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Posts posted by shymaldita28

  1. @kulot wow he looks very happy on the event this spark in his eyes I seldom see in the pictures. I wonder what was the reason he took a 1 day leave when there was no sightings at him in SM company. He visited his mom in Kona Beans but after 5 minutes he left and I wonder where he went after. There was no sightings after that. PJS is really a daebak ninja when it comes to dating. Does anyone know which day was Sora's taping for her drama?

  2. Have you seen the different bright eyes and smile of PJS

    130515_leeteuk1.jpg?w=270&h=323Embedded image permalink

                                                 MAY 15                                                                                        MAY 21

    Looking at the picture after he went to Seoul and Kona Beans on May 19 his eyes and his smile is so bright compared on his May 15 event.  Did anyone here also wonder what happen to DISPATCH scandal that should happen this May. Dispatch might have been upset since the scandal they broke about Jo In Sung and Kim Min Hee has no affect to netizen therefore they decided to forget releasing the next couple and even the Tony Ahn and Girls Day is no big deal for the netizen these days. I think relationship in showbiz is not a scandal already for them since people already matured and accept that it was normal to be in a relationship


  3. 600th day of DC and I start watching the whole episodes again.

    I can't help but feel proud for the events done by our DC in WGM since some couples lately has done the same thing and it became wonderful event for couple who is starting a relationship.

    EVENTS OF DC being done by some couple of WGM that makes me happy and proud of them.

    1. Airport Event of Leeteuk


    2. School Date of Sora


    3. Sora's event for Leeteuk with FJ


    The only balance which I did not see is the proposal of Leeteuk and Sora playing the piano for her husband on his birthday surprise. I wonder if there will be a couple to do this 2 events.




  4. Remember Sora said that Leeteuk blushes whenever he is with women but when I found this MV of him BTS with Joo for Ice Cream he was not even blushing like a kid compared when he is with Sora. I guess he blushes with the tango teacher ( lady) because Sora was there and he feel shy about it.

    Watch this MV and you can see that LT even suggest to be close to joo but he never shy away from her maybe because he was not attracted to her and even though she fits his ideal type short girls still he is not awkward to her even there were a lot of people in the room but not like when he was doing the photo shoot with Soar he was totally awkward. I guess the feelings was totally there and he is not comfortable being with a lot of people.


    While when he is with Sora
  5. Going for a vacation of our DC was hard since PJS was supposed to enlist last September and they only had 3 months to go for filming. Sora really wanted to spend an overseas with him since she wants to know him better and we know that they will be more comfortable if they go out of the country but since PJS already had to enlist he can't afford to always take an oath and go to the military office for permission to travel since I think that his name was already on the list of immigration ( Not to travel ) If my memory serves me right the 1st time the enlistment date came out was September 18 supposed to be but it was moved to October 31 instead and during that time PJS really had a hard time to go out of the country. Remember the time when he was supposed to join the SJ in the trip to thailand for the MNET Countdown Smile Thailand last October 11th. We saw some pictures of him arriving late in the airport while the other SJ are already left.He was the last person to come to Thailand since he has to fix a lot of documents in order for him to be allowed to travel. We even see some pictures of him with his manager infront of the Immigration inside the airport.

  6. I know these has been posted a lot of times but something caught my interest here.



    • being the eldest, he was given the position of being the leader in Super Junior.
    • not the best driver even though he claims to be
    • used to host a radio show with Eunhyuk (Kiss The Radio)
    • looks after his fellow members
    • sometimes tucks his fellow members in
    • sometimes wakes up his fellow members
    • sometimes takes care of fellow members images
    • shares his knowledge with fellow members
    • is the laziest
    • was born on a rainy day
    • has a lot of happy sides
    • has an awesome laugh
    • knows how to pull lame jokes.
    • has 170 stitches from a car accident
    • loves rain
    • his room and most of his wardrobe is white
    • listens to music without headphones, because he has this phobia where he’s afraid of getting attacked from behind
    • if he’s bored and lonely, he’ll post up something on his cyworld,twitter,etc or listen to music loudly.
    • likes to get up late in the morning
    • feels exhausted after working a whole day, will lock the door and sleep
    • according to Kyuhyun, Leeteuk’s room at the dorm is really messy and he doesn’t clean it when  it is either.
    • one time, his manager had to break the door to enter his room in the morning, but he didn’t wake up, so the manager had to carry Leeteuk on his back

