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Posts posted by SeGafanlady

  1. Fashion King is an epic failure and I was laughing my brain's off at the end of that drama. I know Secrets is a dark mellow genre drama and a happy ending would be a miracle for us.. but I know MH will have a very deep and emotional love for YJ since she is a woman that he can't have or touch with his money and feeling (that is a soul murderer for his chaebol persona) so he will definitely grow an overwhelming obsession towards her.. that obsession, when it based on an unstoppable loving feeling (contain of a mixed feeling of care, compassion, protect, similar hurt, curiousity, wondering, anger and vendetta to DH) will be an extremely rough and curvy road full of sharp stones and dangerous intersections for him. When DH and SY join hands to attack him, things will be even more dangerous since both DH and SY are equally smart but evil. I just can't wait to watch the next 2 episodes of this heart breaking drama.. and as a mother, to lost a child is a total hell in life.. Both MH and YJ share the same unbearable pain that only they know how hurt it feels. I hope they can support each other and start over base on trust, emotional strength and most important.. LOVE.

    This drama is no bullsheeet and I really enjoy and feel no waste on every tears that I dropped...

  2. @sexydolcevita

    Yes you are right.. she's a rich woman herself that all those Hermes Birkin and Kelly that she wear in any drama.. all those mink and fox fur coats and even the ultra expensive jewelries are her own private collection! Wow must be nice to be her.. she's loaded and she loves acting and she get to meet all of our dream namja.. now that's what I call a dream life.... envy envy envy me...

  3. Kim Won won't be taken down easily by Kim Tan... eventhough they are both are legitimate children, Kim Tan's mom is not officially wedded to Kim Tan's father. And the fact that Kim Won is the older one, that alone can make a huge hierarchy winning point that advantages Kim Won. That actress who play all rich kids mother.. (Secret Garden, Goddess of Mariage etc) she must be Kim Won's mother right? The official madame of Empire Group... Whoaaa battle of the madames is always always taste like a mixed bitter sweet sour candy to me.. Bring it on!!!!

  4. OMG this is dangerous... Korean Netizens teenager age up to 25 years old will be roarring unstopably in insanity over this drama.. I can already see it.. only the imagination of how hip and over the top this drama will be.. how influence it will be over the youth.. I have a feeling it's gonna be a tidal wave of fame.. the house is full of well and perfect casted actor and actress and the formula is daebak... Heirs will reign soon!!

  5. OMG OMG I'm here uri dongsaeng ya @ohoheli @xopo17... thanks for calling me here....
    Anneyong all... I'm SeGa onnie, 35 years old and live in Holland.. from Indonesian.
    I've just finished watching the first episode live streaming... and oooh my gaaawdd I feel sorry for a bit underestimating it.. since The Master Sun sucked my soul dry, I try picking up the pieces that left to build me some power to watch Heirs.. and OMG how interesting it is.. first episode, I love Kim Tan's mom.. I wanna be her and I dream about being that kind of woman.. no matter how bitter your marriage life is, who really cares when you have a huge walk in closet the size of an apartment in Manhattan? hehehehehe.... 
    This drama screams MONEY.. you can see that their well spent high budget is shining panchak panchak in every direction. That magnificent properties.. beautiful and fabulous location, soft colored on screen that it doesn't blatantly puking lights into our overly used eyes... gorgeous people in it (I even like Kim Tan's blond surfer buddy)... everything is just in a good balance.. still.. drama is a drama no matter if it's a low budget or a high budget one.. it is still a drama and the fact that the beautiful, mega rich, smart and conceited young heiress is making me hating her just like other beeyootch in other drama.. I accepted it...
    Lee Min Ho's English has a speedy improvement and it can be much better if he has more time to learn the accent.. it will be better! 
    Happy chatting, discussing, ranting, gossiping and enjoy this interesting and glamorous drama all.... xoxoxoxo  :x
































    OMG!!!!!!!!  He got her phone records??????????  Seriously crossing the line.  If he could do that and with his state of "obsession" with JH, I won't be surprise if he fabricates cases against HW.







































































    I've always known that TW is a bit psycho... :-SS
















































    TW is so scary... I'm a married woman with 2 toddlers.. my husband has a personality like HW. Kind, warm, loving and caress... on the other hand, TW is the opposite.. cold, stiff and control freak.. that's really terrifying. I would never want to be with a man like TW and spend the rest of my precious short live with a husband like him no matter how rich he is. You can never buy love and happiness..I support JH to be with HW...









  8. skelly said: SeGafanlady said: sooyoungdaebak said: The blurry scenes seemed to make everyone confused. 
    What writer Noh wants us to see is a glimpse of Youngie's vision at that point of time.
    From the screen of her in the taxi till she meets Oh Soo, that is how clear/blurry her vision is. 
    It's not meant to be "dream" like. It's more of how much she can see. 
    She still touches things as if she's blind. But that is how she knows what is what. Touching and remembering....

  9. sooyoungdaebak said: The blurry scenes seemed to make everyone confused. 
    What writer Noh wants us to see is a glimpse of Youngie's vision at that point of time.
    From the screen of her in the taxi till she meets Oh Soo, that is how clear/blurry her vision is. 
    It's not meant to be "dream" like. It's more of how much she can see. 
    She still touches things as if she's blind. But that is how she knows what is what. Touching and remembering....

  10. thay said: For me,it's a Happy Ending..because from the sentence that OY said where she said Sec.Wang told her that he was there from 6 months ago indicate that OS is indeed alive. The blurry scene I guess only to make viewers wants to know who is the guy standing in front of OY since the last scene before the scene in the cafe is the scene where OS got stabbed by JS. And about the flower that JS and HS want to bring, we can see that in the cafe,the lamb's ear flowers are THERE. So, maybe since OS misses and loves OY so much,he always put the flower in the cafe in order to remind him of her since he's too scared that if OY meet him,she will not like him..

  11. credit to and from soul rebel...

    young goes to a place and looks around. she touches the flower petals. a hand with soo’s bracelet puts down her tea. she is told it’s herb tea. she says how nice the  weather is. he says it is. he asks you cant see – you have a walking stick. she says is it your first time seeing a blind person. he says no there was a woman I loved who was blind. she asks wasn’t it uncomfortable? he says it was never uncomfortable – it always seemed like she saw me – my entire heart. can you not see at all. she says no. and looks over at him. his face sort of comes into focus and she smiles at him. she says I can see – that you are very handsome. he smiles at her and asks when did you know. she says after my surgery wang told me. and on the way I heard the bell sound. you wouldn’t let me see your face. wang told me that you were here from 6 months ago. I waited wondering when you would talk to me. he says I didn’t have the courage. if you see me what if you don’t like me. young: no way. he asks does that mean you like me. can we meet again? she smiles and says maybe. he smiles and leans down and kisses her.

    they are standing under the cherry blossoms kissing. he pulls away and they smile at each other


    hello people, they are ALIVE. and why JS sad? well he has the right to be sad after all what he has done.

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