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Posts posted by ishogai

  1. On 1/29/2020 at 2:36 PM, cwngf said:
    n his latest instagram, he asked fans to look forward to his new drama and also support for his other projects in the months to come.


    Unfortunately, a handful of fans still leave comments at his instagram post asking for Moonlovers 2 when he has already asked for support on the new drama.

    I hope ML fans who may happen to pass by here, welcome to the JG fandom, but please refrain from asking for season 2 now when he is anticipating and preparing for a new challenge role, something he has never done before:love:

    You may continue to request for it when he is having a break before another new drama.

    He has taken a one year break to choose something that he thinks is worth waiting for.

    So let's just support Flower of Evil wholeheartedly now.

    Thank you for your understanding:kiss_wink:


    I can't agree you more, now that Joongi has a new drama, a totally different character from all he played before, fans should support him unconditionally, not asking or compare with previous dramas he was in. Every fan knows how perfect and unmatched is his acting game and that all his "guys" were played like he was indeed that man, I hope that some fans, that are in love with one or another role played before, can keep that away and support only his Beak Hee-song. I'm looking forward to see him as psychopath and collaborate again with actress Moon Chae Won. Let's do as he asked, support "The Flower of Evil"

    • Like 4
  2. On 2/24/2018 at 4:26 PM, missmaudy said:

    I am one of those who are not so active with SNS. Sorry for not much of help. I only voted with one account but I have encouraged my nieces who also love JG and more active online to vote. I believe they did a great job.


    By the way, can we list all JG fan clubs? I noticed quite few of them.

    Hajunse - Korea 

    Splendor - Japan

    JGFamily - HongKong

    ChinaLJG Fan Club


    LJGIntl - with our very own @haniiiii


    What are the fan clubs in Singapore? I do think there are more than one group. 

    I think above are more organized groups. They are more active into promo stuff but I an not sure if they organise voting activities.


    Then I also notice group which I don’t know if they are organised and active with good number of members, e.g. LJGThailand, LJGPhilippines, Turkey, Argentina, Iran, USA. 


    Who arw the LJG World Japan? Are they members of Splendor?


    Please free to continue the list.




    Dear, I see some mistake here, JGfamily is not related to one country or another, are admins from various countries, it's a global page. 

    • Like 4

    1 hour ago, missmaudy said:



    @ishogai Yah you are right. Let's not ruin the mood.By the way dear, JG is not stubborn with his choices IMO. I do think he listens to suggestions but at the end of the day he makes decision based on what he thinks is good for him and his career. Yes no fans is bigger than anyone which  basically what I said but I don't think all fans think that way though. My impression is, some think they are more privilege. Sorry I don't agree that long time fans have better understanding of the situation because of their experiences. Sorry Dear I don't agree on that but that is just me. But if you say that they have better knowledge of finding JG because of their experiences .... that one I agree.About CM, I am enjoying the drama from the start and ep 1 is my favourite episode. I am not much of a drama critic so I appreciate the drama as it is. I have watched the original CM but skipped many episodes.  Surprisingly the episodes which were picked up in CMKr were the ones I have watched except the Naduel story. I love and enjoy watching CM in kdrama. I love the Naduel story too and was not able to predict the killer on that one. It's getting more interesting...


    ha ha ha, of course he listen others, but always do as he think best, which means is stubborn :D but always took responsibility for decision, good or bad. Hope fans can learn from him some precious lessons... Each of us can have own opinion abt him and his way of working, living...and from time to time some of us are right, some of us are wrong, but good thing is that he is same always and will stay same JG and he treat his fans with equal love, respect and gratitude.

    Anyway, abt CM...i always agree and enjoy what he chose, but some parts i like more than others, in all dramas. Can't say i am fan of original CM...i skipped seasons, not episodes :D but i won't skip any episode of kr version ...and, yes, i like ep 1 too 

    • Like 2

    3 minutes ago, haniiiii said:


    @LadyOne I had the pleasure to see him this June at Criminal Minds drama shooting in Cheongju. (the car chasing from the first criminal case was shot when I was there ♥). I shared my story with LJG Interational Fanclub after that, maybe you have read it? That Czech happy girl was me. If you haven't read it, I will tell you with pleasure haha :D:D 

    Lucky girl, congratulations, happy for you <3

    • Like 3

    1 hour ago, missmaudy said:


    To the Mods: sorry one last comment about this. I was wondering why I find someone hostile towards my post and feel the need to say something. About the "real cause"? Ohh How would I know that? And whatever it is I don't care at all. :)     But for fans getting blamed at? Do I find it surprising? Big NO!  hmm Do I find it fair for fans getting blamed at? Big NO! Just because of few fans, the whole fandom is getting blamed at. But fair or not you got to suck it up. hmmm  Do I feel bad and get defensive for being blamed? Big NO! I am only responsible for my actions. hmmm And do I feel bad because some fans are obnoxious towards my post? H*ll NO!  

    Just a thought, new or old fans are equal. Some fans had the opportunity to shake hands, got to meet him, gone to the fan meet or organised many events for JG. Whilst I am highly amazed and appreciative of their  efforts, I don't think they are more entitled than other fans and definitely that do not make them entitled to intervene with JGs career much less his private life. :)  


    @missmaudy No fan is bigger or more important than another fan, just that old fans may have more info abt him and his way of doing things, so they can understand situation better based on those experiences, that's all.

    50 minutes ago, JGiGrande said:



    There's someone who used to question and attack my posts first whenever I began to share my opinions on the thread, without tagging my user id. So I've to reply her questioning (previously: she eagerly wants my reply so she questioned me why I talked about "fans blaming him" although I didn't name them his fans; just used "those").