    Hobbies: piano, composing music, listening to music, singing, going online

    When PJS changed his cyworld based on the facts I don't think he was bored instead he was lonely and lately there were no changes either on his twitter and cyworld does it mean he was avoiding himself to go online because we all know that Sora is visible lately on the media because of her new drama and at the same time if ever PJS misses her she can be contacted through her mobile , just looking at her picture here seems she is waiting for a kako message or maybe a call as well from someone. Sora has been consistent wearing something white with her either a white pearl bracelet or her clothes will always be mixed with something white on it just see her white tshirt under her jacket and even her presscon I thought she stop wearing white on it but still you find the white in there. Her habit seems odd coz I remember the SJ said that if you see PJS not wearing white clothes definitely he has something white on himself  just like Sora these days

    Sora was aware that PJS likes white she even gave him a gift on his birthday but seeing her everytime, I can't help to be delusional that somehow it reminds her of PJS.


    Sora's dress is mixed with a white and even in her drama poster she was wearing white pants and red blouse


    not to forget this picture below also...



    Brown and white blouse also...


  7. Kang Sora progress in WGm and PJS through her interviews.

    Nov 22 2011 ASIA TODAY

    “I still awkward for a couple of weeks with Leeteuk-ssi. We are very shy and do not talk much, just see each other and smile. I mean I want to be a bit closer, but I’m worried about what happen in the future. Leeteuk-ssi step by step try to less the awkward closer to me at a time. I’m trying to be close to each other too. He really cares me a lot “

    March 31 2012 ( during the strike ) Sports Seoul

    “We got really close after we began filming ‘We Got Married’, but we haven’t seen each other in so long that I’m worried it may become awkward when we see each other again,” she said. “Mid-January was the 100-day mark since the day we met, so I prepared something for him, but I couldn’t actually do it.”

    “The 16th of next month is our 200 days. I will prepare a special event, thinking of Leeteuk oppa,” she said. Viewers are drawn to Kang Sora’s wholesome image showcased on the show, as she is bright and lovely, knowing how to be considerate of others.

    “I’m actually a rather quiet person and have no aegyo, but I changed a lot after being with him,” she admitted. “He’s a really thoughtful and considerate person. My parents love him, they think he’s the ideal son-in-law.”

    September 2012 Daily Sports

    Recently your couple life with Leeteuk in We Got Married has ended:

    “It was such a bittersweet thing to me to be involved for almost a year in the programme. Even I didn’t do that much filming with Leeteuk but lately we’ve been receiving and sending (exchanging) text messages to say hello and ask each other’s well-being. As Oppa will be enlisted in army next month, I’m going to visit him once around next year. If I go find (visit) him too early, the senior military soldiers who notice this might rather be uncomfortable with it.”

    -Any differences dating with a real boyfriend (compared to couple life in We Got Married):

    Leeteuk Oppa is a very caring and mature person much more than you think he is. Honestly, you can’t say that 100% of our appearances in We Got Married are all acting. Within the broadcast (during filming), it was at least same/equal as the actual dating. From my personal experience, it (the show) brings out my inner femininity.”

    Sina Interview March 8 2013

    Sora: [WGM] is different from other variety as it does not have any script, it’s ‘live improvisation’. We only expressed as how we like it. I think we received the Popularity award because I let down my fears (burden) and was able to express ourselves comfortably. Also I’m very thankful to Lee Teuk because it is also due to his good fortune/blessings. Thank you. ^^

    March 26 2013 Cultwo Radio Show

    Sora revealed Leeteuk’s recent development: [after enlisting] he became more muscular, naturally tan, even more masculine now, probably the physique of army men. In the radio broadcast, Sora, “I watched Leeteuk performance in The Promise recently. Leeteuk now when compared to ‘WGM’ time, is much ‘better’. She also said “she kept the bracelet Teuk gave her (during wgm), tho it is gold, it’s very thin” Sora smiling.


