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Posts posted by SeGafanlady

  1. OMG OMG OMG.... why is every episode is better than the last one??? OMG I DIED on the floor!!!
    YJ is a humble girl that tends to accept what comes into her life and consider it as a life lesson.. she hardly ever complain and trying to work as hard as she can to rebuild her destroyed life. She takes every small piece of her shattered dream and the fact that she must live since she's still breathing... I hatss off her. I would probably hang my self if this happening to me.. or drink the whole 100 pills of Xanax..
    I believe she respects and put MH above her head... thankful and grateful is an understatement and she basically sold her soul to him.. to pay what MH and what she think she owe to him.. financially and psichologically... she know she can't, she couldn't and she must not interfere herself romantically with him.. not just because of SY but also because she knows humbly where her seat is.. and that is not equal to SY.. 
    Fortunately uri black stallion sajangnim already made up his mind.. even the Armagedddon won't change his decision.. his mind keep doing this inner screaming, yelling and shouting...I must do it now.. I need to do it now.. I will regret it if I don't do it now.. NOW!! AND HE GO FOR IT. The way he made her sitting diligently and has no idea what comes in a second is so brilliant I was like OMFG OMFG my husband giving me a WTH look from his sofa..hahahaha I don't care...But the second kiss is the self proclaimed I Love You YJ kiss... that kiss, if you look deeper.. is the manifestation of every hurt that he felt for her.. every secret adoring to her.. every secret praise to her, every secret passionate desire he harbors that only he knows when did it start kicking his man being at the nmost extreme way a man can handle.. his love is GREAT.. this kind of love, better DH stop hurting YJ or MH will definetely kill him..
    and YJ.. when she decided to break up with DH with her own will (returning his money and the ant head small diamond ring, she realized that there is no way DH will ever put her beside him as his other half. And she accepted that with all her heart. But little that she know that the man she sacrifice everything that she ever loved and ever had is the one who destroy her world.. one by one she found it out.. to feel that kind of pain and unberably out of this world hurt.. I am speechless to my bones.. 
    at SY's house.. all that happening to her... her sincere grateful to Sajangnim.. a sweet "Really?? thanks God" after MH said the rich madame likes her sauces and decided to be an investor.. she grab and hold his hands out of gratefulness.. the happiness and pureness that shining through her gorgeous flawless beautiful face.. Min Hyeok was under her spell without her even realize it. So amazing.. the look of love he gazes to her is so obvious that snow queen aka SY needs to drink the whole wine cellar (without even have a slight of drunk symptoms.. its either she's an alcoholic or that wine is actually a cherry juice?) and then Snow Queen goes psycho and talk to the mirror mirror on the wall who's Min Hyeok's love in this world? and she answered her self.... YJ.. MH loves YJ. Yes Snow Queen.. that's true.. go melt the snow and die please.... this Earth don't need your presence......

  2. Thank you so much to all angelic and gorgeous recappers. We are throwing a Champagne party here now.. Raise your chrystal glasses gurls.. THRING.. THRING!!!

    And thank you so much Lee Bo Young for giving permition to Ji Sung to do his job and fan service perfectly!! May you both live in love and happiness and prosperity for a loooooong time..

    PS. Sleep over might happen after that kiss but I doubt they'll do that deeds.. Not now please...

  3. SY is totally obsessed with MH. She has no control over her emotions when comes to her fixation with MH. She can get mean, ugly and obnoxious...a vengeful scornful woman. She hides behind her sophisticated, intelligent and ambitious facade. Wouldn't be surprised (as someone else mentioned) if she had something to do with the death of MH's girlfriend. Hmm...interesting! Another secret to unfold....

    And she's a painter? What kind of painter or artist is she to harbor such a terrifying personality. So arrogant, conceited and bitchiful. What does she wants to gain from cornering MH like that. Even if they end up married since MH needs and must save K Group or his father pride or other businesswise reasons.. MH will never think and consider her as a woman. He won't touch her emotional and physically.. SY is a self destructive spoiled poor little rich girl who's born with silver spoon in her mouth and used to have as many Barbie dolls as she wanted.. silly girl you just wasting your time. Nothing is worst in this life than to be with a man who not just doesn't want you and engaged with you only for business.. on the top of that, he hates you and seeing your beautiful face as an ugly witch who ride a flying broom.. my advise.. go get a normal life since beauty won't withstand time and with that kind of personality, only ugliness remains..

