century (901 to 1000)

    And HJ (HS) is from the 21st Century

    Whoa..... it says that the capital of Goryeo is "Gaegyeong" a city in the southern part of "North Korea"

    So Goryeo dynasty = was in North Korea ????????? :crazy:

    ANYWAY, even as a student i am not much into world History  because i cannot memorize all those year periods, era, kings and emperors, and world leaders.


    Okey I am sure Korea has lots of Museums, keeping safe  artifacts, parchments scrolls from ancient times.
    Much was said about Gwangjong, how a terror, ruthless king he was.
    But how much exactly is proven with actual historical documents - from way back that 10th century?
    Parchments /scrolls that are kept intact? how about natural disasters, and fire, and war...could it be that some were destroyed already...

    So how exactly are stories of this king's controversial conquests passed on from one generation to another? word-of-mouth that could have been more and more sensationalized or later on thru biopics with some distorted or added facts? how much are factual and how much are fiction? who knows....it was so long ago. They just said he was bad, he did this, he did that.

    It is cool that MLSHR introduces Gwangjong's life story to the generation of today, and the production claims a "creative license to history" - but i sincerely hope they would not make his reputation more worst than what  actually he really was as a ruler in his times, because just to sensationalize the story in that way is not cool.  It wouldn't be fair to him, his memory, even if he was like that as a ruler, he was still once a king of Korea.  It is like a disrespectful thing to do...in my opinion.

    DURING THOSE TIMES when they did not know what HUMAN RIGHTS are...it's a kill or be killed world.

    But I hope the protagonist will be made to do it because of self-defense, protect people he loves --and not kill in cold blood.
    Because if otherwise, he has no right to be depicted as the protagonist, he might as well be the villain. 

    • Like 16
  6. 15 minutes ago, skxz said:



    Cr: twitter


    Hahha i know right :lol: and KHN is so touchy with IU..... and if you watch closely the BTS...amidst all the other actors around, his eyes always focus on her...no matter how far she is standing from him...he will just glance only at her...HAHA...this guy...and his feels..:P

    • Like 13
  7. 46 minutes ago, arabela said:


    I hope the korean writernim and korean gods love 4th price character and wont be so cruel with him! and wont give him such a realistic and pesimistic ending! But keep the beauty of their love!!! ... And, if there is no way to have a minimal happy ending, or an open one at least, just let him be with her when she dies!!!! I feel you can do it!!! 



    Regarding this ...if there's a possibility that they do not favor the 4th prince character.....THEN WHO IS THE LEAD OF THIS DRAMA then? :blink:

    • Like 5

    9 hours ago, brielover said:

    We need to remember what Su's imperative is for being in Goryeo in the first place. 

    "Save the boy."

    That little boy's name was Eun Wol in modern Korea (his relatives call out to him by name). Su dives in to save him, the eclipse begins, time shifts, and she emerges from the water to find another Eun this time in Goryeo. A Eun that acts much younger than his age - a defining feature - to highlight his connection to that little boy in Korea. People blame Baekhyun for overacting, and he does, but he has also been directed to act in just this way. 

    This helps explain to me why Eun gets  so much more screentime relative to the other princes. 

    Eun Wol - the little boy in Korea - is likely a reincarnation of Eun, 10th prince of Goryeo. 

    And Su's imperative remains. 

    "Save the boy". 

    Doesn't this give much more impact - and horror - to the vision she just saw?  She's been catapaulted to Goryeo perhaps for a variety of reasons (see my river-daughter post p 516 if you're interested in some mythical/historical possibilities), but her main and most immediate imperative is to save Eun. 



    Wow you are amazing to spot that detail.
    I never took much notice of who that little boy was at the lake....because i thought it was just some random accident.

    But indeed IT IS NOT A MERE COINCIDENCE ..right ? that the boy and the 10th Prince have the same name "Eun"

    I also wondered that Eun is not the youngest prince...but he is the most childish... (still playing with marbles, with puppets)..i often mistake it that he is the youngest of them all.  And now he will be in danger.

    That's gonna be a game changer....if indeed the main reason of her time-travel is actually Eun...
    Atleast now, there seems to be a purpose....

    As I had to re-watch the early part of Episode 1, Ha Jin (HS) has already been showing the symptoms of panic attack disorder in that episode...she seem to have difficulty in breathing and was pounding at her chest before she saw that little boy Eun fall in the lake.


    • Like 18
  9. Comments and criticisms on HS character is inevitable...this is a forum after all and everyone's free to post on their take on it.

    For me it's not really about whom she chooses.... whether she care for WW or WS .... (why was she brought there in the first place anyway,  was it because of WW or WS? ) well heck, if I'd have my way, I'd just transport her back to the present time, and be free of all these madness that SHE DOES NOT NEED.