    This is how I loved Sora compared to some actress her views on WGM never changes no matter the time already passed and I realized that in her last interview she call him leeteuk only meaning there is really an informal relationship between them no more shi or oppa. I guess she is comfortable to call him on a different name which we don't know. The only inconsistent I can see from her is how she call Leeteuk sometimes oppa, sometimes with a shi and sometimes leeteuk only.I wonder why



  8. I read it allkpop an article where Sora said that when she kiss Yoo Seung Hoo she felt like she committed a sin coz he was minor back then. I remember when the FT told the DC that Sora never sees younger man as man for her and it only mean that she felt worried doing it and for Leeteuk kiss she felt sad coz she was not able to do it properly for him since she mention how her hands was in an awkward position and after 4 seconds only did she realized that she was kissed meaning her emotions when he was hugging her was deep that when he asked for a kiss unconsciously her body and mind follows and that only shows that her feelings was all over her that she was not able to react soon. Her kiss with some of her leading men makes her prepared therefore her mindset was more in that state but for PJS kiss she was unprepared and that her emotions was all over her.

    I guess the kiss made by PJS is more natural for her than the kiss she has done before. Even though it was a smack the real emotions of them were there.

     By the way you can see from my signature in the sleeping beauty photo shoot that she immediately smile when she felt PJS kiss her on the forehead. It only shows how happy she was when he was able to do it to her and for some couples I saw where unexpectedly the man kissed his partner the facial expression of the girl will either frown ( meaning upset ), worried or shy. For Sora she was happy when he done it. She only becomes shy when she saw again the people on the set and for PJS when he kiss her he smiled at look at her straight they even had eye contact for awhile after the kiss. Whatever people say PJS will always remember Sora since he has done kissing on TV first with her not only once but twice for him.

    Did you also notice how Sora can make PJS react manly? what I mean is that even though Sora is younger than PJS he never see her as dongsaeng or younger girl instead he see her as a woman. When I watch PJS in the tango dance eventhough he was shy with the Lady teacher you can sense that he don't feel anything except awkwardness but for Sora he really become a wolf on the pratices because for every small skinship she done to him the reaction was quite huge to him. That is the reason he can't look at her since he thinks something more than the tango itself.

    Why do you think he kiss her on the last episode? I felt like he really wanted it long before and he don't want to miss that chance where she will refuse but I think Sora has no plans of refusing the kiss of PJS.  Sora may not be a girl group member but she can definitely make PJS react like a wolf. I have onbserved something on the Tango dance but I can't mention it since it is for adults only (LOL) but if anyone is interested to know just PM me and I will tell you what I just saw. Definitely it was not discussed here yet coz FD's are well mannered.


  9. I miss JungSora so I tried to rewatch their WGM special where MC Misun asked Sora

    December 2011

    Misun : Leeteuk shi said that you are not his ideal woman...to you is he your ideal type of man

    Sora :  He became one.. I don't have an ideal man.

    Sina Interview March 8 2013

    Sina: What is your ideal man?

    Sora: As I’m tall, I prefer strong/muscular man with a shaped/pointed chin. Also, I’m a bit rounded, that’s why I like guys with the same physical (shape) like foreign actors like Chris Hemsworth from [Thor], Mark Walberg.

    Leeteuk Interview recent

    Jungsu said he doesn’t have a favorite girl group right now because he likes all of them

    For Sora's ideal man she prefers to choose an international actors and for PJS he did not specify any girl group instead he credits all of them, therefore he can no longer be associated with any single girl group. It seems that lately PJS is very careful on his words especially when he is doing interview coz he knows that eventhough Sora will be busy still she can find out things he has said even he do it in the army shows. By the way have you seen this photo.


