Jump to content


Friends of Soompi
  • Posts

  • Joined

  • Last visited

Posts posted by aidaladida
















































































































































    Thanks skyeler and kori65!
















































































































    Soobin- "nappun kichebe!". She's one hell of a psycho - just as well she's showing her true colours now! Can't wait for Hose to go into full gear and fight for Saebyuk!

































    If I remember correctly, even the bootleg version with English subs don't sub the songs.

    Hi Aida Ladida
















































































































    The sets sold at Poh Kim (both versions) are only with Chinese Subs. I checked with Poh Kim and they say that the English-subbed version will be released in a few months' time.
















































































































    Just for info.
















































































































    His role in "The Bow" was rather short. Caught it a few times on Starhub (Ch61?)
















































































































    His role in "Time" is even shorter - just one scene in a cafe.
















































































































    The only work of his that I haven't caught is in k-drama "Ireland".
















































































































    BTW, did anyone record Episode 28 & 38 from Channel U? I am looking for non-PC recordings. I forgot to record Ep 38 and Ep 28 strangely was on Mono-Audio with Mandarin Audio track on that day . . . grrrrrrrrr































































































































































































































    Thanks for the info on his other works - I have yet to watch Ireland, I stopped at epi 2 eons ago. Will try watching again. I guess Suh Ji-suk is not that popular in Korea huh?
















































































































    faythe I totally agree with you. He was stoic once he made up his mind on Gukhwa, and that makes him almost a perfect hero!

















































































    Wow...... esp.160~ then can see they got married? :rolleyes:

    I'm now only at esp 87....long way to go mannn........ :huh:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Too bad the DVDs didn't come with english subtitles , only mandarin subtitles~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    But its very clear~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I thought their marriage, it should be in the end espisode...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    So you mean there's more topics about them after their marriage in this drama?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I really like this couple..... they are so cuteeeeeeeeeeeee!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I'm also one of them, impressed by Suh Ji-suk's acting
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    So are you his fans?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Haha~~ he is tall and charming indeed~ :D































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Its basically how Gukhwa adapts to Yunhu's family - or rather his "painful" mum; and of course lovey-dovey moments between the newly-wedded couple.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Yes, you can count me as a fan of Suh Ji-suk. Planning to watch the movie "The Bow" which he acted in.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    About the DVD - I thought so, the Mandarin subs that is. Thanks!

































































































































    By the way, I'm also hooked by the couples, especially Yoon Hoo & Gu-Hwa~

    I couldn't wait to watch on TV so I bought the DVDs last week
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I just completed until esp.82... still long way to go.....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I wonder which esp show they got married? Can you tell me?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I will try to skip to Yoon Hoo and Gu-hwa part....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    My main purpose is to watch whether how they got together....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Actually you can purchase the DVDs from any DVDs outlet at Poh Khim or TS
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Now they are selling around SGD$37.90 at Poh Khim (Full set)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    They got married in epi 160.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Does the DVD set come with English subs? Thanks!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I'm surprised that quite a few here are not impressed with Suh Ji-suk, I find him really charming and hope to see him act again in a drama once he's out of the army. Its sad that there's little information on him.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Thanks skyeler!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Things are really heating up - a question on today's episode

    the conversation with Hose's mum and Soobin. What did Soobin say re Saebyuk relationship to Taepoong's family?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Looks like we are going to see more action from Hose hereon! His mum if I'm not wrong

    is getting Saebyuk's background checked.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    And I get this feeling that Hose is going to find out about Saebyuk receiving Nayoung's eye, from Saebyuk's friend now working as a maid in Hose's house(sorry forgot her name) - and all hell will break loose! I don't think Soobin knows that Hose loved Nayong - right?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Aug 05 thanks for the summary. Was watching the epi today, but my comp buffered last 5 mins.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    What a major cliffhanger for a Friday episode!

































































































































    ^^^ It's fine we're working on a sub-site to stream just YAMD on Soshified atm, until then all the updated episodes with subs are on Soshified and will stay on Soshified, please do not redistribute our subbed episodes elsewhere, if we do find them elsewhere we will make sure if we continue to sub the episodes, it'll only be to certain members that reply constantly. Get 50 good posts (if you spam, your posts will be deducted and you be demoted).

    44-46 subbed is up : http://soshified.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=3924































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    So sorry to hear about the recent happenings. There are always rude (please replace this word with the harshest you can think of) people out there. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to watch YAMD this far with you guys.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Its currently showing on cable tv over here. You may find streaming here
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Its currently up to epi 4 only. Current telecast is at epi 8. As its release is 2 back-to-back episodes, the files are split into 5 files.

































































































































    Oh Waw when exactly dose it air on KBS World ?

