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Posts posted by teileen2

  1. Howdy Folks....OH SJS shi is into another new drama.....we are so excited !!! Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

    He'll be out soon!! 6 weeks...aigooooo it's been so long!

    Some pics to share... may have been posted here before....no harm to repost right for our viewing pleasure?? heh heh



    Above credits to members of jisubaddicts.com (sorry can't remember specifically who!)

    Hmmmm whom would I like to play his older bro? Kim Myung Min or Park Shin Yang (what to do those are my other top favourite actors!!) But I don't think so as KMM just finished the fab White Tower and he is reportedly pretty exhausted and PSY will be filming another drama at that time..... so how about Sung Il-Guk, Lee Seo Jin.....OK OK OK those who know me also knows I love these two other guys to infinity and back.... Jang Dong Gun himself is good for me too *winks*

    As for the lady.... I always like Kim Ok Bin.... or even that lady who played the lead in More Beautiful than a Flower and also in Lawyers and Love & Ambition....her name eludes me at the moment ... will google later... Lee Da Hee would work for me too! .....ah but if ever they bring back Im Su Jong of MISA fame too, I would HUG and KISS the PDs & Writers like mad!

    Cheers, E

  2. Aidahlr said

    Okay , so there'll be three queues?

    the "Buyoung" - we have dramaok, suejinners ; the "Yesoya" - erica1064 ; and the "Soseono"

    You gals are such a hoot! Buyoung, Yesoya and Soseono wanna bes, small feet and mountain salt and all.....*coughs* well I wanna be / *cough* am - Miss A (newly reported GF of SIG) !!! So gals just go right ahead with your queues while I'll like leap ahead and be the true to life real love of his life .... heh heh :ph34r: :blush: :rolleyes:

    I'm really happy for him, he's 35 years already, about time he ties the knot with hopefully someone that would make him fulfilled, happy and a papa in the near future.... I so liked to see him with his young YURI in JUMONG, those were not in the JUMONG scenes, off screen and they made such a fetching picture!

    Did someone say fantasize about SIG shi.... well, it would be a safe bet to say, those on this thread would have done it numerous times already *countable* and *infinity nos.* ! Oh Oh Oh, I have it on the highest Authority, Psssttttt that this particular thread has a special sensor! NON SIG fans are automatically booted out upon clicking the link to this thread!!! * DON'T TELL ANYONE NOW YOU GUYS!!!! * TOP SECRET !!! *Slaps on Head* I'm getting bizarre now!!

    Gals, bring on your SIG drooling gushes, info, pics (small or big feet accepted!)...Mani Kumawo!

    *rides out, in the likes of Seosono on a mighty horse and full war gear* ...now where did I put my head band strip???!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    episodes.....this is an amazing wonderful fantastic drama, one of the best of all time from what I've read and seen..from other forums...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The version sold is just 33 Episodes, how can hoh....slashing 71 Episodes just doesn't make sense....fake childhood etc. but taking away 71 Episodes???? My goodness!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Jahye said:

    Sometimes I wonder why actors take part in certain dramas.

    Like Cha In Pyo in here has a minor role relative to the entire drama.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Did he do a director or writer a favor? Or did he just really want to be a part of this drama, he took even a small role.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    I love that this drama doesn't concern itself or take away too much time on romances.

    It actually focuses on real storylines, about people and their true characters instead of silly lovelines.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    BUT I would curtail that hope/wish for it would degrade/ somehow be so not right and would somewhat spoil the whole theme and feeling of the story....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Thanks for the new pics, info. and updates everyone....a great drama that is unfolding...too bad it does not have Eye Candies to the likes of Kwon Sang Woo or something or surely then the pressure of having it subbed would be no pressure at all and would just be a foregone conclusion......*opps, I'm not sure whether I've rant on this earlier! Bear with me folks, I'm really quite frustrated!* and having it's rights bought by our Malaysian TV would be quite slim, they tend to go for the appeal to the masses type....which includes A LOVE to Kill by RAIN....I LOVE Rain, even been to his recent concert here in M'sia, his acting in ALTK was an eye opener for me - this guy can act but the story...Lordy, aint something to rave about! Opps, off topic....*sobs* ....so it would probably be Yesasia then later...aiyo USD prices...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Cheers, E
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Thanks Dramaok *Winks*

    YJ: jinjoo must know too.. that you did everything you could for her, and you hurt w/ her... all that.