    PJS was caught on camera while Shinhwa was filming their program. I can't help but to think that PJS can call Sora more often now since he can be alone at times and even when he is doing an event before the show or after he can be able to contact her. As seen in the picture he was alone  going to a shop near the DAEJEON station.  I wonder what kind of shop was he supposed to enter.

    Korean couple Rain Kim Tae Hee dating

    Did you notice the similarities between PJS and Rain in the picture both are wearing a mask when they are outside of the camp to avoid public eyes. Do celebrities like to bring a white mask with them? Is it for dating or even when they are outside? Is he supposed to meet Sora on that day Shinhwa saw him coz he has a mask on his neck which only shows that he was hiding. Unluckily Shinhwa knows him well coz they were both at SM entertainers before.


  10. Sorry ladies but I can't put this video on spoilers. I just found this 2 videos which I want to share

    First is the sweet dates of the star couples, in the video it states that the Korean celebrities only admits their relationship once they are being captured by a camera and for that they don't have a choice but to admit the real score between them.


    Age difference still works in marriage for some Korean celebrities. I wonder if our DC will be included in this list in the future.
  11. 20130514_kangsora_diet.jpg


    Kang Sora responded to questions about how she’s changed her image for her next role.

    On May 14, Kang Sora attended the press conference at the SBS Mokdong branch for the new SBS daily drama ‘Ugly Alert‘. She confessed, “I didn’t lose that much weight. I’ve always played student roles, but this time, my character is an adult woman, so I just wanted to look more womanly. I thought that [my character] would have gotten lessons on how to sit and walk properly, so I paid special attention to my posture.

    It looks like just a change in attitude and posture can make you look great!

    On a different note..

    I just observed that Sora's attitude really changes a lot as much as possible she reduces her mildang ways especially when one of her co actors is making some funny poses with her and as much as she can she reduces her mildang ways. As what the article says based on her interview her mindset has become matured and she wanted to project a womanly attitude. I can't help but wonder if her secret relationship makes her more matured these days.

    And for PJS he seems quiet for awhile since Sora has a drama to be shown lately and he gave us FD's to focus our attention first to our Sora.






  12. @crayon01 I'm just wondering if this was the picture you are referring, I have a hunch that thi spicture will also pop out on the shipping of the jinwoon and it happen.

    This was their comment and as you can see it was not Sora at all. Your very smart to make the picture small. Read the comment from the fan of the JINHEE COUPLE

    This photo was circulating in an online forum. Personally, I thought the girl looks a little like Kang Sora (the girl who acted in Dream High 2 and was also in WGM with Lee Teuk in Season 3). Now, please do not start panicking and go bonkers. I did consider whether I should release this photo here but I trust that the people in this forum are sensible fans. :)

    So far, the news in Korea today had been about Jinwoon being on Running Man. And even on RM, he managed to create quite a bit of scandal when he sort of revealed that he went drinking with Song Jihyo. No matter what, please calm your horses and I really hope we won't hear the comparison with Lee Joon Couple. Thank you.=====EDIT=====This photo was uploaded on Nate by someone and was asking if this is Jinwoon's girlfriend. Till now, there is no response except for one reply: "Seeing that it's quite beautiful, it could be a commercial." What exactly it is, or WHERE the ORIGINAL photo is from, no one knows. It was not Sora at all,.. as what you wanted to prove. Topic is closed.
  13. I noticed that Sora on her presscon is very awkward although this was not her first time to do this but she seems so careful on her actions.

    See the difference when she had her presscon for Dream High 2 check the video at 3:29 ...she was bubbly but in her latest drama presscon she looks reserved. It was obvious that

    she really changes a lot from the time they resume their filming for WGM.


  14. welcome @giemalyn88 !!!