    I have to see this drama
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    It seems sooo good































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Its showing every Saturday - starting last Saturday 5, July from 10 to 2.50 pm. Its 4 epis back-to-back and its an encore telecast as part of KBS anniversary celebration. And yes, I'm rewatching it as well.

































































































































































































    noooooooooooooo what is up with this taepoong x bokjoo (sp?) mess in the previews?

    i hope nothing happens between those two. the thought of that pairing doesnt sit well with me right now. i really like how cute taepoong is when he's around SB.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ::sigh:: well we all know shes going to end up with hose so i guess theres no use hoping. but still...please not bokjoo with tp































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    This should provide more comedic element - I think it will be a case of Bokjoo being smittened by Taepoong and henceforth harassing him. And Taepoong being a loud character will get even louder. I must say LJH is really doing a good job - his "loudness" has attracted a lot of talk in this thread. ;)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Can't wait for the drama between Hosae's arrogant mum and Soobin's dumb mum. :crazy:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    And Saebyuk looks really pretty with her hair all done up.

































































































































































































































































    Hi all,

    Does Hose know that SB has Na Young's eye? I thought she told him one time (based on the subtitles), but I was not sure because his reaction did not look that surprising. So just wondering if the subtitles was mis-leading,can someone let me know pls? Thanks!!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    As I can recall she didn't, she merely said that that Nayoung was the doctor that saved her life, so I guess Hosae thinks that Nayoung was the doctor that merely treated her. Hosae has no inkling that Saebyuk received the late Nayoung's eye.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ...really annoyed with Soobin, hope Hosae DUMPS her at the impending engagement!

    Wonder who Hosae called to help clear Saebyuk
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hosae is such a mild character, can't wait for him to get more angsty and add "drama" to the whole series. Although his "acting" is still so-so, I must say though - I love his voice, can't describe it but its really manly, ahem, then again I might have been badly affected by Taepoong's loudness.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    SoShi Subs Presents
































































































































































































































































































































































































    [soShi Subs] You Are My Destiny - KBS1 Daily Drama
































































































































































































































































































































































































    You Are My Destiny - Ep. 037 [06.24.08] : Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hardsub HQ download links are available only at Soshified : http://soshified.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=3924
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Translator : S0nnyS1d3Up
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Timer : xxnary072xx
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Spot Translator : jstn
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Editor/QC : SCBet
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Encoder : slyph
































































































































































































































































































































































































    You Are My Destiny - Ep. 038 [06.25.08] : Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hardsub HQ download links are available only at Soshified : http://soshified.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=3924
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Translator : jstn
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Timer : SCBet & kayaro
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Spot Translator : jstn
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Editor/QC : SCBet
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Encoder : slyph
































































































































































































































































































































































































    For future projects : http://soshified.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=976































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Thank you for the hard work on the subs, really appreciate it. Just started watching the series. Currently I'm really enjoying Taeyong's and his Noona's relationship more - as the

    obvious soon to be developed relationship with Saebyuk and Hosae, has not gone full blown.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    . Lee Pil Mo is such a great actor - he sang again in this series - he did the same in "Here Comes Ajummah". And again, he's falling in love with an older woman.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    On Hosae's character - I really feel that there is some "underdevelopment" in his character or is it his

































































































































































































































































































































































































    . Yoona is doing well as Saebyuk, for a first timer.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Just reading the spoiler

    on Saebyuk, might be the "drowned" daughter. Ottoke, Taepoong? He'll be devastated. He hates Hosae's family so much, maybe he might just end up with Hosae's bratty sister! haha
































































































































































































































































































































































































    I'm still at episode 31......
































































































































































    woah! the last cap of episode 130 is really hot! As I recall, the kissing scene was kinda fleeting, but the cap is absolutely georgeous.
