    YJ: i wish there were another person like you, doctor.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    choi: ---
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    YJ: because it's nice to have someone who can hurt with you.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    choi: ---































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    .....that last sentence was beautifully said...Oh...I so wished prior to this being filmed that Dr Choi would be single...AIYAH !
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    To your query dear Dramaok, Shirley has replied ...cruel you said Shirley? ...For me I didn't take it that way, being doctors, they all knew it was a lost cause...and Dr Jang for everything that he was, in the end, everyone actually cared what happens to him, they must have deliberated in their decision ....also I think on top of no one could bring themselves to tell him..I'm thinking they too wanted to imagine it differently/close it off in their minds...for they would be losing a great man - husband, friend, colleague, "TOU TAI"/student...for he is a great man, not a perfect one by any means but a great one.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Thanks Shirley...oh, no hermit dr this time round, I LOVE that guy, he is the HARABOJI in THE HOST, he is one of my top favourite HARABOJIs in K-Entertainment together with the other HARABOJI of Sweet 18 drama. So many Fantastic Harabojis and Grandmas(forgot how to call in Korean!)...I think there is not one that I didn't enjoy their portrayals!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I so like all the camaraderie scenes between Dr Jang & Dr Choi...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Cheers, E

































































































































































































































































  9. Thanks for the pics. Suejinners....the guy Na-ul looks different? Same guy? Anyway, the artwork are awesome!

    Creidesca, yeah BSGS, one of my favourite dramas of all time...had to watch it Mandarin Dubbed as no subs in Eng! LOL, and my Mandarin is pretty bad! ha!ha!

    First saw her in 1% of Something/Everything? Truth be told, I prefered her story with the cousin of the lead then the main leads! She was the "sister" doctor. Many a times I kept FF or looking forward to her LOMANTIC development in the drama!

    Second time with JUMONG...yeah she has this understated elegance in her, that is so feminine and yet can be comanding! KUDOS to HHJ, beautiful lady with substance!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hi TheProfessor! My apologies, I just saw your question on whether the K Version coming to be as good as the J Version! Well, I would not be in a very good position to answer that as I've yet to watch any episode of the K Version Aigooooo! No subs lah. BUT I might just go TURKEY and watch it as it is (in Korean) and let 99.9 of the conversation fly pass me and rely on the brilliant acting of the cast and work of the PD, crew to relay the drama to me AND rely on this thread's ardent fans pics/notes/trans to bring me through!!! Any wild chance you are Korean and can do fab and fast translations on the spot and so helpless people like me can lap up the true essence of the drama right with everyone else on cue?!!!! We had one such person on the LOVERS thread, her name is Soonjap...so those not in sync with the current showing in Korea could really follow the drama so up-to-dately! And there as AUSSIE who gave summary right after each episode! Over here, thank god we have Dramaok, Shirley, Jahye and Bellaangel etc......BUT READING AND SEEING CLIPS AND PICS. posted by many here, the Korean version does seem doing VERY well...*CHUTHA*!

    ya it does plays up the competition between dr jang and dr noh.~ more stronger then in jversion .^ .but it sort of also downplay the mistress of dr jang role in here ...but the wife now sort of met the mistress in the pub .. but i dun think she realise her husband is having an affair yet

    the professor you asked .is it the hermit professor who come out of his lab for the voting meeting ? ^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Ya Shirley, that hermit professor, he came out in the picture yet? Heyyyyyyy they played down the mistress? I MUST SAY I AM EXTREMELY HAPPY ON THIS FRONT! OK, I am the type want my man KMM / Dr Jang to be good husband type lah, typical hoh, ka!ka!....But in the J version, the mistress sure was ONE to watch, I almost admired her....she wasn't malicious, evil, baddie wanton - she was ambitious for her man, daring, and she connived with him to her best of her capabilities (which was plenty as she was a really clever lady) support him in his quest for Top Surgeon Professorhood in the hospital. In the J version as well, if I remember correctly, the two ladies did not hate each other nor was there any heated rivalry between them eventhough they knew of each others existence, like they tolerated one another and it was as though in Japan, having one's husband having a mistress seemed.?!?..normal.?!?..(that's what I recollected...aiyoo been a while, hope I didn't get that wrong!)......I somehow hope the Korean Version would have the wife play the bigger part and he ditches the mistress somewhatly in the end?? Cliche? Aiya, bring on Cliche for me in this respect, I sure don't mind!! ha!ha!