    I found this song and I remember PJS on this song seems like he can relate in this song



    by: VIXX

    Because of the endless schedule
    It’s not easy to see your face
    Me inside the TV, you watching me on TV
    That’s how we date

    Should I quit?
    When I think about you, I keep getting weak

    Because I’m an idol, because I’m a celebrity
    I can’t hold your hand when we walk but
    When I become more famous, when I become more confident
    I will give you all the love I couldn’t give you now

    I want to go out and go to the movies
    I want to stick close to you and walk all day
    Things that everyone else does, things that are normal
    Those things are difficult for us

    I wondered if we should break up a few times but I love you too much

    As much as I love you, music is so important to me too so I can’t help it
    After some time passes, after I become a bit more famous
    I will reveal you to the world – I love you

    Because of all the cameras, because of my manager
    I kept pushing back our dates
    When my music succeeds, when everything goes well
    I will give you all the love I couldn’t give you now

    I’ll do everything for you, I’ll give you everything

    This song is for you – I love you


  15. Remember this crop picture done by PJS in his cyworld DP  last March 30

    PJS cyworld DP credit to @lolowaw

    imageEmbedded image permalink

    Sora new DP on twitter last May 04


    I may be delusional but when I saw this picture from her drama there is One thing I observed on her DP and that was the cropping of the picture. Did she got inspired on PJS crop picture on his cyworld DP.

    I guess she is fully aware of the crop pic DP of PJS in his cyworld.

    Same habit and same style of DP. ... This was the first time Sora crop a picture with someone and she put it as her DP..

  16. @koreanway88 has posted the pic of PJS wearing the watch and since I was into this before after Sora watch his musical after 2 days we saw him wearing it..now I saw the picture I know the brand he is using and I was correct when I posted it before on February 23. Some people might ignore the item but I was wondering how consistent he was wearing it when he is in the public whether it was army radio show or public events. He consistently wear this watch. If this is not important to him he can change it anytime since he can afford to buy anything. He once told Sora that if someone gives a present he should to that person that he/ she wears it. I never noticed him wearing a watch before Sora went to his musical and if ever he had it we should have seen him wearing it during their practice for promise or even the BTS practice of his musical.

    Here goes February 23


    In almost all the events he done I saw him only wearing this watch.


    He is wearing a G SHOCK brand which I posted last february 23. This is the watch he was wearing.

    G-Shocks, as well as Casio’s other watch offerings, are designed for heavy duty use in sports or outdoor activities. The units are very popular with law enforcement and military personnel. The DELTA Operators who participated in the activities that became the book and movie Blackhawk Down were wearing G-Shocks. Two G-Shock models are Flight Qualified for space travel by NASA.



  17. PJS will sing " unconditional" by Park Sangchul

    Call me anytime when I need it I'll run
    Good night, I'll run right at any time during the day
    Other people call me, I'll think for a long time, but
    Just call me if you'll be there unconditionally
    My love for you is unconditional unconditional
    Express my love for you is love
    Across the Pacific Ocean across the Atlantic, even across the Indian Ocean
    Unconditional call you gotta get up gotta get up.

    Call me anytime when I need it I'll run
    Good night, I'll run right at any time during the day
    Other people call me, I'll think for a long time, but
    Just call me if you'll be there unconditionally
    My love for you is unconditional unconditional
    Express my love for you is love
    Across the Pacific Ocean across the Atlantic, even across the Indian Ocean
    Unconditional call you gotta get up gotta get up

    My love for you is unconditional unconditional
    Express my love for you is love
    Across the Pacific Ocean across the Atlantic, even across the Indian Ocean
    Unconditional call you gotta get up gotta get up


    I love this last lyrics coz it makes me laugh how possessive PJS is....

    Unconditional call you gotta get up gotta get up

    Now that Sora is doing a drama she might be sleeping during the time of his call and what he wanted was her to answer his call no matter what and now that she is doing a drama with another guy he just want to her that his love is unconditional although it will hurt him and make him jealous, unconditional love he will give her which means that he will try his best to understand her more even though it hard for him.

    Unconditional love is known as affection without any limitations. Each area of expertise has a certain way of describing unconditional love, but most will agree that it is that type of love which has no bounds and is unchanging. It is a concept comparable to true love, a term which is more frequently used to describe love between lovers. By contrast, unconditional love is frequently used to describe love between family members, comrades in arms and between others in highly committed relationships.

