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    WELL I LIKE THE KISS!I think our captain was  jealous when he saw them together,you know the runing scene...And tomorrow Han Dajin seems to ignore the captain  and he doesn't look happy...more Jealousy i think!it gone be so interesting !
















































































































































































































































    could somebody translate the preview?! please !OMG i think cap K saw the kiss!
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    can't belive it!so the first kiss between DaJin and DongSoo!Poor  CapK!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    as i said before in my opinion the captain has a contribution in the her mother death  but it is more on the stewardess, because of her negligence the passenger asked for help but she ignore her for a guy she knew that she is pregnant she should have lend her helping hand!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    if i reallly have to pick...then i must pick the captain too! the only man strong enough in this drama to deal with her is Kim Yoon  Song.But i  love KDS too!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Kim Yoon Song and Han Da Jin, are  opposites so in the end they'll  attract.! Only a  strong man can handle and deal with such a  woman. Nothing  will turn Han Da Jin around from being a great pilot  and  the only man strong enough in this drama to deal with that is Kim Yoon  Song. Once he  confess his part in the drama that led to the death of  her mother, maybe  they will work it out. I  really want to beleve it will be this way! But what can i do?I love KDS too!So i'm 50% with the captain  and 50%KDS!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Watched epi 7&8. This drama is really good. My friend from Korea said, PCAP has a lot of viewers too. Unfortunately, more people prefers to watch the MBC's TMETS on the sheduled time & ends up watching the PCAP drama on a taped version instead. So I guess, that's why the ratings has not gone up higher. In order for PCAP to have higher ratings, people have to watch it on the scheduled time slot. So does that mean PCAP's ratings will never go up higher?





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Anyway, I try not to think about the ratings but sometimes it feels good to know that a lot of people loves the drama too. Like a reward.  :)






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I can't wait for the next. Does anybody knows how many episodes PCAP have?  :wub:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    20 ep. ....
















































































































































































































































































    This week episodes were not so good for me because it was to much of Captain YS and DJ. I really want Captain YS to get back together with Manager JW because its really clear the two of them still have a lot of feelings for each other. The feelings that Captain YS has towards DJ is guilt, at least is what i saw until now. Also i'm getting a little annoyed about DJ constantly butting herself in other people business XD
































































































































    In the end i want the couples to be DJ & DS and Captain YS & Manager JW. Of course this is probably not going to happen but at least i can see as a possibility































































































































































































































































     First he needs to resolve his feelings for  these 3 women!DS is so nice!but i like the captain too!until now it seems that he only feels guilt for her!they both are so strong...i think it will be dificult for them to be together!fighting and fighting!she also need peace ,stabilty and all that she can find  in DS!
































































































































































    Even though I can't  understand all the words spoken , this one man needs to resolve his feelings for these three women and soon!Okay, the both past women want him back and the new love is just starting to fall. But where is his heart?





















    ji jin hee is extremely handsome in this drama.  every scene where they show cap. kys sad, i cried.  ji jin hee does a great job in captivating his emotions.  i can't wait for more of the drama to unfold.
























    yes is true he is a great actor!i think he still has feeling for MISS CHOI!and she still loves him....it was so obvious today!another woman who is inlove is his step sister!even if i don't know the language i think she was angry with Dajin....3 women and one choice!Poor captain!




































































    It gone be  so hard for them! Poor Dajin it seems that  attendant Choi still loves him....She has bad luck, that  woman mistakes killed her mother and now she'll be an  major obstascle between captain and Dajin!Thank God for KDS!I just love him !He loves her and only her!The way he treats her...she is the most important for him!

















    I'm really enjoying this drama! It's really different from the ones that I usually watch and I love it. I have to admit though, and I think I am in the minority here.. I am actually rooting for the Captain and DJ. I'm hoping this next episode is a good one for them. Though I wouldn't mind DS either, he is so cute and very caring! Less than 24 hours till a new episode! Can't wait!! :) 
















































    Yes he is so handsome and strong!They both share the sky!She is just like him 7 years ago! But I belive it will be difficult for her to trust him when she'll find the truth ,maybe she'll think he was with her becouse of guilt and not for love!And we must not forget there 3 women in our captain life!
















































































    @saranghaeshinee : hi dear , same with me too. I more love Da Jin & Dong Sun end up together than with Yoon Sung, i don't know maybe becoz it hard when the man that we love was behind of my mother death and the sickness of my little sister and in reality it so nonsence.. Dong Su is trully love Da jin so much, he always beside her when she got a trouble, i love the ways Dong Sun erase da jin tears with his tumbs and he clen da jin's ID card when it throw by yoon sung at the carbage.






































































































































































































    i also love the jealousy of dong sun when it come to da jin-yoon sung... i really want the ending of this drama is different from any K-drama that lead female always end-up with lead male, please please i want Dong-Jin couple more ^^













































































































































































































































































    can not wait for wednesday & thursday.... PLEASE CAPTAIN HWAITING ^^  :wub:
































































    Maybe after she learn the truthDa Jin & Dong Sun end up together!This story is about a love triangle!As i said before i belive that IS  the flight attendant realy  fault for what happened to her mom. The pilot, well you see that was an accident. for the flight attendant it was  negllingence!































































































    I REALY think that if the attendant had just spoke up when she first noticed the mom's  condition, they might have been able to stop at that other airport to  get medical attention sooner that probably could have saved the mom's  life. That's why she blames the attendant more than the captain.  And as a captain herself, she probably can understand unexpected things may happen.Until now she said nothing about her father copilot!Not a word!
























































































    Kang's concern on Dajin is so heartwarming ,you're so right myonenonly!Ijust love him!the captain feels guilty that why he helped her!he wants to take care of her!of course he 'll soon fel inlove with  her too...i just pitty Dajin  when she 'll know the truth about his mistake and that him and Choi were inlove 7 years ago...she trusts and admire the captain so much and  i think she already likes him ...
















































    in my opinion the captain has a contribution in the her mother death  but it is more on the stewardess because of her negligence the passenger asked for help but she ignore her for a guy she knew that she is pregnant she should have lend her helping hand it's good ... they should  have fired her for not doing her job well or negligence of duty....  how much more DAJIN can  take?I also love KDS father and that crazy aunt....i think we have another triangle:KDS father+  crazy aunt+DAJIN's father friend





















    I love that scene when KD went to the loansharks place carrying with him 2 luggages of money to pay for DJ aunts loan maybe but then YS was there first and had paid for it already..he was so funny he was bragging to the loansharks but when he opened the luggage they were all coins in plastic bag so he was sent away by the loansharks..he is so cute everytime he enters the scene no matter how sad it is he really cracks me up..i can't help my self laughing even if i am still crying from the previous scene.. :wub:
































































































































    yes i was  laughing too!and after  he and the captain gets drunk!i don't speak the language but i think  the captain  asks him if he likes her and wished him to be happy with her!poor captain i don't think he realised that he loves her yet...or maybe he thinks he don't deserves  her!

































    i hope that they will cut the part where the lead actress is so immature that it affects her role as a pilot.. it's just dumb to have a lead who is so immature and taking personal feelings to work.. we all know that being a pilot your passengers' lives are in your hands.. they can take their differences outside work.. please writers don't make this a soap that started good and ends bad...
















































































































































    yes you're right!she is not imature !she always feels guilty for her sister beeing ill...poor girl now she must be mother and father!she is so alone!

















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