    P/S Shirly - Mama Mia, I LOVEEEEEEEEE the latest pic you posted of KMM! *PALI CLICKS & SAVES* Thanks!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hi Dramaok...DITTO on what you said:

    yes dr. jang and dr. choi are opposites in many ways, as they see the world so differenty, but in the same vein they flush out each other's self-understanding and imperfections as well.

    i think dr. jang said that to dr. choi as an insult... as much as a passionate commitment.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Loved esp. what you said on Dr Jang said it as much as an insult and a passionate commitment...mayhap also a pledge or vow eh?...yeah Dr Jang's one magnificient ambitious guy that tries to submerge/bury his conscience...with alarming rate of success so far, aiya!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    No wonder, I didn't click the *enable email notification of replies box* so was not informed when you gals wrote something....talk soon, Cheers, E
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Thanks again dear Dramaok for the so needed posts with scripts translated and pictures...and the blinking eyes of KMM aka Dr Jang was so cute ha!ha!
































































































































































































































































    If I'm not mistaken this Korean version plays up the rivalry between Dr Jang and Dr Noh more prominently whereas the japanese version, it was not that so? But from what I've read from you guys, this rivalry is playing it up quite nicely...wah...chingu has downloaded the drama..but both of us can't understand a twit of Korean, no subs and all...but she sms me and was drooling on Kim Myung Min's voice!!! *Swoons in bimboticness* aiggooo!
































































































































































































































































    Think I just might embark watching it as it is and just follow you guys here to try and digest what actually went on - so let all them words FLYYYYY pass first and let the actions speak to ME (it's the only thing I have sobs! aigoo)
































































































































































































































































    I know I am bad, but in the japanese version, I liked Dr Choi's actor there too...and I couldn't help myself hoping for the love romance between them to bloosom with the same Dr Lee's daughter...yeah I'm one of the masses so LOMANTIC inclined...but I so valued his wife's bonding with him (Dr Choi, japanese version)...so I can guess and feel how dear Dr Choi must be like....so steady, so trustworthy, so true, no hidden agendas, pure true friendship.....with Dr Jang....
































































































































































































































































    I was also quite surprised at myself that I could enjoy a drama focus on the goings-on in a top hospital and the MEN in them, especially the bond between the 2 doctors, Dr Jang & Dr Choi's nemesis in the japanese version....and keeping LOMANTICness in check with little lovey dovey stuff....I was also cheering for Dr Choi's character all the way....BUT here in the K version....Dr Jang's character shows so much more depth when played by KMM (OK so I'm biased being KMM's ardent fan! I admit!!!)...but folks that seen both version, tell me if I'm wrong....the scenes you guys said when he called his mother...his still "good" side that emerges - that raw emotion shown - his inert great desire to "MAKE IT" in his new world, to be the best of the best because of where he came from....just tore me...dang it, just by reading and seeing pics. I can imagine aigooo, if truly watching...yeah, would have to have bucket for me tears beside me......when thier japanese nemesis for Dr Jang did it in the K version, yes, I was moved....but not to the same degree and by goodness, I actually SAW it acted out....SO THERE KMM shi, you are awesome!
































































































































































































































































    I wonder who will play (or already in the picture?) the reclusive doctor who would be the *judge* to the later "trial" he was that thin white haired man in the J version who was ever so respected by EVERYONE in the hospital....
































































































































































































































































    Oh below, one of my fav. dialogues from Dramaok's trans:

    jang: sorry about yesterday.. infront of the child..

    choi: i explained it to her understanding..
































































































































































































































































    jang: and i won't ask that kind of help from you again. i'll accomplish this myself.
































































































































































































































































    choi: i hope it goes well.. i mean it.
































































































































































































































































    jang: if the day comes when you're about to be chief perhaps i will, as the chief of surgery be in the position to vote.. and then.. i will throw my vote at you without fear of death.. for a friend like you.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ....without fear or death..for a friend like you.....I believe to Dr Jang...Dr Choi's not just his one true friend but also his outlet of being his true self...and not worry of being judged or not...he can relax and be himself - all his *good* and *bad* combined.
































































































































































































































































    Cheers, E
































































































































































































    Shirley....I clicked and watched the scene were KMM aka Dr Jang was "forced" to sing...I just couldn't help feeling so sad and embarrassed for him...he has to stoop to that level in his quest to climb the "ladder". Look at his face, is Kim Myung Min brilliant or what...it had a shade of embarrassed pride and the eyes had shades of desparateness + sadness + thick skinness + stress + determination...they were sorta clowning with him, sorta testing how far they can "use" or "manuever" him and he took it all in, swallowed it all in his quest to climb the hierachy of the Medical word, this this case, his renown hospital.....
































    Wished I could actually watch it like you guys...anyway, I'm in for the ride here.
































    Dramaok - Me also...i had high hopes that at least one of them (Dr Choi/Dr Jang)was not married in the K version...sighs...ka!ka!...aigoooo can't help myself, love to have some LOVE entanglements.....it has my fav KMM wo! *wails* ! *OK* that's done....onward with a great drama!
































    So busy and still come here, I'm such a lost case....KMM all your fault!

















  13. Some Lee Seo Jin fan I am eh? Claim to love him and adore him but never posted on this thread before...actually I'm also big on Park Shin Yang but also yet to post on his thread!