    Photo: 130415 Sora a day (© to owner)  -uwie-Photo: [COUNTDOWN] 130419 D-466 #LeeteukReturns (© to owner)   -uwie-

    Photo: 130419 Sora a day (© to owner)  -uwie-Photo: [COUNTDOWN] 130415 D-470 #LeeteukReturns (© to owner)   -uwie-



    Pictures credit to WGM facebook.



  18. Definitely the bracelet is a gift from someone special to her.... I remember she posted the pictures of her fans who gave her gifts on her birthday and the other picture where she shown one of her gifts is PJS gift to her..

    See the difference of her previous pictures showing PJS.

    gift.jpg?w=620Embedded image permalink

    Leeteuk pearl bracelet





    If you look on the smile on her face past and present they look the same happiness she has when she receive it....

    Do you remember this tweet?

    TWITTER] 130314 Kang Sora twitter update: [Trans] @reveramess "WHITE DAY...I received a (1) plastic of marshmallow from a close friend (guy)... ㅜㅜ feel so strange..."

    There is no picture posted when she received a gift from someone (guy) according to her. What about this latest picture she posted?

    In WGM episode 25 Sora gave PJS gift and one of her gift is the underwear and this was the response of PJS to her.

    While checking the underwear gift of Sora, Leeteuk response was

    Leeteuk : I heard from somewhere saying that " I gave you this as a gift so you should show me."

    Sora : Really?

    And when she become a manager for a day she used the bag given by PJS meaning she seriously taken his opinion and understand his feelings.

    Tweeting a picture of a bracelet for me is showing someone special that she is proud to have it and unlike the gift of the other guy on white day she did not even care about posting it instead she was reluctant to have that gift from him.

    Honestly some may think we are delusional but looking back on certain things these two people are not giving us a hard time to analyze them coz both love giving hints in a way and their tool was definitely twitter.

    Though she tweeted a picture with the caption " I'm taking a drama poster" she is showing the item at the same time she mention her activity today. I guess she misses someone right now since she is very busy lately. No time for phone call instead leave a message on twitter.

    I tried some couples ships but honestly it was hard for me to analyze them since there was no connection between the girl and boy. Besides hints are not that easy to connect unless there is truth into that.

    I tried connecting Jo In Sung and Song Hye Kyo into a couple even they have chemistry on screen and they are close off cam still, I was not able to find any hint from any of them and at the end the truth came out that JIS is dating someone so for our DC it was easy for us to connect them even he is in the army because they are real and consistent in giving hints in twitter. I was sad when PJS enlist thinking things between them will stop and that we have to wait for his discharge but in the end we get hints from them not always but most of the time. Looking at Sora face she looks happy on her bracelet and besides it seems that she did not bother to change her DP, I wonder why?? kkkk we all know why she did not change her DP this time since PJS has no time to change yet his DP.

    Good night FD's..by the way thank you very much for all the appreciation you gave me whenever I'm posting things. This makes my cheeks ascend to heaven kkk..

    See u again till next hint of our couple :)






  19. Kangin seems to shield PJS ava since some of us simultaneously tweeting about it. We all know that he is also very close with PJS. Besides changing the childhood photo and visiting the Nami Zip line with Sungmin. He do things same with PJS so sweet awww.

    Did anyone notice that again Sora is wearing a white blouse under her brown jacket? I saw her new photo taken during the script reading for her new drama " UGLY ALERT". Seems like no one catches her attention on the script even her co star is too handsome.

     Unlike PJS he told him during the episode 1 that when she guested in SH he is the only person who caught her attention..


    I remember also when she went to Police Academy while promoting PAPAROTTI she never glance at Lee Ji Hoon



     Sora you prefer to look at the director, LJH was waiting for you to look at him?


    I guess you prefer to read the book than to talk to him...




    While your partner is all smile, you seem formal beside him..



    In the movie you like him but in the photo your not beside him instead on the other side you have chosen..

    If you watch the video, I have not seen her glance even a second to him and based on how she looks at the picture totally she is not happy to see him..For the sake of the movie she was there to see him but still it looks like she is not that eager to see him.

    Spot the difference lovely FD's..