    In the other hand.. Yoo Jeong. She never wish.. never want.. and has no plan to seduce or making herself become MH's candy.. but her angelic personality and her shining blinding beautiful aura and inner beauty, honesty and simplicity.. that is an absolut recipe for MH to helplessly fall in love with YJ. Because YJ can never afford to be find by MH in his Chaebol Society.. instead.. he found her.

    I can't predict what happened in the last 5 episodes since the writer is so friggin' talented with twist and shocking moments. But as long as MH and YJ on the same page.. I'm happy enough..

  4. 0B7vi99DmqISVTnpyNlZqYUFzcXM
    if the kiss occure in the next episode.. this surrender kiss will be the turning point of their new found love. They have been pretty much together all this time (MH obviously stalk her 24/7 like hellooo.. TGIF is running out some beef and beer in 4 of the 44 Restaurants you own in South Korea) but it seems that his mind, body and soul are having another idea of how he live his life.. and that is attached to the woman that he can't can't can't help falling in love with.. YJ. 
    Curiosity is like a tripple expresso that a person who can't have any caffein accidentaly drink..it will make your brain works harder automatically than it supposed to be and will keep its mental machine running to find out every answer for the unexpected questions... curiosity is like a drug that euphoria-ing you in a strange way as well as giving you an indescribable satisfaction when you're able to  find out answers and your prediction or suspicion turns right. This one of the most dangerous yet adrenaline pump feeling that every human in this planet born with, curiosity is also the reason why we all love Kdrama.. curiosity is great..
    Back to MH..after find out answers and the puzzle almost complete.. it's time for what has taken place for quite a while, what actually become MH's motivation to lend his hands to help YJ, what makes him acting like he's not the MH he used to be, what makes him took every step that he made.. LOVE... it's time for love to take the lead.. love is the writer, the director and MH is the actor..Love has starting to take over and reign his being. He can't fight it, he's finally surrender to love.If they kiss in ep 12, that kiss will be the remark and the silver lining of their relationship.
    For YJ, as a woman who naturally always so graceful and grateful.. she really think she owes MH big time.. when she realize everything he has done to her.. her heart warms up and like a closed window, little by little it open up for him.. I believe she has not falling for him yet.. but out of respect, when she said "if sajangnim don't ask me to go, than I won't go" that sentence is a symbol of how she want to serve him (like...as a master) diligently as the payback of his kindness to her.. so when she just freeze there and kinda stay and wait until his lips land on hers... it's more like an obedient thingy. 
    My worst nightmare will be that DH will caught them and scream and shouting histerically (just like a drama queen he is.. yikes so disgusting) to prevent the kiss from happening..
    if that friggin' thing really happening... I will be really really pissed of like AJKGASDJKHASG*&^%#@!!@#*&#!!!!!

  5. I find it strange that although South Korea is a modern country, why is there still a class or caste system? Why are people still trapped in their medieval thinking of upper class, middle class and low class? Are they still living in the Joseon era? Some rich people only have money but have absolutely no class. Prince William married a commoner without anyone raising any eyebrows.

    Darling.. Korea is like India. Caste level has been ruling this country since their stone age. In Goryeo and Joseon era was the worst! You can buy slaves and you are a slave if your parents were ones. It is beyond craziness. I'm from Bali and we are familiar with caste as well but Korean caste is another whole different level. Chaebol family must and need to marry the same league or their social level might harm by it. All the lovey dovey true love beautiful and dreamy Cinderella stories that we're all watch in Kdramas are hardly or never happened in real life. Except if you are the most beautiful Miss Korea with a great family background and still virgin when you meet your chaebol prince. PS. chaebols are not as handsome as in the kdrama. They are old, fat and short..

  6. Man if anyone needs to die in this show, it has to be DH or his mom. And marriage? If MH and SY go through with this sham of a marriage and my OTP dies, I WILL CUT A SERIOUS B.  ~X(

    OMG me too!!! I can't stand him must sleep on the same bed with that psycho beeyootch. If it's a marriage, can MH marries YJ in secret? I mean.. isn't this drama is all about secret?

  7. marriage? oh no... hell no.. I don't want MH marries SY. Dies? DH can die but die slowly... BUT.. eventhough MH forced to marry SY, he must do that for the sake of the family and the business.. Chaebol's family rule are unbreakable and iron clad he can't avoid it if he doesn't want to list off from the family tree. Damn life of Chaebolism... twist? I stop believing in twist after traumatized by the twist in Cruel City.. 