    My replies weren't bashing her too to be taken as hostile. So who's coward to who but playing victim?


    Dears, I think this is useless, seems like a fight between opinions and i don't see who need such. None here is attacking none, right? Only share opinions and must take it as it, opinion. That matter, fans blamed for things...ALL FANS...is just a thing made especially to create tensions in fandom. Maybe don't know, but at first article was abt "some fans"...later was edited to refer to all fans, to be more precise...all overseas fans. Which is a gross exaggeration, not long before that article was reported in media huge support of overseas fans.

    As for idea that fans can interfere and have power to influence in a way his decisions, in professional or personal life, is an illusion, as someone mentioned here before, he is stubborn, knows what he wants and do exactly that, nothing can change his mind once decision is made. 

    So...don't let this ruin mood, we better enjoy his drama, for me episode 14 finally gave him chance to show more of his acting skills and i enjoyed more than other episodes. What abt you?

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    Many of new fans didn't had chance to know...yet... :) much about JG and many that speak don't know him also and speak only for sake of giving opinions, but dears, he is a very intelligent person, down to earth, not a funny playing kid as we can see in bts videos. I am sure that everything he did, he did it planning exactly what we saw. It's clear that he always used ig to communicate with fans and the way he decided to clean list show what he wanted to say, i am sure is not a coincidence that he followed a precisely group, followed that people we know he likes.  And he had his reasons, for sure. Those that followed story, saw what people from 1st block have done and in my opinion the article that blamed his fans...was the trigger, last drop in his glass of patience. He is a very responsible person, many times he took blame for quilt was not his, then why he didn't protected his gf? Fear of angry fans? JG? The one that doesn't fear risking his life when shooting dangerous action scenes? I won't believe such.




    Make me sad to read how some "fans" doubt his love and sincerity towards his fans and i was more than sad, i was mad to read how he was blamed for cheating fans, many did so after 4.4...so far away from truth and wrong! I saw him, i saw how careful he is with his fans, i witnessed how he protected a fan to not be hit by a car, i saw him working 10 full hours, no break, checking everything...in cold weather, yet...he still found strength to smile and sign for fans...i saw parents of a young fan becoming his fans after saw how kind and humble person he is. The most shocking thing for me was when he treated fans like ...neighbor, like old friends. I saw him leaving stage, after FM...with heavy heart that must leave, but really happy that could share moments with fans and create precious memories. This is JG, this is true JG and no matter what others can say...i wont doubt him, because i trust what i saw. 



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  7. I don't come often here, but this doesn't mean i am away from matters related to JG. I read all latest post and can't stop wondering why people spend so much time in asking why he is doing this, why follow or unfollow some people, people related to his professional life mostly. The reason he unfollowed everyone is simple, he did it so this way none will make "news" and will pair him with x or y actress, he simply want privacy. The moment he liked or commented under someone's post ...many created already speculations, that he did this or that because this or that. He won't delete account as many feared, i know him for long, i am fan since 2009, and i know how much he love to communicate with fans, but if he will be less active and use ig only to promote work...is fans fault. I guess he is tired to be dragged in many post that are ridiculous. Let's respect his privacy, his right to interact with people they way he want, only thing fans should do is support him and let him do whatever he thinks is best for him in his private life.

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  8.  If we don't speak up, Joon Gi won't know how we feel abt this matter ever! And already lot of fans leaved his family bcz of unfair treatment.
    JGCompany wasn't a big company, they couldn't also speak too much in english, but they replied to our messages, made available for us same goods, videos,  as for home, japanese or chinese fans. In 2010 they sold "Good&Bye, Boy" photobook in 4 languages! Korean, japanese, chinese and english! Now, since he is with IMX, no news, no notice in official site in english, for us...if kind fans would not translate, we won't know what is going on.
    We know Joon Gi can't set a FM in all countries that we are from, but all we want it's that all fans be treated fair, equal.

  9. Long time no visited here...
    Abt joining new agency or stay with IMX...i think by now all we have are just rumors and hopes, based on our experiences as fans, suppositions. As non-korean, japanese, chinese fan, all i want it's more actor work for him, as @patoi mentioned, it's not easy for me to go meet him in any of these countries, so i don't care much abt his FM tickets, but i would like that i could buy myself his goods, that not only that are extremely expensive for us, overseas (shipping fee almost double the price), but if no friend from Korea, Japan helps we cannot afford to buy, no matter how much we want have those goods!
    I hope he quit IMX ...bcz even if i can't join FM, many other overseas can afford price or have time to go, but i don't like read in interpark links that we, overseas,  are not even allowed buy tickets and even if manage buy, won't be allowed enter!
    No matter what new agency he join, hope will work better for him. More dramas, more movies and less FM and albums it's what i want.

  10. daegorr said:

    ...Iljimae was the first Korean drama I liked. So if not for Lee Joongi...1. I wouldn't have become a fan of Korean drama and Kpop2. I wouldn't have learnt the Korean language3. I wouldn't have had the chance to visit Korea and gain the many invaluable experiences I have today4. my circle of friends today will be very different (I got to know many new friends through my korean classes in school)5. I wouldn't be here talking to you in this thread (haha!)

    I also like the fact that he is willing to admit to his past mistakes and correct behaviour, showing that it is never too late to make a change for the better. So he is a good role model in this sense, and he also proves that celebrities are not infallible beings. 

    In summary, (this sounds rather far-fetched though) Lee Joongi changed my life and has been an inspiration to me somewhat.

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