    1st meeting after strike


    1st meeting after the filming.



    So who says that she does not have a boyfriend...obviously it's leeteuk


  20. Blast from the past... I'm not sure if this kind of investigation happened before on this thread for this JUNE-JULY 2012 timeline.

    Some FD's felt that the relationship started at Nami Island and I guess they were right looking at the timeline of PJS.

    Nami Island was filmed on June 20 but before that he changed his cyworld background into

    June 19 .... PJS cyworld Title ,ONE DAY


    - What ONE DAY means??? at an uncertain time, usually the future or sooner/later..

    Therefore he was expecting something to happen in the future.. What could it be?


    JUNE 20.. Nami Filming

    - Here we saw his jealousy to Sungmin and I guess he was a little bit upset on how Sora interact with Sungmin thinking that he was expecting something to her and if you look on his yesterday cyworld, it only shows how much expectation he has to her on this day. I saw the real jealousy of PJS here compared to the Tango Teacher. Here you will see how he smirk and become quiet while Sora was talking to him and there was a scene where Sora told him why are you putting me on a corner ( MBC edit that scene, I wonder what words she has said more to him )

    Leeteuk is jealous of Sungmin for his friendship with Kang So Ra

    JUNE 26... I think this was the first time both tweet a picture on the same day and they are informing their activity on that day.

    Looking back how these 2 changed their DP till now seems like it became a habit for them. In this picture PJS is showing his muscles which Sora likes. Teasing PJS LOL



     Leeteuk changed his cyworld background JUNE 27


    - I wonder if they spend the night in Nami Island since the background is under the moonlight and stars and I even remember Sora is stopping him to drink the wine and even said that they will be doing fireworks.

    Leeteuk Twitter JUNE 30,2012

     I will go and listen to Suju’s song at 12!!!July 1st!!Once it hits(12, you)have to make a dash!!ssi~~~~ik^______^while smiling ㅋㅋㅋ 


    JULY 01



    Kang So Ra’s interview was featured on the July 1st episode of MBC ‘Section TV Entertainment Relay’ and she spoke about her TV marriage to Super Junior’s Leeteuk, “My fantasy about marriage has been filled up by 120%.”

    Kang So Ra continued, “Performing a concert for me, the events, and the surprises, I really like those things. But I’ve never experienced those things in real life, not even after being asked out. I really haven’t experienced those things”, and she let out a heavy sigh.

    Reporter Park Seul Gi continued to question, “Are you serious? There are many stars around me who really like you”, and upon hearing this Kang So Ra looked into the camera and stated, “Teuk oppa, you seeing this? I’m this kind of a woman”, and she made Park Seul Gi burst into laughter.

    Kang So Ra added, “Because I’m receiving so much love right now, I think I’ll be disappointed when I get married for real. My mom told me that real marriage was different.”

    - Somehow she admitted that she was receiving so much love from him and I wonder why does her mom have to give her an advice if she is not with PJS in real life, since we all know that it was a program unless things turn out into reality and when you look at her on this program she looks beautiful to me. How her eyes sparkle and her face glow is different from Sora before.

    After that program ..... Leeteuk tweets on July 01,2012

    " Its number 1…ㅜㅜthis seems like the biggest birthday present to me…thank you.. the end of my life’s act 1…"

    - What could have been the biggest present he got that day?? "end of my life's act"? I felt that this tweet refers that he got Sora's answer already as a couple and it will be the end of his single life.


    Leeteuk tweets on July 2, 2012

    -Leeteuk tweets a picture with his friends at gym and you will notice Sangchu is also with him.. ( hmmm fishy ) Now we know why Sangchu mentions Sora in Music Town and how PJS reacted when he mention her. I knew that she knows him personally since these 2 are going together at the gym sometimes and when PJS told Sora that she knows where his gym was located all FD's thought that she might have met PJS there during his workout . He is totally close with him to call him hyung. n korea you use HYUNG if your close to the older guy and the treatment is like real brothers.