    What I want to see in a character is someone who would not BLURT OUT PROMISES SO EASILY, THEN JUST EASILY BREAK THEM... someone who would NOT selfishly protect a person over and at THE EXPENSE OR DETRIMENT of another,  who is also a friend... It's not all about just love ...or loving someone, it is also about  conviction, accountability, of respect and integrity  and being compassionate to a fellow human being.

    • Like 12
  10. 1 minute ago, fuyukoneko said:


    The 14th Prince is the one who said Ruoxi caused the bloodshed between 4th and 8th, but I thought that was an unfair accusation. Both 4th and 8th had ambitions to become king long before they met Ruoxi. 


    The Princes there have hang-ups and unstable as well... these royalties and their madness...geez

    • Like 2
  11. That HOT,  HOT Kiss though....  :blink:

    Okey admittedly the level of hotness was unexpected ( LJK actually kissed IU full on the mouth ...and they had film two versions of it?...wowz!!!! ha ha )...when some OTPs just kiss like robots...you know just kissing the upper lip or the lower lip and pretend they seem to like it LOL.

    But this kiss...was...oh wow... he was quite devouring her lips :P (for sure the boyfie in real life is not gonna watch that scene....no ..no ...no ..no way  ...HAHA)...i'm so bad.

    • Like 18
  12. 2 minutes ago, liddi said:

    @ruzikie @berny In BBJX, Ruoxi always knew from history that 4th Prince will ascend to the throne, so there was no shocked revelation on her part from the start. Instead, she took great pains, first to avoid him, then to find out his likes and dislikes so that she would never run the risk of incurring his wrath. She never had visions of the future - and what she did, she did so out of the foreknowledge of what would happen down the road, even if some of her historical knowledge were suspect e.g. she listed names associated with 4th Prince to 8th Prince to warn him, only to realise that nobody have ever heard of them and that these people were merely fictitious characters from a C-Drama she watched about King Yongzheng :P  

    Ultimately though, like Soo, her love for 8th Prince and affection for the rest of the princes meant that she tried to change history by forewarning 8th Prince about 4th Prince, even before both brothers had any reasons for attacking each other, not realising this would be the catalyst that started then bloodshed, with 8th Prince being the first to move against 4th Prince. And in the end it was the knowledge that she was the cause, that utterly broke her in body and spirit.

    BBJX did not have a happy outcome, both in the novel and the Cdrama. So, I am mentally preparing myself that this will be the case here as well, though with any adaptation, I am open to an alternate conclusion, as long as it is believable.


    So instead of resolving it....Ruoxi actually was made to cause it...made it happen?  oh ...that is a cruel role to have.

    • Like 7
  13. HS saw WHAT ??????   :blink:

    So killing Eun and his cute wife?....of all people Eun ???  My sweet, adorable, baby-boy  Eun ? for real? HS are you okey?
    It would have been believable if she saw in her vision that So and Yo is fighting to the death...but Eun.

    What in the world has possessed you girl, for you to see things so horribly. 
    Is HS on drugs ? No seriously she might have given and had taken "unknowingly" an herb or something that could make her hallucinate is that it?
    She had been staying in Goryeo a long time, why only now that this visions are occuring to her?
    It is one thing to be transported in another era...but be given suddenly  a super-power to see the future is just .....i dont know...in the C-version does Ruoxie has something like that ? that ability to see in the future? 


    I should perhaps rephrase that ...is writer-nim on drugs? :phew:

    • Like 7
  14. 12 minutes ago, rcalma said:


    HaeSoo doesn't fully remembers Goryeo's History so that was the misleading part... the thing about Gwangjong killing his brother was not in the history itself but it looks like maybe she thought he killed his brother which is the fact in that was he drove out those powerful clans so maybe it involves those other prince's families but not directed to his brothers i think... 


    That's why I was thinking how could something so very "important" and "crucial" as that just be based on her vague, uncertain recollection of what the actual History is all about.   Couldn't she have asked herself ..."am I 100% sure of what I'm accusing him of? " before she truly judge him.  she was reacting like she has memorized the history and was so certain.

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  15. Q U E S T I O N........................

    Would anyone here be knowledgeable in Korean /Goryeo  (factual) History?

    Was there really a factual proof that Gwangjong killed all his brothers? any of his brother? or any of his half-brothers?

    Cause if there is no factual information - then does it mean this is the CREATIVE LICENSE TO HISTORY - that this drama has stated as disclaimer?

    Meaning it is only that scriptwriting that added this ....but it is not the actual REALITY ?


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