    BUT *WAVES TO AUSSIE, RIPGIRL, RUBBER_DUCKY, RAINIE, SUZ07, ASIANDREAMER* whom I see at the last page or so on this thread! LOVERS Rock! First thread I was ever active in here on Soompi!

    Take good care folks and see you all around...!

    Cheers, E
































































































































































































































































    Kim Myung Min - the guy that captured my heart in More Beautiful Than A Flower...what a drama!
































































































































    Hi Shirley!....simply couldn't resist coming on this thread..I knew this was coming on, just didn't know when....Dahee dear, so happy to see you here! Bellaangel! Good to see you here too! And that is Dramaok from the JUMONG land correct? Your notes on the JUMONG thread is so appreciated by all there!
































































































































    Now that my Naueri Lee Seo Jin's drama LOVERS is over...EDIT!!!! Boinking in order!!..I sure hope With S2 will take subbing of this drama up, well I will definitely pray, hope and have all my fingers and toes crossed!
































































































































    I thought the Japanese version of White Tower was simply Amazing, Solid and impressive from the start till the very end....think it would also help me to understand the what's happeing in the drama easier when reading inputs from you guys. It is a rather complicated superbly crafted story and if not for reading Il Mare's review of it by accident, I would have not gotten into it. Now with the Korean version has Kim Myung Min *coughs* *coughs*...I have no doubt we are in for a humongous treat!!!
































































































































    Wonder the Korean version had retained the very captivating scene of the MORNING ROLL CALL..ward visit...from the Japanese version.all the jing jang team of Doctors/Surgeons of all ranks striding into each ward following the head huncho Chief...I found it totally awesome!! ...it so drove the momentum of the drama!!
































































































































    *See you all*
































































































































    Cheers, E

































































  15. Hi Seirin,

    Your name have come up so many times whenever Thunder post JUNKI memorabillias! So just wanted to say many thanks for everything that you do for JUNKI shi.

    Just read your latest trans...so funny the emcee on the part "Second part of interview, MC introduce JK and LSY and says "You're very pretty". LSY says "Thank you". MC says "No, I was referring to Junki". LSY hits the MC ^^;" ........I was laughing lots and could just imagine it! :lol::lol::lol:

    Lee Jun Ki shi is such a wonderful gift of FRESH AIR of a beautiful day to the world, AJA :excl:

    Cheers, E

  16. FINALLY, FINALLYYYYY I CAN POST AT SOOMPI !!! And my very first post is for LEE JUN KI!!! Thunder! Make sure you clap for me, for the longest time I was wondering how come I cannot post then only I saw got this revalidation segment. I waiting and waiting for Soompi to validate me and they never did and only after I hit this button...VOILA !!! So I am here!!!

    Wendy !!!!!!!! Only now I am making good my promise to post the pictures taken when we saw The King and The Clown together in Singapore in June here! So sorry! Thanks for the wonderful hospitality and care you gave my friends, my sister and myself! Yup we were there for a PSY gathering but couldn't help but be JUKIFIED - tribute to good ol' Thunder who has this incessant talent to JUNKIFY us at jisubaddicts.com!


    Then on 25th June (Sunday), we went for the super blockbuster Korean Movie of “The King and The Clown” at the Lido Theatre at Scotts Road! It just opened in Singapore and it was specially lobbied to be brought in by Lee Joon Ki’s adoring fans! Wendy from The Lee Joon Ki Soompiers organized for Korean Series/Movies fans to meet and enjoy the movie together and 53 of us turned up!



    Dear Lynette who couldn’t join our gathering the day before, joined us for the movie, together with a friend of hers from her Korean language class (yes! She is learning Korean!). Li Peng also joined us (Thanks for sharing your JUMBO popcorn with us!!!) So happy to see Lynnette again, such a energetic entrepreneurial personality and always with a ready smile and warmth for everyone! We took pictures together (with Soompiers), each was given a poster too! We met fans from Bae Yong Joon’s club and Kwon Sang Woo’s club? I’m not sure but all in all it was such a Fantastic Movie – and folks, this is a must see, so please don’t miss this…I believe we should support all Korean Movies that we can to ensure it’s popularity in our region…….and ensure the Hallyu wave is strong and alive!

    (Wendy is in the picture...........Wendy, zap me if you think any pics the girls would want taken out ok??)



    (In the Cinema with Soompiers, some Lee Joon Ki fans, others from Bae Yong Joon etc. and of cause a few from Park Shin Yang’s ardent fans lahhhh!)



    I am somewhat JUNKIFIED - OK I am fully Junkified but Grade B+ lah, not like you guys here! I'm kinda Kiasu - so bet I'll be grade A Junkified SOON! :rolleyes::huh::P

    Cheers to Everyone! E

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