  8. I bet on my grandma's grave that the so called Businesswise Marriage will never occure. SY can try all the wedding dress and pose with each of them and posting it in her instagram but I don't think that wedding will ever happen. Jo Min Hyuk's mind, body and soul are in Yoo Jeong mode 24/7 that when Kwang Soo whispered to him about YJ left her housing, he went ballistic and beyond panic even his father's lawyer shocked. Min Hyuk is already in the point of no return when it comes to YJ. He falls in love with her already. Love is the most powerful thing in this universe..

  9. channak said:

    YJ will not tell MH everything DH did to her i believe she will fight this battle with him alone. MH will gather evidence to make DH take the blame for YJ father or his dead gf but he will need to act fast. I liking SY verses YJ and MH as it getting near to wedding date i believe this is when all this will be revealed.

    preview for ep11 already tells us that she atleast told him about what happen to her dad

    DOnt you think she will tell him eveything then.

    I sure would in her shoes as thers no point in hiding ANYTHING any more

    OMG Jo Min Hyuk will be absolutely FURIOUS but since he's a smart man.. he'll do his vendetta in the smoothest yet deadliest way. He would probably protect YJ and keep her aside and do everything by himself. Don't wake up the sleeping Dragon..

    I would probably just hire an Italian mafioso and order them to put DH in a barrel, fill it with liquid cement and close it tightly before throwing it in the middle of the ocean between China and Korea. But Jo Min Hyuk wants DH to slowly suffer. Like an Indian Apache, skin him alive and let him bleeding to die.

  10. @janett @britchiche

    Wow @janett why I feel like I've just received a command fr a chaebol....

    :D just kidding. Cha! On with the list:-

    1. Choking Scene : I believe just becoz you're angry or upset you have no right whatsoever to hurt others. Poor YJ.

    2. Prison Visit : Forcing YJ to listen to his snide remarks about prison life. He even bribed the guard to lock the door. Bad MH.

    3. Foursome Drinking Scene : Yeah so he agreed to loan her the money for her dad surgery. Still MH has no right to force her to sit with DH & SY. He did not own her body & soul. She is a free person. YJ must have feel so awkward at that time.

    4. Stalking : Stalking is not romantic. Ever. Even if the guy claim to love you.Still creepy. He is driving her crazy with all that stalking fr him & poor KS. The scene where YJ came out fr her home & took away KS phone was very telling of how the stalking is creeping her out & driving her crazy. You feel for her.

    Bear in mind that all this is fr YJ pov. She even admit to DH after the TGIF tasting event mess that she doesn't like MH. She even stated that she hate MH.

    And for all that MH need to clear all the misunderstanding, support & protect her fr now onwards. Then it will be believable for YJ to open her

    heart & love MH. Pheww....The End for now.



    I honestly understand and accept him doing it.. imagine if your most beloved husband killed by accident and your baby was with him (also killed) I would probably bomb the entire village of the

    one who caused it without

    taking a second second thought...

    What he did is nothing compare to his pain.. on the top of that, MH had no idea about the game DH and YJ played..

  11. ok... MH late GF was preggo when she died and YJ had a child with DH.. so basically both were used to be a parent.. do you think it is too much if we wish for a steamy bed scene or at least bed frolicking like MH did with JH in episode 1? Both are grown ups adult and they share similar painful experience.. I'm hoping for more scenes with only MH and YJ since their chemistry is great and Ji Sung has a pair of really impressive eyes that can tell a different feeling in every scene. I hope YJ starts to look at him as a man in episode 11.. OMG the rest of the 6 episodes will be our nerve wrecking, mind bulging, sanity sucking and mental torching roller coster ride... fasten your seat belt girls!

  12. @cynkdf

    Chingu ya.. kamsahanmida.. OMG I can't stop crying and it's 0.55 am now and my husband snoring beside me... what a contradiction life we both have..

    The lyric sliced my heart in pieces and I honestly don't know for who this song dedicated to.. YJ? MH? Surely not SY or Doom in Hell DH right?

    This drama is my glass of red wine.. I'm so drawn in it like a non swimmer jump from her safety boat into Atlantic ocean.

    I think I die drawning.. but I don't mind at all.....

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