    Thanks adik I still come here to check on the caps as there are no news or pics on Lee Si-Hwan in cyberspace for me to er hem..ogle 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    i just finished watching 167episodes of Pure 19.....(Sorry, i had to fast forward alot because i'm more interested in the relationship between Gu-hwa and Yoon Hoo :sweatingbullets: )

    Imagine going thru 167episodes...it will take me a year to finish it if i dont fast forward...hehehehe ...so i decided to skip some of the scenes and focus on 1 couple first...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    it is currently showing in singapore tv station on weekdays 7pm to 8pm....over here, it is 110episodes...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Omo, I did the same thing too. Thanks to our local TV I started rewatching all epis, fast forward to all my favourite parts and completed in a week! :sweatingbullets: Last time I watched was from epi 99 with subtitles on KBS World. I intend to watch it again, slowly on our local tv. I just love Gukhwa and Yunhu. Ugyeong and Yunjeong are lovable too. In fact all the characters are lovable.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Can't wait for SJS to complete his army and see more of him. Although there were rumours that GHS does not get along with SJS, I like their chemistry, and hope to they'll pair up again.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    TV Rips of English subbed ones can be found here. Not completed though.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Her disappearance wasn't a mistake but a necessity. It was reported on Morning Live that the actress playing Okbun was sick and needed to rest. Incidentally, did anyone watch Second Proposal which ended not so long ago on KBS World channel? 'Okbun' had a role in this drama and she looked quite young and much thinner in Second Proposal.

    Seung Po's mother is just as irritating as Deokhui! She needs to be taught a lesson too!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hi monalisa thanks for the update on Okbun the actress. Hope she gets well soon. I watched Second Proposal - for Oh Ji Ho of course (another of my favourite dimpled actor). "Okbun" looked much younger then. Incidently she was the 2nd high priestess in Jumong as well.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Back on the topic of her disappearance - I watched the whole series without subs, maybe the writers have not forgotten her, there's a chance of a closure on Okbun as we still have 6 more English subs episodes, just maybe.As for Seung Pyo's mother I think has been taught a lesson - the fact that Seung Pyo married Il Hong was a big slap on her face. More is coming, I assure you.

    ^What aida mean is that it doesn't matter if Okbun not appear in the drama but then production team must showed that Okbun still care about her daughter and YongChan. It just simply can be a letter or phone call from her (don't need actor to be on set). In real life, isn't that she supposed to worry about her daugher sickness. She just contact Aeran/Pretty not IlHong or Sarang. Since Sarang also had accepted her.

    Today episode, they should just end on the first 5 min with the wedding and photo shooting. but no. they continued to show us on Deokhui agony. LOL. So sad to see NamGi in that condition. Deep down on his heart he still loves IlHong but then he realized that she will not be happy with him. When he talk to SeungPyo about JinSol it sure had for Namgi. After the wedding when, they at the house so cute when both couple wear matching pyjamas. Those kids really excited to call SeungPyo as appa.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Thanks adik for understanding what I meant.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Ya, I do feel sorry for Nam Gi too! But I'm so proud of SeungPyo - he gave Nam Gi a lot of face! I supposed that now he's married to Il Hong, he doesn't have to pout anymore, as Nam Gi is no more a threat!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Here's today's epi, sorry I did not have time to stream it. Will do that later.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Epi 169






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Watch Epi 169 here
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Today's the wedding part 1. So double treat everyone. Just click on any of the two links.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Epi 168 Sendspace
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Watch Epi 168 now
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Deokhui's brain is as soft as deobukki, she has lost all sense of logical thinking-but she's really lucky to have a wonderful husband (are they still ex?) and daughter.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hi Tushka. You are so right it will never happen in morning or daily Kdrama.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    adikkeluangmanOkbun disappearance into the thin air, to me, is really a careless mistake of the production team, especially when Sarang has finally accepted her 100%. I really can't accept Mr Cheon not meeting up with her again-you know what I mean.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Inez I'm looking forward to more of Lee Si-Hwan too, in prime time drama I hope. But I reckon he's taking a break now. Its quite unfair that KBS is not giving him or any of the actors in this drama airtime in any of the entertainment program they had considering that rating-wise it was always in the top 20%.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Was lucky with the recording this morning, thot I captured only half of it. Anyways here's today's epi, manage to upload before I went of the house.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Epi 167
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Yup, looks like its just you and me!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Looking at the pics adikkeluangman posted - kinda miss Okbun. Incidently and off-topicly, currently I'm rewatching "Pure 19" - showing on our local tv - and GukHwa calls Ugyeong "Orabuni" and its supposed to mean "brother". So Okbun has been calling Mr Cheon "brother" all along. Maybe its the way she says it that irked Munja.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Here's today's link. As for tomorrow's, can only post it on Saturday - so 2 epis on Sat.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Epi 166
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Have not watched today's epi but saw the ending

    am so delighted seeing Munja begging Il Hong! Payback time is here!

































































































































































































































































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