     @special1004 : Upon seeing me exercising alone at the gym although it's my birthday, Shinhye-noona and Hwayeon-noona asked me to have dinner together, so^^ Uwah~~ Thank you!! Our Star Gym membersㅋㅋ Shinhye-noona, Hwayeon-noona, Sangchu-hyung, Donghae, Minhyunie, Youngmanie

    Leeteuk 120702.jpg

    JULY 03


    Lee Teuk said that “It is true that the long lapse in our meetings made it awkward between us again. But I believe that the phrase ‘I love you’ can make miracles happen.”

    Lee Teuk continued, “Saying ‘I love you’ will make one think of building a loving relationship with the person. And that is how it is with Sora at the moment! It is, of course, a make-believe marriage, filmed with programme content in mind. But I do, at the very least, treat her wholeheartedly, filming with the mindset that she is the only one in my heart, which is probably what makes it more realistic.”

    Lee Teuk said that he hopes that Kang Sora would be there to see him off on his day of enlistment as many men have gone off to the army after marriage and there is therefore a need for this sort of a scenario. RyeoWook said “ think [she] will want to be there…”

    Kang Sora tweeted on the same day July 03

    " Though it's cloudy her heart is filled with joy"

    JULY 04 WGM Recording....wedding photoshoot



    JULY 5 STRONG HEART RECORDING........ the episode was shown on July 10

    If that girl waits for me for two years, I think she’s somebody that will wait for me for the rest of her life,” he said. “If I do end up beginning a relationship before I leave and she does wait for me, I will marry that girl within 5 years.”

     Leeteuk tweet JULY 5

    He deleted a chibi version of him from name island.


    Thank you.....

    sexy free & single I’m a pretty good guy~~~^^ // PS: lyrics from SFS

      Looking at the timeline and hints from Leeteuk and Sora there is no doubt that they are real after the name trip. Leeteuk has the tendency to become expressive when he is in love especially now that he is at the real age already.

    He don't need to say anything straight to us FD's coz


    and PJS cannot hide the fact that they are real...



  21. MBLAQ’s Mir is Saved by SISTAR’s Bora on “Real Man”        

    When male celebrities return from their Korean mandatory military service, they often talk about the importance of being able to contact popular female celebrities. If the male celebrities want to be treated well by their superiors, an easy ticket is proof that they are close with a popular female celebrity.

    Well, on the show “Real ManMBLAQ’s Mir is currently in the military receiving similar training. It looks like he was put to the test on the broadcast of “Real Man” that broadcast on April 28. The prior week Mir had bragged that he was very close to a lot of girl group celebrities.

    Mir tried to call Kara’s Nicole, SISTAR’s Bora, and Soyu. However, nobody picked up and his superiors began to give him scrutinizing looks. Mir called Bora one more time, and he was saved because she picked up. The phone was handed to a superior who said that he was a big fan of SISTAR. Bora asked that the superiors around the phone sing one of her songs. The superiors sang “Gone Not Around Anymore.” 




    Sorry ladies I just found this in soompi somehow I have no plan to put it in spoiler so that everyone can read this article.

    I don't want to mention the name of the person who post about PJS interview in Music Town when he said that he had called some girl groups before since it was part of the army and looking at this article, I guess he was really honest in telling it and the only reason he call them is because his superiors are with him that time and I think this was a practice to all new enlist soldier and he admitted that after doing it he got a good treatment from them.

    So for some of you who doubts the sincerity of PJS to Sora, think a hundred times before you post anything here because at the end of the day things are turning in a different way from your perspective. Look on the other side first before you post anything and this article will just closed the argument of PJS Music Town interview.

    I think it was more of the initiation for new enlist soldier when they enter the army as what you can see from MIr's article not to mention he also called SISTAR member Bora.

    I don't think PJS will call Sora if ever his superiors asked since he is the type who is jealous of things especially when it comes to men. It's not allowed. I wonder if his colleagues or superior ask him about their final kiss in WGM. I bet they did..

    So for the intruders don't waste your time and energy posting things that in the end always bounce back to you.

    Have a nice day FD's and new joinees here welcome :)


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